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Book online «The Dove and the Crow *WORKING ON NOW* by Jaden Bieber (libby ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Jaden Bieber

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6 pack from under his T-shirt.
"You're very welcome," He grinned, "about that school tour..."
"Sure," I smiled a little. Maybe a friend like Seth wouldn't be so bad, but nothing more. Maybe not even a friend. An acquaintance.
"Do I owe you?" I asked him.
"You owe me nothing!" He frowned. "Cant a guy save a pretty girl's life for free?" His frown turned into a playful grin.
"I guess." I shrugged.
"Next time, you might want to try the door." That made me mad.
"How long were you waiting to say that one?"
"A few minutes now."
"Ok ok. I'm stupid. Get it out of your system just like your sister." I crossed my arms.

Chapter 8. Crow.

What am I supposed to say to that?! I didn't meant it like that...
I wanted to tell her that I'm nothing like my sister. I have a heart... And you're slowly stealing it. That I've been very protect of you since I've seen you. That I should really stay away, but its like your drawing out to me...
"I didn't mean- Look, I'm nothing like my sister," I said, looking into her eyes, "She's a lost soul. There is nothing in her. She has no heart."
"Tell me about it." She agreed. I guess she let me off the hook easily.
Her scent lingered on me from when I held her.
"I heard you were getting 'physical' with Tommy." I said. I was not so happy about the information I heard. I didn't even want to say it.
"Your slutty sister made me cry and run out of the damn classroom," she growled, looking down, "He's the one who found me. He pinned me against the freaking wall so I'd tell him why I was crying. And when we have to part ways, he kissed my cheek. That's it."
"You should stay away from Tommy. He's much much worst than me." Did I just say that? Wow, I think I need to take a break.
"I was planning to," She said, looking up to me, "Freaking man whores..." She mumbled.
"Hey! I'm not a man whore!" I grinned.
"Try saying that with a straight face, man whore." She giggled.
"You ticklish?" Her face dropped.
"I beg to differ." I launched myself at her and she fell backwards. I started tickling her nicely curved sides. She was giggling like crazy. I couldn't help but laugh myself.
"P-please s-stop!" She yelled in between laughs.
"Nah." I continued.
Finally, I stopped and she scooted away from me, breathing heavily.
"Never," She inhaled and exhaled, "do that again!" I laughed.
That's pretty much how that night went...
Chapter 9. Dove.

Next day was Tuesday. I went to school wearing bright blue skinny jeans, a back shirt, my black converse, and my geek glasses. When I walked in, I was instantly greeted by Dani and Candy.
"Hey, girlie!" Dani smiled.
"Hey." I smiled back.
"Well, lookie here," Candy grinned, "You look good for a horrible first day of school."
"And It's probably gonna be a horrible second day of school, too." I frowned.
"What can we say? She's gorgeous." Dani smirked.
"No, I'm really not. If anything is gorgeous around here, it's you two."
"Shut up, gorgeous." Dani smiled.
We walked to homeroom. I felt Seth and Tommy's eyes on my instantly.
The 3 of us sat together in a circle.
"So, you think you'll be okay first period?" Candy asked me.
"U-Uh, Well, actually, I think I'll be just fine." I shrugged.
"How fine?" Dani asked me.
"Dandy fine." I smiled.
"I caught onto the sarcasm, babe." Candy laughed a little.
"No, I'm serious. Jeanne moved her seat. I just have to deal with Seth now." I shrugged again.
"He can totally violate you!" Candy shrieked, quietly.
"Unless she's willing," Dani looked at me, waiting for me to agree or disagree.
Were these two perverts mad?! After what Seth did to me yesterday, I won't ever let him touch my temple ever again! Now he knows my tickle spots! Well, I know his weakness, too. Right where the man breaths. KAPOW!
"Riley?" Dandy asked me, wide eyed, "Did you really have to think about that?"
"N-No! Ah! When will this freaking bell ring?" I growled.
"Wha- in a hurry to get rid of us?!" Dani pretended to look hurt.
"No, I just want to get the hell out of school." I smiled innocently.
"Yeah, I agree with you there." Candy smiled.
The bell finally rang and I was off to first period.

I sat down and got my stuff ready for Mr. B's science class. I saw Seth walk in in the corner of my eyes. He sat in his seat and smiled at me.
"Hey there, jumpy." I frowned and rolled my eyes, meeting his.
"Shut up. Don't tell anyone about that, or I'll do it again. And you won't catch me."
"I would never." He grinned.
"Mm. I find that hard to believe."
"So," he said, trying to get on another topic, "friend of mine wants to know what kind of guys you're into."
"Vampire," I said, trying to rub him off, but he just stared at me, wide eyed.
"Yeah," I smiled.
"You know they're fictional characters right?"
"So are the kind of guys I'm into." I smirked.
"Seriously," He frowned, "Favorite type of guy."
"Gay." He laughed at my answer.
"I like the first one better. I'll be sure to look for a vampire for ya."
"Why thank you. You really shouldn't." I growled. He was making fun of me, now.
"It's not for me," He frowned, "it's really for a friend."
"Not interested." I scowled again.
"Still with the vampires, huh?"
"Yep." I rolled my eyes.
"I'll keep that in mind." He grinned.

