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Book online «Midnight Sun by Heather Reed (manga ereader .txt) 📖». Author Heather Reed

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I don't wanna lose you. Nor does your mother. We love you both.”

“I love you guys too. Mommy come in here.” she told Bella to come in the living room.

Bella came into the living room from the kitchen.

“Mommy, I love you and daddy so much. I don't wanna lose both of you. So please don't make me and Jake break up. I love him.” she started to cry.

“Sweetheart, me and daddy is not gonna break no one up. Unless it's a fight. All your father wants is a little respect from you and Jacob.”

“We give you respect daddy.”

“That's not what I'm talking about. School is starting in a few months and I want you two to respect me when I say goes. Like when I want you in bed at, when I want him to bring you home at, and etc.” I said.

“Jake come in here.” Bella said.

Jake came in the house from the front door and came and sat down on the couch. Renesmee sat with him.

“Okay. School is starting up for both of you and since you are dating my daughter there are rules and I want you to respect them and me.”

“Okay, what are they.”

“1 I want Renesmee in bed about 10:30 no later than 11. 2 if you take her some where I want her back by 10 on weekends 10:30. 3 if you are living here with us I want you in bed during school night same as her. 4 clean after yourself both of you. That's all I'm asking from both of you guys.

Jacob P.O.V

“Well, I will do what I can Edward but, if Sam needs me.” I said.

“I was just thinking about that. If he needs you do what you do but will you have enough time to sleep.” Edward asked.

“Yes, I think so.” I said.

“When does school really start.” Renesmee asked.

“Well for you since your going to Forks High School. August 16th and for you Jacob I don't know.” Bella said.

“My school starts about August 8th.” I said.

“Ha Ha.” Renesmee said laughing.

“I'll get you.”

“No you won't.” she ran out the house.

I looked at Edward and he smiled and nodded. I ran after her when I got out of the house I changed into my wolf form. I ran as fast as I could after her. She jumped over that 50 year river. I just ran thru it. She was laughing at me.

I barked out a laugh at her. I caught up with her and I wasn't looking I tripped over a root and I fell over and I even knocked her over as well. She was laughing at me. I turn back in my human form. She had my pants, she handed them to me and she turn around so I could change.

“Are you all right Jacob.” she asked.

“Yea, I'm good. How about you.” me too.” she said.

I was tired so I layed down and she got on top of me. She kissed my head and then kissed my lips. I kissed her back.

“I love you Jake.”

“I love you Nessie.”

“I love you more.” she said.

“No, I love you more.” I said.

She rolled her eyes at me. She looked so like her mother when she did that. We were like this about 10 minutes until we heard something. Renesmee looked around us but she didn't see anything. When she got up a Mountain Lion attacked her.

“Nessie!” I yelled.

“I'm fine.” she said.

She started to fight with the lion. She had it down about two minutes. She put her mouth on it's neck and started drinking it's blood. When she was done she got up and whipped her mouth off.

“Are you okay?” I asked her.

“Yea, I think so. But he ripped my shirt tho. I like this shirt too.” she said. “I can't believe he attacked me.”

“Me too. Are you sure you are okay.” I asked again.

“Yea. Now since we are alone. What do you remember?” she asked.

“Oh yea. I asked your mother when your father was gonna change her and she said after graduation. But that's when the newborns came to kill your mother and the rest of your family.”

“Oh and you help my family to save my mother.” she asked.

“Well, your mother and father had a fight of their own.”

“What do you mean, my mother was still human.” she said.

“I know. But Victoria and Riley found your father and mother. I was in the clearing with the rest of my pack and your aunts and uncles and grandparents. Seth was there helping your father. Your father almost died that day too.”

“What do you mean, my father almost died?” she asked.

“Yea, Victoria and Riley had your father pin down about to rip his head off. Until your mother took a rock and cut your arm. They stopped when they smelled blood.” I said. “I got all that from Seth's head.”

“Wow. Next time I see Seth I own him big time.” she said.

I laughed. “Okay.”

“So why was Victoria after my mother and father for?” she asked.

“Oh well, this is when your mother first came to Forks and she met your father. Your father took your mother out on 'a date' with his family to play baseball and James, Victoria, and Laurent heard them playing. James found out that your mother was human. James was Victoria's mate and they were both trackers.

