Read books online » Fantasy » Forever Lonely by Isabelle Johnson + Kaori Rose (books suggested by bill gates .txt) 📖

Book online «Forever Lonely by Isabelle Johnson + Kaori Rose (books suggested by bill gates .txt) 📖». Author Isabelle Johnson + Kaori Rose

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THAT, got their attention. They turned and looked at me, pale, with total question mark faces.
"Look who's talking." Gage snapped.
Idiots. I stood up, pushing back my chair, before stomping angrily out of the cafeteria. I don't know why I put up an angry charade. To get attention maybe? I was halfway down the hall before I heard Gage running up.
"Aureli! Wait!" He called.
I ignored him and started walking faster.
"Aureli! Stop for one freakin' second!" Gage yelled.
I stopped, folding my arms. I refused to face him. To my surprise, Gage grabbed my shoulders and forced me around to look at him. If he had been trying to apologize before, that ended when I ignored him. Now he's just pissed off.
"Will you listen for a fucking minute, or is being a disgrace to god damn nature disabling your hearing and listening skills?" he hissed.
I seethed with anger. I reached him and struck him across the face, hard and quick.
He staggered back, surprised at my attack.
"Is that the best you can fucking do, you brat?" he gritted between his teeth.
"If I wanted to I could make you turn into a effin' pile of ashes, so you had better watch your mouth!" I blurted.
I turned around so he wouldn't see the angry tears that were making wet trails down my face. He's the one that started this, not me. If he hadn't of molested me in the first place, causing the past few days to not involve HIM. I should be the one YELLING, not the one being YELLED AT.
"Aureli..." Gage started to say in a calm voice, as if the past few remarks never happened. His hand touched my shoulder gently, but I brushed him off.
"No! Don't you dare touch me, Gage! Not after what you just said! Who do you think you are!" I yelled.
Gage forced me around, and the next thing I knew, Gage was kissing me. My gasp was muffled by his lips. I pushed at him and shoved, but he was stuck to me like a leech. Not many students were in the halls, but the ones that were, either were angry, or surprised at our making out. I could tell by their gasps that rang in my ears. Yes, they think I'm retarded. Yes, they think I'm a brat. Yes, they love Gage, or want to be Gage. But, that all left my mind when I went limp, allowing Gage to kiss me, long and slow. When he let go, I dropped to the linoleum floor with a thud, burying my head between my knees, attempting to hide my angry tears.
"Gage, just because all the slutty girls will melt for your ass, even flirt and kiss you, doesn't mean you can get your way if you blink those blonde eyelashes of yours. I'm tired of the whole my-ass-is-holier-than-yours act. I'm tired of the whole You'll-melt-since-I'm-a-hot-guy-and-your-a-stupid-girl charade. Just leave me alone you...Fucking ass hole! Go run off and fuck a whore, for all I care. You seemed content with doing that a few days ago. Kissing me won't do anything but get your ass killed!" I screamed at him through my angry tears. I felt his hand on my leg. Without looking up, I struck at him.
"Don't touch me!" I screamed, waiting for footsteps signaling he left. They didn't happen. Gage grabbed my chin, forcing me to look up at him. I saw tears threatening to spill from his eyes. HE was crying?! I SHOULD BE THE ONE CRYING!
"Go run off and cry then." He hissed, before raising his voice. "GO RUN OFF AND CRY TO YOUR STUPID BITCH HENRY!"
I did just that, though Henry wasn't in the dorm room. Without caring about my clothes, I made my self a hiding spot. I climbled on my top bunk, grabbing onto a pole from the ceiling. From there, I climbed into the corner ledge of the ceiling, sitting on giant pipes, sobbing about everything, spitting out cuss words like a sailor.

I dreamt I was talking with a girl I had never met.
I was about six, my hair up in pigtails, my mom dressing me in a lavender dress that fell at my shins. I ran onto a field, before smuthering a girl my age in a hug. She was a little taller than me, her hair cherry red, pulled back in a braid, a loop of hair hanging at each side of her head, like a princess. Her eyes were a blonde color, much like Gage's. She wore a green sundress, that swayed in the wind.
"Ya back!" I cried, jumping up and down.
"Uh-huh Aurey. My mama en papa said I had to make sure ya mama could watch us." The girl said, waving at Xenia. Xenia smiled, waving back at the girl.
"Ana-asia!" I cried.
"Aureli, how many times do I tell ya? My name is Anastasia. Not Ana-asia!" Anastasia laughed.
I chased Anastasia around for a while, screaming and hollering, before Anastasia had to leave.
"Ana-asia?" She turned around as she walked. "I wish ya were my sissy. We'd have lots of fun!" I said.

