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Book online «Vampires And Witches by Kayla Trautman (top 5 ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Kayla Trautman

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looked up at him. He touched my face, “I was so worried about you. I would’ve took you to the hospital but I didn’t know if it was something that happened when you had a vision or not. I didn’t want the doctors to find out about you if it was.”

David, Hilary, and Diana all stood up staring angrily at something behind the couch I was laying on. Keith tightened his arms around me holding me closer to him and he was also looking in the direction they were looking in. Keith growled, “Who are you?” I looked over and my eyes widened. My mother was standing there staring at me with concern in her eyes. She was wearing a long white gown. She looked really pretty. I whispered, “Mom.” Keith’s expression relaxed more and he looked at me, “She’s your mother? Isn’t she dead?” I nodded, “Yeah. Mom. How are you here?” She said, “I needed to talk to you. Lord Adam let me come down here to talk to you since I never taught you. But I can’t stay long.” I went to get up but she came over and sat on the edge of the couch. She put her hands on my shoulders gently pushing back, “Don’t get up, baby. You’re not well.” I moved over to give her more room to sit there.

I asked, “What do you mean I’m not well? Why? What’s wrong with me?” David, Hilary, and Diana sat back down on the couch but they didn’t relax. Keith moved his arms to the side giving me room to be with my mom. But he was ready to protect me if this was some trick. But I knew it wasn’t.

My mom moved the hair out of my face, “Honey. You’re sick. But you can’t go to the hospital.” I frowned, “Sick with what?” She shrugged, “I don’t know what they call it but you’re too stressed. Way too stressed. When a witch has too much stress on them they get sick. They become weak.” I shook my head, “Then how come this didn’t happen before? That should’ve happened when I turned ten.” She sighed, “Yeah. It would seem that way. You were under a lot of stress when I left. But it takes a while for it to happen. I don’t know why. Nobody knows; it just is.” I asked, “Why hasn’t Lord Adam explained it to you?” She shrugged, “He doesn’t like to reveal too much. But that doesn’t matter right now. What’s important right now is that you get better. This is serious Ariel.”

Keith asked, “How serious?” My mom looked up at him, “She could die.” He looked down at me and then back up at her, “What? Why? Over stress?” “Stress is a heavier burden than you think. And it’s even more dangerous with a witch than it is with a human.” My mom looked down at me, “I don’t know how but you have to relax and take this stress off of you.” I asked, “Mom. How can I not be stressed when someone is constantly trying to kill me?” She nodded, “I know that’s going to make it harder on you but you have to find a way around that. He won’t come after you for a while so that gives you time to relax. Try to hang out with your friends. Be human.” I smiled weakly, “Mom. I think we all know that I’m not ever going to be human.” She smiled, “Yes you will. You’ll always be a witch. But you won’t always have your powers. Old age takes that away.” I frowned, “Well I won’t be human now. When I need to be.” David added, “You can act human. Do human stuff. Your friends could come over later.” I sighed, “Fine. I’ll try to be human for a while. Why does being a witch have to be so complicated?” My mom grabbed my hand and smiled, “Life’s complicated, sweetie.” She kissed my forehead, “I love you. Stop hurting yourself.” I hugged her, “I will. I love you too. So much.”

She touched my face and then stood up. She looked at David and the rest of them, “Thank you for protecting my baby.” David nodded, “She’s family to us as well so we will always protect her with the best of our abilities.” I sighed and just stared at my mom. My mom looked at me, “Ariel. Don’t be afraid to let them into your heart. You won’t lose them too.” I frowned, “Mom. Did you have to say my fears aloud?” She smiled, “Yes. You won’t talk to them so I spoke for you.” I rolled my eyes, “I miss you mom.” She blew me a kiss, “I miss you too. I gotta go.” I stiffened, “No. Mom, wait.” That’s when she disappeared into thin air.

I stared at where she stood for a while waiting for her to come back. I knew she wouldn’t but my eyes wouldn’t let me look away. Hilary said, “Your mom’s very pretty. You look just like her.” “Now we know where you get all your good looks from.” Diana added. I turned on my side and wrapped my arm around Keith’s waist. I buried my head in his stomach.
He put his hand on my shoulder, “Are you okay?” I answered, “Yeah.” I realized that I was crying. Ugh. Diana asked, “Why are you crying?” I smiled and shrugged, “I don’t know. I just miss her a lot.” Keith touched my face and I looked up at him.
He wiped my tears away and his face was serious, “Ariel. Promise me that you’ll relax and get rid of this stress.” I said, “Keith. I . . . I’ll try. But . . .” “That’s not good enough.” He interrupted. “You need to promise me that you’ll get rid of the stress. I don’t want to lose you.” Hilary said, “Keith. Don’t stress her out. You pressuring her to get rid of the stress ain’t gonna help her any.” Keith sighed and looked into my eyes. I could see something in his eyes. His eyes were agonized. He was in pain. As much pain as I was in when I thought about ever leaving him.

