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Book online «Valkrius by Yue Thao (epub ebook reader txt) 📖». Author Yue Thao

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what was happening right in front of her.

It can't be happening....

She finally snapped out of her mind and began to scream, “T'shawn!!” He was lying on the floor, bleeding from all over his body, mostly on the head. There were many cuts on his arms and legs. Kavierra could tell that there were cuts underneath his bloody, torn up shirt. The pants that she just bought him was all dirty and tattered. The smell of blood was getting to her, she couldn't stand this smell, her nose was too sensitive.

Kavierra quickly turned her head, noticing that there were someone next to T'shawn. It was that woman,the one who brought them to here to life. Their mother.What was she doing here?

She had long blackish brown hair that passed her thin shoulders, she had dark, unbalanced, tan skin, hazelnut eyes that T'shawn had which pisses Kavierra off, big lips, and long face with a small nose. She was wearing a short purple skirt that revealed too much of her legs and a pink tank top that was dirtied by blood. It wasn't her blood or anyone else. It was T'shawn's.

Kavierra's eyes widened. She couldn't believed what was happening to her, she couldn't stand it no more. Tears began to well up in her eyes. She wanted to bash the woman's head against the wall, smash it against the floor till her skull cracked wide open. She wanted to stab that selfless bitch ass whore many times until that woman could fix T'shawn, but for some damn reason, Kavierra's body refused to budge. It was in too much shock of what was happening and it was taking too long for Kavierra to absorb everything into her head. She couldn't stand it. She—she wanted to—


The woman had a knife in her left hand, laughing hysterically as if she was enjoying this. Kavierra turned her head to her side, and saw her old man exiting out of the window. Why was he exiting the window?

Kavierra felt tears fell down her cheeks, she began to cry and before Kavierra knew, the woman ran up to her, running crooked, and immediately stabbed Kavierra in the stomach. Kavierra wanted to yell in pain, but couldn't, she was in silence. She started to cough up blood, feeling the ironing taste from her mouth and throat. Why can't I do anything? Kavierra thought to herself. I'm such a useless ass....

The woman was still laughing hysterically, just standing there, swinging the knife dancing in circles. She was in euphoria.Why is she happy?

The woman immediately stopped, suddenly changing her mood. She brought her knife to her side and slowly turned around facing toward Kavierra. By the time the woman turned around, the man was already on his feet on solid ground. He began to run, Kavierra could sense his fear and his fast heartbeat getting farther and farther away.

The woman walked over to Kavierra first, standing above her, Kavierra in between the woman's legs.

The woman lift the knife over her head, ready to aim at Kavierra's head.

Kavierra wanted to get up to stop the knife from attacking her, but she was unable to. Her body was frozen, like it couldn't move at all and it wasn't because of her wound. She could barely feel the pain right now. Am I going to die? Kavierra quickly glanced at T'shawn who was in deep sleep with a slow beating heart.Would he make it? Kavierra suddenly closed her eyes not knowing why she did that. She struggle to keep awake, she bit her tongue till it bleed. But, for some reason the sleep was overtaking her. What's going to happen if I fall asleep?

Kavierra suddenly closed her eyes. She was unable to keep her eyes open. Suddenly, she opened her eyes, not knowing why she had the feeling of not being able to open her eyes. She immediately sat straight up into sitting position, about to kick the woman's ass. But, as she got up, her eyes widened.Where am I ? Kavierra was sitting- in the middle of the dark.

Kavierra opened her eyes wide, first thing she did was lick her lips, knowing and understanding everything.

The woman swung the knife, aiming straight at Kavierra's forehead.

Kavierra saw the knife coming, but she didn't panic. She knew that it wouldn't come to her.

The woman's knife immediately came to an abrupt stop, her arms starting to feel like something took over her hands. She was only a few millimeters away from stabbing a hole into Kavierra's head, but what stopped her?

The woman's eyes widened. She couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Kavierra's eyes were glowing red, like blood. Her eyes quickly reminded her of that one night, that night when everything was red, like Kavierra's bloody eyes.

Kavierra immediately gripped onto the woman's wrist tightly and thrust her against the wall, pieces of the wall falling down. The woman fell and hit the floor hard."Why?" Kavierra finally spoke, but it wasn't her voice. It sounded as if metal was grinding, but was much softer, "I grant you a wish and this is what I get?!"

The woman looked up at Kavierra who was floating in the air at least a few inches off the ground. The woman started to crawl toward the door, wanting to leave this room, but before she could even move, the door immediately swung closed, locking itself. All of the opened windows were immediately slammed shut, locking itself too. The woman turned around, getting really frightened. It was like staring a ghost in the face, but worse, it was a demon—a monster—beast that she was facing!! As soon as she turned around, she knew that her death was coming near.

