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Book online «Female Alpha by Abbie Davis (best non fiction books to read TXT) 📖». Author Abbie Davis

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Chapter 5: Maddie

It was amazing. There was all kind of words to tell you about it. The whitewashed pillars and grand steps in the front. It beat the one I called home where the whole pack lived. He opened the door for me as he lead me inside it. I looked at the inside for that where the real cool was.

On the walls were pictures of him and a girl, I guess his sister. There were some of what I think of his friends from his pack. He lead me between the two staircases leading to the next level. In that room sat a lady with his dark brown hair but she had grey eyes while he had blue ones.

She was about twenty-five if I had to guess with a slim body. She looked like she was from a modeling magazine like Liam. He was taller with ads that you could barely tell from the outside of his shirt. She was reading a book.

“Mom,”He said as I had to look away,”I want you to meet someone.”

I closed my eyes as my mother was dead. I was only five when she died and it was to save my life. I was in the way of the hunter’s silver bullet and she pushed me out of the way taking it for me. It got her arm but we couldn’t save her. That night I laid there with her as her life faded from us. I never really had a mother after that.

“Sweetheart what’s wrong?”His mom’s angel like voice asked me.

“It’s just my mom died when I was younger,”I said facing her,”I never really got over it.”

“Well you can be my little girl,”She said holding me,”For mine has grown up and is looking for her mate.”

“Thanks,”I said smiling at her.

“Laim how about you go get your father while I have a few words with Madison here.”

“You can call me Maddie if you would like.”

Liam nodded his head and went to do what she had ask of him to do. She sat me on the couch as she rubbed the top of my hands with her thumbs.

“So Maddie what happen to her then?”She asked as I wanted to curl into a ball now,”I’m just wondering now.”

“She was shot and we couldn’t get the sliver out in time,”I said looking away,”She died for me to live.”

She nodded and brought me into a hug. I felt the tears roll down my cheeks as she held me there. I would only let a few people see me cry for if everyone did then they would think wrongly of me. I closed my eyes as I saw her face there.

She had midnight black hair like my brothers and the same sky blue eyes as them. I was on the other hand was like my father. We both had black hair and green eyes. Everyone thought that it was weird for how that had happen.

“We are here for you now Maddie,”She said in my ear,”We will always be for now on.” 

Chapter 6: Liam

I walked into my dad’s study as I saw that he was working on something for the meeting today. I went in and looked over the plans as he raised his head up to me slowly.

“Aren’t you suppose to be at school today Liam,”He said as I looked around.

“I have someone I wanted you to meet,”I said backing up as he raised an eyebrow at me,”She is someone you might like as the possible next Luna.”

“We haven’t decided if you are getting it or not,”He said as we headed down.

“I said possible.”

“You say that a lot. Now who’s pack is she from?”

“I didn’t ask her.”

He looked at me as we walked into mom and her hugging. I saw the tears roll down her face as I heard mom tell her that we are here for her. Losing a parent must be hard. I went to her side and rubbed her back as she looked at me.

I gave her a smile and she returned it back to me. Dad looked at her as she stood up proud and tall. Well up to my chest tall anyway. She faced him as he looked her up and down.

“You must be Liam's father,”She said nicely.

“I am,”Dad said as his blue eyes looked her over.

“You and your son have the same eyes,”She said with a smile,”I can tell he’s going to be a good leader one day.”

“And how is that?”Dad quizzed her.

“For the look of you says that he was raised to be highly respected,”She answered with a smile,”My father always told me that the greatest of leader take after their father.”

Dad smiled at her and nodded his head as if approving of her. I put my arm around her waist as the phone ranged. Dad went to go get it as I took her to the table. Mom went into the kitchen for something while Maddie took out her notebook again.

“You know that I might be the alpha next,”I said as she went wide eyed,”Then that would make you my luna.”

“Yeah,”She said as she went back and forth on something,”But that might be an issue.”

“Why?”I asked as Dad walked in clearly ticked.

“Well…”She started as Dad looked at us.

“They challenged us to a fight here,”He said stopping her from finishing,”I have everyone coming to help us. So take her somewhere so she will be safe.”

“I can help,”She said standing up and making the chair slide behind her.

“You need to go somewhere safe from this,”Dad said looking down on her,”That is my order.”

“It’s not mine though,”She said not even backing down,”I can fight and I know this land better than either of you do. You will need me in this battle if you want to win it.”

I watched them have a stare off and my dad cracked under her. She smiled and said a small ‘I win’. He looked at me as if saying that she can come along. She smiled and stuffed her things back into her bag. Her phone buzzed and her eyes went wide. 

Chapter 7: Maddie

 I looked at my phone as my dad was calling me. I excused myself from them as I went outside and into a tree. I answered the call as I heard yelling from the other side.

“Hello,”I said as he stop.

“Maddie where are you?”He asked clearly scared now.

“I’m at my mate’s house,”I said as the line went silent,”He wanted me to met his parents and now they are in danger from a fight. I’m going with them.”

“We’ll meet you there,”Dad said as Mr. Steven was yelling at Max now,”Steven stop yelling at your poor boy.”

“Then get your daughter here so I can yell at her as well,”Mr. Steven said as everything was getting ready to go.

“Dad bring me some clothes but I have one more thing to tell you,”I said as Liam was looking around for me,”My mate might be the next one for his pack.”

He hung up as it looks like I have to tell Liam that I am the alpha in line. I jumped down from the tree and landed on my feet perfectly well. He smiled up at me as I looked at him with bright eyes. I have to tell him about my being next in the line but how.

“Lian before we go I have to say…”I started to yet again get cut off.

“Laim man we got to go,”A boy said walking up.

“Who’s the pretty one here,”another said as Liam growled this time.

“Marcus and Chris,”Liam said to me,”My best friends.”

I nodded as Marcus was a blond with blue eyes and Chris was a light brown headed boy with brown eyes. I smiled at both as Liam introduced me to them.

“Liam I really got to tell you this,”I said as they came to get us.

“It’s time to go Liam,”They said.

I should give up on this one now. We all went and got ready for the journey there. Mr. Marks told me where the place was. I nodded and turned into my stunningly white wolf. I looked at Liam and saw the black wolf standing there. I nodded as I lead them to the place. I past by my place and let out two howls to show that I was going.

I heard Mrs. Steven’s howl as I continued on my way. I felt Liam’s thoughts enter my head as I only let his thoughts in. I stared ahead as I heard my father’s ordering the pack around.

“What did you want to tell me earlier,”Liam said as I looked at him.

“You’ll see it,”I said as we came onto the grounds.

There stood one of my brothers and his Mate. I looked at them as I saw dad on the halfway part of the field. I looked at it all and saw my brother make the first move. No one followed him and I knew none of them can defeat him.

“Don’t get involved,”I said over them all as I ran ahead.

None of them moved for my alpha voice casted it’s effects over them all. I ran to the middle and me and him fought with one another.

Chapter 8: Liam

I watched her fight him. When I tried to go help I couldn’t. It was like she had an alpha’s voice...She can’t be. I looked at dad as he was as well having trouble not listening to her. I faced the battle as they both back flipped.

She turned mid jump but she was threw clothes

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