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Book online «The Dove and the Crow *WORKING ON NOW* by Jaden Bieber (libby ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Jaden Bieber

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than before.
"Riles..." I said softly.
"What are you...?" Her whole body was shaking. Her voice trembled.
"I'm a vampire, Riley." I told her, softly.
"I knew it..." She cheered sadly and was asleep in my arms in seconds. I put her clothes on and flipped her over my shoulder. I jumped out the window, landing on my feet, and ran to my house. Now that she knows, she can't be trusted. Damn you, Tommy. Damn you to hell.

Her eyes fluttered open. I laid her on the couch.
She smiled at me, but her smile didn't stay when she felt different clothing was on her. She sat up quickly.
"Were are my clothes?!"
"They were bloody, so I'm washing them for you." I said from the kitchen.
"You saw me naked!" She said, looking at my robe I put on her.
"It's not like I don't know what a naked girl looks like," I frowned, "And I kind of had to when you almost got yourself raped by a vampire."
"Well, my bad for not knowing!" She crossed her arms and pouted. I smiled and chuckled.
"Are you hungry?"
"Not at all," she swallowed, "I fell horrible."
"Twice." I said.
"T-Twice what?" She asked, innocently.
"I saved your life twice." I chuckled.
"Your right."
"Now that you know that I'm vampire, I have bad news."
"Oh god. Let me guess. You save me twice, kill me once."
"Of course not!" I frowned.
"Oh. Then go on." She smiled. I couldn't believe this. She wasn't even scared of me.
"You'll have to stay here for now on. You can't be trusted."
"What?!" She jumped, falling off the couch.
"It's a rule for vampires. If a human knows and you won't kill them, you have to keep them captive."
"Oh c'mon, now. Can I still go to school?!"
"Of course. Jeanne and I go to your school."
"Jeanne's a vampire, too?!"
"Well, she is my sister."
"Ugh!!! She'll be the first one to kill me."
"I'll make sure that doesn't happen. You can even sleep in my room with me if you want."
"Yeah..." She mumbled.
"So it's a deal?"
"Yeah, I don't really have any family left anyway." I narrowed my eyes and sat next to her on the floor.
"Tell me your story." I demanded.
"Well, my parents were rich. Hence the big white house. They were killed in a car accident and I only have the butler and the maids to take care of me. So staying here wouldn't be the worst thing." She said, sadly.
"I'm sorry about your parents, Riles."
"Thank you," She smiled weakly, "So, what about you?"
"My story? It starts about 300 years ago," I saw that I picked up her interest, "Jeanne was my childhood friend. One day, we got involved with the wrong person and now here we are. We were turned into monsters and are damned to live forever unless we're staked." I sighed.
"You're not a monster."
"Trust me, I am."
"Maybe a womanizer... and a man whore... but not a monster. A monster would've left me to die." She explained to me.
"I'm a stereo type..." I mumbled, looking away.
"Yeah, ok. And I'm a lesbian."
"Are you?" I asked, hoping that wasn't true.
"No! It's called sarcasm, man whore!"
Once again, I found myself tickling her nicely curved sides.
"No!!!" She yelled in between giggles. I laughed at her. Her face got so red.
"Yes!!" I yelled back.
"Please stop!!!" She giggled.

Chapter 13. Dove.