The knife was up in the air, dripping in dirty blood of the woman's children. The knife was pointing directly at her.

************Yue Thao***********

Kavierra immediately opened her eyes, remembering that she was running in the darkness for a long time. It felt like she been in there for eternity, but she knew that it was probably for a few days.

Few days............

Kavierra immediately sat up straight, not recognizing the smell that surrounded her. The air, it reeked of old people, new fresh skins or newborns, dead bodies and many more.Where am I?? Kavierra immediately looked around, seeing white walls that surrounded her, big clean windows that right in front of her, and a small door that seems like it went straight to the bathroom.

The hospital.

Kavierra was surprised that she was here and started to look around the room again.Where am I? How long have I been asleep? Where is T'shawn?!!

Kavierra was about to get out of bed until she saw someone who was right next to her. It was a lady, in white and hair all tied back. A nurse?

"Ma'am, you mustn't get up. You're still recovering from your injuries," she said, looking at my belly, "Though you are making a very quick recovery from your wound. It's remarkably fast and astonishing."Kavierra ignored whatever she said and sat up straight, which alerted the nurse. "Ma'am!"

"Where's T'shawn?!" yelled Kavierra, "Where is he?!" Kavierra faced the nurse, knowing that she knew where her little brother was. Kavierra immediately picked up a scent from behind the nurse, a familiar smell that reminded her of something safe and a home. T'shawn. Kavierra looked behind the nurse and saw T'shawn.

Kavierra's eyes widened.

T'shawn was laying down, still. There were tubes that were connected to his arms and face, some were in his nostrils and mouth. What were the tubes for? "T'shawn!!!" Kavierra screamed. She couldn't believed what was happening, everything happened very quickly. She couldn't put everything into her head, it was too much for her.

She was about to get up, but the nurse immediately put her back down, kind of forcing her to be in bed. "You mustn't get out of bed, you need rest. And as for him, he'll be needing a whole bunch of rest and recovery."

Kavierra fought against the nurse. She didn't give a fuck about herself, she wanted to go to T'shawn. She wanted to hold his delicate body onto her lap and cradle him. She wanted to make sure that he was alright, not just by looking at him, but also feeling that he was alright. "Let me go!! T'shawn is--" Kavierra manage to push the nurse away and got out of bed, immediately touching T'shawn's face. As she touched him, she knew something was wrong. She couldn't tell what was wrong, but she knew that it was off. T'shawn was like-- an empty shell-- no soul. Kavierra couldn't sense a spark of life from him. Kavierra started to cry. She knew that T'shawn was no longer there, he's an empty shell with no soul. He is no longer here. She immediately dropped to her knees and started to cry.

"Ma'am," said the nurse, "I'm sorry....."

Kavierra shook her head. What was she apologizing for? She didn't do anything, just doing her job. Kavierra immediately heard the door open, hearing huge footsteps entering, then hearing the door close.

The woman nodded her head as she looked at them and faced Kavierra. "Ma'am, I'll be leaving now. Call me if you need me." She got up from the stool that she was sitting and left the room silently.

Kavierra took a few moments to calm down while the people sat down on the chairs that was provided for them. "Ma'am," said one of the man, "We're from the FBI," the man for some reason showed his badge then put it away in his pocket.

Kavierra lifted her head up and saw two men sitting in plastic chairs. Both of them were white, on the left had gray eyes, a plain navy blue t-shirt and khaki pants that was baggy. He had very short blonde hair that was cut perfectly and almost could see the head skin, but he wasn't that bald. The one on the right had green eyes and brown hair that was touching his ear. He was wearing a sweater over him and jeans on. Both of them were somewhat buff.

Kavierra just sat down, looking at T'shawn. She didn't bother getting up or asking what was wrong with him. She had already knew everything about what was happening to T'shawn.

"Please, can you give details about what has happen during the time when you and your brother were attacked, including information on Robert Anderson."

Kavierra flinched at that name. She hated that name and wish she never heard that name.She gave them the angry look, then stood up, sitting on T'shawn's bed. "This boy," said Kavierra,"his birth was a secret." She faced toward at the men who showed no expression. "That man— He was involved into something big along with his shitty wife. I didn't' know what was going on nor did I care. After that man beat and threatened T'shawn, I saved him. Turned out that T'shawn stole his money, I can bet that he didn't earn that money, but the amount of money was huge that I bought the things we needed to survive. Food, clothes, everything. I guess that's how he decided to get rid of us, starting T'shawn first since I wasn't there."

"Do you know what he was doing during that time? Was he involve in some sort of gang?" asked the man in the sweater.

Kavierra shrugged her shoulders. "No, I don't know what he was doing."

"Do you know or noticed things that was not familiar? Like the way—"

"His smell changed a lot," Kavierra interrupted him,
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