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Book online «Heaven and Hell by Anne Guest (top 10 non fiction books of all time .TXT) 📖». Author Anne Guest

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to protect the inner one, because of our unusual parentage and our roles we are always place in between the two circles and are expected to keep the peace. To be honest it’s a bit outdated I would have rather spent it in a nice office building or conference room. The leaders like tradition so here we are in a wood in the middle of the afternoon playing in a circle talking about the end of the world.
Luc and I are not permitted to enter the inner circle and the inner circle is also magically protected so none of us are able to hear what’s being said which I was finding really frustrated. The leader’s followers all seamed to be really quiet so there wasn’t even a fight to break up, I made my way over to Luc who was looking as frustrated as I was and was pacing to and fro.
“I wonder what’s going on” I said sighing heavily.
“Don’t we all” he grunted.
“How much longer” I moaned.
“You know as well as me these have been know to go on all day and all night” so stop moaning he told me.
“Stop wearing a whole in the floor then” I snapped back at him.
“Sorry” he mumbled.
I walked away back to my previous position and flared my wings to stretch them as they had been held tight against my back and they felt stiff. As I did I heard whispering from the outer circle. Oh shit I thought I had forgotten about the change to them, I heard a couple of vampire say to one another that I was a freak amongst freaks and then ask his fellow gossiper what did the changes to my wings mean, I heard a shifter say I should have been killed at birth. That didn’t really bother me much to be truthful as I heard all them types of comments before. What did get my attention was when a little ginger headed witch a Matilda or something was her name, said that Michael had gotten wise and dropped his demon wife and evil offspring and basically it was mine and Luc’s entire fault. I could not directly attack them as I would have broken the covenant that all the leaders had agreed to and what I and unfortunately Luc are also bound by. That however didn’t stop me being as mad as hell. I could feel my temperature rise and the anger build and build, to the point that I wanted to scream. I saw Luc approaching me as he must have sensed my coming explosion. I centred myself and forced the energy down in to the earth not wanting to alert the others.
I forced it down into the ground thinking that it would prevent disaster, but how wrong can I get. Instead of dissipating through the ground it started to cause the ground to shake and this is something I had never been able to do before. I looked around and everyone was still upright which amazed me considering how violently the earth was moving. I briefly consider taking flight but then decided against it because what if I left the ground and the tremors stopped everyone would no that it was me so I stayed put and rode it out with the others. My anger had changed to worry and had distracted me and I could feel the earth calm down as I was calming.
The earth had stilled beneath my feet and I looked up to see the whole of the gathering looking at me.
“What?” I said to Luc “are they looking at me for” I ask.
“Could be the fact that you’re glowing” he said nervously laughing whilst looking at me as if I had grown an extra head.
“Dam” I spit out “Jonah you son of a bitch” I curse to myself under my breath.
“There coming” Luc said making me look up to see the inner circle approach us.
I look at my arm and watched the remaining glow disappear from my skin. Elizabeth as usual was heading the council and they had something to tell me and by the look on my mothers face and Gabriel’s it was something I wasn’t going to like. But before they could say anything we felt the air move above us we turned to see Michael land in the clearing and striding purposely towards up followed closely by a smiling Eve not far behind.
“Has your little gathering here made up their minds yet” sarcasm dripping from every word. Surprising Michael remained silent. I refused to look at him as did Luc beside me instead we focused on Eve.
“We remained divided” Elizabeth announced walking to stand between us and the new comers.
“That’s the trouble with you parasites so undecided all the time, well let me making something clear to you all” she said as she looked at each one of the leaders to emphasize her point. “You go against us you and your race will all die with you”
“And comply and we will basically be slaves” Sebastian added.
“True” she smiled generously at him. “But at least you will be alive to carry on with your pathetic little lives” she adds.
“God has revealed our path my brothers” Michael addressed his fellow angels and pointed refused to include Luc and I “and our way is there way” he said pointing his arm over in Eves general direction.
“God would not want this brother” Gabriel interrupts him.
“How would you know when you take company with those abominations” he said indicating us with a nod of his head in our direction.
My heart broke as Luc took my hand in his to offer his support and I took it and held on tight in return. I glanced behind me and saw my mother’s heart shatter by the look on her face.
“You bastard” I yell and dropped my brothers hand and marched to face our father.
He looked taken back by my outburst probably expecting it from Luc rather than from me, but he remained silent and looked over my head and refused to acknowledge me.
“you say what you want about me and Luc, hate us even, regret we were born but you DO NOT HURT OUR MOTHER WITH YOUR BULL SHIT” I screamed gathered my power and released it flinging him the entire length of the clearing into a large trunk of a oak tree. He grunted in pain as he hit and went down to his knees.
“How entertaining” Eve said as she applauded me as if it was a god dam show. I was moving forward and I felt my mothers hand and Sebastian on my shoulders ready to restrain me if I needed it.
“What is your council decision?” Eve asks as she turns back to Elizabeth as there had been no interruption at all. I had noticed that Michael was back beside Eve wincing in pain a little as he walked, good I thought.
“The vampire race and shifters have agreed to your terms” she announced. I looked over towards Alexander who couldn’t even meet my eyes.
“The rest of us are still in disagreement” she added.
“The clock is ticking tick tock” she replies.
“You patronising bitch” Luc growls at her.
The smile immediately leaves her face as she focuses on to Luc. “If it’s not the other less important twin” she sneers.
“I suggest you leave now” I heard my mother say from my left.
“Oh I take that his is the mother then” she address Michael who nods his head in confirmation. “Talk about lowering your standards”
Michael just stood there and that’s what did it for me with out thinking I went for Eve, no one was watching me as their attention was all on my brother and mother. I lunged but Eve was quicker and sent a bolt of pure energy at me that went straight through my stomach the pain was unimaginable, but I managed not to pass out.
As I hit the floor the whole clearing exploded. Mom and Luc went straight for Eve who fended them off quickly and she ordered her new allies and Michael to attack the rest of us and promptly vanished leaving Michael to the dirty work. Fighting broke out all around me, vampires against witches, and werewolves against mages. This had not happened for century’s my heart bleed for what was coming. I saw Michael sneak behind Luc unawares; I managed to drag myself to a sitting position one hand holding my heavily bleeding stomach and directed the last bit of my magic knocking Luc out of the way. Michael caught my eye and he knew I had saved Luc. He head straight for me rage in his eyes. I knew I was dead before he even got to me.
“You have always caused me nothing but trouble. Always there in the background” he told me “I was warned about you and Luc and ignored it went against god and begged for you to be allowed to live for your mothers sake. I should have listened” he lifted his arm and his sword was drawn with heavens fire running down its blade.
“Time to correct my mistake” he thrust his sword and I closed my eyes to welcome my death. After a few seconds I open my eyes to see my mothers back with my father’s sword sticking out her back, my father had tears streaming down his face.
“Why?” he asked his voice wavering.
“Their my children and I would die for either one of them” she tells him “you deserve to go to hell for what you have done” blood bubbled from her lips to drip down her chin but she remained upright. Michael had let go of his sword and watched my mother sway on her feet. The whole battle had come to a stand still around us as they watched us.
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