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Aurora and the Fire

The wind fluttered beneath her wings. Long, slender, but could spread wide like a Japanese fan. There’s a very large mountain towering ahead so she drops into a dive. The speed rushing the wind in siren calls past her elongated ears and pushing her long auburn curls almost into straight arrows as she sped closer to the floor bed. Only moments from certain imminent death, those slender swings suddenly spanned and for a moment the sun above just brightly shining a moment before, was suddenly shaded. In slow motion, you could catch the designs and coloration of the wings. Seven foot wing span on each side, but not exactly complete. From the outer bone structure of the wings tendons and the skin made for flight are connected and fully functional. However, it’s as if it is torn, not as if she were wounded in a battle, no it would take a hell of a lot to do that. No, starting at about half way down, give or take, it webbed out. The designs covering this majestic sight were phenomenal. It was like a chameleon, you could tell by the lower part of the canopy bed and it’s shade, those parts blended perfectly. But because she was in an upward motion and in full sunlight and although the wing span did cast a shadow, the sun could be… not really seen through them…. More like luminated through them. They seem to react the same way a light hit’s a crystal the right way , the lights were glistening and flowing through her wings as the sun shown true upon them. The only thing that stayed the same was not only the simple yet feminine design of her wings, was the tribal markings almost etched into all sides of them. Of course time doesn’t stand still forever and the wind blew, trees were shaken from their slumber and the air filled with whirls and sounds of wings catching the air beneath them, riding and commanding all at the same time. Oh, the world of a Fairy!!!!

Oh, but there is much more to see my friends, you see, in the world we are about to embark on, is not a world you are accustomed. In this world, it’s believe in the impossible, or jump ship as quick as possible. The world and it’s inhabitants have always lived in peace and harmony. Every now and then someone gets agitated but in all, it’s true freedom. At least it has been for the past thousand or so years.. Things change as they must and the Fairies know this better than anyone along with the other life forces they are sworn to protect. Now a dark day arrives soon, it is not known yet, but when news hits it will almost be too late. But I believe there is one, Aurora, the dive bomber yes. Oh, if you only knew what she was capable of and wouldn’t hesitate to move.. But we’ll get to that shortly.

Ok, this world, called something that can not be written, so I’ll translate it best I can , it is Children of the Skies or Arians. This is only one part of the entire universe of this world , the Arian people cover most of it’s areas though, as long as a force doesn’t drive them back to the skies. You would have to understand Arian law. This is what each one chooses to keep inside of their souls or not, free will is a great force with this people. They live by protection and care at all times, this is one of their laws. However, if a force is greater than what can be met without great harm ,the Arians will take to the skies. The creatures of the earth will take to the ground and to the mountains. They are warriors but they are also peaceful and healers.

Ah, but let’s not forget our free spirit who soars with all the energies that surround her and play back and forth. She is not like the others. Her days are spent in the water, communing and playing with what surrounds her, and dreams… But of course there is no denying her gift, her all, is her body in the skies. Oh how the wind cleanses her and the sun empowers her. This is Aurora, nothing but to be and be left be. She’s kind enough, during all the mingles and daily keeping up of things. As long, though, as she could keep it to comings and goings, it was a good day.

Bet you’re ready for the tides to turn. Well, the moon is out, full , huge, with the aura surrounding it, it appeared to be misted with blood. But that had to be an illusion .. Right? The grass was so cool and smelt sweet, the soft blades of the grass brushing Aurora’s legs, thighs, arms, and sides of her. Insects making their nightly lullaby. She didn’t notice the moon, not at first. The trees began to sway back and forth, as if on their own, there was no wind at all. Aurora’s ears perked, her adrenaline began to slowly surge, her senses heightened, more aware.

From far in the distance, the way of the main colony, their were screams riding on the air and although they were faint, they pierced Aurora’s ears like a knife. Fire burst from the skies. Winged creatures, Arians she supposed, flooded the heavens, all flocking north, over the mountain paths and to the valleys and caves. No way, she thought. She didn’t want to run, she felt powerful, energized, and ready to face whatever hellish fiery demon she was about to face.

