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Book online «Vampires And Witches by Kayla Trautman (top 5 ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Kayla Trautman

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At that moment Keith came in with the bowl of soup. He came over and handed it to me, “Here you go. I’ll be up to kick everyone out at five.” I smiled, “Thank you.” He left. Mike and Sam started babbling about what’s been going on at school. They were the worst at gossiping. They gossiped the most. Even if they didn’t know what they were talking about.

In the middle of the conversation I started to feel light-headed. And it was only around three-thirty. I said, “Um . . . I’m sorry but I’m gonna have to ask you to leave. I’m not feeling too good right now. Sorry.” They looked worried but they didn’t argue. Sam and Mike gave me a hug and told me to get better.

When Melissa hugged me I asked her, “Melissa. Could you ask Keith to come up here?” She nodded, “Sure. I’ll tell him. I’ll call you later. Get better.” Then she left. I leaned back against the bed board and closed my eyes. It was getting cold in the room and it was hard for me to breathe. I could still breathe but it took more effort.

After a few moments Keith was sitting on the edge of the bed. I didn’t even hear him come in so when he grabbed my hand I jumped. He said, “Sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you. You wanted me? And you kicked your guests out early?” I nodded, “Yeah.” He frowned, “Ariel. What’s wrong with your voice?” I answered, “Nothing. It’s just getting hard to breathe. I mean, I can breathe but it’s taking more effort to do so. And I feel light-headed.”

He froze. I sighed, “It’s getting worse.” A tear escaped the corner of his eyes. I reached up and touched his face wiping his tear gently with my thumb, “I’m sorry. I guess it’s going to get worse before it gets better. I swear I tried to get in with the conversation but I don’t gossip. I guess my stress level isn’t going down any.”

Keith touched my hand and held it to his face, “Ariel. If I tell you something will you get even more stressed out about it?” I said, “I don’t know. Is it good or bad?” “Good. At least I think it is.” “Then go ahead.” I said.

He released my hand from his face and just held both of my hands in his. He looked me and the waiting was driving me insane. But I waited and looked him in the eye as well. Finally, he said, “I love you.”

I smiled and sighed, “That relieves some of the stress. I’ve been dying to tell you the same thing. Quite literally.” I touched his face with both of my hands and brought his face to mine, “I love you too.” I kissed him.

But I had to break the kiss earlier then when he usually did. I sighed, “Sorry. I couldn’t breathe.” He layed his head against my chest and sighed, “That’s okay.” He got up and layed me down, “Get some rest.” I said, “It’s cold. Freezing.” He covered me up and turned the heater on. He was about to leave but I said, “Keith. Could you stay with me? Just lay here with me until I fall asleep?”

He nodded and in a flash he was laying next to me under the blanket. I cuddled up next to him and layed my head on his chest. I slowly ran my fingers against his chest. He had his arm around me and he played with my hair. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

When I woke up Keith was sitting up on the bed next to me just staring at me. “What’s the matter? Did I wake you?” He asked with deep concern. I shook my head. It was getting worse. A lot worse. I was wising. It was getting much more hard to breathe. I whispered, “No.” I took a breath, “It’s getting harder . . . To breathe. I couldn’t sleep.” He ran his hands through his hair, “I hate this! And it’s even worse when I don’t know what to do! I’m helpless!” I sat up and touched his knee, “Like I said . . . It’ll get worse before it gets better. You’re not helpless. There’s just . . . nothing that any one can do to help me.” He frowned, “I wish there were. I don’t wanna lose you.” I got up and slowly made my way to the door.

Keith got up and in a flash he was standing in front of me grabbing my shoulders, “Where are you going? You can hardly breathe let alone walk. You need to get back in bed.” I took in as much air as I could and said, “I wanna sit on the couch downstairs. I don’t want to be on bed rest all the time.” He sighed and picked me up and ran downstairs.

“What’s she doing down here?” Diana asked. “Isn’t she sick?” Keith nodded, “Yeah. More then sick. She can hardly breathe.” She looked at me and then back at Keith, “Well take her back upstairs. She can’t be out of bed.” I said, “I don’t . . . want to . . .” Damn it. I can’t even finish a sentence without having to stop to take a breather. I continued, “. . . stay in bed all the time.” Keith sighed, “I’m gonna let her sit on the couch until it gets to be too much for her.” Diana nodded. But she looked concerned. More concerned for me than I thought she should be.

