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Book online «Valkrius by Yue Thao (epub ebook reader txt) 📖». Author Yue Thao

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Yue Thao

Dark Destination 7


Kavierra walked as fast as she could, trying to catch up with the man and at the same time, trying to resisting the urge for blood. Why did she need blood at this time? She hated it, but she kept having images of dark red blood that have to continously go through the small heart that pumps blood to all parts of the body.

The man continued to look back at her, making sure that she was close to him, but Kavierra, for some reason, knew that he didn't look back just for that. She knew that there was more to it even though the man was hinting for reassurance.

Kavierra immediately felt the unexpected pain from her chest and started to cough, she wanted to sit down so badly, she wanted to fall asleep and take a rest, but how could she knowing that this was probably the only chance for her to escape and rescue T'shawn. Kavierra's legs gave out and fell onto the floor with no warning. The man stopped, knowing that she was almost at her limits. He turned around, walking slowly back to her, wondering what to do next.

"Is h-he close y-yet?" Kavierra asked in a quiet, tired voice. She was unable to keep her eyes open, she lean her back against the cold wall, hoping that she have at least five minutes of rest and still be able to save T'shawn, but at the same time, she didn't want to wait and rest five minutes.

He shook his head, "No, not yet," finally responding to her after examining her breathing and body. Kavierra's body was immensly shaken, goosebumbs appeared all over her neck and fingers. Her eyes were somewhat pink and had bags underneath her eyes, not only that, she was breathing harder than usual.

Kavierra took a few more huge breaths,"What's taking you so long to go find him?"

"Someone's moving him, it seems like he's heading outside. Smart bitches, aren't they?"

Kavierra gritted her teeth, she couldn't believe it. They must have found of about her escape. They are smart enough to even outrun that man who's a soul eater, someone who isn't even apart of this world, a demon.

The man looked back at Kavierra and spoke again. "You should rest somewhere while I find your brother."

Kavierra shook her head,"No, I refuse to wait any longer. I have to see him..."

"Look human, I ain't like you Earthlings."

"And I don't give a fuck, I still have to see him!!" she yelled, "You tell me one good fucking reason is why should I rely on you when those dumb experimented bitches are outsmarting a soul eater demon like you?!!"

***************Yue Thao************

"It seems like the Iligesium had agreed for us to attack them at full power, if they left the laboratory unto the outside world," said Arphredite.

The Professor nodded his head, smirking. He was so excited that he couldn't even maintain his happiness inside of himself. The Professor and Arphredite was standing near a metal railing that was high off the bloodied and dirty floor, waiting for all of the prisoners to enter the platform that was almost completely filled. He laugh, seeing all sorts of monsters that he have created. Many were injected with animal's DNA, sewed on animal's body parts onto their skin, made them had long nose like what an elephant would usually have. They have all turned into hideous little monsters that he was no longer interested in. He was only interested in just one person, just one. M-0.

The Professor looked away, beginning to , and still keeping his attention to M-0. "My dear children," he bellowed, "I am sincerely pleased that you all came. As always, you must be curious about my call. Now, I shall get to the point." He nodded to Arphredite, she immediately held up two posters with two pictures.

One of the poster had a man with long green hair that covered his left eye and cheek, but had short hair that curled, revealing his cat like ears on his head. He probably had the darkest tan out of all of the creatures that was on the dirtied platform. His eyes were dark pink, almost red. He had multiple scars that scared his neck, a few scars that marked his face, especially the huge white scars that was above his nose that formed an X.

Everyone looked at the picture of the man and immediately knew what happened, but they were confused about the other poster.

"You must've understood when I showed you all this photo. I wish for you all, though I know for sure that you all will, to find both of these fools back into their chambers. Both of them."

"Who is that girl, Professor?" The Professor immediately looked up at the ceiling, seeing ten people either sitting or standing around. A man was standing, his long black hair tied back into a ponytail. He had dark pink eye, tan skin and was wearing black clothing, a thick black scarf and chain that was draped all over his body.

The Professor smiled widely, happy and delighted to see them. "Ah, now isn't it my lovely Armegredin group. How pleasant to see you, my dears."

"Pleasant to rip you tongue off, Professor. Sadly, the Iligesium has forbidden us to rib you limb to limb. Now get to the point," said the man with the long hair.

The Professor continued to smile,"She is one of my special experiment, you must capture her at all cost."

The man raised his eyebrow, curious,"Special? Like M-0?"

