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Book online «The Dove and the Crow *WORKING ON NOW* by Jaden Bieber (libby ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Jaden Bieber

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said. I got the hint that she didn't like what she has heard about me and wanted to avoid me as much as she could.
"Would you like a tour around the school by yours truly?" I asked her.
"Thanks but no thanks." She rolled her eyes and looked the other way with a flip of her hair, making her scent had to resist.
"Aw, that's a shame. I thought we could be good friends, too." I grinned.
"What made you think that?"
"Your eyes." It was no lie. I really loved her eyes. There were greener then the fresh water grass in the Spring.
"How many times did you use that one?" She asked me, coldly. That made me a little mad.
"Once." I growled and looked the other way. I watched Jeanne walk in. She was a busty red head wearing a jean mini skirt with a black tank top and black uggs.
I thanked god she wasn't my blood related sister. She walked on the other side of Riley and took a seat.
Jeanne's violet eyes looked Riley up and down.
"Who are you?" She asked her, not in the nicest tone. Riley turned to her.
"Riley. Who are you?" She asked right back.
"Names Jeanne," She said, "Where you from?"
"Home schooled." She looked back to the front of the classroom. Jeanne gave her a disgusted look and looked away from her with a role of her eyes.
Riley had guts. I didn't think she would. She seemed so shy and willing. Maybe she was a little toughy after all.

Chapter 5. Dove.

First class was entertaining. I just brushed Jeanne and Seth off like a fly. It was easy to get them to stop talking to me. I didn't have to do much. For Seth, I ignored his pick up lines and for Jeanne, well, I just tried to ignore her. I think she got the hint.

Luckily, Dani was in my next class, along with Jeanne.
"So what happened when I was bored in math class?" Dani asked me.
"Nothing. I met thoughs people you and Candy warned me about." I told her.
"I tried to ignore them." I shrugged. I didn't really do much.
"Good. They're not your true friends. We are." She smiled. I smiled back, happy that I've made two friends already.
"Look, the new girl is friends with the loosers." Jeanne said, loudly. Her group of friends laughed at us. I looked to them and narrowed my eyes.
"I'm sorry, I rather be friends with loosers than sluts." I growled and looked away.
"Slut, eh?" I heard Jeanne growl, "Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?"
"Mother's dead." I said, uncarelessly, though I wish I could suck thoughs words right back in my mouth.
"Really? I guess she had it with you, huh? I would've done the same." She said. Her friends laughed at her. I looked away because I thought that's why they died at first. I hid my face.
"Aw? Was that all it took to hurt your wittle feelings?" She said, using baby talk.
"Why don't you go suck Seth's dick!" Dani yelled sticking up for me, "It wouldn't be the first time, now, would it?" Dani smirked.
"Excuse me, was I talking to you, freak?" She scowled. "No. Didn't think so."
I already hated this girl.
"So, Riley," I heard her say, "did your father have enough of you to?"
I couldn't take this.
I stood up quickly, making my chair scoot backwards. I shook my head and ran out of the classroom.
"Riley!-" I heard Dani yell after me.
I covered my eyes with my arm and kept running. I hate this school.
My parents died in a car accident on there way to California. They were very good script writers for movies. Many of which were based on me. They loved me very much. I know they did. They called me every 3 hours when they were gone for work and we did activities together when they were laid off until a job opened up. I missed them...
I didn't know where I was going. I just kept running. I didn't want anyone to see me crying. I never cried. Only certain things could make me cry. I kept running and running until two very strong arms wrapped around my waist and stopped me.
I gasped and blushed at the same time. I turned to see the boy that greeted Seth in homeroom.
"Whats wrong, Angel?" He asked me. He looked concerned, but why would I trust anyone in this school?!
"N-Nothing! Let me go!" I screeched and tried to get out of his grip. God, where were the teachers when you needed them.
He turned me around and pushed me against the wall. He studded me and frowned.
"Why are you crying?"
"Because I can!" I took a deep breath and wiped my tears with the sleeve of my sky blue sweat jacket.
"Listen," He said softly, "I'm not a bad guy." If you're such a great guy, then why the hell are you pinning me to a freaking wall?!
All I did was nod a little.
"My name is Tommy." He smiled and let me go. He put out his hand for me to shake. I gladly took it and we shook hands.
"Riley." I told him.
"Well, Riley, I hope we can be friends."
"Are you like Seth?" I asked him, knowing he wouldn't tell me if he was anyway.
"Maybe a little," He chuckled, "but I promise you won't be put on that list."
"What list?"
"Thee list." I couldn't help but giggle a little. When I looked up to him, his face was priceless.
"What?" I giggled again.
"I think your laugh just gave me a boner."
"Tommy!" I yelled, laughing. He couldn't help but laugh himself.
"Get back to class, you." He demanded me.
"Bu-but-" The bell rang and I grinned ear to ear.
"You're lucky."
"I am." I agreed. Knowing it was time to part, he kissed my cheek. I blushed uncontrollably and looked up to him. He was fit. He had short, dark brown, shaggy hair and deep hazel eyes that were almost hypnotizing.
"See you later, Angel." He whispered in my ear and walked away.
Angel? Is that a nickname is decided to give me or something? I shook it off and frowned.
It wasn't long before Dani was in front of me, handing my bag I left in my other class.
"You forgot this." She said softly.
"Thank you." I smiled a little.
"You ok? Jeanne's a bitch."
"I know." I agreed with her.
"Luckily, it's lunch next. She's not in our homeroom, so we don't have lunch with her." She cheered.
"We get to see Candy again?" I asked.
"Yeah!" She smiled. Candy ran up to us as if she heard her name. "Speak of the devil."
"Wha- I'm no devil! I'm sweeter than candy itself!" She smiled, evilly. I'm getting sarcasm off of that.