Keith put me down carefully on the couch and sat next to me. I asked, “What time is it?” He answered, “About eight. Do you want anything to eat?” I shrugged, “I guess . . . It couldn’t hurt to try.” He asked, “Soup? I think it would be best with the way you can’t breathe.” I nodded. He got up and left.

Diana sat on the couch next to me, “Is there anything I can do?” I shook my head, “There’s nothing . . . That anyone can do. Thank you though.” She grabbed my hand, “Ariel. You’re like a sister to me . . . You are a sister to me. I don’t want to lose my only sister. Please try to get rid of the stress.” I nodded, “Right. I am.”

Later on that night at around eleven everyone was sitting on the couches. Keith was the only one not sitting on the couch. He was standing next to the couch next to me. I was sitting by the arm of the couch holding my stomach right underneath my chest. My legs were propped up on the couch underneath of me to the side. Diana sat next to me. And Hilary and David sat on the other couch. The T.V. was on and I was semi watching it.

It was hard to pay attention to something when you’re trying to concentrate on breathing. They weren’t paying much attention to it either. They were watching me. Although, they tried to hide it. It was quite obvious when they all stiffened when my face would occasionally turn a little red from lack of oxygen. But I would always get my lungs to work again.

Keith asked, “Do you wanna go to bed? Get some rest?” I shook my head, “No.” David said, “You should.” I didn’t want to say this but they’ve been insisting on me getting some rest since I got down here. They wouldn’t quit bugging me about it when every time they asked and I said no. I took a breath, “With the way I’m breathing . . . I may not wake up if I go to sleep.” I took a breath, “I won’t be able to . . . Concentrate on breathing if I’m asleep.”

Keith dropped to his knees by my feet and layed his head on my lap. He wrapped his arms around my legs and gripped them gently, “Ariel.” I could tell he was crying. I touched the top of his head, “Don’t cry. I’m okay with this.” He asked, “How can you be ready for death, Ariel?” I answered, “Because once it got worse . . . I prepared myself for what’s coming.” David said, “You can’t give up now. You gotta fight.” I nodded, “I am. I’m not giving up. But it’s unavoidable. Whether I like it or not I won’t . . . I won’t be here much longer.” Hilary turned her head away from me so that I wouldn’t see her tears run down her face.

I couldn’t breathe again. Keith lifted his head and looked up at me. They all realized that I couldn’t breathe. They always realized when I couldn’t breathe. But I just smiled to try and comfort them that it would be over soon.

But this time it went longer than it usually did. My smile dropped and I stared at the T.V. I gripped my jeans trying to ignore the pain it caused. This was it. This was when I would go. I leaned down to Keith and hugged him. He panicked, “Ariel. Breathe.” I couldn’t take it no more. I wasn’t unconscious but I couldn’t hold myself up. I dropped onto him and I just hung there.

Keith layed me on the floor and touched my face, “Ariel. Ariel!” He put his lips to mine and blew into my mouth. It didn’t work. But he kept on trying and he put his hands on my chest trying to get my lungs to work. That’s when I closed my eyes and went unconscious. I knew I was dead. Or at least I felt dead.

“Mom.” I saw my mom standing there before me. It was like the first vision I had when she told me my purpose except she didn’t block herself from my sight at first. She came over to me and grabbed my shoulders, “Sweetie. I’m going to save you. I won’t be able to talk to you or see you anymore though. But I won’t let you die. You have to let go. Let them be family to you. You want to feel it but you’re afraid. If you stop being afraid you won’t get sick again. I love you. Sorry. I had to make this quick.” I smiled, “I love you mom. Thank you.” She hugged me and kissed my cheek, “Be safe.” Then she was gone and it went black again.

I opened my eyes and I was alone in the room. There was no one there. Where did they go? I could breathe again. Normal breathing. I got up and I looked in the kitchen. There was no one there. I stepped outside and there was no one there. I went back inside and I saw them standing there staring at the floor where I had layed. There were tears in all of their eyes.

Then they looked up at me. Keith ran over and hugged me, “How are you alive? You died. I was there. I couldn’t revive you.” I held him close to me, “I know. I was dead. But my mom saved me. She won’t be able to help me anymore or talk to me or anything anymore. But she saved me.” Keith brought my face to his and kissed me. This time he let it last longer. But he pulled away quick and sighed, “I love you. Don‘t ever leave me again.” I smiled, “I love you too. And I won‘t.”
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