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Book online «Char Resurrected by Char Steel (novels to read in english TXT) 📖». Author Char Steel

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to toe.

I looked down at myself and grimaced as a long piece of sticky venom slid down my arm and dropped off. I sauntered over to the guy and peeked over the rock to see if he was moving but no luck. Sheesh I needed a shower bad and he needed to be reincarnated.

" Stupid ass. Calling me an ant." I muttered

" Got himself killed! And now I am going to di-" I was rudely interrupted from my rant by a smooth voice.

" Erm excuse me boy?" A blond haired guy with green eyes asked with brown leather clothing and a golden sword.

I whirled around and scowled as someone mistaked me for a boy the second time today. I mean sheesh just because I had short hair and was wearing pants did not mean I was a boy. "Yes?"

He saw my face and retracted. " Um I'm looking for a friend of mine? Got a bushy brown beard and brown hair. He's built like a bear and has got this gigantic beautiful sword that is absolutely gorgeous." By the tone of his voice I could tell that he like that sword a lot. Too bad.

I grimaced as I remembered the sword that is currently being talked about covered in dirt and venom with scratches along it's blade stuck in a tree next to the buried body of the Lopa. I then noticed the dead guy's boot sticking out from behind the rock so I causally leaned against the rock and tried to shove his incredibly heavy boot out of sight with my foot.

" Oh really? Hmm I don't , shove, think, shove, I have, shove, seen him." I said out of breath as I tried to shove his boot back while talking.

He quirked an eyebrow as he saw me in my awkward position trying to obviously hide something behind the rock.

" I see. Soo... what's behind the rock?"

I froze. " Um it's a um an ant. Yeah an ant!"

I instantly scolded myself in my mind. Really? An ant? That's all you could think of Char? But it was the only thing that came to my mind in the spur of the moment. He crossed his arms and raised and eyebrow in the direction of the imaginative ant. " An ant really?"

I crossed my arms and tried to look causal as I finally kicked his foot behind the rock. " Yeah it was this um big ant."

" Interesting.. tell me more."

I  noticed suddenly that his friend's hand was sticking out of the other end of the rock. Shit. I scooted over to the other side and sat as his eyes followed me all the way.

" Yeah ok well there was this huge ant that attacked my village and so I followed it out here and killed it."

" Hmm that was very brave of you boy. I imagine a boy like you would be proud to show off this huge ant that you killed and the sword you killed it with." He said a twinkle in his eye.

" Yeah well that's the problem see I killed the ant but it ran off with my sword stuck in it's back. And the only thing I have from it is it's leg." I said making up things as fast as they came to my mind.

" Oh well I would like to see it." He said as he edged towards me and tried to look over my shoulder. I yelled and shoved him back landing him on his butt.

" No you can't!" I yelled.

He looked up at me quizzically from the ground as he rubbed his back. " Why not?"

" Well because um it has eyes on it's legs and it will turn you to glass if you look at it." I said in a rush.

" Oh I see." He said believing my story. "By the way my name is Ronan. Would you allow me the honor of camping here tonight? It will be good to be in the company of such a great warrior as yourself."

I turned red and struggled to find breath. Esteemed warrior? Were did he get that from? Oh right I killed a spider that can turn people to glass. Big deal. But then there was that thing. I couldn't let him stay here with bodies laying around. But then my stupid hospitable mouth opened.

"My name is Char and I would love to have company."  I said and then gaped. Did I really just say that? Oh shit.

Ronan smiled and swung his pack to the ground before disappearing into the bushes and bringing out 3 horses. The first one was a lithe horse with pure white hair. The second was completely black with long distance legs. And the third was a huge caramel colored horse with lots of muscles.

I gulped and looked at the incredible horses. " Wow those are great horses."

He looked up from unsaddling them. " Yeah I get that a lot."

" So do you really need three horses?" I said as I pranced around admiring the horses who shied away probably because of how I smelled.

" Um well we ride them. I ride the black one and my friend rides the bigger one and my other friend Savator rides the white one.

" Cool." I nodded then froze. " Your other friend?"

" Yes Savitar my friend who should be coming down the road any second." He flashed a dazzling smile at me. " Hope you don't mind one more staying with us."

I gulped and stuttered. " Uh n-no. He's we-welcome here anytime."

He flashed another smile at me. " Thanks! I really appreciate you understanding."

I waved my hand as if it were nothing. " No of course not. He can stay here anytime it's not like I own this forest or anything." I gave a nervous laugh at the end.

