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Book online «And The Heavens Fell Silent by Maria Louise (beach read TXT) 📖». Author Maria Louise

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slithering off his bones. His bloodied mouth stretched open as far as it could go in a silent scream. No words, no yell, could describe the agony of hell.

     Coming back to the present I squeezed the humans throat even tighter in loss of control and despair.

     Now, I was blissfully on earth when my love, Avaritus, was still in the fiery depths of hell where the all powerful Creatorvanquished us. Only the master Lucifer himself could send us to earth to do his bidding.

     I felt the man's throat contracting and flexing in my hand, trying to fight for air.

     I remembered the promise I made with my Master when I was burning in hell. I promised that if he realised my dear Avaritus I would do whatever he wished of me. Anything.

     Lucifer knew I was the most powerful fallen angel and had great need of me.

     So the deceitful lord sent me instead of Avaritus to earth. He promised he would set him free only when he became the one true king. Until I free my love, I will be forever Lucifer's abiding slave.

     Oh, Avaritus! I will save you! I only pray you will forgive me for what I have become, and the horrid things I have done...

     It was my fault he was trapped in agony. I was the one who convinced him to follow Lucifer with me. I wanted more power than the Creator would allow. It was my greed. My fault. Lucifer's fault!

     The man in my hands was now soulless. Dead as humans would say. I threw him to the ground. He was useless to me, only giving me the bland pleasure of his pain. What would I do when murder gave me no pleasure at all? The thought worried me immensely.

     My vision going red in the demon rage and craving more pain, I grabbed the woman next to me. She cried out as I ripped her off her feet by her hair. I could feel the pain leaking off of her in lush waves as the roots of her hair tore from her scalp making a popping sound.

     “Hmmm...” I said trying to scare her further. “What would be the most painful way to die?”

      Her eyes went wide and she whimpered. Her emotions were now mixed between terror and awe at my all consuming beauty.

     “Would it be burning alive? You would like that, no?” I asked wickedly.

     “N-n-noooo.” she sobbed, a love struck look glazed her ugly eyes.

     “Oh? Well, lets see....I know! I could rip your heart out, while you are still alive! I am much obliged that you decided against fire. It is a bit over done, is it not?” I asked.

     Now she was shaking in pure terror. Her fear was so strong I could taste it. It tasted like yellow one might say. That is the only way to describe it. Fear is a sickly, delicious, yellow.

     I dropped her and held her to the ground with my foot. I bent over her ready to plunge through her chest cavity and grasp her beating heart in my hand. I knew she was just taking in the beauty of me as I did so, all fleshlings of the earth did.

     Shockingly, I felt a stone thunk against my head. I turned slowly, wanting my attacker to feel my rage for a long while. Wanting to gut whomever disrespected me so!

     I small fleshling child was standing before me, her large blue eye narrowed in the same rage that I was feeling. Her fists were balled in tiny clumps. I realized with delight that she was holding a younger boy child in her arms. Two victims! Various ways of killing them rolled around in my mind deliciously. I could make her watch the death of the younger boy!

     “Leave. Her. Alone.” the girl demanded humorously.

     I ground my foot into the gut of the woman under me, and she cried out in pain.

     The child through another rock that I caught easily in the palm of my hand.

     I tilted my head to the side and crushed the rock into dust as I asked playfully, “Want to play?”

     She ran.

     I smiled.

     Nothing was as thrilling as a good chase!


Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I am not sure about the former-Albert Einstein


  The red haired girl was as stiff as pregnant woman's nipples. She chewed her lower lip continuously, sending a single crimson droplet dripping, like a tear, down her chin and she gripped her horse's mane like she was holding herself onto the face of the damned earth.

