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Book online «Forever Lonely by Isabelle Johnson + Kaori Rose (books suggested by bill gates .txt) 📖». Author Isabelle Johnson + Kaori Rose

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bumped into Aureli near the lockers. "Why were you late?" she asked accusingly, her hands clenched into fists at her hips.
"Um..." I said, sounding like a complete moron.
Why was I so lame at talking to her? Come on, I'm a freaking gorgeous vampire! She rolled her eyes and walked away. I watched her leave, stifling a sigh. As soon as she left, everyone in the hallway went to the nearest person and started whispering to each other.
I flushed like it was me they were talking about. Wait, maybe they are! I cocked my head over to the side and tuned into my vampire hearing.
"God, that girl is soooooo weird." said one girl in a cut off tank.
Tate, I think.
Her friend, Cyndi whispered back, "I heard that she's mentally challenged. Then why is the cutest boy in school drooling over her."
She eyed me and giggled slightly.
I rolled my eyes and whispered to myself, "Girls."
I adjusted my head and another set of whispers reached me.
"Wow. That girl is" Said a boy with golden hair and equally gold eyes.
I tensed.
Wait...I knew that boy. He's considered the golden boy. I don't think he deserved that name.
I called him by his real name: Gage.
"So what, Gage?" I snapped.
"What does it matter?!" Gage snapped back.
"Go ahead, tell me. I'd just love to find out what you were going to say." I said.
"It's none of your damn business what I was going to say!" Gage snapped.
"I broke your arm once, I can do it again." I growled.
With each thing we said, we took a step closer to each other, glaring.
Now we were face to face.
I heard some girls whispering something like, "Oh, two of the hottest guys fighting!"
And, "I hope they don't mess up their pretty faces."
Also, "Five bucks on Henry."
"Oh please, I leave for 5 minutes, and when I return, you're banging chests with this guy. Really, Henry?" A thick and rich female voice said, annoyance tinged in her voice.
I turned to see Aureli glaring.
I grinned.
"Why doesn't he tell you what he was going to say about you?" I said.
"Why do you care what he says about me?" She asked, almost snapping.
I cringed, and held my hands up in surrender.
"Okay, okay, jeesh. Just trying to be nice and help you." I said.
"Aww, the asshole likes her. Isn't that cute?" Gage said, laughing with his group of friends.
"Do you have a problem with me?" Aureli snapped.
Gage raised an eyebrow.
"Do I look I have a problem with you?" Gage said.
He backed her against a wall, and looked down at her, his eyes looking down at her chest, his mouth inches from hers.
"What is it with mentally challenged girls? Why do they get all the attention from the hotties?" Cyndi asked Tate.
"Leave her alone, Gage." I growled.
"She's not complaining." Gage said back, a glint in his eyes, a devilish grin on his face.
"Gage, leave Ms. Vaughn alone." Mrs. Stalin said, appearing suddenly.
Gage backed away from Aureli, who was glaring.
Aureli Vaughn?
Who knew that that was her last name?
Well, besides Mrs. Stalin, of course.
Gage sneered at me, then looked at the teacher and said, “I’m sorry Mrs. Stalin. I've been acting like an immature five year old. Please forgive me."
I growled under my breath,"Ass kisser."
Gage looked at me, blinking his eyes innocently.
I took a step towards him menacingly after Mrs. Stalin left.
Aureli surprised me.
She pushed me backwards into the lockers with surprising strength and lunged at Gage. Moving so fast I couldn't even trace her movements, she kicked him behind the knee.
He collapsed on the floor.
She kicked him over and planted her foot in his face, around the area of his nose.
"You are such an asshole! Give me one reason not to kick your sorry ass right now in front of the entire hall!" she yelled as she stomped on his face again, for good measure.
"Aurelessa Vaughn! Quit that this instant, or you will be expelled!"
Aurelessa? THAT'S Aureli's real name?
I whipped around to see Mrs. Stalin, again standing in the doorway of her classroom, looking utterly and completely shocked, her mouth hanging slightly open in disbelief.
Aureli turned around slowly and smiled a thousand-watt menacing smile, batting her long, thick eyelashes.
"What's wrong with protecting myself? I mean, I didn't do THAT much damage. My foot just got all up close and personal with his face and my foot connected with the back of his knee! He isn't THAT hurt." she said sarcastically. "Besides, what he did before was considered sexual harassment, don't I have a right to defend myself from being taken advantage of?"
Gage stood up, caressing his nose carefully, like it would fall off.
I saw a trickle of blood dripping down his face.
"I-I'm fiiine, really. Aiiyl be raight baack." Gage announced, sounding drunken, before collapsing into a surprised Mrs. Stalin.
"Ms. Vaughn, I'll give you two options. A, you can walk to the principal's office and be expelled, or B, you can, as a punishment, care for Mr. Hyland, serving his every need and whim. If he says jump, you say how high. What will you pick?" Mrs. Stalin struggled to hold up Gage.
I looked at Aureli, focusing on her thoughts.
I really need to stay at this school. My life depends on it. But, take care of Gage? AND do whatever he says? How long will it take for him to recover? Will I still have to attend classes?

