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Book online «Millennia by Raven Slake (most interesting books to read TXT) 📖». Author Raven Slake

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I remember her saying something about being an environmentalist had some times when it backfired at extreme levels. People hated her for being so eco-friendly and for protecting wolves. There was a strange thing about her though. She knew so much about weaponry, fighting tactics, methods to killing lycans, and even some random viruses that had no effect on me. Emberlynn was hiding something from us. My own friend and ally had lied, and I was afraid that I was about to lead Kaire and Sullivan into a trap for someone that I now was beginning to doubt.

Just as Sullivan turned off the television, I found myself staring into my own reflection’s eyes. The glowing yellow seem magnificent and appeared to have an ever-changing personality of its own.

Energy began to build up as shockwaves ran down my spine. It was happening again, and I knew that I could not stop it. This time, however, it was stronger. An urge to kill and a desire for a hunt quickly increased. There had to be a way to end the buildup. Whatever this was, it needed to stop before I killed all of my loved ones that are closest to me.

Gunfire erupted, and it stopped after three bullets shattered the glass of the television. The energy diminished as I felt everything return to normal. Did anyone get hurt or was it safe to open my eyes? I did not feel any blood soaking my hair or clothing, so that should mean that it was okay and no one was harmed during the spark.

“Well that worked.” I heard Sullivan say. Looking at her, I noticed the handgun she was holding. It was powerful and it completely annihilated the TV. At least she ended the spark thing.

“I believe I know what causes you to space out like that,” Sullivan thought out loud. “The eyes. Lycans eyes have a mystic appearance to them. It was how many humans were killed at first. Over time, the killings caused the majestic look to fade and eventually disappear. Yours just keeps getting stronger and prettier. I think there is some sort of bacteria or something along those lines that causes lycans to turn against humans. Basically, you pretty much are the only lycan that holds alpha-like abilities to transform obedient enemies into rogue monsters. And monsters are slightly more predictable than those who think things through.”

“So I should probably avoid looking into anything reflective until I can learn to control this?” I asked questionably. Sullivan shook her head, her hair swinging over her shoulder and onto her collar bone. Why was it so short?

“I do not think that you will ever be capable of controlling this. Then again, I always thought that all wolves died from the virus but look what happened to that assumption. She turned out to be my ally.” Great. As if reflective things were not hard to avoid. Humans have placed mirrors everywhere. They are so obsessed with how they looked that they have several apps for mirrors or other random reflective things that I cannot even name.


“Be careful. There is a possibility that this is a trap and Emberlynn is with Hamilton. Something just seems off about this girl,” I whispered to them as we crouched behind the bushes that were just out of sight of the forest. Hamilton would be incapable of spotting us from this distance. Even lycans have their limits, and their main one so happened to be on long distance eyesight. At least my was more improved than theirs. Unfortunately, some of the power came from the attack on Sullivan and the unknown girl. If I had to, I was going to kill my human friend.

We began to creep up to the forest silently, everyone was trying to keep their thoughts to a minimum. Lycans can pick up on the mental thoughts of other lycans while in their wolf form. Only Kaire and me were safe, although there was a chance that they could get inside a regular wolf’s head. No one wanted to get caught by a lycan. All we wanted to do was to get in and out of their headquarters. If we learned that Emberlynn was a fake, we break for the exit. On the other hand, if she was in danger, then we get her out and leave as fast as we can think of without leaving anyone behind.

“Stay here. They want me, if they see you guys they will set off the alarms and trust me when I say it does not take long for one lycan to tell fifty others that there are intruders on the lot. Do not get killed, I do not care what happens as long as everyone gets out alive,” I ordered quietly. The both of them nodded. “Sullivan, shift so that they cannot get into your head. Kaire, keep quiet for safety.” Another nod from the two of them.

As a human, I walked up to the large, concealed building. The doors were unlocked, and they seemed to fly open. They were well greased, and well taken care of. Just like the rest of the building. The beautiful stone was polished to have an lovely shine, but it reflected images, even my own. The walls had the same effect but the gray color weakened the effect it had on me. Lycans made mistakes, but even as I thought that, I realized that they probably did not know the full extent of my abilities. Perhaps I am not the only one who keeps on accidentally spacing out. Can Hamilton do the same thing? Sullivan did mention that it was alpha-like to be able to do that. Hopefully Hamilton did not know that it was “alpha-like” otherwise that meant that I had been completely cut off from the lycan pack. It was not possible though. Hamilton was obsessed with me. (I plan on leaving it like that. To say that my worst enemy is head over heels in love with me would make me vomit.)

