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Book online «Gvera Cross by Blackheart Ravensoul (uplifting books for women TXT) 📖». Author Blackheart Ravensoul

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Isn't that spider the same?

"This? No, I had since birth, I think I belonged to my mother, I've never really met her ,my dad raised me."

"I don't know my parents either, I know my dad was a magician but my mother, I'm not sure. Probably just one of the meres that the Mother brought in for her prized steeds so they could give birth her a new champion.".

"You make it sound like it's just horse breeding" .

" That's what is, only with people. To keep the familia strong,;the strongest get to stay and sleep with all kinds of women or men that Mother picks, the weak get kicked out like me."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know"

the magician just shrugged:

" It's not that bad, at least now I can do whatever I want, and go anywhere I want."

"I guess you're right."

"It's getting kind of dark" the boy noticed

" We should find shelter" Gvera agreed

"We should find food. I'm starving" he added.

"Yeah" she agreed" I'm all out, so let's find some mushrooms."

"But what if their poisonous?" Solean asked

" I can tell those apart, we used pick them all the time for potions. "

" Then' I'll go and find some fire wood, lets meet by that giant pine tree later"

The sun was setting and a fire roared under the great pine tree. Gvera came back with a hand full of yellow mushrooms:

" Sorry ,that's all I found in the dark"

"Well, it's better than nothing" Solean sighed.

" I found some apples" she tossed him one" there are some wild apple trees nearby."

They sat on the roots of the tree eating apples, watching mushrooms roast over the camp fire. Solean tried to eat one

" This could really use some salt, can't you make any with magic?

"Sorry, I'm still a novice I can't do summoning spells yet." Gvera took a bite out of the mushroom" This is terrible"

" Gvera! the boy shouted" your sleeve! It's glowing "

Gvera rolled up her sleeve showing the silver bracelet with the magical crystal that had gone from lavender to pink

" If this urns read we are in grave danger, it's warning us that something dangerous is close. "

The crystal started darkening, turning crimson.

" Hurry climb the tree."

She grabbed her bag and started climbing. Solean was close behind her. They were pretty high when they heard a roar unlike any they heard before.A creature ran into the camp. It was all black and had no fur. It resembled a human walking on all fours but was a lot bigger, it had no eyes or nose but had a mouth full of sharp teeth and claws like razors.

"What the hell is that thing." Solean asked

" It's a creature from Death!"

"What? "

"I only saw a picture in one of dads books, but it is something a necromancer would summon. A creature from the other side, in other words from Death."

The creature howled and flames dripped from its mouth. It looked around and ran off into the night.

"A necromancer summoned that?" the boy gave her a questioning look

"I don't really know, I'm not a necromancer. But it said in the book that these things can't enter our world on their own. So it must have been summoned, and the only ones that can open the gate between the worlds of the living and the dead are necromancers. This isn't something that happens often in this place. This is something big"

"I believe you" he said "Let's stay here for the night, in case it comes back. We can figure this out in the morning."

Gvera agreed. Wrapped her cloak around herself and leaned against tree. Solean climbed a bit higher and stretched out on a large branch like a cat.


The Gate


The sun slowly rose above the forest. Birds chirped awoken from their slumber and rose to the sky beginning a new day. Gvera slowly opened her eyes, she was still leaning against the old pine tree, sitting on a thick branch. Solean was still asleep, stretched across two branches with his head on one and his feet on the other. She laughed seeing this, the boy suddenly jumped from his sleep, nearly falling down.

" Good morning" she waived

" Good morning" he laughed.

They made their way down the ground tings seemed peaceful. The camp fire was out, it went out some time in the night. There were tracks of the creature but no signs of the one who left them. Birds chirped and tree leaves rustled in the wind like they always did.

"So what do you assume somebody plans to do with a monster like that?" the magician asked looking at the footprints.

"I don't know, but it's not something good" the witch replied.

" I don't know much about necromancers or what they do, but I remember what I was told when I was a little boy." The magician said" ten years ago in Kalmer there was a village, everybody there died one night. They were found dead with spider shaped marks on their faces. Everybody said a necromancer did it but no knows for sure. "

Gvera shivered :

"Scary, what if they try to do something like that here. We should probably tell someone about what we saw. We should warn people." She suggested.

" I guess we could try." Solean agreed.

"But first we need to know more" she said" it isn't enough to say that we saw a necromorph, I thinks that it was called, in the woods. We need proof that something is going on." T

hey both stood there thinking for a moment

" I know" the witch finally said " We should try finding the gate"

" What gate?"The boy looked confused for a moment.

