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Book online «Char Resurrected by Char Steel (novels to read in english TXT) 📖». Author Char Steel

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as silence penetrated the air.

His eyes grew wide as I finally flipped of the light switch and ushered him out the door closing it behind me.

" Wait you don't even have your license?" He said as I crept up the stairs. 

Silence surround Pomo. " Hello?"

More silence. " Anyone?"

I smiled in my sleep as my dreams carried me off.


Outdone by a Girl - Part 5


I woke up and yawned as I opened my eyes to the perfect sunny morning. Then I bolted upright and shrieked.

" What did you do to my clothes!?"

My clothes were strewn across the floor with Pomo in the middle of them, with MY SHIRT in between his paws. Pomo looked up with scared and watery eyes as he pleaded for me not to hurt him.

" I was just checking them out. That's all." He said whimpering as he curled up into a ball.

He looked so much like Lodz that my heart melted and I smiled while I started crying. Pomo  looked scared and shocked. He uncurled himself and hopped up on the bed as he went over and curled up in my lap.

" What's wrong?" He asked me as he licked my tears.

" I used to have a cat named Lodz. He died in battle with me slain by the Dark Queen."

" Oh. I'm sorry for you. Maybe it'll get better later."

I smiled and hugged him to me almost squishing him. " Thanks Pomo."

He squirmed out of my hold as he laid there gasping for air. " Did you have to try and squish me to death?"

" Yes." I said and tickled him before jumping of my bed. " What time is it?"

He laid there gasping and taking all the oxygen in the room. " It's 7:00. Mom and dad are up."

" Ok thanks." I got dressed and left the room. I trundled downstairs in a better mood than yesterday. I smelled bacon and eggs so I redoubled my pace and bounded into the kitchen.

" Hey honey! How did you sleep?" Sarah asked.

" I slept good." I told her before sitting down and started eating as she set crispy bacon and scrambled eggs in front of me with a slice of toast.

" Hey! How come I don't ever get any?" Pomo grumbled as he sauntered into the kitchen and saw me eating.

I smirked at him. " Cause your tiny."

" Who are you talking to honey?" Jacob asked as he came into the kitchen with a newspaper staring at me.

My face flushed. " Um I was talking to Pomo. He looks hungry." I added for Pomo's benefit as his ears perked up and he started barking and jumping around.

" Oh. Well I guess he does look hungry. Might as well feed him Sarah." He said as he sat down and started eating.

Sarah smiled and grabbed a can of dog food as I launched secret operation mission Give Pomo a piece of Nicole's Bacon. I grabbed two pieces of bacon off Nicole's plate and sneaked it under the table just as Nicole bounced down the stairs.

" Hey guys what up?" She said as she sat down and started eating.

Sarah smiled. " Well everyone sure seems to be in a good mood this morni-"

" MOM!" Nicole shrieked. " WHERES MY BACON?!"

I smugly grinned as Sarah looked flustered as she looked at Nicole's plate. " Um I don't know honey. Maybe Pomo got it. You know if you take so long to wake up your food starts disappearing."

Nicole continued to whine and moan as everyone ignored her and they continued eating. I finished and got up.

" See you later Pomo." I whispered.

" Bye." He said not looking up from the crispy bacon held greedily in his paws.

" Oh and um I'm going to spend the night at a friends house if it's okay with ya''ll." I told my parents as they looked at each other with raised eyebrows.

" Well you can go if it's just a friend." Jacob said as he continued reading the paper.

Sarah looked at me and sighed her hands on her hips. " Okay Char if it's just a friend you can go. I expect you to be in school tomorrow. You hear!?" She threw the last part out as I nodded and rushed out to the garage.

I opened it and ran inside before throwing the tarp off and wheeling my bike out. I put on my black helmet and hopped on as I faced the street.

I put the key in and started it as I revved the engine. I had read up on the internet all about how to ride these baby's. I  released the brake and rode forward as I revved the engine again and grinned.


I jerked to a stop as a two ton truck screeched to a stop just inches from hitting me. I fell over with my bike on top of me as I gulped and tried to steady my nerves. A driver hopped out and frantically ran around to the front as he tried to see if I was okay. I pulled off my helmet and breathed in some fresh air.

" Are you okay miss?"  A frantic driver said as he patted me over for any broken bones as he helped me up.

I patted myself. " Yeah I think so. Sorry about that. It was my first time and I was a little sketchy driving."

I looked up and met his eyes as we both froze. " Savatar?" I said in disbelief as I took in his pointy ears and his white hair.

