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Book online «Aurora and the Fire by Jessica Hammatt (philippa perry book .txt) 📖». Author Jessica Hammatt

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decision to make and it caused him some restlessness for the time to come and her to decide what is in her heart to do at that time. How he hoped her heart would lead her into his arms. For now, he contented in the fact that he is in love with that fairy and believed if not love, she carried a desire and something deeper for him. That he could pick up on, luckily for him, he thought. As the women walked away, backs turned to him, for a second he was caught between following them to see were they went, perhaps catch the leader…. But the pull from Aurora drew him out of his thoughts and back to the present. She’s in this one for sure he thought. With his mind he speaks to her, “Are you in there, my fairy love?”
“Yes, love. In here, hurry. They’ve done something to me, not sure what. We’ve gotta get out of here, Dreka. I’m not sure who or what these people may be and I don’t think they are fond of Arians just by listening to voices, watching body language, and watching how they look at me.’ She finished the last of this as Dreka steps through and tower to the ceiling and then is looking down on her with those dark sexy eyes. Aurora’s nerves were set to fire along with the inside of her belly tightening and yearning for something that’s not even a part of her thoughts, yet. Of course she knows that her body is telling her something before her mind or anything else can catch up. She was pretty sure his body if not more was doing the same to him so she didn’t mind it so much since knowing she isn’t the only one having to fight to keep head above water and not sink further down. This, she knows, however won’t last long. There is only so long one can fight the great currents of a feeling before being swept up and emersed completely. Aurora was only hoping for some stable footing while she began a great journey called Love.

“Come, we’d better get to the skies before anyone gets back.”As he pulled her to him, Dreka could feel the strength, or in her case the lack of, that made her light yet full weight fall upon him. Her skin felt cold and clammy to the touch. Anger began to flow heavily through his veins. He could feel his insides turning to pure rage, fire, and power.

What have they done to you!?’ He was able to manage to get out in a hiss.

“I don’t believe I’ll be flying anywhere right now, my loyal love. When I woke up here and when I began calling for you, those two ladies were caring for me. Or so I thought, until they pierced me in my arm and everything went black. I started coming to when I heard you outside the tent, and since then I feel real weak. I know I can’t fly because I don’t think I can even stand!’ With this, Aurora fell back to the pillow that currently holds her head, and because her eyes closed from exhaustion, she didn’t see the fire behind Dreka’s eyes flare and brighten. His skin began to turn scaly, and his dragon/fairy shape began it’s transformation to something much bigger and scarier. Before finally becoming the giant mighty dragon, he spoke to her through to her mind and spirit, ‘Rest now, my fairy warrior, and do not worry. I am here to take care of you, no harm shall come to either of us. This to you I give my word, you have everything that is in me, including my life and forever my love” Dreka, saying this last part knowing she’d already drifted too far asleep to have heard him but something he needed to say to complete fueling his rage to complete his transformation and go into the midst of this people and demand the cure for whatever it was making her sick.

The earth rumbled as the dragon ran down an imaginary run way and lifting high into the air, following the people’s trail by using his primal instincts. When Dreka’s eyes catch the city that the ppl dwell in, he had a mixture of the still well placed anger but also something that bordered on dissapointment or such. The city of people so small it would have reached a sympathetic nerve if not for his partner back in the forest sick from something they gave her and may even be dieing. With this last thought worrying on his mind, he allowed his jaws to open up and flames to burst from his throat into the air, heating it up ten degrees or so in the first few seconds. The roar that rips from the beast commands all to be still and everyone and everything for miles became still. The people knelt for the dragon that flew and came to a resting hover just above them. As Dreka descended, everyone beneath him scurried to get out of the way and the rest watched with awed fear. After coming to a rest at the forest floor, the dragon sits straight and tall, his red eyes fixed on every movement or sound. He waits. At last what he waits for approaches. A dragon will not cause a scene just to search out something he is not sure what he’s looking for especially when the situation is as dire as this one is to him. In all tribes or nations, if approached by a leader, which a dragon is automatically assumed as a leader and more so when one encounters the dragon far away from his domain, then a leader shall come to meet him. An elderly woman dressed in many different materials and adorned with various types of animal bones and fur. She carries, more leans on as she walks, a staff taller than she and decorated with markings and beads all colors of the rainbow. Her mind jumps out to his, as she addresses him.

