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Book online «Thirst for Vengeance by Victoria Sinclair (books for 6 year olds to read themselves txt) 📖». Author Victoria Sinclair

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didn't have anything that would cover us so we could have to hope that there were enough leaves to cover us incase rain fell.

Looking at the sky, I did not see a cloud in sight so for tonight anyways I was not worried about the rain. Alex had gone back out to check some of the surrounding forest for bear or wolf caves. Just to make sure we were not in their territory. Since Alex was gone for the moment I decided now was good of time as ever to pull out the glass tube Jarvin had given me. I turned it around in my fingers, looking over all the beautiful flowers in the glass. It looked to be about six flowers total and they were snow-white, it was rare to ever find flowers this white.

Getting a little more curious I wondered what these flowers smelled as good as they looked. I jerked the cork out of the tube and put it up to my nose. The stench that tore through my nose was one of the most awful I have ever smelt. I immediately dropped the tube and the glass shattered on impact. Which was weird because the tube itself had seemed a lot thicker when I was holding it. The horrible stench had given me an instant headache and made my eyes water.

"I can definitely see why this is a werewolf repellent. In fact this is an everyone repellent." I said quietly to myself. I quickly kicked dirt over the flowers while trying to wipe the tears out of my eyes. "Jeez, that was terrible." Rubbing my nose I walked away from the buried paper whites to get some fresh air, the stench still fresh in my nose. 'Hope we didn't really need those, but at least we will be safe for one night.' I thought to myself as I continued to walk toward the trail. Still not understanding why pretty flowers smelled so horrible I decided I had gone far enough and should probably return to camp. The sun was starting to set and night was falling, causing my line of sight to be greatly reduced.

As I started walking back to where our horses where I got the all too familiar feeling we were being watched again. This feeling was really starting to get on my nerves, I was about to just start ignoring it until I saw that the horses where stamping their hooves. Their eyes were also wide as if they were scared of something. I instantly pulled one of my blades out and crouched low, looking around my surroundings to try and find the source of their uneasiness.

I was trying to focus in my hearing again when some large rammed itself into my back, sending my flying into a near by tree. The pain that went down my side as I impacted with the tree almost made me black out. Laying on the ground for a couple seconds I couldn't comprehend what had just happened. After a moment of laying there I realized the horses were in a frenzy, I could hear their hooves stomping on the ground. Propping myself up on my good arm I looked over and saw the horses were running back and forth, trying to great the ropes they were attached to so they could flee.

Realizing my blade had flown from my hand when I was knocked into the tree I decided it was time to get up and face whatever was causing the horses to go wild. After a moment of agonizing pain I was able to fully stand. My entire left side hurt like crazy and I could feel blood starting to drip down my face. Pulling my hand up I realized I had a small gash just above my eyebrow, however I could tell form the minimal amount of blood that It wasn't bleeding too terrible.

It was then that I noticed to black shapes stalking towards me. It was hard to make out because of the darkness, it seems the moon was covered by clouds. I silently cursed and reached for the other blade at my side and pulled it out. Like an idiot I had left my bow and sword behind the horses with our sleeping bags. I wouldn't be as worried if I knew what I was up against, from the large hunched forms it looked like it was two giant black bears.

Alex came running up behind me just a moment before the clouds finally cleared, his sword was gripped tightly in his hands. It was at this moment I realized it was not bears stalking toward us, it was two black and grey werewolves who had been down on all fours. When they saw Alex they both slowly started to raise.

When they stood they had to have at least been seven or eight feet tall. The moon was shinning brightly down so I could see every bit of them. Their face was more like a wolfs than a mans, their arms were long and their hands still looked like human hands with long sharp claws. Their feet however looked more like giant paws then like human feet. The one thing that I couldn't take my eyes off however was their amber eyes. It was always creepy to see a creature who had the exact same eyes as me, but theirs had a sinister look in them.

They both sprung at us at the same time, Alex rushed in front of me with his sword drawn. I took a step back and tightened my drip on my blade, cursing myself again that I didn't have my own sword. Not wanting Alex to take on two at once I sprinted back toward where I had left my sword. I knew at least one of them would follow me.