He smiled and finished unsaddling the horses then proceeded to gather firewood and heap it as I slid to the ground in despair. The way things were going I was never going to get away with 'accidentally' murdering that guy.Not with his friends around.

He lit up a match and turned the wood into a cozy roasting fire. I gratefully leaned in to it's warmth until I remembered that the venom on my skin was highly flammable. I managed to jerk away before I burst into flames.

He noticed me jerking away. " What's wrong?"

" Uh well the Lop- spider's venom is flammable so I need to go rinse off."

He nodded. " I understand take your time."

I nodded and turned away heading into the forest to where a stream was that I had seen on the way form my village. I came upon it bubbling and sparkling in the full moon. I sighed in delight and dove in fully clothed. Since my clothes were water proof. My mother had made them with the utmost care. I had on a shirt that was black leather with extra protection and double stitched. It was cut off at the sleeves. I had on a black long sleeved shirt under it. Then I had pant's that were loose and also made of the same black supple leather. The I had my boots that were hard black leather with steel made into it.

I also had a black leather headband that encircled my short silver hair. It had black and blue diamonds embedded in it. And black leather gloves with the fingers cut off that way I could handle my bow better. My bow was an elvish bow that father had traded for in the elves land.He had also gotten a matching sword and two throwing knifes. My sword strapped across and my bow at my side. My knives were hidden in my boots. My bow was entirely made of light steel that could retract into a small piece of steel. My throwing knifes was strong steel that was black with black leather wrapping the handles same as my sword. And my most favorite my black cloak that makes me inconspicuous.

I sighed and hauled myself out off the bottom of the river where I had been sitting on the sand deep in thought. I had been submerged for half an hour without a breath of air. My father had panicked the first time I had done that. He finally surmised that I was part mermaid with maybe a little elf since I had silver hair. Also he thought me part vampire with my red eyes and part leopard with my ears. After all he had not known my heritage when he had bought me from the slave dealer when I was young.

I made sure my clothes were entirely dry before walking back to Ronan as it was night. I retrieved my weapons from behind a bush and strapped them on as I walked into camp and smelled the meat. I almost panicked as I had forgotten about the guy who was dead. But it appeared that nothing had happened except for the tasty yummy rabbit that was roasting on a stick over the fire.

" I see you caught something to eat." I said and sat down in front of the fire.

" Yes I decide to since you were bathing so long. One might think you were a girl from how long you took."

I glared as my face turned red. " I am not a girl."

He threw his hands up as he noticed my glare." Sorry."

Then he finally got a good look at me. " Whoa!"

I looked at him." What?"

" You have silver hair."

" Huh I though you noticed before."

" Uh not really you were kinda covered in gunk."

I shrugged. " Oh yeah."

" You know I have a-"

Suddenly I heard something in the bushes and he did too as he cut off mid sentence. We both got up and drew our sword.

" Who's there? Show yourself!" He said loudly.

A white haired and crystal blue eyed guy stepped out of the shadows. " It is just me Ronan."

Ronan sighed in relief and sat down. " Oh thank god Savitar your a bit late."

" Savitar!" I screeched. " Your friend is a Elf?!" Everyone knew that elves could smell things that others couldn't, had sharp eyesight, and excellent fighting skills. Damn me to hell. " Why didn't you mention that before?!"

 " Uh I didn't know it was that important at the time. I mean you don't have a thing against elves do you?" Ronan said as he looked between me and Savitar.

" Uh no it's not that." I said hurriedly as I got a eye from Savitar.

" It's just that you know I would have prepared more for an elf." I said before I could make up any better excuse. Savitar gave me a nod and bowed.

" I appreciate your concern girl but I am not a royal therefore I can take care of myself."

Ronan took the meat of the flames and started carving it out as he waved the sharp knife around barley missing cutting off Savitar's hair. " Yeah Savitar is a good guy." He said and winked before waving the knife around again this time barely cutting off a couple strands. I watched and gulped as his hair floated to the floor.

Savitar glared and snatched the knife out of Ronan's hand before he caused anymore precious hair to float down and join the other strands.

" Unless you try cutting off my hair you fool." He scowled and sheathed the knife.

Ronan gulped and proceeded to stare at his feet. " Sorry Savitar."

The rest of the hour passed by quickly and in silenced with us eating until Ronan's head shot up. " Hey Savitar why did you call Char a girl? You know he's a boy right?"

I gulped as Savitar turned to me and stared. " She is a girl Ronan. Can you not recognize that or are you as dumb as ever?"

Ronan squinted at me. " Your a girl?" He said in disbelief.

I nodded and looked the other way.

" Oh wow I never would have recognized that." He said in

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