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Book online «Midnight Sun by Heather Reed (manga ereader .txt) 📖». Author Heather Reed

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wake up.”

“Fine. But if your ass is not up Renesmee; I'm gonna pour cold water on you and get your parents.”

“I will. Go. Leave me be.”

“Okay. Come on Little Jake. Lets go out.” she told Little Jake.

They left my room and then about 3 minutes later I got up and stumble to the bathroom; then got in the shower. I stood there in the shower for about five minutes to wake up.
After I woke up I hurried up in the shower and got out. I put on a towel around me and put my hair in a towel; walked out of the bath into my room.
Alice was sitting on my bed with Little Jake in her lap. She was petting him when I got out. Then she seen me coming out of the bathroom.
She put Little Jake down on the floor and went into my closet; to find me some clothes. While she was doing that; I went to my dresser and put on bootie shorts and a bra on. Then I put on my rob while I waited for her to get me some clothes.
About 15 minutes later, she found me an outfit. She put it on my bed, then looked for some kind of shoes for me to wear with the outfit. But while she was doing that I put on the skinny blue jeans on with a light pink shirt with a ribbon that ties in the back.
When I put them on she handed me some black heels that were like two or three inches that strapped around my ankles. When I put them on she grab my hand and towed me to her and Jasper's room.
When we walked in there he was on the couch reading a book. He looked up when we walked in and smiled at me. He started to laugh at me when Alice towed me to her big well large bathroom.
She sat me down in the chair that was in there and started brushing my hair.

“Uncle Jasper,”

“Yea, sweetie.” he said walking to the door.

“Can you stop with the mood control please. It's no fair.”

Him and Alice both giggled. “Sorry Renesmee. I was trying to clam you down a little.”

“Yea. Well, it's not gonna happen.”

He smiled and walked back into the bedroom. I rolled my eyes while Alice was working on my hair. While she was doing my hair, I fell asleep, well took a little 'cat nap'.
But about 20 or 30 minutes later she woke me up. When I woke up; my hair was all straight then put up in a pony tail; it was a high pony tail too.

“Thanks Alice for helping me.” I said as I looked in the mirror. “I didn't know you could straight my hair since my hair is so curly.”

“Your welcome. Now go, get your bag and head downstairs and eat. Grandma is fixing you something to eat..”

I nodded at her; kissed her on cheek; flew to Jasper kissed him too. Then I went to my room grab my bag; pet LJ good-bye; then walked down the steps.
My mother and father were on the love seat together holding hands. I bet if no one was in the house they would make out in here. Then I thought, 'Get a room.' My father looked at me, then my mother.

“Well good morning Nessie.” my mother says. “You look cute. Alice get to you?”

I nodded and walked into the kitchen and sat at the table. Esme was fixing me a breakfast burrito. She fixed me two of them. When she was done; she handed them and a large glass of orange juice.
I smiled at her when she say them on the table. then I started eating them. They were good. I drunk all of the orange juice and then put the dishes in the sink. My mother got off of the loveseat and walked in the kitchen.
She hugged me then went to wash the glass and plates then put them away. Then Alice came down the stairs with her keys in her hand. 'Oh, boy. Alice is taking me.' I thought. 'Why can't I drive myself.' I thought again.

My father looked at me. “Well, because Renesmee. We have not gotten you a car yet. And Alice 'wants' to drive you.” he told me.

I rolled my eyes. 'Tell her, I'll be in her car.' He nodded. I grabbed my bag; kissed my father; and went into the garage.
Emmett and Rosalie were in the garage working on the Jeep again. When my high heels hit the ground and made a 'tap' noise; Emmett and Rosalie looked up from the hood.

“Awww, Nessie. You look beautiful.” Aunt Rose said.

I smiled at her and said “Thanks.” Then walked to Alice's yellow Porsche. While I was waiting for Alice; I closed my eyes. Then I heard her door open and close. I open my eyes to make sure it was her and it was. She hit the button to open the garage door and drove out.
About 10 minutes later, we showed up in the school parking lot. She parked the car and we got out. When we walked toward the school to the front; the office; went inside.
When we went inside; there was a red-hair lady behind the counter, when we walked to it.

“Good morning, Ms. Cope.” my Aunt Alice says.

The red-hair lady looked at her for a minute. “Alice?” she walked to the counter. “Wow, Alice. You have not change much in a year; other than the hair.”

“Thank you Ms. Cope. I'm here to help my niece set up here before everyone else gets here.”

“Your niece?” she looked at me. “Hi sweetie. What's your name?”


