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Book online «Forever Lonely by Isabelle Johnson + Kaori Rose (books suggested by bill gates .txt) 📖». Author Isabelle Johnson + Kaori Rose

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She talked again.
"Ssh. Wake up. It's not real. Wake up. You're crying." She said.

My eyes flew open, stinging and wet, to reveal Gage looking down at me. Sadness took over, and I clutched onto his shirt, trying to contain my powers as I sobbed.
"Ssh...It wasn't real. It's okay Aureli. It was just a dream." He said.
I shook my head.
"No, It was a memory." I sobbed.
He pushed me away.
"Is it true? Did you kill that guy?" Gage asked.
I felt more tears fill my eyes, treatening to spill out.
"I-it was an accident, I-" My voice cracked, and I broke off, hiccuping.
"Ssh. You're gonna make yourself sick." Gage sighed, stroking my cheek.
I hiccuped again and rested my head on his shoulder. He sighed and tried to take his hand in mine. I flinched back from him.
"Don't. I might lose control and I don't think I'll be able to bring you back." I whispered to him.
He nodded knowingly.
"Ssh, calm down. It's okay. No one can hurt you." He soothed.
I closed my eyes, trying to calm myself down.
"She awake?" Henry asked, as he walked up.
I stood up, walking up to him, staring him in the eyes. Then, I smacked him across the face, causing Gage to erupt into a fit of laughing. Henry made a surprised expression, as if he was confused at the same time, and spat blood at the ground.
"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!" Henry yelled, wiping his mouth.
I shrugged nonchalantly, blinking my eyes.
"I needed to be cheered up." I said innocently.
"SO YOU SMACKED ME?!" He cried.
I nodded grinning, before stealing a kiss on his lips, just because he makes funny expressions. He turned red, but not pushing me away, but pulling me closer. I almost forgot Gage was watching. Good thing he forced me away from Henry by the back of my collar, nearly choking me to death.
I dropped to the ground, gasping for air as I gripped my neck where my collar choked me.
"Stop teasing him Aureli." Gage growled, causing me to flinch.
"Do you want to talk to that guy or not?" He snapped.
I nodded, whimpering. Gage pulled me up, dragging me to my room, before shoving me in and locking the door.
Kade sat on Henry's desk, staring at one of my fashion drawing books.
"You're getting good at fashion." He said, not looking up.
"Kade-" I broke off, my voice cracking.
"Aureli, don't cry. I thought I was dead too. But the high council. They did something with my ashes, reconstructed my body or something, sending me here to find you. I think they want to see if you'll kill me again." He said, closing the fashion drawing book. The next thing I knew, I was in Kade's arms, grinning.
"They gave you back to me." I grinned.
"I missed you too. And Kahealani, and Kaari, and Bao, and Beck, and Aaralyn, and Cleo, and Leon, and-" I cut him off.
"I get it." I said.
Kade laughed.
"I know." He said.
"And...Your wings?" I asked.
Kade looked away.
"They took them away? Why? Why are they so cruel?" I cried, tears springing to my eyes.
"Ssh. Don't cry. It's fine. It didn't hurt, and there was no blood. And finally I can go swimming without worrying about my wings getting wet." He said, stroking my cheek.
I stepped out from his arms.
"It's all my fault. If I wasn't born, you wouldn't have died, or lost your wings." I said.
"Don't talk like that." Kade said.
"It's true." I huffed.
"Are you hungry?" Kade asked, trying to change the subject.
"No." I said.
The next thing I knew, Kade was kissing me. I gasped, shoving him away, blushing. Kade beamed at me and I blushed even more. I NEVER thought Kade like-liked me, you know, loved me. We were just friends...ARE, we ARE best friends. Nothing more.
I looked at Gage, preparing for an explosion. Gage looked furious. Well, at least I don't need to explain, since he saw the whole thing. He grabbed Kade by Kade's shirt, flinging him into a wall.
"Don't you DARE, ever touch MY Aureli again." Gage growled, cocking his empty hand back to punch Kade. Kade was pale, scared and confused, since Gage weighed more, was taller, and was stronger than Kade.
"Gage, Gage, stop. Calm down. STOP GAGE!" I cried, my voice shouting when Gage attacked Kade, punching Kade's face. I grabbed Gage from behind, wrapping my arms around his waist, my head burying into his shoulder blades. THAT stopped Gage. He shook me off, looking at me with sad eyes, while Kade scampered away, covering his right eye.
"I hate how he touched you like that. I hate how Henry can touch you like that. It isn't fair." Gage said.
"Can we have this argument later, you just punched one of my DEAD friends in the face." I snapped.
"Friend? I doubt he's your friend-"
"LET'S HAVE THIS DAMN ARGUMENT LATER!" I screamed at Gage, who flinched.
I rushed over to Kade, who was on Henry's bed. I kneeled down, prying Kade's hand from his face. He didn't have a black eye, but he seems to think so.
"There isn't a black eye. Don't piss my boyfriend off, kay Kade?" I said, as I got up to get him ice for his eye. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Gage grin, and Kade flinch. I got a ziploc bag, filled it with ice from the mini fridge, and handed it to Kade. He nodded gratefully before putting it on his eye.
"Let's go out to get some lunch." Henry said.
I spun around. I completely forgot he was there. He looked at me with sadness in his eyes, but the next second all traces of sadness were gone and he was smiling.
"I know somewhere we can go." Henry said.
"Is it somewhere that serves something other than angel food?" Kade muttered.
My mouth quirked up into a half smile. Clueless Kade.
Henry looked at me questioningly and answered, "It's Chinese food. I don't think we even have restaurants that serve angel food."
"Good." Kade said relieved.
"I feel way more intelligent already." Gage muttered.
"What was that?" Kade snapped, his stupid, conpulsive, STRONG guy switch finally turned to the word 'on'.
"Nothing." Gage grumbled, grabbing my hand.
"Kade, humans don't eat angel food. They burn and die remember? Sound familiar?" I said.
Gage gulped, the noise kinda loud.
"I'll keep that in mind when I need there to be an...accident for your boy over there." Kade said, pointing at Gage.
"I can imagine Kahealani lecturing you about how it's not cool for one guy to attack another over a pretty girl. How many times did she lecture you before..." I trailed off.
"3,465,872,945 times. Damn, I swear I think she surgically implanted a pair of headphones in my ear, so she can lecture me whenever, cause I hear her now." Kade laughed.
"Who's Kahealani?" Gage asked.
"My friend, and before you ask, Kahealani is a GIRL." I said, stretching the last word.
Gage's eyes narrowed, testing my response.
"For God's sake, stop testing me whenever I mention someone you don't know!" I snapped at him.
Gage frowned and Kade stifled a laugh.
"We're going to have to walk. I don't have a car." Henry cut in before Gage punched Kade again.
"I do we can use that." Gage said.
"Do you even have a license?" I asked.
Gage gave me a devilish grin.
"Oh great. I hope we don't crash and die. If we die, I blame you Gage." I said for everyone to hear.

