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was real gentle and smooth. The volume increased as Millennia’s violence continued to increase and the burning sensation in the agent’s arm spiked. She began to scream at the once friendly lycan. Kaire, who had been locked out by a shut door, was barking insanely. He even attempted to reach his sister through their telepathic connection, but it was no use. She was lost.

Abruptly, just as Eleanor had yelled one final time, damaging her vocal chords, Millennia froze up and returned to her usual self, not knowing of the events that had just occurred.

“So, you mean to tell me that this is all your blood?” I questioned quietly. Sullivan shook her head and gestured at me.

“I did fight back, remember? Some of it does belong to you. Although, all of the blood that is coating the marble sink is mine.” Where could that much blood have came from? She did not look like very much damage had been done. At the same time, I noticed that her shirt sleeve was torn in a circular mark, right by her artery. “I don’t think they will allow me back into my department. This may tamper with a few of our plans.”

No. There was no way in the bottomless pits of Hell that I could have ever done that to my friend. But I had, and I was overwhelmed with shame. No matter what I did, there was no way that I could ever make this up to Sullivan, Emberlynn, and Kaire. My mistakes were taking major tolls on my friends and family. I knew of a way out of this mess. Taking off for the kitchen, walking of course, I grabbed onto Emberlynn’s largest knife. Just as I began to dig the blade into my flesh, I felt something stop me. Another problem in one of many plans to yet unfold. This time, I had a infected human stopping me from destroying everyone’s problem. Why can’t the universe allow me to do something right for once and if it is wrong, the world should just live with it.

“This is not the right thing to do, Millennia. Killing yourself will not solve anything, it will only stir up new troubles for everybody,” Sullivan said in a medium tone. It was enough to tell me that she meant business and she was going to stop me, but I was stronger than her by a whole lot. An infected human could not match up with a full blooded lycan until they reached a certain stage in the infection that caused the senses to spike and all that other bull crap that Emberlynn made me read. Now I regret not listening to her.

“Let me do this. Everything will be better without me. No one back home misses me and I am the only thing stopping you from succeeding in life and Kaire needs a better home. He can go back to the pack without getting killed. They will destroy me in a heartbeat. Let me go,” I snapped. I forced the knife forward, it stopped about four inches away from my chest. Sullivan had a good hold on it, but that was not the real reason why it had stopped moving. She was strong enough to fight against me. However, the girl I had attacked, her blood strengthened my own. That made me automatically stronger than my infected friend. Which caused the knife to slowly move into my favor. Sullivan yanked on the knife, sending me in her direction. Balancing on my hands and feet, I growled at her. I wanted that knife. Without it, I could not complete my task, and it only got farther away from me as she threw it expertly at the northern wall of the house. It stuck into the thick wood. To get to it, I would have to go through her, and that I would.

Leaping for her, the two of us collided and crashed into a chest freezer. That alone broke my shoulder blade in half. Healing was quick, so I had recovered by the time Sullivan was about to sedate me. Like that was ever going to happen. Knocking the syringe out of her hands, I pushed her against the wall, cracking it. My arm pressed against her throat as she scratched at my skin, trying to pull me off. Eventually, she simply kept a firm hold on my arm and stared at me. I froze. Her eyes were a pure yellow, just like your average wolf but with that strange lycan glow to it. The virus had progressed a little too fast to be normal. Then again, she never mentioned if she had been bitten multiple times or not. Sullivan was too good at being secretive, despite that ignored the fact that  I was able to get into the mental thoughts of humans. How could I have not picked it up?

The wolf like eyes that had taken over my government friend and had distracted me long enough for Kaire to find a hold on the syringe and to shove it into my ankle. Then he injected the sedative into my bloodstream by using the hard part of his head to push the handle down. Everything was black before I could even hit the ground. But even that did not stop me from feeling extreme guilt for attacking my friend and for trying to put them through my death. Emotions never stop, even when you are under the effects of a sedative that was injected into your blood by your twin wolf brother. 

