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Book online «Female Alpha by Abbie Davis (best non fiction books to read TXT) 📖». Author Abbie Davis

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“We’re only seventeen,”Maddie cried to him,”That is way to young to have children.”

“Kids do it all the time at sixteen Madison,”He said leaving us again,”SO just drop it already and tonight get it over with.”

He shut the door as she looked at me. Those howls were for the full moon when we can mate if we choose to. I watched as her body raked from her tears. She started to mumble that she was scared for her life now.

“Maddie I promise you nothing bad will happen to you,”I said as she looked up at me again,”We will get out of here before then. Plus who knows if he even knows when they will work.”

“But what if he does Liam,”She said hugging my neck again,”I’m not ready to be a mother.”

“We’ll get through this,”I said rubbing her back,”And you will not become a mother if I have a say in this.” 

Chapter 13: Maddie

I looked out the glass as kids past by me. I watched as they all screamed for my to do a trick but why should I when I really don’t want to do anything. Can you all just leave me alone or go do something else from this.

I looked at the wall that kept me from Liam for so long. I walked to it as I heard him whimper though it. I want to talk with him but nothing will work. I did it back as the crowd looked sad for me. I let out the saddest howl I could do and I heard people want to cry for me.

“Can’t you allow them to go back to each other?”Someone asked as I scratched at the wall.

“Ma’am I know she is putting this act on,”Mr. Jefferson said,”And I can NOT simply allow her to go to him or him to her. That would mean we would have to just separate them again when the day is over and that would mean more work for me.”

“But they want to be with each other,”A little boy said as I howled again,”Can’t you tell how heartbroken she is without him.”

“Will you shut up then,”He said.

“We will,”they all said as a man came in.

“Hold her back while we let the gate up for him to go in there with her,”He said as they put a rope around my neck.

I stayed there as the wall slowly raised up and when I could see Liam I tried to go over to him. The man had a hard time holding me so they had to get someone else to help him with me. I jumped happily when the door shut behind Liam and they let go of me.

We both ran over to each other and rubbed over heads together affectionately. I mindlinked him and it worked this time. I smiled as I looked up at him.

“I miss my dad,”I said as he rested his head on top of mine,”I want my brothers here too.”

“I know you do,”He said as Awes went up,”I miss my family too.”

“Will they be able to get us out of here before the full moon?”I asked looking up at him with big eyes.


~Mathew Shepherd~


I lost my little girl to him. How did I not see that coming? I should have sent Max or Maggie with her for safety reasons. Now her mate is gone with her. What was he thinking about?

“Dad,”I heard Clark yell as him and Nathan ran inside the house,”She’s at the zoo like you thought.”

“Some good news for once,”I said walking to them.

“He said she might a mommy soon,”Nathan said coming into my arms,”I don’t want Aunty Maddie to be a mommy yet.”

“Neither do I,”I said looking at him,”Nathan how about you go play with Maggie and Max for a little bit. Since Maddie isn’t here they might want someone to do something with.”

“Yes sir,”He said as he went to them.

I watched them leave the room as George came in with the other two. Clark put his arm around Macey and George did the same to Lexie. I looked at them as the boys’ mother came to my mind. I sighed as I never told them something very important about Maddie.

“What is it dad?”Clark asked as I looked at all of them.

“You remember the day we brought Maddie home right,”I said as they nodded,”Well she was unplanned.”

“What do you mean by that?”George asked getting overprotective about it.

If I learned one thing about the boys and Maddie, it would have to be that her and George are close to one another. If you say something bad about the other they will fight you. Clark was the same way with her and she to him. But it was when George and her got involved into it.

“You can NOT say this to her for it might break my little girl’s heart,”I said looking at them,”But that night when me and your mother disappeared it was because of HIM. We were there for a month and he figured out that on the full moon he could put her into heat with a recorded version of my mating howl. He did and we got Maddie out of it.

