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Deqwea suddenly felt a huge sharp pain that has entered her chest and belly. No! she thought to herself, It can't be now, not now! Something immediately caught her attention, she looked to her right and saw Kavierra in mid air. Her, if she was never here, I wouldn't be like this! She bit her lips till it bled, using her last energy into one more small sphere beam, just once more. She moved her hands and slammed onto her belly as hard as she could, trying to fight against her scorching pain that was in her chest and belly.

The man looked at the small beam that Deqwea have just made. Heh, another one? I guess she isn't quitting just yet. He stuck his hand out, stabbing his nails into his flesh, again, forcing more blood to exit from his flesh. This one should do.

Before he could command his blood to reach over to Kavierra to make a shield, he felt an intense pain that immediately shot his chest. He fell down to his knees; blood that he had just poured out from his hands collapsed onto the ground. He looked at his hands and saw markings. The markings immediately grew onto his arm, reaching up to his shoulders, then to his neck. It can't be, it mustn't! He looked at Kavierra, No, they found me....

Deqwea fell onto the ground, knocking into unconscious state and the small sphere beam, aiming directly at Kavierra.


"Wake up," said a familiar voice, "Kavierra, please..."

She slowly opened her eyes, wondering who has been calling her name. She looked up, seeing something shiny right in front of her. She couldn't depict the image.

It was a man, in white. His long white robe has blocked his face and body, making Kavierra unable to see his actual face.

"That voice..." Kavierra said in a low voice, "You're that voice that keeps helping me out."

"There is no time, I ask for permission to take over your body," he said quickly.

"Permission to take over?" She adjusted her head straight, trying to get a good view of the white man, but was unable to. "Will you give it back?"

The man nodded his head,"Do you trust me?" he asked.

Kavierra paused for a moment, thinking about his question. "Heh, what do you think? You been there to help me ever since, I'm guessing, since I was a child. Of course I trust you."

The man smiled widely and happily. "You do? I'm....." He went up to Kavierra, hugging her tightly. "... happy that you trust me." Kavierra rested her head onto his soft, wide shoulders. She moved her arms toward the white man and hugged him as well. "Thank you, my dear. I'll protect you and Rai as well."

She nodded, then paused again. "Rai?" Why did that name sound so familiar?

The white man nodded his head, "Yes, Rai."

Kavierra soon fell asleep, feeling something as if it was entering all over her body, forcing her to loose contact.


"Damn, damn, fuck bitches of shit!" yelled the demon, he stared at Kavierra, not knowing what to do. "Of all times, they choose to find me right now!"

Suddenly, he felt it. That feeling that someone has died. He looked at Kavierra real closely, realizing that she might be dead, but that was impossible. She wasn't hit yet. Kavierra immediately swung open her eyes, her eyes glowing red. The man looked at her with shocked. What the fuck?

Kavierra stared straight onto the unconscious enemy, then closed her eyes. Soon, the invisible grip was cut, torn into pieces. Kavierra stuck her hand out and said, "Deflect, my precious Accursivion."

The small beam was swallowed, engulf by her own hand. She stood there for a moment, letting the beam exit out of her hand, aiming the beam directly at Deqwea. She faced at the man who was on the ground, lying helplessly. She went straight to him, falling down gently through mid air.

As she landed safely onto the ground, the beam has struck onto the ground, onto Deqwea. Kavierra looked back to the area where the beam has struck. "That was so slow, it took the beam a long time to hit the ground. They must have known that she used to be human...." she faced at the man, who was still staring at her with those eyes, those surprised eyes. "..and they must have known that you was here as well, am I correct?"

The man gulped, "Who are you? You're not the girl..."

"Girl? You call her that now? Why?"

The demon cocked his head, confused. "What do you mean by that?"

Kavierra looked at him for a moment, confused as well, then smiled. "I see, it's gone."

"What's gone! Who are you?!" the demon yelled.

"It is best if you don't mention this to Kavierra, she won't remember a thing about this. If you wish for her soul, you have to keep this quiet as well or else, you'll change the course of the final destination. You don't want that, do you?"

The man knew what he was talking about. If he spilled it to the girl, there's a chance of him not being able to retrieve the girl's soul.

"That's good, you understand." Kavierra closed her eyes, "Until we meet again." She immediately fell onto her knees, but before she could fall onto her face, a small white light surrounded the demon and Kavierra, preventing her to fall.

Kavierra slowly opened her eyes and saw the demon. "Y-you..." she finally said.

The demon soon felt her soul back to normal, it was as if she was no longer dead and was brought back to life. "Is it you, stupid girl?"

Kavierra crawled over to where the demon was lying, slowly lifting him up into sitting position.

"Dimwit, are you alright?" he asked. Kavierra didn't respond, she just held onto his arms and stayed quiet. "Hey!" he yelled, "Answer me, lame butt!" Kavierra immediately jerked forward, opening her mouth. The demon was immediately shocked to her reaction as she put her head onto his neck. "H-hey!"

The man's eyes soon widened, he couldn't believed what have just happened.

Kavierra forced her teeth into the demon's soft flesh, allowing the blood to enter her mouth.

Yue Thao


Text: © Copyright 2012 Yue Thao All rights reserved
Publication Date: 08-14-2012

All Rights Reserved

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