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Book online «Female Alpha by Abbie Davis (best non fiction books to read TXT) 📖». Author Abbie Davis

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me about my family and I just told him that I had two brother and my parents and that was all. He kept asking me things about my life but never once I said the words werewolf. After twenty minutes my mom came looking for me. I heard her call my name and I told the man I had to go. He didn’t want me to go although.

“He took my arm roughly and demanded me to go with him. I cried out to my mom as he pulled out a needle. I screamed for I was five and needles were evil at that age. Well they still are to me. My mom came and ripped me out of his grip. She stood in front of me and let out her powerful growl. He stood up and laughed at her.

“I watched him pull out a gun and say ‘If I can’t have her then neither can you’. With that he pulled the trigger. It happened so fast but there on the ground with me was my mom and Dad, Clark, and George stood in front of me protectively. He ran and dad told me to get on George’s back and I did. They raced home but my mom was too late. I laid there with her till she took her last breathe.”

“Wow,”Was all I could say till I remember one thing,”What happened to the frog?”

“My dad let me keep it as a pet,”She said eating a little bit,”He was a bullfrog and is now twice the size of when I found him that day.”

“Well at least something good came out of that unfaithful day.”

“Yeah I got a pet.”

“Who are you closer to?”


“Should have known that.”

We laughed as the finished plates went down. She stood up and went over to the bed. I watch her flop on her back as the room look like a prison. She closed her eyes and I decided to join her on the bed. We both got under the covers for I knew she wanted have this day over with.

She laid her head on my chest as she snuggled close to me. I wrapped my arms around her as our lights went out. I guess it was time for us to go to bed.

“Liam,”She said.

“Yes Maddie,”I answered her.

“Do you think my family will be safe?”She ask looking up at me.

“If I know my dad and my mom they wouldn’t let anything happen to them,”I said playing in her hair,”Right now though we just need to have hope they will come through for us.”

“I love you,”Was the last thing she said before sleep took a hold of her.

I looked down at the sleeping angel as she took easy breathes. She looked so peaceful in that one moment. I was afraid to move a muscle for it would wake her up. I kissed the top of her head as I saw a smile on her face.

“I love you Madison Shepherd,”I said laying my head down as sleep took me as well. 

Chapter 15: Maddie

It was two days before the full moon. I found out that not only are there special passes to see us when we are not out but I can mindlink people on the other side of the glass, Thank you Nathan. I walked around as I didn’t see my nephew or Clark as the last two weeks when they came everyday. Please tell me they didn’t put an every other day limit on those passes.

I looked around as I saw George and Lexie there looking at me. Yes at least one of them are here. I mindlinked them as I saw a baby in Lexie’s hands.

“Baby,”I said as I saw that he wanted to laugh,”What it’s name?”

“Her name is Baylee,”He said as I stood on the glass to try and get a better look,”What are you doing?”

“Trying to see my niece,”I said as Mr. Jefferson walked over to me,”Help!”

“Get down Madison,”Mr. Jefferson said as George walked up with the child,”Sir I will have to ask you to take your child back in the back of the group.”

“She just wants to see her,”George said to him,”Isn’t that right.”

“UH...I can’t really answer that one,”I said to him.

“Then act like it,”He said in our little talk.

I looked around the glass as the baby giggle at me. My niece knows who I am for Nathan did this when he was her age. Wait what is her age?

“Three weeks old,”George said to me.

“Thanks,”I called as they went to the next group,”George please tell me you have a plan.”

“We are still working on it,”He said giving the child back to Lexie,”We will get you out as fast as we can.”

“Don’t leave,”I said as they had to go,”I miss you.”

He waved to me as I saw a tear wanting to roll down his cheek. I howled sadly to let Mr. Jefferson know I wanted to make a scene now. George look at me as I started to pace around the wall that blocked me from Liam. I scratched and howl as everyone began to tell him to let us go together.

“Hold Liam back and we’ll let Madison come to his side this time,”He said looking at me,”You stupid little pain.”