     I knew she was not in a state of distress because of her near death experience, in fact she handled that oddly calm. No, she was acting so strange because of the mouthwateringly delicious naked man whom was pretty much groping her with his eyes. I could not help but to chuckle at the man's blatant display of mental groping and the woman's stiff prudity. In my old tribe woman of all ages would be uncrossing their ankles with great a hurry, if they saw a man of his outstanding looks. But my tribe is no more. I reminded myself. Sometimes it felt like I was no more. It felt like I died with my father and our tribe. But I would find peace once again, I knew. Being the Alpha males daughter, I had a sworn duty to uphold. To avenge my people’s murder. I pictured myself thrusting my knife up into the guts of the demented man who killed my father. Then, and only then, I would finally be at peace.

     So why had I saved these two mindless pups, when I had a different quest to fulfill? I told myself I was simply repaying a debt, but I knew that was not the reason entirely. There was a strong aura of power coming from the girl. Something that demanded attention and promised freedom. There was something much more lurking behind her pretty face, and I meant to find out just what it was.

     If there was anything I had learned from father, it was to follow my gut.  Right now, my gut was telling me she was the path to my inner peace, as dopey as that sounded.

     Yes, I decided. I would stay with her and hope that she would lead me to the man's death, and my peace. 

     The people on the horse continued to follow me like stray wolf pups. I could tell just by their facial expressions that they were complete virgin to the damned ways of the world. Well, the man mostly. The girl seemed to have a hardness around her strange eyes that hinted towards deep embedded sorrow and rage. They were emotion I knew all too well. I wondered how awful it must be to be so openly readable. Like a child I guessed. I could see every emotion flash across her face.

     Looking back at the girl I instantly knew I liked her. We were connected somehow by our past sorrows. The man on the other hand... he sat about as right with me as a cactus under the saddle.

     The cold rain had stopped hours ago. We were left trudging through the mush trying to find a dry place to rest. I was so exhausted that I was almost ready to stop my horse and just curl up in the mud when I caught eye of a small clump of trees about a mile away.

    Praise the merciful lord Lucifer! I touched the scars on both my wrists with my two fingers then twisted my hand over my heart. It was a praise ritual that my tribe had practiced. It was a way of wording of the wicked good, and saying thank you to the Dark Master without words.       Thank you oh merciful one.



     I held the demons ash in my hand, cupping it delicately as I brought it to my lips and licked the dry taste of death. I was feeling a fatherly sense of pride at the demons scorched flesh in my mouth. Sure, he was a needed asset to the war, but my daughter, my very flesh and blood, had vanquished him! A slave told me she was the one who destroyed the demon, before I smashed the slaves head in that is. I smiled at the fresh memory of his fear.

     Coming back to thoughts of my daughter I realized she must be becoming very powerful! Yram was the first halfling born in generations, her power would be unstoppable! I knew parts of her demon would soon be awakening. The delicious demon battle rage that had served me in many a battle, the uncontrollable desire to do wicked things, the sensuous seven deadly sins, wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust and gluttony, all swelling inside her! But her power only would fully come on her eighteenth birthday. When she was born I performed a ritually over her, blocking her demon until Lucifer had need of it. Pride flowed throughout my veins. My child would be great!

     “Meh lord,” a creature said coming up behind me, “ we ‘ound a pairr of ‘oof print headed out da city. We have ‘ound duh girrl trackk, it is only a matterh of time be’oreh we i’nd herrr.”

     I pushed the disgusting creature away from me. Slim that the creatures smear on their bodies to ease their sores, collected on my hand as I did so. I wiped my hand of my pants as I walked out of the house and onto the streets. Blood was frozen red in thick layers across the road and splattered in frozen teardrops on the buildings. Dead humans, some half eaten, lay in mangled positions crusted to the ground by their own blood.

      The cries of sorrow and the thick smell of terror had given way to sweet aroma of death and the animalistic wails of my creatures.

     I saw the back of a moist creature bent over something, its head jerking up and down with its shoulder blades flexing as if it was ripping something apart. Hearing me, the creature turned around. Its eyes bulged unnaturally, pupils dilated. Its  face was dripping with fresh blood and its hands held a stringy piece of meat towards me. The meat still

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