We walked to lunch. I sat at a table alone with only thoughs 3. I was very happy to know we had a lot in common.
We liked all the same chick flicks, anime, colors, and prime time shows.
"So, Riley. Did you spot cute boys yet?" Candy smirked.
"I think... Tommy is cute." I blushed a little.
"REALLY?!" They yelled in union.
"YES?!" I yelled back.
"No!" Candy frowned.
"No?" I asked, confused.
"No." Dani agreed.
"Why?" I asked,
"He's a player." Candy looked down.
"Candy dated him. He broke up with her in a week for no reason."
"He said, and I quote, ' It's just not working out for me.'"
"That jerk. Candy has feelings, too." Dani frowned.
"I feel stupid now. You can't trust any boys here, huh?" I frowned.
"Guess not." They agreed.

Chapter 6. Crow.

I went home that day thinking it was better if she hated me, anyway. It wouldn't be right for such an angel like her to love a monster like me.
"UUUGGGHHHH!" Jeanne growled, sitting on the couch next to me.
"What is it?" I asked, though I could careless.
"That new girl Riley. She's such a pain."
"Why? What happened?"
"She decided to pick a fight with me. So I fought back and made her run out of the room crying like a baby."
"She was crying?!"
"Wh-what did you say?"
"She told me her mother was dead and I said, 'She was probably sick of you,'"
"Jeanne, that's horrible."
"So is she. She's a tramp."
"Like you're not. She's still a virgin."
"Ha. Really? At age 17? What a looser."
I frowned. I really didn't like what she was saying. I was feeling overprotective of Riley once again. Maybe I should go over there and apologize for her?
No. She hates me. Whatever.
I stormed up the stairs and decided to take a nap before I go out to see her once again tonight.

That time finally came. I walked past her house. There she was. In her white, sleeveless night gown. The moon showed all her features. Wait. Something was wrong.
She climbed on the white railing of her balcony. She put out he arms as if she were going to fly. What was she- Oh god. She was going to jump. And that's exactly was she did.
She slowly fell from her balcony, waiting for death to consume her, but I was not going to let this girl kill herself, probably because of what Jeanne said.
I ran faster than I ever had, using all my vampire speed. I opened my arms up and caught her.
I fell to my knees, still holding her like a baby. She dug her face into my chest and sobbed quietly, grabbing my shirt and clenching it tightly, making fists. I held her close, hugging her tight. I rocked back and forth to soothe her.
"Riley..." I breathed out.
"I hate your stupid sister." She said between sobs.
"What happened?"
"Nothing," She whispered.
"Riley, tell me what happened."
"My parents died and that's the only reason why I'm going to your stupid school. She said they probably died because they were sick of me." Her breathing became uneasy.
"I'm so sorry." I whispered, hugging her tighter.
"Thank you, Seth." She pulled away to look at me.
I placed her on the ground, where she sat criss-crossed.
I wiped her tears away and smiled.
"No more tears, Riles."
Her eyes widened and they flicked to mine. Did I say something wrong?

Chapter 7. Dove.

"Riles?" I repeated. I've never been called a nickname before. Knowing that he gave me one that had my name involved and not something like 'Angel' made me happy.
"Y-yeah?" He looked worried. I smiled.
"I-" He looked away and scratched the back of his head, "I guess. It just slipped."
"I like it." I giggled a little. I was still a little shooken up. Then my eyes narrowed.
"How did you get to me so fast? And how did you know where I live?"
"I was walking by and I saw you. I saw you climbing on the railing so I ran and caught you." He shrugged like it was no big deal.
"You would have to have some kind of jet speed to get to me in time, Seth." I said, quizzically.
"I'm a fast runner."
I decided to let it go and I smiled.
"Thank you."
I got a good look of Seth under the moon light. He had straight black hair and chocolate brown eyes that made me want to melt. He wore a black T-shirt and dark baggy jeans. He really was hot. He could probably get any girl he wanted. I could make out his
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