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Book online «Char Resurrected by Char Steel (novels to read in english TXT) 📖». Author Char Steel

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was able to wake you up in time for-" He turned around mid sentence to see that I was nowhere in sight.

" Hello?" He said as he poked his nose into the bathroom only to find it empty so he jumped on my bed and sat down. " Why are humans always rushing around?" He murmured to himself.

I only managed to listen to half his speech as I was already rushing down the stairs and out the door leaving it open behind me. I spotted Nicole's red sports car that we drove yesterday and hopped in slamming the door shut and pulling on my seat belt. She smiled at me then started screeching at me as she looked at the time.

" Where were you?! We're gonna have to double time it! Last time I got a ticket because of that!"

I put my hands out to stop her rant. " I know okay? If a certain talking Pomo hadn't woken me up I would be double and triple late. Also I was in a coma yesterday. Now drive." I demanded.

She looked at me for a second before a smile slowly slid onto her face and she slid in a disk of Nightcore and turned it up blasting my ears before shoving the car into gear. She backed out of the driveway and slammed the gear forward as she pushed the pedal down jerking the car forward. We barely made it as we slid screeching into the school parking lot.

I stared at the school as I stepped out of the car. A huge brick two story building. I glanced around and looked at all the nerds outside as their mouths dropped open and they stared at the two most popular girls in school.

" Hey Char, Nicole." Cole said as he approached us.

I put on my game face and flashed a smile in his direction. " Hey Cole wanna walk with us?"

He nodded and so we strode forward across the parking lot and pushed through the double doors. We stopped short as all chatter inside stopped. I looked around at the popular students all inside as they stared at us. I especially looked at the corner where the succubus was leaning against his locker with his four friends with about a dozen girls drooling over them.

He noticed me looking and flashed a smile in my direction as he strode forward to meet me. The girls all parted like a wave and watched him with adoring eyes as he stopped in front of me.

" Hello beautiful what's your name?" He said as he looked into my eyes with his bright blue ones.

I almost dropped the whole facade then and there. As obviously he already knew my name so that he could seduce me. But I kept my wits around me and flashed him a smile.

" Name's Char and yours is?"

" I'm Ryan. That is Ryan Walker." He flashed another smile and I pretend to have a surprised look.

" Oh wow! Are you the son of-"

" George Walker the billionaire? Yes." He said as he laid a hand on my arm. " Well I'm sure you must be off somewhere so will you sit with me and my friends at lunch since you missed breakfast?" He said gesturing to the four hot boys leaning against their lockers and smirking in my direction.

I faked a cute smile and brushed my hair behind my ear. " Oh I'd love to."

He smiled like he had won the lottery.

" But" I continued with a sigh " I already promised my boyfriend that I would sit with him and his friends."

The smile almost dropped from his lips. " Oh is that right? Who's your boyfriend?"

Cole stepped forward." I am."

The succubus looked at him with a gaze that promised if Cole did not tell him what he wanted to hear then he would rip him apart.

" Well I'm sure that she wouldn't look at you like your her boyfriend if you told her that you were the one who ran her over." He said with a smirk as he pulled me and Nicole away from him.

The students and I gasped as I slapped Cole across the cheek rather hard. " You were the one that ran me over?"

He looked at me with a sad smile and nodded. " Yes."

I mind linked Cole. " I forgive you Cole I'm not mad at you." Before turning to Ryan. " I'll come and sit with you Ryan but I can't say the same for my sister." I side winked at her.

" Oh well I like that very much. And as for your sister I always knew she had the hots for your ex-boyfriend."

Nicole fake gasped and pulled herself out of his grasp. " How dare you?! Come on Cole we're leaving." She said grabbing Cole and pulling him down the hallway.

I shrugged. " Sorry about that she always has  little temper in the morning. I'm sure she will come to her senses soon though."

Ryan gazed at her walking down the hallway before looking back at me. " Yes I'm sure she'll come around. I have to go to class see you around." He said winking at me before motioning to his boys to follow him as he stuck his hands in his pockets and strolled down the hallway to his class.

I snapped to attention just as the bell rang. I quickly walked down the hallway to the administration office and signed in thanking the secretary as she gave me my schedule with a smile. I barely managed to slid through the door as the second bell rung signaling that I was supposed to be in my seat.

I spotted Roda with some new glasses and waved at her before taking a seat besides her. " Hey Roda."

She nervously glanced around. "You can't sit by me."

I suddenly noticed the students whispering and talking about how I was sitting besides a nerd.

" Why not?" I asked her.

" Because your popular and in here I'm just a nerd." She said as she gazed at her homework.