Flames raged in the distance like the sun burning with the wrath of hell. And so it goes on, Aurora , electricity surging through every nerve ending, knew of only one being that she was connected with was the Mighty Dragon. Though she had never experienced one first hand, Aurora knew from studies what they were made to do. The Dragons were violent creatures by nature but noble and loyal all the same. She hoped she remembered this correctly as she began her flight toward the flames and the unknown perched upon the tallest abandoned home tree. He seemed satisfied, so while in this moment of peace for the beast, Aurora quickly surveyed the situation. No homes were destroyed, no one laying about or hurt. No, as soon as the Dragon came they were gone and abandoned, everything forgotten except themselves. Or had they?

So Aurora approached the only other being that shared the span of several miles in many directions. He saw her of course, watched her. really. This Arian gliding toward him in no formation for attack but certainly no hesitation or fear did he see in her. The moon is full, but no longer misted with blood, but with glistening clouds that the moons rays could penetrate through. Ah yes he saw her. He knows all about their kind, at least that’s what he keeps holding on to as she approaches as in slow motion. Yes, they can do that too, slow down time.. But this one is strong. He is also aware that the moon reflects the Arian’s true colors. He sees the tribal covering the wings that were a mix of metallic blue and purple. Her skin that made her body glistened and the color of alabaster white. Of course this was the moon and it’s effects on her energies and connections. The people were normal skin types but of this one, he couldn’t tell, she was still in the moonlight. The Tribal Markings did not stop at her wings, wrapping from her feet around legs then thighs, disappearing underneath the outfit she adorned. Hips to the knees she was covered, from the waist to the ribcage lay exposed with more etchings twining there way around her, over exposed shoulders. Her arms and neck adorned something of a different etch, but no matter. Whoever this little witch was, she would be as all the rest, she will run. Ha Ha.

Aurora saw him too, but she was in no mind set to notice the complete look of him, just his eyes. Dark, but what shone through was like a flame burning behind them. Probably was unless she missed her mark. But see there is an ancient power descended through all the energies, and as Arians are keepers of all that is or will become, this power flows through the veins and cores of all Children of the Skies. Funny, Dragons have been away for along time, and even when they were around, it was more business than wanting to know the people. They already had their own views, she knew what he thought of her. Weakling, one bark or screech and she’d run like all the other’s, just this one is more stupid than the rest. Hmm. Yea, she knew what he thought.

What he did not know, however, was of the lessons and mastery of the ancient powers of Faires. And with her mind and nerves summoning and connecting the energies all at once, then she knew. He was not the darkness that was coming to descend upon her world. It was something greater. This Mighty Dragon, known to be loyal and protecting, but of course sometimes big ego

. Aurora called on her energies, words began spilling from her throat. She almost sung, such beauty and vitality in the ancient words, then he saw them. Her eyes, the hue of electrified blue embraced with lights of different colors. Indescribable. This was the last that filled his vision before there was nothing but darkness.

Falling was nice and relaxing until you hit the floor bed. Ouch. Whatever that just was, it has never been believed it could be done, but she had done it. Something happened while she was performing the ritual of Dragon Slumber. Wave after wave of visions of things on the wind that could blow in many directions. The bad part being, all directions lead to hell. Also, the vision of this great beast that lay peacefully wrapped in the tree, danced in her head which caused her to feel very dizzy for she knew that they would have to become partners. To do that, however, they would have to battle and of course it would be for the death. Dragon Law, hmm. If she could only get him beaten, perhaps she can sway him.

Dragon Law is tricky. It all depends on where the dragon’s spirit is right then. If he is defensive, he will attack until he feels satisfied with due victory. If he is feeling at peace, then one can converse with this creature without being burned.

Well, the moon is high. The giant is resting. All the people have flown to their sanctuaries until who knows when. It will be long till day break and the air is filled once again with electricity. Although Aurora knows what is to come when day breaks. She knows what must be done and the rest be left to the Fates to decide what’s next. This is her thought as she feels the vibrations jolting through all her nerves. The moon increased her heightened senses, and when she felt her wings begin to spread it was as if she was being born again. They were calling to her, everything that inhabited her world. And she needed

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