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Book online «Midnight Sun by Heather Reed (manga ereader .txt) 📖». Author Heather Reed

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at me and the dog/wolf then looked at Carlisle. “Hun, what do you think.”

“Hmm,” he started to say, then walked over to us. Then the puppy jumped on him and started licking him.

I started laughing at him. Everyone but Rosalie was laughing too. “Can I grandpa?”

“Okay, Renesmee. But it's your job to take care of him. Feed him, walk him, wash him, clean up after him.”

“Thank you grandpa. Oh thank you.” I got up and hugged him.

“Your welcome, sweet heart.”

“Daddy, can I use your truck to go to the store and but little Jake some food and stuff.” I asked him.

“Yea, but be careful.”

“I will you know that.”

He threw me his keys and I grab the puppy and brought him with me. I went to my daddy's Volvo and hit the garage button on top of the roof and started it. When the door open; I put on my seat belt and drove out. I drove to Seattle to the mall. They had a pet market in the mall. It was called 'Uncle Bill's Pet Store'. Seattle was about an hour drive but I hit the gas so I can be back home early to play with Little Jake.
When I got to Uncle Bill's, I took Little Jake in with me. I asked one of the workers if they could help me.

“Welcome to Uncle Bill's,” a patriot said. “Welcome to Uncle Bill's.” it said again.

I smiled at it. “Hi, I would like some help to get some things for my puppy.”

“Okay. What's his name?”

“Little Jake. I named him after my boyfriend. I got him today.”

“So it's a boy huh. Cool, we got a lot of boy clothes for dogs. A lot of blue too.”

I nodded. She got me a chart and help me look. I found a baby blue collar with a matching letch to it. I put them on him so I would not have to carry him.
I even found the cutest clothes for him. I found one that says, 'Am I Cute', I got that and another on. It was blue that had angel wings on the back. Then, I got him some chew toys, some treats and a big bag of puppy chow. I even got dog shampoo and a dog brush too.
Everything I got was about $50 together. When I was done, she helped me carry everything to my car.

“Thank you.”

“Your welcome. Thanks for coming, come back again.” she said.

I waved when I drove off and headed back home. It was almost 3 o'clock when I got back. When I got back, Emmett and Jasper was in the garage in the Jeep. When I parked I closed the door and got out with Little Jake, I grabbed his stuff and took it in the house to my room.

“Hey, guys.”

“Hey, do you need help?” Jasper asked.

“No, I don't think so.” when I said that I almost drop the dog food, until Jasper grabbed it. “Thanks.”

“Your welcome.”

“What did you get?” Emmett asked.

“2 pairs of clothes, dog food, dog treats, chew toys, dog shampoo, dog brush, collar and letch, and bowels for him.” I told them.

“Oh. Well, here let us help.” Emmett said.

They each got 2 bags and we went to my room. I carried Little Jake to my room. They put the bags on my bed and left. I thanked them and went into my bathroom to give him a bath. He was so small I washed him in the sink.
When I was done doing that o put that shirt that says, 'Am I Cute' on him. Then carried him in my room and put him on the floor. I closed the door so he wouldn't get out. I got his bowels out and filled them up with puppy chow and water. I put the food and treats in the closet with his other outfit. I put out one bone so he can have something to chew.
While I was on the floor playing with him my phone was going off. It was Jacob's ring tone.

'I don't want another pretty face.
I don't want just anyone to hold.
I don't want my love to go to waste.
I want you and your Beautiful Soul.

Your the one I wanna chase.
Your the one I wanna hold.
I won't let another minute go to waste.
I want you and your Beautiful Soul.'

“Hello 'Beautiful Soul,' I said to him.

He laughed when I said that. “Hello Angel, how did you sleep.”

“Good, Uncle Jasper wore me out.” I giggled at what I said and at Little Jake.

“Oh, so you had lots of fun.”


“'Ruff, Ruff.'” the puppy barked.

“What was that?” he asked.

“Oh, my puppy name, Little Jake. I was suntanning and I was dreaming of you in your wolf form and he came and started licking my face and I kept saying, 'Stop licking me Jake.' When I open my eyes he was standing above my head.” I told him. “He looks a lot like you. I mean the fur color.” I giggled a little when Little Jake was licking me.

“Oh okay. How old is he?”

“I don't know. A few months maybe. My mother doesn't know what he is. A dog or a wolf.”

