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Book online «Aurora and the Fire by Jessica Hammatt (philippa perry book .txt) 📖». Author Jessica Hammatt

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them and would go to them, but first.. The moon called the most. Aurora needed the moon’s energy more than ever for what was to come. This she knew more than anything. For in the morning, she would have to battle a Dragon. Her only hope was that she could reach inside and find his peaceful, loyal side before one of them had to die. If it came to it, she would destroy him of course.

Wind gushed again as those magnificent wings spanned and fanned the ground, the trees, all that was in range of her mixed passions she put into her take off. This one was strong. The trees bent reluctantly and the ground whirled up and danced chaotically around as Aurora suddenly shot up towards the heavens until daybreak.


I hope you’ve enjoyed this. The story does go on but in separate stories. If you would like to learn more of the lives in this magnificent world and the creatures who inhabit it, the stories of the fiercest Arian known for the past thousands of years, Aurora., then please enjoy the continuance to this adventure you are about to embark.

The light began it’s miraculous ascent to the heavens. The low hues of colors began to push back the night, but the moon stays. The moon always stays. The great heavens could be seen when the sun brought with it it’s light and majesty. Ah, but as I’ve said, this world is so much more vast than the average human could conceive of existing. Even with all the science and technology they have accomplished, their eyes would have to see to believe the impossible is truly possible. Now, back to the heavens. Stars still shown even in the morning light. What was so impossible was that they surrounded and embraced far in the distant sky, different planets. No one of the world the Arian people inhabit have ever had, if in ancient histories, been to one of those unknowns. They are simply appreciated for the gift of life and the energy they provide.

You see, this world that the Arians inhabit, is not one great ball in the sky. This world winds and twists, while the atmosphere that keeps them with the air they need is accomplished in a way a scientist with all knowledge of physics or metaphysics would still take hundreds of years to understand. This is about the time I tell you the makeup of the universe this adventure is taking it’s ride upon. The world, which is unknown except to very few in all the cosmos and further, is filled with mighty trees and powerful yet endearing waters. The base of the world is circular and curves around almost in the shape of a planet, filled with caves, tunnels, valleys, and forests .It’s when you get to the true north, at the top of the world, is when the world becomes something past extraordinary. The great mountains tower along like a staircase that begins the ground’s ascent upward from the base below. Along this staircase made of mountainous walls of earth and rock lay covered in solid ground with grass and trees that stretches from the face of the mountain walls, as far back as the eye could see. The twists and spirals of mountains and land combined, turned, curved, intertwined all across the great mass of lands. The heavens seem to meet at it’s peak. Ah, but the eye is very deceiving, especially here. Never expect what can not be expected in this universe. The skies stretched on further still, hundred of miles, who knows how far. No one has ever tried it… Yet..

I digress, that at the threshold of the end of their heavens and the galaxies beyond, something kept the planet inhabitable and so much more. We’ll get to that later. For now the finale, the atmosphere and everything that was and will ever be was protected by so much more than the sun and moon. There is one Great Sun and one Great Moon. They are but servants you see by the Great Planets that drift around in orbit of some kind, who knows how. Isn’t known and doesn’t matter for now. The planets drifted around the earths of the Arians and are the most beloved because their atmosphere that holds their sustainability, somehow not just stays around their own massive worlds and lands but bring together and surround the Arian world which makes their life possible. The Worlds share their life forces with Arian life and make the world where impossible things are made possible for them.

The Arians greatly appreciate this knowledge of this. The Children of the Skies have lived by ancient laws since the dawn of their existence which even by Arian Law no one knows of and chooses to look at the world they are in and be a part of what surrounded them. There is one who may just have to find out. Anyway, this is the most basic makeup of our world here that can be described at the moment… Dawn is broken and electricity fills the air.