“We never told her about that for if she knew that he was after her at that age it would have broke her. You both saw how much it hurt her when your mother died saving her. Just imagine what it would have done if she knew about being not planned.”

“Dad why are you telling this to us now,”George said as Clark looked like he figured it out.

“For he’s planning to do it to her,”Clark answered looking at me,”The full moon was yesterday. That mean we have one month to get her and him out before it’s too late.”

“But that doesn’t give us much time to figure out how we are going to do that,”George said getting more worked up now,”If he dares touch a hair on her I promise it will not…”

“George calm down,”Lexie said as he looked at her,”We are going to get her out in time. We will figure this out.”

“Grandpa,”Nathan said running up behind me,”They're chasing me.”

“Come here,”Maggie said tickling him,”You were the one that wanted to play tag.”

“Because I usually win at it,”He said laughing as I laughed at them.

Max walked in and looked shook at me. He didn’t hear that I hope. He walked up to me and motioned me to go walk with him. I nodded as the others were busy with Nathan. That little six year old is just so entertaining. We headed out to the garden to Maddie’s favorite spot.

“She wasn’t planned,”He said as my heart dropped.

“Max I need to know that you won’t tell her this,”I said as he looked me in the eye,”Even if she begs of you to. You can not tell her that.”

“I promise,”He answered going silent.

He hasn’t spoke to anyone since she disappeared. I understand why though. They were best friends after all. He was there for her and she was there for him. They worked as one to help each other out.

“Max we are going to save her,”I said with my hand on his shoulder,”We are going to get her back to us.” 

Chapter 14: Liam

I was pushed back to my side at the end of that last tour. They shoved me to the plate from as I saw Maddie go down before me. Like before it was a forceful change back with clothes on. I looked around as I found Maddie on the bed. I smiled as I went to her as she looked at me.

She had it rough for he was taking everything out on her from some odd reason. I petted her head as she laid her head in my lap. I looked at the glass as a very ticked off Man stood there. Hey we are doing this for you. We just didn’t say that we were going to make it easy on you.

“Madison why are you being too hard to work with,”He said as she stood up walking to the glass,”This can’t be about the whole thing with your mother now can it.”

“It has always been about that,”She growled at him,”I’m only doing this for you threatened my daddy and family.”

“Yes for brother George and Clark,”He laughed,”The two that are over protective about their little sister. I almost forgot them. How are they doing Madison?”

“None of your beeswax,”She snapped as you could see she wanted to curse at him.

“Yes and Liam I haven’t seen a wolf like yours here before,”He said turning away from her,”Did you just get here or something?”

“Like she said that is none of your...Business,”I said stopping myself for mom does NOT like cursing.

“When a werewolf is involved it is always my business Liam,”He said leaving,”And don’t worry about how I know Madison. I think she will tell you that tale soon.”

With that the door shut and our supper came up. Maddie went to sit on one side as I did the same on the other. She looked at it as if it had legs or something.

“Maddie are you alright?”I asked as she looked up at me.

“Um...Yeah...I’m fine,”She said like she was worried about something.

“You don’t seem like it,”I said as she picked at her food,”What is it?”

“The thing he was talking about,”She said looking at me,”I was in the forest playing by myself one day. Both of my brothers had something to do and Max and Maggie had to go to something at school so I was alone. My mom was watching me from afar while I played. I saw a frog and decided that I was going to catch it and show my dad.”

“A girl wanting to touch a frog at five,”I mocked as she laughed,”I never thought that would be my girl.”

“Well I followed it away from my mom. I saw a man there and he was just staring at me as if I was something new to him. I caught the frog and just looked back at him. I never knew why he was looking at me like that. I cooked my head sideways as he walked up  to me.

“He asked me for my name but I just backed away from him. He got to my level as I held my frog close to me. He gave me something to put it in and I thought that he was a nice man. So I gave him my name. It was also before I knew that Maddie was my nickname and that I liked it more, so he calls my Madison.

“He asked

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