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Book online «Gvera Cross by Blackheart Ravensoul (uplifting books for women TXT) 📖». Author Blackheart Ravensoul

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all this? She wished she could tell him everything and ask for advise. Memories of old times surfaced and she fell asleep lost in happy thoughts of her childhood.
The scenery was a rocky coast, the wind blew fast and large waves crashed to the shore. There on the unfamiliar rocky shore stood the wizards Maldeius. His clothes ripped and dirty, hair messy, dark circles under his eyes, the Weasel crest on his cape was torn in half, a sign of exile. The man's grey eyes seemed ti be lifeless.

"Dad!" Gvera called out to him and he looked at her, slowly moving his head , a look of disbelief on his face.

"Gvera?! What are you doing here? How did you get here?"

"Dad, I.."

She wanted to answer but something, some unseen force was pulling her back as if she has strings attached to her limbs. The scenery faded, Gvera woke up in her bed.

She thought of the vision of her father, never before had she seen him in such awful state. Did he get into some kinds of trouble? Was it even real? Feeling deeply concerned she called her Guide and asked it where her father was, but all she got was the green glow indicating he was indeed still alive. Then she asked about the Brown Weasel clan and saw a clear image of the clan by the lake. For some reason she could not see her father. Perhaps he did not wish to be seen, wizards can shroud themselves from spying spells with ease. The possibility that her father was hiding from someone was unsettling. Finally Gvera tried her mother but as always she only got green glow. It would have been nice to see he face at least.

She couldn't sleep anymore, the thoughts kept her awake. The girl got dressed and went outside, there was no point in wasting time, she figured she might as well get back to training. Climbing down was quite the warm up in the cold of the morning. Just like before she focused on making he severed hand move, but all she could do was make it move two fingers. Maintaining energy flow steady and calm was difficult.
Suddenly she sensed something, a change in the air. Looking at the crystal on the wrist she saw it beginning to turn red. Something dangerous was close. Then she heard the roaring howl and there was no doubt left – it was a necromorph. Actually two of them, they appeared to be chasing another creature, a black skeleton.

"This is bad" the girl thought. She glanced at the mountain , there was no way she could run to the wall and climb high enough in time, she had to fight. The skeleton was running towards her.
Gvera prepared the threads hopping she could one of the necromorphs fast enough to dodge the other. One of the creatures spit out fire and burned the skeletons legs. It fell to the ground and dropped something that looked like a scroll. The girl dashed forward and grabbed it before it got burned. The two creatures were now right next to her. She tossed herself on the ground and rolled away just as one of them breathed fire. The skeleton burned to a crisp. She barely had time to hide the scroll in her blouse, as the two monsters were right there and aimed their claws at her. All she could do was dodge, no time left to counter attack, he situation was bad. Dealing with two was bad enough, she never thought they could be so strong out in daylight, then she remembered it was still early and the sky was covered with grey clouds, the sun hasn't risen to it's full height and even if it did the clouds would block most of it. No rivers near by either. Focusing her magic to her palm she threw a fire ball at the one on the left, then jumped back dodging the one on the right and used the opportunity when it rose it's paw to strike. She wrapped the white lines around its paw before it could do her harm and the thing began to melt away, but in her moment of triumph she forgot the second one. It put out the magic flames and lunged at her. She dodged the claws just barely, but slipped and fell to the ground. As she was getting up and ready to run away a searing pain hit her left shoulder, the necromorph breathed fire on her. For a moment everything turned white, she had never felt a pain so strong. The pain paralyzed her for a moment, her body wouldn't move. Tears roiled down her face, panic and pain mixed together. Her conscience was going to give away at any moment. The monster was right there ready to strike and something happened.