“Mighty dragon, I am Eiya of the Earthbound People. Why have you come to us so far away from your own land?” Her countanence remains calm and steady. A quality that once irritated Dreka until he met such a quality in Aurora, now he finds quite admirable. Thinking of his beloved brings him back to seriousness of this meeting.

“Your people, knowingly or not, has made a fairy, my bonded partner, very ill and I wish her to be made well again.”

Eiya looks perplexed for a moment, then “Oh yes, the fairy. No it was not our intention to make her ill, just unable to fly or get away before we had a chance to talk to her and the young man she’s with. Well, was with. After our healers went to see her, they went with a couple of our male bodyguards to tend to the man but when they arrived at his tent, he was gone. I don’t suppose you’ve seen him, well, wait a moment.” For a moment all she’d do is watch the gigantic dragon that kneels at tree level and far above her. Words and thoughts replayed in her mind. “You said your partner with whom you’ve made the dragon’s bond with?”

He nodded, “Yes, bonded a week’s time now but the time is no matter. The only thing that is of any consequence is to me right now is to make my friend well again. Once she is well, then perhaps we have the answers you seek. If, however, she remains ill for a length of time or becomes worse and if she does not receive any help from you soon, I will make you and your people a full course meal” To finalize his statement, Dreka allows his roar to quake the earth and shake the trees.

“ Calm yourself, great one. My healers and I shall make her well right away.” With that, Eiya gestured to the same two women Dreka witnessed outside of the bunk tent, and the three of them followed by several male bodyguards, began walking into the forest toward where Aurora lay sick and weakened.

Dreka followed them with no offer for a ride, but he would give a small sound to hurry them along. He did not speak with the elderly leader again for the trek to Aurora. Thoughts of her was all that possessed him and all the thoughts and feelings only became stronger as he drew to a rest again this time by her tent. His wait seemed an eternity when Eiya and the two healers went inside to begin their tending to his beloved. The three bodyguards that had followed stood vigilantly in front of the tent, none of them brave enough to catch a glimpse of the dragon that towered above them. At last the elder arrises from the tent and looks directly into the dragon’s eyes, her mind reaches up to his, “She’s better now, just needs some resting. You may see her if you wish but only for a moment. She’ll be ready for sleep any minute now.” After she finished, the two women stepped out and without any further words needed to be spoken, the woman leader, her healers, and bodyguards follow her back to their city.

When he looked inside with one eye, which was all he could get right then, the sight that lay before him is so breathtakingly beautiful that he can feel himself begin the transformation back to his partnered form. Aurora lay in one of bunks, she the only one inside, no longer sick but in peaceful rest. When her eyes drifted open and floated directly to his, Dreka felt the transformation complete and in the next instant he stands next to her with her hand in his and electricity flowing back and forth between them at the first touch and on. No words needed to be spoken. Aurora, being on the brink of a healthy, blissful sleep, gestured for him to come closer. She finally situated him where she wanted her beloved protector, right beside of her in bed with his arms and wings enfolded around her. Here, in this state of being, was a place neither one of them ever wanted to be woken or moved from. Of course neither of them held fantasies about that, but allowed themselves the night that was coming over the land to draw a curtain on their long day that lasted days with so many emotions. Now they could rest, both content in knowing each is loved by the other and that as long as they were together, their bond would never fade and each has a true unwavering partner meant for life.

The morning to come would bring with it new discovery for the couple. For Aurora, especially, this new union with those she’s never heard of before would hold a great importance not just to her but her world as she knows it. Soon, she knows, more will start being revealed than ever conceived of before. The one question that kept running through her mind as she succumbed to the blessed rest, was not of Dreka’s resolve to her, but whether or not she would fail not just her people, but those nations that though she never met has been sworn to protect. Aurora’s worst fear yet, though, is that something should come to pass to separate her from Dreka, her beloved as she’s just come to think of him, and how shattered it would leave her. Then who would she become if such a thing were to happen?
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