I saw one out of the corner of my eye turn and race towards me to my satisfaction. I was only a couple of feet from grabbing my sword when I felt a burning pain in my back, falling just out of reach out of my sword. Rolling over I saw one of the giant werewolves standing over me. Their was a slight gleam in his eye as he stared down at me. "You will not get away from us that easy little girl." The voice that came from his maw was extremely raspy and deep shocking me for just a moment.

As the best lunged forward with his mouth open I quickly brought up my blade and sent it flying toward its face. I had better aim under pressure than I thought, the blade struck the best directly in the eye causing him to jerk back. It was the opening I needed to grab my sword, pushing back with both my feet I slide upwards and grasped the blade in my hands. It was one of the best feelings in the world right now. I looked up in time to see the beast pulling my blade out of his eye, he swung his head back toward me. His one good eye glowed with hatred.

Before I could process his movement he was already back overtop of me, his jaw wide open and coming down. It hadn't realized I had grabbed my sword. Quickly pulling my blade across my chest I held the hilt in my hair hand and braced the end of my sword with my hand. I knew that I was going to slice my hand but I would rather slice my hand than have my neck ripped out.

As his jaw came down I pushed the sword upward, I could feel hot breath on my face as the sword met with the corners of his mouth. Blood quickly started to drop on me as the sword cut in deeply, I could also feel a burning pain in my hand as the blade cut deeply into my palm.

The beast jerked back and brought its hand up towards its mouth. This gave me just enough time to hop onto my feet. I wanted to look around and see how Alex was doing but I knew this would cause me precious time I did not have. Quickly running forward I slashed out as the beast was turning around. My sword connected with its belly, slicing from hip to hip. Blood poured out of the wound quickly.

The werewolf quickly swiped at me with his right hand. I jerked back just in time, I could feel the end of a claw grazing my cheek. In doing this the werewolf gave me the perfect opportunity to bring my sword upward, striking the beast in the chest. It stumbled backwards as more blood poured from his chest. He gave a low growl before dropping down on all fours and charging me.

I braced my feet in the ground as the werewolf got closer, all my concentration focused on the werewolf. As it was about to run right into me I jumped in the air, and twisted hard to my right bring my sword down on the back of the werewolf's neck. I heard it hit the ground with a thud. I hit the ground with my left shoulder and rolled, gasping in pain as I remember this was the side I hit the tree with.

The pain dazed me for a moment but I quickly recovered and jumped back up to my feet. I could see the werewolf starting to try and raise himself back up. Running over before it could completely regain its footing I lifted my sword over my head and brought it down with all my strength. Severing his head. It was the only known way to kill a werewolf was to severe the head. 

As the head rolled away I quickly turned over looking for Alex. If this werewolf was this easy to beat I knew that Alex would have his foe defeated as well. However the forest around me was quiet. An eerie feeling crept up my spine as I ran over to where the horses were suppose to be. Neither were there, it looked like the ropes had been cut.

Walking a little farther up I thought I saw a form lying in the grass. Before I could get any closer to investigate a strong hand wrapped around my neck and pinned me to a near by tree. Pain shot through my head as I tried to focus on the horrible fury face in front of me. "Don't think because you killed the new blood over there that you have the skill to face me. He was just turned last week. I have been a werewolf for centuries." He said to me, his raspy voice barely making sense to me. The pain in my head was becoming worse by the minute as he hand tightened, starting to cut off my air flow.

My vision was starting to dim, I felt my sword clatter to the ground as my hand let go. 'Why did I just take a swing? Why am I so useless right now? If this werewolf in front of me, does that mean the form lying in the grass is-' My thoughts were interrupted as the pressure around my through disappeared. I fell to the ground and laid there. I could feel my conscious slipping, I wasn't sure what was going on or what happened to the werewolf. The last thing I saw was blonde hair and blue eyes bending over me before I was engulfed by darkness.



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