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Book online «Valkrius by Yue Thao (epub ebook reader txt) 📖». Author Yue Thao

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feel that feeling because—" he said, continuing what Kavierra was speaking in his mind.

"—T'shawn has suffered too much. He is already near his death. He's going to go to a place....." Kavierra began to cry and started to shake.

"Where I can't reach."

"Where you can't reach." They both said in unison.

Kavierra fell onto her knees, again, this time wanting to drop her body flat on the invisible floor. Before she could lie down on the floor, the man caught her in his arms, patting her head. "So, what will you do now, human?"

Kavierra was looking at him, then onto his black shirt. What should she do? She couldn't do this by herself, she needed help, She couldn't even find them, let alone protect T'shawn from them.She lifted both of her hands and wrapped herself. What could she do?

"I'll help you, little human," he said.

Kavierra looked at him, half wondering what he meant by that.

"I'll help you get your precious revenge. I'll make sure that you will be the only one who could torture them. I'll provide you the wanted items you need for your revenge and I'll protect you from enemies."

"You—you will?" Kavierra asked.

He nodded, "In return for a price." Kavierra looked at him with a blank expression.

"Your soul."

Kavierra eyes widened. Her soul? For what? To devour it? If he does, then does it mean that she won't be able to—

"You won't see him in the afterlife.You will already be liquefied—devoured by then."

"M—my soul in exchange for revenge, tools, and protection?"

"Correct, little girl."

Kavierra thought it over, carefully. No. It wasn't enough to satisfied her. She wanted more and the man immediately knew that she wanted more. He immediately felt her unsatisfying heart.

"Is there something else you would like me to do, human?" he asked, in patience. He was already use to this, humans take a lot of time to think, knowing that they don't have a long time to be alive.

Kavierra was in silence. What did she want? What was making her unsatisfied? He said everything that she wanted, what more did she need to be satisfied. Kavierra looked around for a few moments, then the answer came to her. T'shawn. "Be with him."

He raised his eyebrows. "With him?"

"Be with T'shawn, raise him as if you were his human brother, be like a father would do too. Don't let him suffer, watch him over till he part with this world, make sure he reaches to the afterlife safely. Always be there when he need you, not how I did it. Do not reveal what I have done to them until the time is right, tell him that you're the demon who bargained with me.Make sure no one would hurt him ever again, he must be safe and healthy."

Silence soon entered between them. The man sighed, then patted her head. "Is that it?" he asked.

Kavierra nodded her head. She felt satisfied.

"Then I accept." he said, he didn't care about watching over her little human brother. He lived much longer than humans anyway, a mere hundred humans years could feel like three years, it was very short. He pulled Kavierra up, making her stand. "Will you accept my offers then?"

Kavierra immediately got onto her feet, moving away from the man who helped her get up."I accept, in return for my soul."

The man smiled wide, licking his lips. "Then, our contract shall be formed." Kavierra looked at him as he ripped his tender flesh from his left arm, letting the blood drip heavily onto the empty floor. He covered his wound with his right hand and walked closer to Kavierra. "Form by our blood to seal the agreement."

Kavierra showed no emotion, realizing that his blood was slowly turning into small speck of shiny dust. She ignored it, knowing that it was abnormal, but the man was abnormal himself, so she didn't care.

The man touched Kavierra's cheek with his bloody hand. "How long have I waited for a delicious soul. I have been waiting for it all this time." He leaned closer to Kavierra's face who didn't flinch. "I shall relish every moment of your tasty soul." He put his bloody hand over her eyes, causing her to fall asleep and fall onto his arms again.

Yue Thao

© Copyright 2012 Yue Thao

All rights reserved.


Yue Thao

Dark Destination 5


He didn't want this to happen, he didn't want her to get hurt. He loved her. He was a weak child, there was nothing he could do.

He slowly opened his eyes, finding himself sleeping down on soft moss. He moved his head around, wondering what he was doing here.

The forest, that was where he is. The trees were tall, straight with colorful leaves that covered most of the sky. The little colorful lights that reminded him of fireflies were dancing around the forests, near the leaves and seem to be watching him closely.