"The gate between life and death"

" I thought you said only necromancers can open it?"

" Yes, but the gate itself is physical, it's a structure, if a necromancer summoned something he had to use that gate, so it is possible they left some clues there."

" We could try following the footprints of that creature, it might lead us to the gate, or to its master." He agreed thou the thought made him shudder.

They walked listening to the sounds of forest, Gvera rolled up her sleeve to see any change In the crystal but remained its usual color. They passed some wild apple trees, their branches hanging low with fruit. Stopping to pick themselves a late breakfast they carried on, following the tracks that were burnt in the forest floor. Slowly they went deeper into the forest and Solean began to wonder

"What if we get attacked by that thing?"

Gvera shook her head :

" We are safe since it's day now. The book said the lesser ones could be destroyed by sun light. "

" Is the sun the only thing that can kill those things?"

"Flowing water, like a river or a water fall, and fire."

" I see, we don't have many options then, I guess we will have to hide in a tree again" the boy sighed.

As the forest got thicker, it got darker, the trees were taller and their branches blocked much of the light. It became difficult to see footprints in this dark. The birds that chirped all the time had suddenly vanished. "

I think we are close" Gvera said.

"How do you know?" the boy looked around nervously.

"Listen" she said. " No birds, no animals, it's dead silent. Something must have scared them all away. We must be really close."

A circle of stones stands on a hill. Silent and ancient guardians of the hidden. As they approach Gvera feels a shiver run down her spine. The air is heavy and it's hard to breath.

"You look pale?" the boy looks at her concerned

" Can't you feel it? This place, it's energy it's so heavy. It must be because of the gate. It might still be open."

He looks at the stones and the approaching steps, he sees blood on the small stone steps. It makes him feel a little sick. He looks away, the ground is full of burned footprints.

"I think you were right, there tracks of that thing everywhere, it must have been summoned from here."

"There could be more than one" Gvera said." Whoever did this must be very powerful, to break the protection spell around the gate."

"Protection?" the magician asked.

" I read that the gates are protected with several powerful spells, " she pointed "each of the stones has a different spell put on it".

Now they were close enough to see the runes carved into the stones."

When a spell is active the runes glow." T

he boy noticed that none of the runes were gloving .

" The protection barrier was broken and the gate was opened."

As they began climbing the stone steps Solean felt cold, something was pulling him towards the ground, he felt heavy. Gvera looked even more pale than before.

"The closer we get the worse it will feel" she warned.

With each step they climbed it became worse. The magician felt nauseous and his head started spinning. Gvera knelt down on all fours and gestured to do the same. The pressure that felt like it was going to crush him decreased.

"What's going on here? You said the protection was disabled?"

" It is, but somebody must have put a different spell on this place. Most likely to keep anyone from closing the gate. if i knew what they used as an anchor I could try and disable it. It must be close by. Maybe, you could play something?"

" You want me to play, now?".

Gvera nodded:

" Something to distract us from the physical senses, then I could focus on locating the spells anchor. "

The boy nodded, he took the flute from it's holster and began playing. Gvera closed her eyes, focusing on the melody, it sounded gentle yet sad. Solean had a hard time focusing, the strange spell was making him dizzy and his felt like exploding. Taking a deep breath he tried again this time with more sound of a horn blowing and winds howling, sea waves crashing against the rocky shores. Gvera could see those things in her mind, the flute no longer sounded like a flute. The music of the frozen north flooded her senses. The girl opened her eyes and stood up. She climbed to the top, listening to Solean playing she felt better. Looking around she saw a pyramid carved out of stone at the center of the circle. Her eyes darted around looking for anything glowing with enchantments. There was blood on the ground, lots of it. She followed the trail. Behind the pyramid, in puddle of her own blood lay a woman in a white dress. Her once blond hair was bloody, her throat was cut. The sight was sickening. Gvera held back the urge to gag, if her guess was right she had found what she had been looking for. She walked closer to the woman and began drawing fire runes in the air. Before the body burst into flames she noticed a mark on the woman's shoulder, the symbol of the order: a circle with a pentagram and an eye in the middle.

Solean stopped playing, he felt a lot better, the spell was no longer effecting him.

"Gvera did it" he thought to himself.

The magician made his way to the top, he saw his companion standing there .

"Are you alright? You destroyed the anchor, right?"

" It was all a little more complicated than

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