He wouldn't stop. I could barely breath! How do I stop him? I know!
I cupped his face and brought his lips to mine. He automatically stopped. Haha!
Wait, that taste... That sweet taste was on my mouth when I woke up in the nurse's office. I pulled away to his dumbfounded look.
"I got you to stop." I giggled, innocently.
"You did," He agreed, still shocked.
"You kissed me in the nurse's office, didn't you!" It was more of a question, because I wasn't so sure about it. He hung over top of me. He was so close. His hips were in between my legs. Our lips just inches away from each other.
"I did," He smirked, "Gonna do something about it?"
"Well, no. Uh..." I looked away, blushing.
"What if I do it again?" His tone made me want to melt. It was totally turning me on. A hot guy actually wanted to kiss me.
"What if you do it again?" I asked back.
"What will you do?"
"Why don't you find out," I said, biting my bottom lip.
"You realize you're about to kiss a blood sucking vampire," It was more of a question.
"I do realize that, but the blood sucking vampire is stalling." I frowned. I wanted him to kiss me. Vampire or not.
His lips got closer to mine, almost touching.
"You sure?" He asked, challenging me. That's it. I lean in, closing the gap and opening the kiss. He returned the kiss violently, taking more than I wanted him to.
His tongue locked with my own a few times. He didn't taste like blood. He tasted sweet like chocolate.
I was very disappointed when he pulled away.
"We should be doing this," He breathed out, "A vampire falling in love with a human is forbidden."
"Y-you're falling in love with me?" I asked, kind of shocked, "I thought I was just like one of thoughs other girls. One night standers."
"No," He growled, "Ever since the first time I saw you, I couldn't get you out of my head."
"First time you saw me? When was that?"
"5 days ago. I saw you on your balcony looking at the moon. I wanted to kiss you from that very day, you know." He grinned.
"W-W-" He kissed me again before I said anything more. His lips were warm. My eyes closed. Our lips moved in union. They fit perfectly like they were made for each other.
"We have to hide this." He said after he pulled away.
"From who?"
"Everyone. We're a secret."
"Fine. But no flirting with other girls." I frowned, knowing he would, too.
"Fine. And no getting raped by vampires unless that vampire is me."
"F- What?!" He laughed and kissed my fore head.
"Let's go to your house and pack your bags."
We arrived at my house. He helped me sneak through the balcony.
"Nice room," He said, looking around as I packed.
"What did you expect?" I asked.
"All pink." He grinned.
"Ew. I'm not that much of a girly girl." I said, packing my toothbrush, makeup, and other bathroom stuff.
"You have your period?" He asked bluntly as I was putting a pad in my bag.
"S-Shut up!" I yelled, embarrassed.
"Nothing to be embarrassed about. Just keep it covered so us vampires don't smell the blood."
"Why wouldn't I keep it covered?" I asked, knowing what was going on in that perverted mind of his.
"Most humans are attracted to vampires in a sexual matter," He smirked, walking slowly towards me, "I think we got this backwards."
"W-what?" I asked, backing up and onto my bed. He pushed me so I laid on my bed. He crawled over top of my so I was laying under him. I blushed as he pushed our bodies together like a smore.
"I think we got this backwards," He said sharply, "I'm the one attracted to you. You don't seem to care much about sexual attraction."
"And that's how it's going to stay."
"For now."
"No," I growled, "forev-" He planted a rough kiss on my lips. He pulled away and frowned.
"I don't think so." He grinned and kissed me again. I gave in and kissed him back, letting the fiery passion I had for him take over. He let out a moan as we kissed.
"I think we should get going," He breathed out. I giggled and nodded. He kissed me once more then helped me up to my feet.

Chapter 14. Crow.

We arrived back to my house. I learned that Riley was a klutz. A big one, no fact. She dropped things, tripped over things including her own two feet, and fell out of no where. I couldn't help but laugh at her. She was so cute because every time she failed, she got pissed off at me and blamed me for it. Jeez, if I didn't know better, I'd think she just tripped and started falling off her balcony.
"Stop thinking out loud!" She yelled at me. I didn't realize I was thinking out loud. I'm thinking she heard the last part. I put on a goofy grin and shrugged.
"Sorry, princess."
"Blah." She frowned, fallowing me up the stairs to our room. Well, it used to be only mine, but I don't want her far from me. Ever.
You know, for a human, she was taking this in pretty well. Was she hiding it? Something about her told me she likes to hide things. Especially her thoughts.
"Hey," I said, walking into our room.
"What?" She asked, placing her bags our bed. Her beautiful scent was already filling the room. I couldn't get enough of it. Not to use a Twilight line or anything, but she was seriously like a drug to me.
"Are you okay with this? Don't lie." I said, shutting the bedroom door.
"Well," she sighed, "Wasn't on the top of the bucket list, but it's better than living alone."
"Weren't you rich? Butlers? Maids? Family even?" She flinched at the last part or my questions. Maybe she had no family?
"U-uh, well, butlers and maids aren't really family. And my family was killed."
"By what? How?"
"I rather not... say." She swallowed. She was hiding something from me.
"You can tell me anything." I told her, caressing her arm.
"Mm. Th- they were killed by, uh," she looked away, "vampires." My eyes widened.
"W- Oh, Riles, I'm so sorry."
"It's not that... It's just... My parents hired vampires to do it." She shrugged. She was acting like this wasn't a big deal. I thought it was a very big deal.
"W-Why?" I dared myself to ask. I was anxious. I wanted to know everything about her.
"Don't know." She frowned and shrugged.
"Oh..." I looked down and sat on the bed.
"Don't worry about it, though," She smiled, "If I'm with you, I know I'll be fine here."
Don't say that... Please, don't say that.
"Or is that wrong?" She asked like she was reading my mind.
"I-I just... I don't make promises. I always end up braking them."
"Well, here. Don't." She rolled her eyes as she unpacked her bags.
"B-But-" She cleared her throat, cutting me off. She was in serious denial, which made me chuckle slowly. She unpacked some bras and underwear. Then some pants and shirts. She folded them neatly into the drawers I prepared for her.
"So, what side of the bed do you want?" I asked her. She froze. I could tell that she was blushing.
"W-we're sharing a bed?" She asked, her voice sounding young and innocent.
"W-Well, we don't have to."
"No, It's fine. Um," She looked to me and put her hands on her hips, "I don't mind. What side do you want?"
"Doesn't matter to me." I said, smiling at her.
"Fine," She crawled into the bed and laid on the left side, "My side."
"'Kay. So, do you want to put on your PJ's?" I asked her, since she was still in my robe.
"Yeah." She said, half laughing. She went into her drawers and pulled out a tank top with short shorts. Then she froze. Then she put them back and got her white night gown.
"I like the first choice better." I said, smirking.
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