What else would I be to you? I ran in when the gate was up. I went to Liam and mind linked him and George at the same time. I smiled as I looked at George as him and Lexie came up. I felt Lexie’s thoughts come into my head as George added her in our little talk.

“That’s your niece isn’t it?”Liam asked looking at her,”She looks like you Lexie.”

“Thanks,”Lexie said as I wanted to hold her,”Maddie you are bouncing you know.”

“I figured I was,”I said as I stopped,”I want to hold her but I kind of can’t.”

“What you mean you can’t?”George asked as he looked around.

“They have it where we can’t change on pure willpower,”Liam said as George’s eyes went wide.

“I don’t know how but I really want to touch my niece,”I said as I saw a spark in George’s eye,”What’s the idea?”

“Both of you howl and whine,”He said getting the baby,”I can act like I know some wolves and say that you want to interact with the baby. Then Maddie you get to touch her.”

“Yeah,”I said as I got a sad look on my face.

Me and Liam howled sadly as Mr. Jefferson looked at us again. I nodded to the baby as he shook his head at me. I howled louder this time and Baylee gave a laugh as everyone’s heart broke at the scene. They turned to him as he shook his head again.

“Sir I work close to wolves,”George said bringing the baby around as we followed,”Some of them will not hurt my little girl here.”

“Very well,”He said as men held me and Liam back,”But only a short time.”

When the door shut behind George they let us go. We both walked up slowly to him. I put my nose up to Baylee and she tapped it. I mind linked her as I heard her little laughs.

“Hey there Baylee,”I said nicely,”I’m your Aunt Maddie.”

She laughed as George rolled his eyes at me for this happens every time I am around a kid. I looked at him as he petted my head. I leaned on him for I missed them all.

“We’ll see you soon Maddie,”George said as they held us back again,”I promise we will get you out one way or the other.”

I watched them leave as they made me go back to my side of this. I laid down for the rest of the day not wanting to do anything till I see my family again. Mr. Jefferson took note on my behavior and when it was time to go for lunch I was already on the pad for them.

When I stood in the room I went to the bed and fell face first on it. Liam laughed at me as I didn’t budge for him. He sat by me as I felt his hand rub my back.

“I want my brother,”I said into the bed.

“I didn’t catch that for the bed,”He said.

“I want my brother,”I said rolling over,”I want my niece and nephew. I want my dad and friends. I want out of here.”

“Then that makes two of us then,”He said as Mr. Jefferson came in,”Now what does he want?”

“Madison, why not so playful today?”He asked with fake sympathy toward me.

“Because I hate you,”I said looking at the ceiling.

“Now let’s not say that,”He said as the howls went up,”For soon you might be thanking me for the child.”

“I would rather shoot you or my own foot with a dull iron bullet then that,”I said as I saw the pian looked on Liam’s face,”For like I said earlier I am only seventeen and I am NOT ready to have a child.”

“Kids get pregnant all the time around your age Madison. So just get over it and get it down.”

“I would rather not.”

“Why are you being so stubborn?”

“For you are an idiot.”

“You will do as I say or maybe next time someone from your family comes I will not hold back.”

“What you mean by that?”

“I mean like when your father comes again to see you. I will not hold back on shooting him in the head with a silver bullet.”

“You will leave him alone,”I said running to the glass and hitting it,”For when I get out of here I will finish you off myself.”

“We’ll see about that,”He said leaving us,”Plus you are staying down this round. So Liam hurry and eat for the next group comes soon.”

I looked at Liam as I slide down the glass. I couldn’t bear losing my dad. I had a rough time when I lost my mom. But I would be crushed if that happened to my daddy. 

Chapter 16: Liam

The day of the full moon and we are still here. He made Maddie stay down for we both know that this will not go well if he knew about this. So while I was up here acting like a dog, she is down there rigging something to prevent herself from getting to me.

Wow I can not believe that just came out like that. I looked at the kids as I saw none from her pack. I did however see my sister there. She looked at me as a boy was with her. Hey she found her guy.

“Shut up Liam,”She said in my head.

“That was to be a private thought Candice,”I said as she laughed,”Who is he?”

“I’m Jake Red,”He said as

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