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alive and well but his location is unknown if you were going to ask that,” I replied. My tone of voice reminded me of Trigger, my old alpha before Zeke. Whenever her spoke to the entire pack, he would use the same tone. I miss my pack so much. Being back there with them would be the best thing that ever happened to me.

“Name.” I thought this was going to come up, however I did not think it would be one of his first questions. Nothing ever completely goes my way.


“Your parents really knew how to name pups,” Hamilton noted. I shook my head and held up my hand to stop his movement. He was wrong, neither of my parents had named me, and I remembered that clearly.

“A human named us. She was the first friendly human I had met. I barely remember it,” I answered honestly. Everything was the whole truth. Except for the barely remembering it portion. That was obviously a lie. However, everything else I had told him was true. A human girl named my brother and me and she was the first friendly that I had ever met. After her came a series of environmentalists, then Emberlynn, and probably ending with Sullivan.

The doors from behind me swung open. Two lycans came in with cargo. Luggage was heavy, and in this case, one weighed over one hundred pounds and the other was just under that. My friends were caught red handed on enemy territory.

Kaire, Hamilton knows about you. Just do not show any emotions towards me, Sullivan, or Emberlynn if she ever appears in this rotten hell-hole. Avoid even looking at me if you can because I think I will get really sad if I see you in the dirty hands of a man that I plan on killing in about five minutes. Do not talk to me, only through thought. I pretty sure they cannot pick it up between the two of us. That does not stop them from being able to understand your speech dialect with perfect clarity.

Got it. No talking or looking. Only thinking. Maybe you should try this more often.

Shut up.

Already done so.

Stop thinking.

Too late.

“What do we have here my friends? Better be pretty important,” Hamilton said in a friendly yet alpha-like tone. “A wolf and another lycan. Were they found at the same time?”

“Around the same time but completely separate areas of our territory. I do not believe that these two are connected,” a female said. Kara was back, and she was the one who was holding onto Sullivan. This was dangerous, she knew what Kaire looked like. Maybe my new look made her become confused with Kaire’s regular grey wolf look even though he was a Kenai Peninsula/dire wolf hybrid. Thankfully, our mother was right. We resembled grey wolves so much we are easily mistaken as one. Thank you mother and father.

“The mole says that this one.” Kara shoved Sullivan slightly, agitating her and Kaire, bur he was fighting his emotions. “This one is the one that your pet attacked out of road rage.” Kara was really getting on my nerves. Her temper and mood kept getting worse every time she saw me. What if she was Hamilton’s little pet before me and she is upset to have her position ripped away from her grasp.

A nod from Hamilton was enough for Kara to drag her out of the room and probably in his little dungeon. (Too many movies again) Hopefully, she would last long enough to find an escape route out of wherever she had been taken. Maybe she would spot Emberlynn on her way down.

Pointing at Kaire, Hamilton ordered his guard to take a few steps back. The test on Kaire was not going to be easy or fun. It was possibly it could be a life or death situation. Please go easy on him Hamilton, please.

“Can I leave now? I have to help my pack and you are holding me up. There is not even solid proof that this is your territory,” Kaire lied. The last sentence had the potential of being true. Nevertheless Kaire sounded like a real wolf from a real pack. He did not sound like the brother of a lycan that had mental issues. He was an excellent liar, me on the other hand, I was not so good at it.

“Give me your name,” Hamilton demanded harshly. Determined, that’s what he was. All he wanted was my brother and he was not about to let just any wolf go. I cannot blame him.

“Bro, you can understand me? Dude, cool. Oh, my name. Yeah, yeah that stupid thing just so happens to be Crest. You know, like those weird things that the humans eat. I think they are called crescent something or other though. Whatever. Man, you should seriously spill the info on how you learned to talk to animals,” Kaire replied. He was almost too good at lying. I was starting to believe him. There was one problem, he was slipping. Two or three ever so minor pauses were present in his little speech. Fixing it was the only way to leave the compound without a single scratch.

Kaire, I think he believes you. Let’s hope.

Yeah dude, let’s.

Not with me, Kaire.

“Well, Crest, you seem legit. There is only one problem.” Not good. Please be something utterly stupid. Oh please let it be stupid. “You seem edgy and maybe even frightened yet your voice sounds laid-back and casual. That means you are not who you say you are, Crest.”

“Or should I say Kaire.” I knew she had recognized him. Kara strolled into the room while shooing away the original guard. “You have a very distinctive mark that was never on any recorded grey wolf. Your pitch black ears were identical to how Millennia’s once were before she was infected. Now, I think of her as a more magnificent creature.” I change my stand on how Kara thinks of me. Still, I hate the traitor.