“Oh, well if he is a wolf be careful okay. Because the mother wouldn't be that far away.”

“That's what my mother told me. But grandma and grandpa said I could keep it. Rose doesn't like it. Because...”

“Of me being a dog/wolf. I know, I know.”

“Jake, don't get mad okay. I love you.”

“I love you too. I will always love you.”

“Me too. And I feel like you took half of my heart with you.”

“I left half of my heart with you.”

“Well come and get it then.”

“I wish I could. But I'll be there soon. I promise Nessie.”

Then someone knocked on my door.


Then the dog starting barking at the door.

“ 'Ruff, Ruff, Ruff, Ruff' ”

“Little Jake stop barking.” I told him. “Come in.” I told who ever was at the door.

“Sweetie, time for dinner.” my grandma told me.

“Okay, grandma. I'll be down in a minute.” I said to her.

“Okay. Hey buddy.” she started petting Little Jake.

“ 'Ruff, Ruff.”

“Well, I let you go so you can eat, take a shower or what ever and go to bed. You got school tomorrow.”

“Okay. Love you Jake.”

“Love you too.”

“Bye, Jake. Get some rest and keep safe.”

“I will. Bye.”

Then we hung up. Grandma, Little Jake and I went downstairs. I went into the kitchen table and grandma took Little Jake outside and put him on his chain that Emmett put out there for him. My mother and father was not in the house. They must have went to the cottage or they outside talking or doing whatever. Grandma made my favorite meal; Italian. She says she gets everything from an Italian store in Port Angeles. What she made, I had 2 plates of it; that's how good it was. I even burped too; loud.


“Renesmee, said 'excuse me!” my grandma said from the front room.

“Excuse maw. Sorry grandma. It was good. That was your kiss for the dinner.” I said laughing.

“Ha! Good one.” Emmett said coming down the stairs. “Feel better after eating, don't yea.”

“Yes sir re.” I said laughing again. “Well, I'm going to bed.” then went outside to get Little Jake and went upstairs. “Good night y'all.”

“Good night sweetie.”

Me and Little Jake went to my room, after I said goodnight to Emmett and grandma. I put Little Jake on my bed and I went to my dresser and pulled out one of my PJ's. When I got my PJ's on; I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth.
When I was done; I went back into my room; and I saw that Little Jake was asleep on the foot of my bed. I turn off the light and crawled in my bed. I didn't fall asleep fast; well I couldn't fall asleep. So I got back up and walked to my window doors and open them. I stood there about 10 minutes until I heard foot steps coming up to my door.

“Who ever it is, you can come in.”

Then I smelt it was Alice and my mother. They came in and walked over to me.

“Honey, what's the matter.” my mother asks me.

“Nothing, momma. Just can't sleep. Worried about Jacob and tomorrow.” I said then looked at her.

Then I walk to her and hugged her for a second then I touched her cheek. When I touched her; I asked her in my thoughts, 'What's wrong?'

“Nothing sweetheart. You will be okay. And Jacob will be home soon okay.”

'Where's daddy.' I thought and pulled his face up.

“Downstairs with grandpa and your Uncles. They are making plans in a few weeks. They're planning to go up North to Canada to fix an animal problem. Grandma, your Aunts and I are staying here with you while you are in school.”

“And speaking of 'school', what are you going to wear?” Aunt Alice asked.

“I don't know yet til morning. Would you help me in the morning Aunt Alice?”

“Sure, I'll help ya. I'll do your hair too. I'll wake you up about 5 A.M so you can take a shower; find what to wear; and do your hair.”

I nodded. “Thanks. Well I'm gonna try and go to bed. Love y'all.”

“We love you too.”

They both kissed and hugged me. I kissed and hugged them both back and watched them walk out of my room and I went to my bed and crawled in.
I kissed Little Jake goodnight and layed in bed. Then when I looked at the clock it was almost 11 P.M. Then about 10 minutes later I fell asleep.
The First Day

I was sleeping so good until my Aunt Alice woke me up at 5 A.M like she said she was.

“Nessie, wake up. Time for school sweetheart.” she says to me.

“No,” I moaned.

“Come on, Ness. I won't do your hair if you don't get up.”

“No,” I moaned again and rolled over to my other side.

“God, Damnit, Renesmee Carlie Cullen get your ass up now before I go get your mother and father.” she scolded me.

I moaned again for the third time. “Give me five minutes to

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