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Book online «Female Alpha by Abbie Davis (best non fiction books to read TXT) 📖». Author Abbie Davis

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only Maddie would know it.

I look at her as she was trashing around the cage rocking it. But no matter how hard she did the bars wouldn’t bend or even fall over. She let out a blood crying howl as the guy tased her side. She fell to the floor as she became more relaxed.

“So someone had found their mate,”He said getting closer to her,”How nice.”

“Told you,”She said very tired now,”He was the hunter that killed my mom.”

I looked at him as I began to try and break the cage. I felt a sharp pain in my arm and soon it went numb. I fell to the bottom of the cage like she did. I looked at him as he had his men load both of us up before we could call for help again. I looked at her as she whimpered a little bit.

I looked behind me to see her brothers there looking at the scene. I let out a weak howl to throw them off as they both ran for help. I looked at the truck as everything around me began to phase in and out.

I looked at the outside world one last time as the door shut. I looked at Maddie as she was knocked out now. Soon the darkness around me became too much for me to fight off. The last thing I saw was Maddie in a little ball.

Chapter 11: Maddie

 I can’t tale you what I was seeing for I knew it was just in my head. I opened my eyes to a dim lighted room. I looked around for anything that could help me out. But I saw nothing. I stood up on my four paws as I went around trying to find a way out. I looked around and I couldn’t see Liam anywhere.

Soon the walls began to raise up and people were there flashing pictures. I looked away as the flashes were getting too much. I snapped at them but they just laughed. I hide behind a rock there but those people were also taking pictures of me. I ran around in a circle but everywhere I went there was a group of people there flashing a picture.

“Okay people let’s not freak out the wolf too much,”HE said,”For this is the first time ever we have a real werewolf here for all of you to see. And it is her first time with all of this. Her mate is in the next pin for you all to see.”

“Is she going to be a mommy?”A young boy asked as I took that hard.

I’m only seventeen boy. And I DO NOT plan on being mated with that fast. So slow your roll down some before I come out of this glass and show you who you are messing with now.

“We are hoping she will soon,”He said as I glared at him,”But right now we are still unsure about it.”

Oh really. I looked at the glass and went to break it. But all that happen was I hit it and the people laughed at me. Come on that was not something to laugh at. You are suppose to be scared of me. I am an alpha wolf of a very tight pack. One does not simply laugh at that.

“Settle down some girl,”He said as I peer at them all,”They will be leaving you only soon enough. She is not liking this very much so how about you go to the next one and look at the other animals while we get this one to calm down some for all of us.”

“Bye, Bye wolfy,”The boy said,”We’ll come again to help.”

Wait that was Nathan. I looked at the man and saw my brother. He smiled and nodded his head as he took my nephew as they left me there. I watched them leave as I saw him look at me evilly.

“Good mourning Madison,”He said coming up to the glass,”And welcome to our little Zoo.”

I death glared him as I heard the doors open and the glass slide back down over me. He grinned as I heard kids walk into the room. I listened to him go over what a werewolf was and everything that had to go on with it. Then as the wall blockers went up he introduced me to them.

I freaked out worst this time and they had to get people in there to seduce me for I was scaring the kids. They left as I gave a wolfy grin to him like the smart alec I was. He came in here as he had men cover my mouth up so I wouldn’t snap at him. He bent down to my level as they had my head on the ground.

“Listen here Madison,”He said as I watched his every move,”You will be a good girl for this next group or I will send old poor daddy up there with your mother the same way.”

I felt my heart beat go faster at that and I whimper a little bit. I couldn’t live without my dad here. I wouldn’t make it yet as the Alpha. He smiled at me as he walked out and the men let me up. I looked out as the glass thing went down. I looked behind me as the rock was where my pin and I guess Liam’s meetup.

I went over there and rubbed my paw up against it. I listened closely and got a response from him. I smiled as I mindlinked him through the wall. But oddly it didn’t work. I started to scratch at the wall as the blockers went up to show me off.

I whined at the wall as people were aweing at me. I sniffed the bottom of it to see if I could get his scent and I did. Okay so he is over there but how do I get to him from here.

“What is she doing?”Some woman asked HIM.

“You see her mate is over there and I guess she wants him,”He answered as I let out a pity howl,”They probably both getting tired of this and it is almost time for them to be fed. So after this we are going to let them go down and fed them both. They can see each other there.”

“Can she do tricks,”A kid ask as I was back to scrating it again.

“Madison,”He yelled as I death glared him,”How about you play with the ball.”

I huffed at him and went back to what I was doing. Sorry but you are not making me do something for a kid’s entertainment. That would be all the nonhuman animals here job.

“This is her first time doing this,”He said looking at me,”So please forgive her for not wanting to behave for us.”

I just learned why the snake doesn’t want to move when you walk up to it. For people like this. I huffed and laid on this circle like pad that was in the middle of the pin. I laid down and just stared at the wall I can’t get through.

“She is just being a pain today,”He said looking at me,”Let’s go and see the other one. Maybe he is still doing something over there.”

Chapter 12: Liam

I was at the wall trying to break it down when the next crowd came. Don’t these kids have something better to do today. I looked at them and looked at the wall. Maybe I can scare them into going away.

I walked up to a young boy and snapped at him. He laughed and told me to do it again. I shook my head and went to this little baby girl a woman was holding. I growled and snapped at them. I got results the way I wanted them.

The baby went into tears and the woman was freaking out. I did it again and the family backed away as I got closer to them. But the stupid glass was holding me back. I rested my front paws on it as they were screaming. I let out a howl and everyone started to freak out.

Lesson learned if you want to scare people start out with a small child and go from there. I circled around them snapping and growling as they screamed out of fear. I heard Maddie howl as well from the other side of the wall.

“Get them both under,”That mexican-american looking guy said,”I want them both down there when I get there. People let’s continue for they are clearly not in the mode to be looked at right now.”

Men came in with pointy sticks that sparked. They made me stand on this rounded padded area and it went down with me on it. I felt my body forcefully get shifted back with clothes on. When I landed I saw Maddie there the same way I was.

“Liam,”She said running to me,”Please tell me that didn’t just happen.”

“It did,”I said looking up,”When I tried to turn back up there I wasn’t able to.”

“I think he made it like that,”She said holding my torso.

“Maddie who is he anyway?”I asked making her look at me.

“I’m professor Jefferson,”He said,”Madison here knows me as the killer of her mother. Or the caze guy who wants to show you both to the world. I bet she even told you not to come and find her.”

She turned her head into my chest as he left us there. Food appeared on our table in a matter of seconds. I lead her there and made her sit in my lap. She was so fragile right now. I rubbed her back as she held onto my neck She wouldn’t even look up at me. I petted her head as she held onto me tightly.

“Maddie are you alright?”I asked her as she shook her head no in the crook of my neck,”Can you tell me why then?”

“Someone asked him if I was going to be a mommy,”She said into my neck,”The answer he gave the kid was hopefully soon.”

“You wouldn’t be having a kid unless you wanted to,”I told her as she faced me,”They can’t make us do it.”

I heard the outer door open as he appeared on the outside edge of the glass room we were in. This man was like in his mid forties with the mexican-american feel. He had greying hair and almost or use to be bloodshot brownish eyes.

“My boy I can for I have both of those two howls on my phone,”He said as she looked at him,”If you two won’t do it like good kids then I will just have to make you

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