“Millennia, I am sure that you know exactly what I want to do to him,” Hamilton said, looking at me pitifully. He had no right looking at me like that until he understood what I was feeling. That monster was nowhere close to resembling me. “Maybe a friend can do it.”

“Kara is not my friend,” I growled, becoming angry with him. “Zeke, Preston, Penelope, Bes, and Lilith were my friends. Feline was my friend, not Kara.” Pausing, an idea formed inside my head. “I will do it.” Approaching my brother, I looked him dead in the eye until I saw my very own reflection and even then I just stared. No amount of energy was going to consume me just because I saw the glowing yellow of my own eyes. The spark was under control. I hugged Kaire while I whispered,

“Do not die.” Hamilton and Kara would have thought that I meant what I said about the infection, but they were wrong. I barely spotted it but deep in Kaire’s long fur was a silver grey gun, the exact model that Emberlynn had first let me shoot. I remembered that moment so vividly.

“Use two hands when holding it, eventually you’ll be able to shoot with just one, but for now, stick to two,” Emberlynn said as I lifted the metal gun up to my face. “Not that close to your face, when it kicks it’ll hit you in the face and that is never pleasant.” Correcting myself, I felt my leg automatically fix itself into a stance. “You’ve got instinct, that’s good.” Looking down what the humans called the sights, I focused my vision on the center of the red. With the gun held firmly in my hand, I squeezed the trigger as I was instructed to. It came upwards and narrowly missed my forehead. “Odd, you hit the dead center. Well that still does not stop me from making you practice.”

“What is this?” I asked inspecting metal.

“It’s a double action .44 magnum. Basically a handgun with a lot of power.” Obviously, seeming that it almost knocked me down. “Do not worry, that is not the most powerful piece of weaponry I have.”

“It’s not?” I exclaimed. Kaire laughed, making Emberlynn smile. She was beginning to make out what wolf sounds were laughter and which ones were growls. We were all getting used to one another not understanding what the other was talking about…

The countdown was about to being. We would start at five, and I would slowly reach for the gun when Kaire said three. Kara and Hamilton would be watching closely, so I had to be discreet. Breathe, in then out. Let the fight begin.

Five, four, three.

My hand moved as if I was petting him. It would look like a sign of passion, seeming that nuzzling was an affectionate move. Even the traitor knew wolf personality basics. Surely Hamilton knew this as well.

Two, one. Go!

I ripped the handgun out of the holster, aimed and fired at Kara. The bullet traveled for less than a second before puncturing her heart and piercing her spine. A kill shot that no mutagen or virus could ever heal. At least I had part of revenge taken out on someone. There were several others that I needed to take out before I was through with these monsters. The list was limited, but to most, it was endless. A little more than a handful of people who had betrayed my family, my friends, or me.

Lycans, both prisoners and enemies, erupted from the wooden door. Simply by observing their reaction to Kara’s body, I was able to tell who was my ally and who was my enemy. The total was up to a whopping twelve handymen, not including Kaire and myself. No matter what, we were outnumbered. Hamilton had an astounding number in packmates that actually supported him. To add to that, not all of my allies were lycans. My old wolf pack was here and they all were still wolves, and they were not like my brother and me. They would not survive a bite from a lycan. A few humans were present, not infected of course. One of the humans was Emberlynn, who proved to be innocent. Then there Sullivan and the only other lycan besides me. I was the one who had infected her, yet she still chose my side over Hamilton’s. I still felt like I could have done something to stop myself from almost killing her or even infecting her, leaving her as she was. 

Sprinting towards a secondary exit, thirteen different lives followed my lead, as if I was their alpha. They were wrong, though. I was only a guide to freedom and possible retribution. Vengeance was mine, everyone else needed to leave just in case I went down. Especially Kaire and our friends. Priorities that I had never told them about, or even thought about just so that Kaire would not pick it up. Once they leave, I slam the door and destroy Hamilton's pack of monsters. That was where I might die and there would be no coming back. Everyone else would be at peace without a pychotic monster constantly dragging them down or trying to kill them all the time. I would miss Kaire, and he would regret not being there to protect me or even stop me from doing what I had planned.

Sullivan replaced my spot in the lead as I snuck away from the group. In spite of my original plan, two out of the thirteen stayed behind. Various allies are hard to fool like Emberlynn and Sullivan. Those two allies so happened to be the woman I infected and my very own brother. The point was to get him away so that he did not get hurt, or even infected. Both of them had a death wish if they were going to follow me into this battle.

Do you honestly believe that you could trick me? After all, you are my sister.

Kaire always said that to me whenever I tried

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