Chapter 10. Crow.

This girl doesn't know what she's getting into. I find it a little too ironic that she said vampire. Maybe she did see me run that fast yesterday.
"Do you believe in vampires?" I asked her, trying to get as much as info as I can.
"Maybe. Anything is possible." She smiled warmly.
"I-I guess." Her smiled made me want to melt.
"M-" I looked to her. She was holding her head and whispering the words, "Not again."
She fell from her chair and I instinctively caught her.
"Riley?" I whispered. She was out cold.
"Is everything ok?" Mr. B asked, walking over to us.
"She just fainted," I told him, "I'll take her to the nurse."

We got to the nurse, but the nurse wasn't there. So I laid her on a cot in a private room and shut the door. I checked her temperature. Normal.
I sat besides her and watched her sleep. Her sleeping face was precious. Her breathing was easy.
Then her lips caught my attention. I was dying for a taste. Maybe I could just...
I shook out of it. No way would I kiss her now. It'd be one sided... Although... Maybe it's better off that way.
I slowly bent down. My lips were just inches away from hers when I felt her hot breath. Shivers went down my spine.
I closed the gap between us, kissing her lips ever so softly. I wished this could've been my first kiss.
I pulled away slowly. The honey suckle taste of her lips lingered on mine. I licked my lips and already wanted more.
I had to stop... Didn't I? My father would literally stake me for being in love with a human. I only knew one thing at this point.
I was going to protect her.

Chapter 11. Dove.

I woke up to a sweet taste on my lips. I licked them slowly as I tried to figure out where I was. I was in... a room. Alone.
"Ah. So you're up." An elderly women smiled as she walked in.
"What happened?" I asked her, holding my head, though I knew exactly what happened.
"You fainted. Seth Aiden Barkley carried you all the way here. You might want to thank him."
"Seth Aiden?" I smiled. So Aiden is his middle name?
"Yes. I called your house, but no one answered. You think you'll be okay?"
"Yeah. I'll be ok." I smiled weakly.

I walked to lunch, meeting Candy and Dani. I sat next to them on the table.
"What happened?!" They said in union.
"I guess I fainted during Mr. B's science class." I shrugged.
"How did you even get to the nurse?" Dani asked.
"Uh. Seth carried me. He sits next to me in science."
"Did he violate you?!?!" Candy asked.
"No! Idiot!" I laughed. She frowned.
"Well, you never know with that pervert." Dani said.
"True." I smiled.
"Look who's coming this way," Candy growled.
"Who?" I turned to see Tommy in front of me, making me jump.
"The player himself." Dani scowled.
"Come," Tommy said to me, grabbing my wrist. He started pulling me out of the lunch room.
"H-Hey! W-Wait!"
We were soon out of the lunch room and in a what looked like to be a forgotten classroom. He shut the door behind us.
"What's wrong?" I asked him.
"Don't listen to them. I used to be like that, but I'm not anymore." He said, coming closer, making me back up.
"But you just threw Candy away-"
"And I regret it." My back was against the wall and his arms caged me in. Our bodies were so close, I couldn't help but blush.
"O-Ok, but why are you telling me this?" I asked him, looking away. He smiled.
"Because I like you."
"I'm not looking for a boyfriend." I said, shyly.
"Maybe not now, but I'm willing to wait for you." That made my heart skip a beat.
"I don't think it's a good idea." He seemed to be getting mad now.
"Why not?"
"You're Candy's ex. She's my friend. I don't date people who just through my friends away."
"I don't really care. I want you mine." He scowled.
"I'll never me yours!" That did it. He was pissed.
He clenched his jaw.
"Wrong answer." His eyes started to glow a cherry red. He opened his mouth and his canines were sharper than they should be.
"W-What are you?!" I screamed, trying to push him away.
"Your worst nightmare."

Chapter 12. Crow.

I looked around the lunch room. Tommy and Riley were still gone. I think I should go check on them. I got up and walked out of the lunch room. Riley's scent wasn't hard to fallow. It was the smell of fruit and vanilla, but something was off. I smelt blood. Her blood. I'm sure of it.
I fallowed the scent to an old classroom. I opened the door and the sight was horrible. Riley was crying hysterical. Her clothes were off and she was tied to the desk with her legs wide open. Tom was just inches was from stealing her. Her prized possession. Her virginity.
Blood ran down her neck. He bit her. That bastard...
"Oh, Seth. Would you like to join?" He grinned.
"No, you bastard!"
I don't remember when or how I did it, but I used all my vampire abilities to beat the living crap out of him. I broke off a leg from the wooden chairs that were in the classroom and used it to stake him.
I didn't know what I was more scared of. Cleaning up the mess, or having to tell Riley the truth.
I threw the body out the window and untied Riley. The venom was killing her. What should I do? I started to suck out the venom from her neck, trying oh so very hard to stop. Thankfully I did.
She was hugging me in seconds. Clinging to me tighter
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