He sat up straight, looking around. His head was aching in pain along with his arms, legs, and belly. He reached over to pat his head wanting to rub it, but something immediately stopped him from rubbing it. His head was wet. Was he sweating? He looked at his hands and saw the color red. Soon, he realized that his whole body was covered in red. He hated this irony smell, but what was it?

He began to see images inside his head. A basement. A dirty basement with spiders crawling all over the ground, dusts that was floating in the air. He remember the smell of that basement, he was scared of it. He saw a bed lying on the floor, dirty covers that was never laundry. Why was he having images about this?

He started to cry, he didn't know why, but he just started to cry. He was scared, frightened. He didn't want her to die. Why was he scared? Who didn't he want her to die? None of this made sense which only made him get even more frustrated and scared.

He sat there, crying in the middle of the forest, not knowing what to do. What was he suppose to do?

Suddenly, he heard noises that startled him. He immediately looked around, wondering where the noise was coming from. At first he saw nothing until he turned around. His brown hazelnut eyes widened, he was really afraid.

A lady with long blue hair was standing right in front of him, looking at him with her sad light blue eyes.She was skinny, but not too bone thin. Her skin is pale, white, almost like his. Her clothing were awkward looking, he have never seen what she was wearing before. She was wearing all blue clothes. Her pants were like sweat pants, but it was thin, one of her pant legs were completely separated from her pants, only ropes that connect it together. The other pant legs were attached, but her blue shoes were different. They didn't look like tennis shoes or converse. The black cape that she is wearing covered her shirt, neck, and arms. What was she?

"Poor child," she finally said.

The boy tilted his head to the side, wondering what she meant by that.

Suddenly, a boy appeared right next to her. He didn't know that he was standing right next to the blue lady, but the child swore that he was never there. What is he?

The boy had red hair with black highlights, peach skin, and similar cape that the blue lady was wearing.

"A lost soul," said the red boy, "I wonder how he got lost and wondered into here."

The child just stared at them, not understanding what they were talking about. They were speaking in a different language.

"He have a reason from wondering off," said the lady, "He's missing something precious, he's forgotten what was important. He's looking for it."

The red hair boy walked closer to the child who was covered in blood. "What's your name?" he asked, speaking in a language that the child understood.

The child opened his mouth, he was about to say his name, but quickly paused. He thought about his name, trying to remember what it was. Of course he had a name, but...... what was it? The child closed his mouth and shook his head.

"He doesn't know his name," said the lady.

"A lost soul who is separated from his existing body," the red hair boy walked closer to the boy, bending down on his knees, "Omoshiroi ne."

"What do we do now?" ask the lady.

"Bring him to the academy, it's forbidden to leave a lost soul here who is suppose to be alive and since we already saw him, we might as well bring him," the boy answered. He picked up the bloody child, put it into his arms and pat the child's head softly. "I'm Ikuru, little boy."

The lady smiled at them, feeling relieved and happy. The child looked at the lady, waiting. "Noharu," she finally said, "That's my name."

The child smiled happily, Ikuru stood up, signally Noharu to go back to the academy. "Onii-chan is going to get very worried. And angry."

Noharu laughed, nodded her head in agreement. Noharu turned around, immediately disappeared from the child's sight. The child looked around for a moment and saw her up in the trees, waiting for them. "Ready, boy?"

The child looked at him, not knowing what to get ready for and just nodded his head.

Soon, they both disappeared, leaving everything back to silence.

**********Yue Thao************

Kavierra couldn't believe what was happening to her. What happened when she passed out?

Kavierra was tied up to the bed, polices standing around her along with some other strange people.

What happened?

She saw the nurses standing near the door frightened, putting on that horror stare.What did I do? She wondered to herself.

"Hey!!" she yelled, "What the fuck happened?! What made ya tie me up?! Isn't this illegal or something?!!!"

The nurses immediately walked away from the door; Kavierra was able to hear their footsteps get fainter and fainter.

Suddenly, a man in a white coat appear right next to her. He was fairly old, but wasn't old enough to be in retirement. He was almost bald headed with hair still holding on for it's very life around the old man's head, and wrinkled skin with small black dots around his hands. "Kavierra, I presume?" he said in a very interested tone.

"What you want?" Kavierra asked, "Why am I tied up?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk," the old man pulled out a chair and sat on it, slowly. "It's seems that you don't remember what happened yesterday."

Kavierra growled in anger,

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