I stopped there. Her life depended on staying at this school?
Imagine how bad that would be!
"Mrs. Stalin, would I still have to attend classes if I chose to care for Gage?" She whispered, trying to make sure no one heard her answer but her, Mrs. Stalin, and I.
"No, you'll just have a little test now and then." Mrs. Stalin said.
"Fine then, second option. I can't be expelled. I just can't." Aureli said.
Gage came to, then.
"Derek, Jones. Get over here, I need you to do me a favor." Gage commanded, his old venom-like voice back.
Derek and Jones stalked up.
"Yes?" They asked, helping him not fall over with his weak leg.
"I need you to..." Gage whispered.
I didn't want to know, so I stopped listening with my super-hearing.
"Oh." Derek smirked, he and Jones stalking off, mischievous grins planted in the middle of their identical blonde hair, blue eyed heads.
"Mr. Hyland, as a punishment, Ms. Vaughn is-"
Gage cut Mrs. Stalin off.
"I heard. Come on." Gage grinned, half limping away.
Aureli sighed and stalked off with Gage, looking tortured and uncomfortable.
After they were out of sight, my friends came up to me.
I remembered by numbers.
"Dude, was that your GF or somethin?" One asked.
"Um...This may sound stupid, but how do you know if a girl is your GF?" I asked, both sounding and feeling lame.
"Have you kissed?" Two asked.
"Um...Sorta." I replied, going back to the first night I met Aureli.
"Have you slept together? Either way?" Seven asked.
"Sorta, but it was an accident. I didn't realize it was her bed when I climbed in..." I trailed off, before I went into detail.
"Does she call you by girly nicknames?" Five asked.
"Hey Hunn-nee." Aureli appeared at that time, sounding like a complete as I call them, 'Bubblegum girl.'
"What?" I snapped, frustrated.
"Where is the first aid kit? I'm stuck dealing with princess I'm-a-total-stuck-up-guy-who-gets-his-way, and he can't, and I mean won't tell me where he keeps his in the room." Aureli drawled in a fake accent. "Course I get stuck with him. Just my luck. Course a little girl like me gets stuck with a monster like him."
"Bathroom medicine cabinet, remember?" I answered.
"Thanks." She called, scurrying off.
"She's your girlfriend." six said, after a few minutes of silence.
"WH-no!" I exclaimed, along with Aureli, who was already back with the first-aid kit.
"See, that's what we mean." four said.
"No!" Aureli snapped, before going towards the infirmary.
"Oh-kaay then Mr. Hyde. Whatever you say. Sucks, never got to say hi to Mrs. Hyde before she went to care for Gage." One said, sarcasm in his voice.
"Ya know, Ah will stranngle y'all af ya dohn shut up." I said, delving into my original vocabulary.
They laughed.
"Shut up!" I yelled, trying not to laugh myself.
"Ya tell us y'all ta shut up, or ya will stranngle us? How couldda ya? Ah menn, wha we du?" Seven impersonated, pretty close to my voice.
Gawd, them y'alls were ah lad vahshun af thatt Aurelee gaul.


God, this boy was such a brat. Get me this, get me that. I was considering calling this off and stomping on his face again. I have already bandaged all his wounds, but he still acts like he's bleeding out his life blood.
"Aureli will you do me a favor?" Gage said sitting up with a wince.
"Yes MASTER?" I say, enunciating the word master with a sneer.
"Will you help me feel better?" Gage answered without skipping a beat.
"What the hell do you think I've been doing!?" I yelled at him.
"Well, I had something else in mind." Gage yawned with a mischievous grin.
"Oh hell no. Never on heaven above would I do THAT with YOU. Even if you were the last boy on Earth." I said with a growing terror in my voice.
"Well she did say EVERY need." Gage said, raising a golden eyebrow.
"She said need, not want." I remarked quickly, sending a venomous look his direction.
I looked at the clock.
5 more hours until I'm away from this torture.
Gage looked at me as if sensing my thoughts, smiling.
With a sigh, I grabbed some more bandages out of the first aid kit.
"Fine, can you please help me feel better? You don't have to say yes." Gage said, sounding innocent and pure.
"No." I said sternly.
"Fine then, can you wipe the blood off my sides, where you missed with bandages?" Gage asked.
Gage tried to completely sit up, but winced and laid back down.
"Fine. Let me get the towels." I said, walking to the towel cupboard.
I opened it.
I went through the room, looking through each place towels were to be, but as if the towel fairy had recalled them, the towels were gone.
I continued searching until Gage cut the silence.
"Oh, bummer. No towels. So what will it be? Shirt? Or Skirt?" Gage asked with a cocky grin.
I froze.
"Huh?" I asked brilliantly.
"You have to clean up this blood, and since I'm practically naked, and nothing here can be used as a towel, which leaves two things: Your clothes. So, again, what will it be? Shirt or skirt?" Gage said, his cocky grin turning into a smirk.
"Shirt." I answered, just because little did

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