She felt warm, the pain faded for a moment, she felt a surge of power coursing through her body. The thin treads began to glow longer and thicker, binding together into white tendrils of light. The biggest surprise was that the spider on the necklace felt hot, it was somehow causing this to happen. The surge of energy quickly became painful, but it didn't stop. It burned and she didn't try to maintain it at all but the flow didn't cease. The tendrils tore the necromorph in half and only then she felt the energy slowly leaving her body. Gvera collapsed to the ground unconscious.
Everything around was dark, it was cold and she recognized the place- she had been here before. She had no recollection of how she got here but it didn't mater to the girls at the moment, there was someone else there. A glowing figure of pure light floated across the darkness further away. The girl attempted to catch up. The figure turned around as if sensing her presence and the girl saw it was the woman from her dream, the same one she saw in the stone.

"Who are you!" the woman asked " Why are following me?!"

A sense of dread filled the girl, the darkness rippled like water and a roar, like nothing she ever heard , echoed throughout . A dark shadow was approaching them, it was big and long, what ever it was.

"Get out of here, girl" the woman commanded "it's dangerous"
Gvera felt frozen in place, she couldn't move, the creature was heading towards her, but the woman pushed her out of the way.

"Hurry and get out of here" the stranger repeated.

Where was she supposed to go? Could that woman beat the monster on her own? What was going on?

"I can help" she finally overcame the feeling of being paralyzed.

"No, you can't. You got caught instantly, you'll just get in the way" The woman made a circle gesture with her hand and Gvera felt like something was pulling her backwards. She knew what will happen next but she still has time before it did so she fought back as her as she could and bought herself a few seconds.

"My name is Gvera Cross" she shouted to the woman who was getting further and further away.

She turned around and looked her way, then the tail of the creature hit her, what happened next Gvera didn't see.

Sounds reached her ears, even with eyes closed she could see lights. Slowly she opened her eyes. She was in the cave, laying on her side in bed.

"Don't try to move too much" she heard Aleera's voice.

Despite that Gvera attempted to sit up and the moment she tensed her muscles to make that move, a searing pain shot through her shoulder and then spread to the rest of her body.

"The poison has spread" Aleera said walking to her and sitting on the bed.

"Poison?" the girl was confused, she remembered having her shoulder burnt.

"The flames of a necromorph are toxic to the living, even to our kind. You have a fever, but don't worry, things will get better, in time" she put a wet piece of cloth on her forehead.

" Try to get some rest"

"What happened at the letter?" she asked

" there was a skeleton carrying a letter and those two necromorphs were after it" the girl remembered.

"That must have been a messenger "she got up and went to the table.

" This scroll was in your blouse" she came back holding the scroll.

"Yes, this is the one"

"It has my name on it" Aleera turned in her hand and noticed it written in a neat handwriting.

"Maybe it's from mother" the girl felt a small hope light up in her chest.

"I doubt it" the woman said removing the string and unwrapping it.

"Well. Whose it from?" Will inquired

"It's from Valerie , the Rippers were attacked"

"What?" the look on his face was of disbelief "Who could have….? Is she alright?"

"They have gone into hiding, things are pretty bad, there were many casualties." Aleera was looking as pale as a sheet.

"Who are the Rippers" Gvera asked looking confused.

"They are necromancers much like the Cross" Aleera explained

" Valerie is an old friend of mine, it's a rare thing. The families of necromancers are bitter rivals, old grudges and blood feuds from centuries ago, somehow we managed to look past all that and become friends. " Aleera gave a dry smile.

"Does she know who did it?" Will asked

"No. She and some others were out on a hunt for winter supplies, when they came back they found the main house had been attacked , death creatures roaming the place, who ever did this was one of our kind"

Will gave her a concerned glance.

"I'm not going anywhere" she said" not till this fever breaks"

"Right, I'll go get the medicine woman" Will said.
Gvera couldn't think clearly, her head felt hot, like a ball of fire was rolling inside it, her eyelids felt so heavy, yet she fought to stay awake.

"Get some sleep. It'll help" Aleera patted her head gently

The injured shoulder hurt, she felt sweat run down back and yet inside she felt cold. Her body shook as if she was freezing. Sleep seemed like a welcome escape from all the unpleasant sensations. Closing her eyes she fell asleep.


Publication Date: 08-07-2018

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