Curved, wooden doors swung open as two lycans opened them for me. For me? Walking inside, I discovered why.

Any regular human would be strongly attracted to him. His sleek, golden brown hair was cut short but long enough to reach a quarter the way down his neck. Dark, sun-kissed skin worked amazingly well with the color of his hair. The glowing yellow irises embedded forever into his perfectly shaped eyes had a beautiful look to them. Muscles traced their way along his skin with intricate detail. A masculine build rewarded him with an intimidating look. His god-like features gave him the looks that humans would die for. Most women would define him as hot, a few would even pass out just by glancing at him. Even I had to admit, this man was handsome.

“Hamilton,” I said, gesturing in his general direction. The man needed to put on a shirt. More than likely he was trying to distract and throw me off my game. I could only hope that his physical features did not become a distraction.

“Millennia, welcome back. We have been awaiting your return,” He replied, making the same hand movement as I had.

“What took you so long?” a voice from behind me questioned. They all seemed eager to see me in their compound. I am almost sure that it was not a part of my plan to be welcomed with open arms after the other night. Then again, I had cooperated with their alpha and infected someone they wanted. Lovely, Hamilton had found a way to make them all like me.

“Calm down, Morrigan. She may have ran into a few problems.” This was a new voice, but it was another male.

“What makes me so special?” I asked. I could sense everyone staring at me. That one comment may just get me killed. Possibly, I had confused them because they were all once humans while I was once a wolf. Big difference there.

“Millennia, you were a wolf, and you survived the virus,” Hamilton began.

“I am well aware of that.”

“Not only that, but you seem to be growing stronger. Sure, most lycans do the same thing but not at the rate you are going at. Even then you are well beyond the greatest lycan here. Do not look surprised, you know it. And I can sense the others feeling as if you are challenging them. See, even us lycans have wolf-like instincts. Yours are completely pure,” he continued. After a short amount of time, I lost track of what he was saying and it all started to slur together. I needed to pay attention though, so that I do not miss an excellent cue to bolt for the door.

He began to walk in my direction. His stride seemed to resemble one that he planned to use on me every day. As if I was going to stay for more than another ten minutes in this compound.

“Morrigan, Scott, leave. Tell the others on the other side of the door to got their rooms. The same goes for you two. I need to be alone with Millennia.” Uh oh. Maybe I would be here longer than I wanted to be ten or twenty minutes, give or take. It really depends on how close to death Hamilton gets me to.

“My dear girl, there was a mutagen created that seems to be killing lycans. Those who survive are only alive for a few hours, but during that time, their strength and senses spike to an extremely unnatural level even for a lycan. I have plenty of test subjects to use but there is only one test I want to conduct.” I know where this is going. “You survived even after we fought and I bit your shoulder.” I could still feel the slight pain from that moment. “The only wolf to have lived through the infection. Now I wonder if you can survive anything else.” Once more, I knew exactly what was about to happen and I had the feeling that it would not end well. “It will be a severe loss if my next experiment fails.” Reaching towards me, Hamilton held a brass grail in his hands, full of a black liquid. It was some form of blood, I could smell the metallic stench. It also filled me with a gnawing hunger for the blood. If only I could control this.

“Millennia, would you like some?” he asked, not bothering to drink it himself. There was something very wrong with the blood. Perhaps it was poisoned. Then again, everyone was delighted to see me arrive into their base camp. Did they all know about whatever this concoction was? They had to know, but alphas have been known to keep large secrets from his or her pack. Zeke never did that, not that I knew of anyway. After all, I was not even the beta, but I was going to be.

“I am no longer asking. Millennia, I want you to drink,” Hamilton ordered. Not good for me, excellent for him. He knew of the possible outcomes from whatever was in the blood. First, there was my death. On the other hand, I would survive once more and possibly become a monster. Maybe he was using me so that I would take out my friends, at that point, the problem would have been eliminated. Regardless, I shook my head and turned away from him. Probably the worst decision I have ever made right next to being way too nosy with my packmates. Saying no to a lycan always got humans killed, at least, that was what Emberlynn had said but I am no longer sure if I can trust her words.

Hamilton wrapped his thin, muscular arm around my neck. My knees caved in as he kicked the back of them. I was on the ground, exposed and pinned. In the wolf world, that usually meant you were going to die.

“I really did not want to do this, but you left me with no choice,”

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