I had vowed to survive at all costs, and there I was, trying to get mself killed. Suicide the humans called it. For the second time I wanted to die, and this time I almost did. Sullivan got me to stop, and if not for Kaire, she probably would have died trying to keep me alive. For the first time, I broke a promise. To myself and to everyone I knew. I wanted to die so badly, and I almost succeeded.

What was becoming of me?










Behind the Enemy Lines

Once more, I found myself in a state of unrest. Physical pain was overwhelming, it must be the side effects from falling off Emberlynn's house. Regardless, I had a feeling that something other than that had happenned. Then it came back to me, the memory. For the second time I had attacked Sullivan. She did not suffer from many injuries this time due to the infection that I had given her. But the way I remembered it, if Sullivan was human, she would have died. Or was it just a dream?

I refused to open my eyes once the drug had worn off. Kaire’s and Sullivan’s presence had been sensed long before I was awake. Even unconscious my instincts remained functioning, just not physically. At least no one was getting hurt because I turning into a psychopath just because of the stupid virus that I had brought upon myself. Being nosy had always paid off until the moment that I felt the burning hot pain from the toxin. Of course, it was my duty to be sure that no one was keeping secrets from our alpha. That was what Kaire had been assigned back home in our old pack that we can never return to. Even if there was a cure and I could return to the forest as a wolf, I am sure the disease has long term effects. But as I lay there, half asleep in bed, a new memory flooded my mind. 

You have two minutes to get your ass out of that bed or I will climb up there and make you.

Make me. Nothing bad can happen if I keep my sorry ass planted right here. Even you know that as a fact.

Millennia, we have work to do. Now you can either start getting up now and I will allow you to take your sweet time, or you can remain still and I will force you off that damn mattress. The choice is completely up to you. I am sure you know that smarter option, even Sullivan and Emberlynn probably know which to pick.

Kaire, like I said earlier, my sorry ass is not going to leave this bed.

You asked for it.

Kaire leaped onto the bed, his paws landing right on my gut. His nose and most of his face became buried underneath me as he attempted to push me off the bed. I did warn him that I was not leaving this bed. Nothing can ever go wrong if I am not around. Surely Kaire understood that. Suddenly, I felt Kaire change his tactics and I face planted onto the floor. Nothing says good morning like making out with lavender smelling carpet. Lavender. Emberlynn smelled like lavenders all the time, it was the main way that I had recognized her while I was walking around town as a human. Regardless of that, this was not that strange body spray type of lavender. This was a natural earthy lavender, and it was still fresh from when Emberlynn first allowed me to stay with her.

A hand grabbed my shoulders and lifted me off the ground. Sullivan stood before me, now fully turned and infected. Everyone was trapped inside the house. Leaving would only set off alarms and that would get the three of us separated.

On my feet, I looked around. Nothing had changed, yet everything had. The mood in the room felt melancholy and hollow, as if they resented me. I do not blame them for it, because right, now they are not the only ones that despise me. Hating myself is the only thing keeping me sane, and the fact that I avoided that bathroom at all means necessary.

Shut your trap, Millennia. We have a task ahead of us.

When did you get so bossy?

Oh, that. That started at the exact moment you locked me out of the bathroom and attempted to kill Sullivan. I better not forget to mention that you tried to kill yourself and I was forced to sedate you with a needle just to save both you and Sullivan.

Both of you need to shut up.

Strange. I did not notice how Sullivan had shifted into wolf just so she could get in on the conversation. Things were really falling apart.

Do I have to kick both of your asses just so that we can get a move on? I mean seriously, we have waited four days so that we can save Emberlynn and here we are. We are standing in her house, bickering like little girls. Get a grip so that we can get our friend back. Now.

Sullivan had guts, and she definitely was not shy. She had shifted back into human form and now stood completely naked in front of the both of us. A few years of government work can do that to you, I guess. Maybe she could tell a few stories about it later, humans are fascinating when they speak about their vocations. Except for the grocery store clerks and garbage people. Those jobs are not very interesting at all.

We stood by the door, watching the news through the kitchen TV. Nothing was being mentioned about suspicious activity or Emberlynn’s disappearance. Did people really not care about her that much?

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