Aurora was watching it all. The light and the sight that she was beholding was sight she watched each morning. Wondering. Dreaming. She took it all into her. That was her gift, her curse maybe, but she drew more from her surroundings than they drew from her so that made it even in her thoughts. The trees swayed and sung to her as the sun brazened her senses with it’s power. Oh god, her skin felt hot. The air was cool as it normally was on an early morning, but Aurora felt as if flames were licking at her skin and then her mind began to burn. Oh God, no don’t let this be now. Not like this. Her eyes shot back and nothing but blackness.

Sense of touch came first, always did when she woke. The grass lay cool and brushing her body, the wind breezing all over her. Then her ears awoke. Quiet except the buzzing high on the air, or was that her ears buzzing?? Slowly she opened her eyes and for an instant a flash came before her eyes startling her, then it was gone. After finally coming quickly to terms with what just came over her, analyzing everything because she had always had to know about what surrounded her, she knew. The dragon had woken.

No matter, the people had all flown with clouds of dust whirling behind them the night before. As Aurora already knew, there they would stay, deep in the forest or caves. Maybe some would tunnel through mountain walls if they were smart. That is if hiding for your life is what you are aiming to do. Aurora, knowing that to hide was no option for her, she rose to meet the skies. He had awaken, of that she was certain after that little episode. Hell! All I did was put him to sleep and he had to go and do something like that. They are that way too of course. If you happen to corner one, their defensiveness comes out and if they can, they will even the score. The dragon is always due his victory. Hard creatures to deal with, but once befriended for life, Aurora knew he would be loyal and protective until the end. And that was exactly what she needed.

Flying cautiously, she follows his scent. Smells like smoke. Go figure. He’s gone to the waters now. The path of the scent led Aurora to a place she knew so well from the wonderful diving and flying with the wind through the great waterfalls of the outer rim. Past the waterfalls, is where another nation begins. Explained in due time, though. For now, this is the place she came to know as sanctuary and also where it seemed the dragon felt was best to come. It’s a good place to recollect yourself, find your foot hold. As she rounded the entrance their he knelt. Looking away and unaware of anything. Unmoving except looking as if shaking off a bad headache. Oh, but though he knelt, he toward high over. Including the large tail that curled about him, if extended, he would be hundreds of feet long with a wing span that would cast a shadow upon the sun even if he were to fly within close range of it. The largest dragon she’s ever even heard of. She was supposed to battle this massive flying creature that can burst flames? Well, dragon law was absolute, and by that law, Aurora approached him.

Ah, his head pounded and hammered as he kept dipping it down in the cool pool that collected at the base of the surrounding waterfalls. That damned witch. I hope she received my gift. Ha. She’s gone by now, though. Like all the rest. Then again, she didn’t seem like the same. In fact, he had never seen anything like her. But thinking right now was difficult, what with wanting to rip his head off right here and now. As he lowered his head about to submerse back into the water, a reflection. Quick, but distinct. He shot around to see her there, standing at the top of the mountain just above one of the waterfalls. Hmmm, surely she doesn’t plan to attack me, he thought. Suicide didn’t seem to be in this one’s nature.

Speaking from the mind, as she knew would be the only way he would understand her and her him as well, she spoke.
‘I am Aurora, born of the Children of the Skies”
‘Hmm, I know what you are, Arian’
‘Never mistake a sword for a rose if what it is called is a rose’ she replied almost like a lullaby.
‘Don’t give me quips when it was you who gave me this searing pain in my head’
Her heart grew soft for a moment, but not long. ‘Well, if it helps, I got your bolt straight through me. Knocked me off my feet. Good one. Now, I have come to you with a proposition’
You’ve got to be kidding me he thought to himself. ‘Go on like a good little fairy before I’m forced to burn you or eat you. Maybe both.’

Aurora’s thoughts did not stammer. Her words cool as she voiced her mind to his. ‘By dragon law, we shall battle until one of us has been defeated.’
‘Yes, and?’
‘ Well, let’s battle’
‘I would destroy you without having to move from this spot’
‘Then let’s see…. Attack!!!!

With her battle cry, Aurora dove from the mountain top in free fall down the waterfall’s path. Fire rushing around as she moved and evaded until she reached the pool. There she dove beneath. It was the depth of an ocean, and she knew a dragon

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