“She's Edward's and Bella's daughter. Well she's Edward's niece but they adopted her as their daughter. Her real parents died.”

“Awww, I am so sorry Renesmee.”

“It's okay.”

“What grade is she in?”

“She's a Freshman. This is her first time going to school in awhile. She has been home schooled.”

“Okay; give me a minute.”

She went back to her desk and started working on my classes. About 10 minutes later, she came back to us. When she came back she handed me some papers. 1) was my classes. 2) a map of the school to make it easy for me to find where my classes were and 3) a paper with my locker number on it and the code to it.

“There you go sweetie. If you need anything come see me.”

“Thanks.” I told her.

Then Alice and I went outside. Everyone started pulling into the parking lot, teacher and students. When I walked Alice to her car she gave me $20 for lunch and drove away.
When I turned around everyone was starting at me. The boys had their mouths hanging open and their eyes were big like they never met or saw anyone like me before. Well they might haven't. At the same time, I wished Jake was here with me, I mean going to this school and not the Rev.
I walked toward building 3. It had 3 of my classes there. Algebra, English, and Biology. I had those classes the first 3 hours, then lunch, then the last 2 hours I had Reading and Gym. I had to take Gym for the first 9 weeks then I could change it to whatever I wanted.
When I reached building 3, a young man open the door for me, and let me go in first.

“Thanks.” I said.

“Your welcome.” he said back. “Where you heading?”

“Ummm... Algebra.”

“Oh in 3B right?”

“Yea, how did you know.”

“This is my 3rd year being at this school. I'm Blake. Blake Campbell.”

“Renesmee. Renesmee Cullen. But you can call me Nessie if you want. My family and boyfriend does. He came up with the name.”

“Oh. You got a boyfriend. Then I should stay away.” he looked around to see if he seen anybody he didn't know.

“Don't worry about it. He don't go here. He goes to the Rev. in La Push. Your safe.”

“Phew, that's good. I didn't want to start anything with him.” he said when we reached 3B. He open the door like before. “Here you go.”

We walked in and took our seats. The teacher was writing something on the white board when we walked in. I walked to the back of the room to be by the window. He sat in front of me. Then 2 minutes before the bell rung everyone started coming in the classroom. They took their seats. One girl with long, straight brown hair coming my way.

“Is someone sitting here?” she said in a deep French ascent.

“No, you can sit here.”

“Thanks. I'm Luna.”

“Your welcome. I'm Renesmee.”

We shook hands and when we shook hands, I jerked my hand back from her touch. Her hand was cold. She did the same with mine, since mine was hot.
I looked at her face mostly her eyes. They were a butterscotch color. She had purple rings under her eye lids. 'Vampire'. I thought.
I was scared at first but who knows if she is one. Her hand could have been just cold to me since I'm warm. I'll try talking to her after class when the bell rings.
While I was watching her the teacher was calling our names. She called my name twice before I answered.

“Renesmee Cullen,” she called the first time. “Renesmee Cullen.”

“Oh, here.” I raised my hand.

“Thank you, Ms. Cullen.”

“LeAnn Parkers.”

“It's Luna Parkerz with a Z on Parkerz.” she said, raising her hand. “It's French.” Saying the word 'French' with a deep French ascent.

“Thank you, Ms. Parkerz. And sorry for saying your name wrong.”

“No, biggy.”

She called the others and put some more math problems on the white board and when she was done, she told us we had 20 minutes to do it.
I took out my notebook out of my backpack and a pencil and started going to work. There were 15 problems and they were easy. To me they were.

1 – 6 if r = -2, n = -3, and t = 3.

1. |8 – t| + 3 = 8
2. |t – 3| - 7 = -7
3. 5 + |3 – n| = 11
4. |r + n| - 7 = 5
5. |n – t| + 4 = -12
6. -|r + n + t| = 2

7 – 15 if n = 2, q = -1.5, r = -3, v = -8, w = 4.5, and x = 4.

7. |2q + r| = -6
8. 10 - |2n + v| = -2
9. |3x – 2w| - q = -4.5
10. v - |3n + x| = -16
11. 1 + |5q – w| = 4
12. 2 |3r – v| = 15
13. |-2x + 5n| + (n – x) = 16
14. 4w - |2r + v| = 16
15. 3 |w – n| - 5 |q – r| = 15

They were so easy I got done in 5 minutes. When I was done I turned in my work.
When I got up to walk, Luna got up a second after I did. We both walked to the teacher and turned our work in.

“Thank you girls.” the teacher said.

When I was walking to my seat,
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