The car ride was terrible. Turns out that Gage really didn't have a license, and probably stole the car. At every turn, we nearly crashed into something. I bet if I turned around, I'd see a line of cops trailing us. Henry was showing off, lounging back in his chair like he didn't have a care in the world. Kade was having the time of his life. I wanted to throw up.
"Light post!" I yelled at Gage. He swerved back onto the road.
"Fire hydrant!"
He swerved again.
He pushed hard on the brakes and a lady with a dog walked across the street.
He turned to look at me and said,"Calm down Aureli. We're not gonna crash."
I gritted my teeth and nodded.
"Are we almost there?" I asked.
"Five more blocks." Gage answered. He turned to Henry for confirmation. Henry nodded and went back to his lounging.
I wanted to pull my hair out and scream, but I managed to stay calm.
Five excruciating minutes later we pulled up in front of the restaurant. I scrambled at the lock and fell out onto the sidewalk.
Gage smirked and helped me to my feet.
"Remind me never to go on a car ride with you again." I whispered. He smiled and kissed my forehead.
"We should go inside." he murmured.
"Give me a minute so I don't explode from lack of lungs, and a few other organs I lost along the road." I said, panting and clutching the area over my racing heart.
"Come on Aureli, you're being a wuss. It was like flying." Kade said, hopping out of the car with a grin plastered on his face.
"Says the angel that's wingless." I grumbled.
"You know, I've never really seen your wings. Ya sure you're an angel?" Gage asked.
Kade sighed relieved. I have some explaining to do to Gage.
"You haven't seen my wings because it's considered sexual for an angel to show their wings to someone else. It's like boobs, girls don't go around flashing their bare breasts." I said, still clutching my racing heart.
"Huh. Wings equal boobs. Haven't heard that before." Gage muttered.
"I think I'm having a stroke because my heart rate won't slow down." I announced.
"I'm THAT scary as a driver?" Gage asked.
"I was rather relaxed actually." Henry said.
"Ha-ha." I said.
"No, really." Henry insisted.
"Show-off." I muttered.
Henry frowned.
"Can we go inside already?" he asked.
I nodded.
We stepped through the doors. The restaurant looked nothing like a Chinese restaurant was supposed to look. There weren't any dragons or bamboo or anything. It looked as plain as a fast food place. The only odd thing there was was a stage placed in the middle of the place, surrounded by the tables. A TV hung on the wall with two microphones dangling by a wire from the side. An open binder lay on a stool.
Henry broke the silence by saying,"I need a table, two, three...four people."
A little man appeared out of nowhere to lead us to our table. We got led to the table right next to the stage. The tables all around us were occupied by chatting people.
The man spoke with a slight accent,"Would you like anything to drink? If you already know what you're going to order you can tell me now. Also, there is a karaoke machine up on the stage if you want to do something while you wait."
"Wait, there's a karaoke here?" I asked. The man nodded.
I stood up. "Henry, you can order for me." I said. "Gage, try not to kill anyone."
I rushed off towards the stage. I quickly turned on the screen and picked up one of the microphones.
I heard Gage's voice, "Did she do this in heaven?"
I heard Kade reply, "She would love to sing. It got annoying sometimes but she still sounds good. Comes from her mom."
I rolled my eyes and started to flip through the binder of songs. One of the songs caught my eye. Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift. I punched the code into the microphone's keypad.

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