“Alice and Jasper took your mother South and Emmett, Carlisle, and your father was going North and Rosalie and Esme was watching over Charlie. When James found out that your mother was not where your father was he went to Forks High School to see where she use to live.”

“Where did she use to live?” she asked me.

“Your mother lived in Phoenix, Arizona and so James went there to find her. James called your mother and told her to meet him at her old Ballet Studio. Your mother went there and met him.”

“Did my dad know?” she asked.

“No. No one knew she left until your aunt Alice had a vision that James was hurting her. James broke her leg and when he threw her she hit her head. James even bit her too.”

“Wait what? What do you mean he bit her?”

“Will you let me finish.”


“Yes, look at your moms arm. He bit her but your dad sucked the poison out.” I told her.

“Wow. Did my dad kill him?” she asked.

I almost forgot to tell her that. “Yes he did. Your dad bit his neck and your uncle Emmett, uncle Jasper and aunt Alice took care of the rest.”

She looked at me like I was crazy. “Took care of the rest?”

“Yea, Alice broke his neck and Emmett and Jasper burned him.”

“Wow. Way to go uncle Jasper, uncle Emmett, and aunt Alice.” she said.

“Yup. Your mom almost died like 4 times and your dad almost died 2 times.”

“Huh? How she almost die 4 time and my dad almost die 2 times.”

“With your mother; 1 she got bit by James, 2 she went cliff diving when your father left her, 3 the Volturi try to kill her, and 4 with the newborns. And your father; 1 with the Volturi and 2 with the newborns.” I told her.

“O I forgot about the Volturi and forgot that my father left my mother.” she said.

“Yup. Well lets take you back home to change.”

“Okay.” she said. “Can I ride on your back?”

“Yea, if you can hold my pants again.” I smiled at her. She shook her head yes, then she climbed on my back and I was gone.
Last Two Weeks

While I was on Jake's back, running toward the house, Emmett and Jasper were wrestling when we jumped over the river. Jacob let out a bark toward them, they looked and moved so Jacob could come thru.

Emmett looked at us and said. “I hope your not going in the house like that Jake.”

Jake let out another bark and my mother and father came out the back door. I pulled Jacob's fur to tell him to stop. When I pulled his hair he yelped, then stop. I got off and he went around the house to change.

“Ow, that hurt.” he said while rubbing his head.

“Sorry. I thought you were going to go into the house like that.”

“I was until you pulled my hair.”

Emmett and Jasper was laughing. “Awww, poor doggy.” Emmett said.

I turn around to look at him. “What happen to you Nessie?” my mother asked.

“Ummm.... A mountain lion attacked me.”

“Yea right. Y'all were doing something bad. I can smell it.”

“No, we didn't. And we were just kissing so shut up.”

“Or what.” he asked.

“I'll fight you.” I told him. “I'm not scared to fight a boy”

“A boy really.” he smirked.

“Yea, a boy. I'll get this shirt ripped up more if I have too.”

“I like to see that.” Jasper said.

My mother and father looked at him. Then the others came outside to see what we were talking about. “What y'all hissing about out here.” Rosalie said. “Oh look at you.”

Rosalie's P.O.V

“I like to see that.” I heard Jasper telling someone.

Then me and the others came outside to see what they were talking about. “What y'all hissing about out here.” I said, then I looked at Nessie. “Oh look at you.”

“What happen to you Nessie.” Esme asked her.

“A mountain lion attacked me, grandma. And Uncle Emmett does not believe me.” she said. Then looked at Emmett. “And I told him I would wrestle him for saying I was doing something else.”

“What did he think you were doing.” Alice and I asked.

“That Jake and I were doing something bad like 'sex'. But we were just kissing.” she stuck her tongue out at him.

“Is that why Uncle Jasper said, 'I'd like to see that' Nessie.” Alice said.


“Yes, I did say it. I think Nessie needs to learn how to fight. We taught Bella, now it's Renesmee's turn.” Jasper said.

Bella and Edward looked at each other then looked at Renesmee, then looked at Jasper.

“Bella, I know what your thinking. Well, not really, but I can feel what you are thinking. Renesmee is small and young but,” Jasper walked over to Nessie and

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