" Well that's not what I see. I see and incredibly smart and talented young woman who is my first true friend and is next in line to the fairy throne." I said winking at her as she blushed.

" Thanks. I know I shouldn't let them put me down but in here it's ruthless."

" Not anymore. I'm going to take this school down." I said in a low but ruthless tone as I watched the SDAMLG's enter the classroom. It stand's for Socially Derivative And Mousy Little Girls.

The head blond gaze flickered across the room to where I was sitting and smiled a predatory smile. Until she saw who I was sitting by then that smile turned vicious only to the people that were paying attention.

She walked up to me with her two minions by her side. " Well hello there I'm Stella and the red headed is Lonnie and the black haired is Connie. And I don't suggest sitting by her."

I looked at her innocently and pointed to Roda who had her head and eyes down. " You mean this little sweet girl who helped me when I needed some clothes to pick out?"

Stella quickly retracted. " No not her she's fine I was talking about someone else never mind."

She quickly flipped her hair and sat in front of me while her minions sat besides me with Roda in the back. Then the stern faced teacher entered.

I nearly gaped. It was the dwarf at the Great War! He however was a little taller and older now. His eyes roamed over all the students and settled on me before he let out a big bellied laugh.

" Char good to see you!" He said rushing over and greeting me. All the students had their mouths hanging open as the little dwarf I'm sure was not a teacher that laughed often.

" Um hello Mister Zorenn. It's good to see you too. How is your lovely wife?" I added the last part so as to remind him we were not alone. He instantly took it.

" She's good child she is good. We'll talk later okay?"

" Okay thank you."

He smiled once more before tromping back up the his desk. " Ok listen up students!" He bellowed as we all cringed. " This year we will have no whistling, moving around, leaving before the bell rings, going to the bathroom, and most importantly no talking. Is that clear?"

He was met with silence. He looked around as his face reddened. " I said IS THAT CLEAR?"

Silence still met him until he suddenly remembered his rules. " Sorry. You will not talk unless spoken to. Now is that CLEAR?"

" Yes Mister Zorenn." The whole class echoed.

He smiled and sat down. " Good now let's begin the lesson."

The rest of history went by as boring as a war. So did art and biology .Only math was a little interesting as Ryan and his friends sat around me, not to mention that the class was full of twittering girls.However I already knew all of this stuff so why did I have to endure this? I moaned and and dropped my head to my desk.

" Ahem Miss Coolgate are am I boring you?" A stern tone brought my head up as I sheepishly looked at the human woman teacher.

" Um no." I said and looked toward the board for the question that I knew she would ask me on. Sure enough she asked me it.

" Then can you please tell me what is the answer?" She said pointing to the complex formula that nobody had ever been able to solve which meant she was going to trick me that way I looked like a fool and would get sent to the principle's office.

So I narrowed my mind and started solving the formula that took Einstein years to solve. 50 years to be precise and not to mention the fact that he never solved it. Nobody could ever solve it. I saw Ryan look sorry for me so I worked faster. A few minutes of silence went by before the teacher spoke.

" So what's the answer Miss Coolgate?"

" 7000 x 4 / 3.002 - .5730578389567 + 45." I said triumphantly.

She narrowed her eyes at me. " Excuse me?"

" The answer is 7000 x 4/3.002 - .5730578389567 + 45." I said again and crossed my fingers under my desk hoping that I calculated it all correctly.

She harrumphed and turned to the board and began furiously writing down the problem and the answer and begin working it out. " Well let's see if it's right then."

One hour passed by before she turned back to us out of breath and with wild hair. " It appears that Miss Coolgate is correct." She said as everyone loudly cheered and I let loose a breath that I had been holding as the bell ringed for lunch.

I grabbed my bag as people congratulated me as it was not every day that someone solved the worlds biggest problem. I smiled back and headed out to the huge cafeteria room with about 500 people in there.

I walked in and spotted Ryan and his buddies at a big table with the three hot girls and some other jocks and cheerleaders. I noticed other peoples stares as I walked to their table and sat down unwrapping my Nutella sandwich.

Ryan looked up noticing me. " Hey Char."

I smiled back at him. " Hey Ryan.

He smiled and resumed eating while everyone else hammered me with questions about the math incident.

" So" a brown haired jock said leaning forward " how did you solve it Char?"

I shrugged like it was no big deal. " Just some quick calculations."

Stella leaned back and laughed. " Some pretty good quick calculations I'd say. It was genius."

I smiled and looked around the table at the supernatural boys and girls except for Stella and her minions. I wondered how they did anyway with her

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