"Precisely, Deliqious. In return," he faced down the crowd,"I shall give those who have capture these two bastards, their freedom."Everyone eyes began to widen, shocked at this news They looked at each other, immediately knew that they were now enemies. The Professor looked up at the group who was up at the ceiling. "As for you, lovelies, I shall let you attack those human's homes and drink to your fill."

The lady who was sitting behind the man with the pony tail immediately stood up, "You better do what you promised, Professor, or else, I will rip that ugly shit head of yours." She grabbed her pink hair and kissed it, smiling. "This should be interesting, this should give me the time to beat up Hormornez-8, since he been a pain in the ass."

"Do what you please with him, my dear. Just don't kill him, Deqwea," said the Professor, "The Iligesium will have a fit with all of us!"

M-0 started to walk toward the exit. He didn't care much about the situation, there was nothing in for him. He didn't want to kill anybody, let alone escape, not just yet.

"Oh, M-0!" called the Professor. M-0 stopped walking, and stood there, he didn't bother to turned around. "My dearest child of all! If you capture at least one of them, I will cease to use the little Retinia girl that you so adore!"

M-0's eyes widened, slowly turned around in shock. Would he really do that? He stood there waiting for his next sentence, knowing that the Professor had more to say, even though the Professor is just testing him.

"M-0, if you capture both of them alive, I swear, I will not harm the Retinia girl and the little boy. That, I'll promise you, and I swear this is not a lie."

M-0 looked away, thinking that there might be a chance of him leaving the kids alone. He didn't want the Professor near them. There wasn't a chance of the others leaving them alone, but at least from the Professor. M-0 looked at the Professor straight in the eye, stood up straight and nodded. M-0 closed his eyes, taking in short breaths, suddenly disappeared from sight.

***************Yue Thao*************

Kavierra sat on the floor, making a loud thump on the metal cold ground. She was too tired to even walk, not only that, every where reeked of blood. Right now, she's using her energy to keep her thirst for blood maintained. Why was she thinking about it all of the sudden?

The man stood right in front of her, looking down at her. "Where is he now?" Kavierra asked.

"Someone's moving him, whoever is moving him, they're good at moving your brother away from us. They seem to be moving the opposite direction that we are going," the man replied.

"Look, if you want my soul as soon as possible, you better help me out and help me find him."

He smiled, licking his lips,"Of course I want your soul as soon as possible, but I need you warm it up first before I devour it."

"Just hurry up," Kavierra said in pain.

"Fine, you wait here while-"

"I said no!" Kavierra yelled, coughing up blood in the end.

"Shit girl, you got one picky attitude," he said, not pleased about this. He reached over for his bare neck and started to rub it.

Kavierra looked at his hand as he reached over to his neck and softly touched it. Kavierra couldn't hear blood rushing, but she could hear the heart beating, squeezing out blood and taking it in. It was faint, but it was enough to make Kavierra thirst for blood even more. Kavierra immediately looked away, hitting her back and head against the wall. The man looked at her with the confused face, wondering what she was doing.

"Don't do that," Kavierra finally said.

The man tilted his head to the side,"Do what?"

Kavierra closed her eyes, panting,"Touching your neck...."

He stopped touching his neck, about to snapped. "What's wrong with me touching it?"Kavierra shrugged her shoulders, she couldn't tell him, it would feel awkward. "Tsk, little girl-"

Before the man could finish his sentence, smoke suddenly started to surround them. The man looked at his right, without moving his head. Kavierra looked at his direction too, knowing that something was coming. What was it?

The man smirked, laughing just a little,"This should be fun, killing and ripping a few experiment beings. They should at least be enjoyable and entertaining." He faced them, turning his whole body around.

Kavierra looked around too, noticing that there was more than three people standing, she knew that they were surrounded."There are six of them," she said, panting.

The man gave her that look,"You know how many?"

She looked at him, tired,"Who doesn't? I ain't that weak, dumb ass."

The man stared at her for a moment, then shrugged. "Let's get this shit over with then."

Suddenly a long chain came out of nowhere, grabbing onto the man's arm, trying to pull him in. He grabbed onto the chain, pulling it with force. A huge man in thick armor came out of the fog, showing his huge scaly arm that had talons for his fingers.

************Yue Thao**************

"Where did he go?!!!" yelled the lady with the pink hair, Deqwea.

"M-0 has improved a lot after the match you had with him," said the Professor, "He has improved his skills, especially his speed and intellectual." The Professor looked

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