I reached up and pulled his face to mine. I whispered, “I promise.” I kissed him. When he pulled away he asked, “Need anything?” I whispered, “No. I’m tired.” He went to pick me up but I touched my one hand to his chest and pushed back, “No. I wanna lay right here. If you don’t mind?” He settled back and placed his hand on my waist. His other arm was under my head. His hand rested on the back of my shoulder while I used his arm as a pillow. He said, “I don’t mind at all. I just thought you would like to rest where it’s more comfortable and quiet.” I closed my eyes and smiled, “I am comfortable. And you talking won’t bother me.” He let it go but no one said anything and they turned the T.V. off anyway. I fell asleep in a few minutes.

Chapter 9: Relieving Stress

The next day at around three in the afternoon Keith came in with a glass of water. I was sitting up in bed covered up to my hip with the blanket. He sat on the edge of my bed and handed me the glass, “How are you feeling?” I took a drink, “How does anybody sick feel?” He smiled and put the glass on the end table when I handed it to him, “How do you feel about visitors?”

I frowned, “Who?” He smiled, “How about Melissa, Mike, and Sam?” I said, “You don’t like Mike. Why would you invite him over if you don’t like him?” He sighed and nodded, “You’re right. I don’t like him. At all. He let you drink and he let you drink that much. But he’s your friend. So I’m going to let him over. And he did make sure you didn’t try to kill yourself before. So I’m going to put my feelings aside and let him come over.” I grabbed his hand, “I guess they can come over. And thanks for letting him over.” He smiled and turned his head, “You can come in now!” I frowned, “They’re here already?”

The door opened and Mike, Melissa, and Samantha came in. They all had something in their hands. Mike had a bouquet of roses, Melissa had a basket and a little white blanket covered it, and Sam had a card. I frowned and looked at them, “What is this?” Keith got up, “I’m gonna go downstairs. Call me if you need me.” “Can you get me some soup while you’re down there?” I asked smiling. He smiled and kissed my cheek, “Of course. Be right back up.” Then he left.

Mike and Melissa came and stood on my left and Sam stood on my right. Mike said, “I didn’t think that he was going to let me back in the house. The last time I was here I was carrying you. You should’ve seen him. He yelled at me and . . . Well I’m just surprised I’m here.” I rolled my eyes, “He’s not that bad.” He laughed, “You’re right. He’s worse.” I smacked his arm, “Knock it off or I’ll kick you out.” He put his hand up to surrender, “Okay, okay. Here.” He handed me the roses, “These are for you. Keith told me that you were sick so I thought I’d bring you this.” I took them and smiled, “Thank you. But I’ll be better. I’m not dying.” Not yet anyway.

Melissa said, “Yeah well, you never know when you’re sick. It could turn serious.” Melissa’s sister got sick with the flu and it started out minor. But then it got worse no matter what the doctors did and she died. So, needless to say, she’s pretty sensitive to people getting sick.

I sighed and nodded, “Yeah. You’re right. What’s that?” She handed me the basket, “My homemade chocolate chip cookies that you always love. I made twenty of them.” I laughed, “I’m sick not pregnant.” I took the blanket off of the basket and looked inside. They looked delicious. I smelled them, “You just baked them today, didn’t you?” “The fresh ones are the best ones.” She smiled. I put the blanket over them and put them on the end table, “I can’t eat them right now. But I will eat them when I get better.” Her shoulders dropped a little but she smiled, “Okay.”

Sam sat on the bed leaning against the wall, “Here. We got a card for you.” I moved over closer to her and patted the bed, “Sit.” Mike and Melissa sat on the edge of the bed and watched me closely. I don’t know why but they did. I took the card and opened it.

The card was pink and it had stars on it that sparkled. I opened it and something fell out. It was a gift card for DOTS. I picked it up and read the card. It just read:

Get well soon. There’s 300 dollars on the card. Have fun.
Sam - Melissa - Mike Friends Forever

I looked up at them and frowned, “Three hundred dollars on it? Why’d you put so much on it?” Sam tapped my shoulder, “You’re complaining? You should be overwhelmed with joy.” I sighed and smiled, “Thank you. Really. I just don’t like when people spend money on me.” She put her arm around me, “You need to get a new wardrobe.” I groaned, “I already did. Keith’s sister made me get a new style.”
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