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Book online «Heaven and Hell by Anne Guest (top 10 non fiction books of all time .TXT) 📖». Author Anne Guest

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“The red is your’s and Jonah’s your contribution” I tell her and she smiles in response but remains silent. “Are you coming” I ask her.
“Yes” she replies “but just as an observer” she clarifies.
“Fine, Seb?” I ask.
“No I need to go to my people now” he tells me.
I look over and see his longing for me and I turn away from it with a little regret.
“Lets go” I say and we take to the air.
I love flying but never get to do it much; being part demon teleporting is much quicker and easier to be honest. I have though always enjoyed the wind passing along my body, the sound of the beat of my wings. The freedom I feel in the air.
We flew for about hour, and to my surprise I hadn’t tired at all during the flight as I normally did, it must be a benefit of Jonah and Mercy touch. Luc also looked relaxed and hesitantly smiled at me when he noticed I was sneaking looks at him. Gabriel and Uriel had joined us and were flying along side us. I looked like the odd one out amongst all the white feathered wings; I looked dark, deadly and had the start of a rainbow in my feathers.
Movement to my left had caught my attention; it was Luc signalling that we were almost there. Night had begun to be drawn in as the sun had nearly disappeared below the horizon. We drew our wing near to our body to lower our altitude so we could see what was going on. To my surprise it was quiet, to quiet I thought. I noticed a park that offered at least a little cover, and signalled to the others to land. I mean who wouldn’t be scared to see four heavily armed angel lands by their house, and the fewer mortals see the less of a clean up its going to be later on.
“It very quiet” I say to the other as we land, I send my senses out and could feel nothing out of the usual around us.
“It’s as if the night is waiting for something to happen” Luc adds.
“The night is always waiting for something to happen” I answer.
“True” I heard Mercy say as she joined us.
Gabriel and Uriel decide to go left and told Luc and I to go right. I agreed but had a running monolog of exactly how much of a cheeky bastard I thought they were in my head. Making Mercy laugh as my thoughts became more inventive. We had almost reached the edge of the park when Luc heard a noise to the left, and signalled us to the ground, I obeyed but mercy stood there until I pulled her down besides me. I hid my wings as did Luc as they tend to be a dead give away to our location the shear size of them makes us easy targets.
I see a shape running with all its might about 100 yards away but its was running with the speed of a supernatural. I looked to where it had come from to see what it was running from when I saw a pack of six; no seven huge dogs come thundering passed in pursuit.
“Werewolves” Luc whispers. I look to Mercy who begrudgingly agrees.
“Dam, it’s a bit excessive don’t you think” I whisper back.
“Ready” was Luc’s reply.
I nodded my head and set off after them. I went by foot and Luc took to the air, Mercy kept pace beside me. I trailed behind them not wanting to catch up to them yet, I wanted to see who they were after and why. We had exited the park now and were travelling down streets, between building, weaving through until he hit a building site and a large one by the look of it.
I could see the pack and their prey, and that they had nearly caught it. I looked up at Luc who was now ahead of the pack. The prey had back its self up to a fence with no escape route; it frantically searched but was too late as they circled them.
The largest wolf that had a thick grey pelt that was clearly their alpha tensed ready to make the kill, Luc being Luc dropped from the air and placed himself between the pack and their prey. The wolf hesitated for a moment but went for Luc’s neck anyway. Luc easily knocked him away causing the wolf to crash to the ground with a yelp.
The others fur on their back raised in aggression, and I knew they was going to attack, I threw my self between them and attacked using fire magic to scatter them making them easier pickings. To be honest it wasn’t much of a fight and once the alpha was injured they weren’t really into the fight, and quickly retreated. We didn’t pursue we had other matters to deal with like there prey who was huddled against the fence.
Luc walked over to it and pulled it up and swung it round to face us. To my complete horror I saw a dirty, exhausted teenage girl who feeling her aura was a witch. We stood there in complete shock, why would a pack of werewolves chase down a witch that hadn’t even come into her powers yet.
Luc had let go of the girl as if she was on fire due to the surprise, and she had began to sob uncontrollably whilst sat on the floor, she had drawn her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. I slowly approached and knelt down to her. I placed my hand on her head and sent the little healing magic I knew through to her, it must have worked as her tears dried up and I felt her relax immediately. She raised her head and looked up into my face and a look of pure wonder filled her face.
“What?” I said as I backed off seeing that look on her tear streaked face. The girl looked at Luc and her eyes if possible grew bigger. Luc and I shared a look to say what’s going on.
“We will take you back to your coven” Luc told her reaching down to help her get to her feet.
“What’s your name child?” I ask.
“Lucy” she answers.
I held my arm out for her to lead the way, and to my surprise we weren’t far from them. She led us to the edge of the building site to a finished house on the site. Before we reached it I could feel the wards that the witches had placed around there dwelling, and to be honest they weren’t that strong I could have easily moved passed them but waited for our host to invite us.
“Go fetch your leader” Luc said to the girl who ran in to obey him. Mercy had remained beside me but straggly quiet. I look over to Luc who shrugs his shoulders at me saying his as confused as me.
Minutes later Lucy returns and asks us to enter which is unusual to be allowed into a witches dwelling. I entered to see thread bare rugs in a size and colours scattered around the floor. Candles were lit and placed around the rooms giving off circles of light. The house was warm but I saw no evidence of how it was being heated so it must have been magically warmed.
As we walked through I saw children who are toddlers to pre teens.
“Where’s the adult?” I whisper to Luc and Mercy.
“Dead” I heard a voice in front of me answer my question.
I looked towards the voice that had spoken, to look on a girl barely out of her teenage years.
“The werewolves have killed them all” she adds answering what would have been my next question.
“Why?” Luc asks.
“Because you god dam angels have given them free rein” she tells us.
“Wait a minute, I am not a god dam angel as you elegantly put it” I said strongly making my point clear.
“Really” she sneers.
“Really” I reply and let my demonic powers surround me as she would be able to feel my true nature.
“I didn’t think you was real” she says “even when Lucy said she had seen you”
“What are you talking about” I ask now really confused. “Our coven special gift was visions, our parents” she said with a small hitch to her voice. “they saw your coming”
“Who is in charge here?” I ask deliberately changing the subject.
“I am the girl” answers.
“Tell me what happened” I demand.
She told us that about four days ago their homes had been attacked by a mixture of werewolves and vampires. I figured that would be the second day of my healing. She told me that a few of the adults had gotten them out of there and placed them here promising to get them once it was safe. That was four days ago, and they was running out of food which explained why Lucy had been outside when the pack had found her.
The room had
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