" Char?" He whispered disbelievingly as he looked at me.

We both stared at each other for a full minute as we made sure we both were not hallucinating.

" I thought you and the other guys were dead." I said as I stood my bike up my eyes never leaving him.

" Well I though you and the other's were dead." Savatar said as he helped me.

" How are you even alive?" I asked him as I straddled my bike.

" Well I actually woke up in this time period a month ago. What about you?"

" I woke up about two days ago." I said.

" Yeah. We must have the same thing. Maybe the other guys are still alive."

" Yeah maybe." I said. A long minute passed by until I remembered had to get to school.

" I've got to get to school Savitar. I'll talk later. This is my house by the way if you want to come by." I told him as I put my helmet on and started my bike revving the engine before backing out of the way.

" Ok I'll see you later." He said before hopping in his truck and driving off.

I grinned as my hopes lifted again at seeing Savatar. I drove the bike forward as my tires squealed on the black topped road. I drove it at 110 through the cars in the highway as I weaved past them. Finally my school came into view and I could see Ryan standing there with his buddies as he waited for Nicole's red car to pull in with me.

I grinned as he was obviously waiting for me that way he could beat me up. I could see the terror and expectation on everyone's faces. Even Stella was standing there with her girls as she waited for me a smug smile on her face.

I grinned and put on speed as my bike's needle shot up to 150. I flew in there with my wheels spinning and flying dust everywhere and onto the brand new cars and onto Ryan and Stella and everyone else as I drove by them.

Their shocked faces were worth it as I screeched to a stop in a parking space perfectly aligned. I hopped off and put a spell on that would prevent anyone from messing with my bike. I turned around and grinned under the helmet at Ryan waiting for me to pull of my helmet to reveal who this guy is who ruined his ego.

I turned around and pulled off my helmet as I put it on my bike. I whirled around hair flying as I walked past Ryan and into the school as everyone stared and whispered. I walked past them all and into my class without breaking my stride just as the bell rang.

Zorenn and Cole both stared at me as they drew lines across their throats signaling that I was screwed. I shrugged and opened my textbooks.

I leaned over to Cole. " Hey Cole can I follow you to your dad's house after school? I got my own bike."

He looked at me and nodded. " Sure. Be warned though that a bunch of other Alphas will be there today for the pack meeting."

I shrugged again. " That won't be a problem for me."

He nodded and opened his textbooks just as the Stella, Ryan, and the others filed in glaring at me except for Roda.

Roda sat down besides me. " You okay?"

" Yeah definitely."

She smiled as the other sat away from me and to the front.

" So um you can come and sit over with me at lunch if you want. Since it looks like you won't be sitting with them anymore." Roda said as she eyed them.

" Sure." I said as Zorenn began talking about history.

" Oh and tomorrow me and my brother are going to this bar to hang out if you wanna come."

" I'll come. Where do you live?"

" I live about three blocks away from you down the street. It's a yellow sparkly house you can't miss it." She said.

I nodded. " Okay what time?"

" 9:00."

" Okay I'll be there." I said just as Stella raised her hand giving me a smug look.

" Yes Miss?" Zorenn asked with a pointed look.

" Mister Zorenn, Roda and Char are talking. And I specifically remembered you said that there was to be no talking." Stella grinned like Cheshire cat.

Zorenn looked over at me and winked. " I do remember that. I also remember that I said that you are not allowed to speak unless spoken to. Which means detention after school for you Miss."

Stella's mouth opened and she flustered. " But I was-"

" Do I hear you speaking again without being spoken to?" Zorenn said sternly.

" Yes but-"

" Detention for two days."

" But-"

" Detention for a week."

Stella eventually closed her mouth and glared at me before gathering her bags.

" Where do you think your going Miss Stella?" Zorenn said as he folded his short arms across his chest.

She whirled around and glared at him tears streaming down her face. " Your going to regret ever giving me detention cause I'm leaving!"

" Detention for two weeks! And if you leave this classroom I'm going to report you to the principle!" Zorenn shouted at her as she left his nerve in his neck popping out.

" Fuck you!" She called out from down the hallway.

"Expelled for three months!" Zorenn bellowed his face red.

He slammed the door shut and walked back to his desk as he sat down. " Resume." He told the shocked class.

A minute passed before Ryan glared at Zorenn and stood up. " I don't think that was fair to Stella Mister Zorenn. She was trying to do right from wrong."

Zorenn stood up and marched over his face as

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