I woke up, pinned under Gage. He was awake, his eyes apologetic. For a moment I believed he was going to rape me, but when he let me up, I was engulfed in a hug.
"I'm so sorry." He whispered into my hair. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." He repeated this for a good fifteen minutes straight, before letting me go. I noticed I was on my bed.
"Why are you apologizing?" I asked, my voice hushed.
"I was a jerk. No one could find you. I freaked out, thinking something awful had happened to you." He said, his head nuzzling my neck.
"I'm freaking tired." I sighed.
Gage seemed to get a clue that I didn't mean for.
"I'm staying." He said, unbuttoning his shirt, before slipping it off.
"GAGE!" I gasped when he went to take off his pants. He looked up at me, a cocky grin plastered on his face.
"I'm not going COMPLETELY NAKED. I'll leave my socks on." He replied.
I groaned, hitting my head against the wall.
"I'm joking...I think." He said, slipping under my covers with just his boxers on. I took off my pants and slid into his arms under the blankets. He pressed his body close against mine, but I flipped around, staring into his chest.
"I can't believe I went from arguing, to angry, to freaked out, to sexual in a matter of an hour." Gage said to the top of my head.
"This isn't sexual." I murmered into his chest.
"Do you REALIZE where your hand is?" He asked.
I flushed, realizing my hand was in between his legs, on his groin, exploring him. I threw my hands away from him, placing them behind my back, turning a bright red.
"No, that didn't mean stop rubbing me there." Gage said.
I slapped him as hard as I could lying down.
"Okay...I deserved that." He said.
I looked up at his face. He was blushing a bright red, even brighter where I slapped him.
"Yes, you did." I replied, turning away from him.
"Oh, come on. Don't be like that babe." Gage whispered.
"Say your sorry." I said.
"I'm sorry." He whispered, his voice seductive and deep.
I was flipped around so that I had my head buried in his chest again.
"You know what I want to do?" Gage asked, his voice still seductive and deep.
"You want to strip both of us naked, then get on top of me and..." I trailed off, shoving at Gage's chest.
"Close. I wanted to do this." Gage said.
He forced my chin up, his lips connecting with mine. For a while we flipped around, exploring new positions to make out, before the door slammed open, and Henry caught us making out, half naked, in my bed. He flushed an angry red, before scaling the ladder and pulling Gage off of me, shoving him down the ladder.
"Ass." Henry hissed.
"Henry..." I said through my teeth, angry to have been interrupted.
This suprised both Henry and Gage. They stopped attacking each other, looking at me, confused and suprised.
"What is it? Are you angry I interrupted you and Gage? Do you want me to leave?" Henry said in a mocking tone.
"Actually, yes." I snapped.
I noticed Gage was flushed a bright red. Musat've never thought I'd LIKE his attention.
"Fine then. Just...Stay outta my bed." Henry snapped, his voice cracking, before he dropped Gage and stalked out. I caught a glimpse of pain in Henry's face before he was gone. Gage closed and locked the door. He scaled the ladder, still bright red, before climbing in bed with me.
"I'm too pissed off and tired to kiss again Gage. Kay?" I snapped, without meaning to.
He flinched.
"O-okay." He said, pulling me against his body, rubbing my back.
I sighed, leaning my head into him, before falling asleep.


I couldn't believe it. When Henry busted in on us I was sure I was dead. But no. Instead my Aureli told him to get out.
My Aureli.

I voiced the words in my head. It sounded good, no, great.
She stirred in her sleep and shifted into a more comfortable position. I stroked her hair gently. She smiled in her sleep, making me wonder if she was fully asleep or just faking.
I smiled with her.
I heard the door slowly creak open and tensed. I looked at the door. One green eye showed through the crack in the door.
"Henry?" I whispered.
The eye narrowed and the door opened fully. Henry stood in the doorway with his arms crossed. He looked like he wanted to strangle me.
"Get your ass out of her bed. I don't give a crap what she says when she wakes up, get out of her bed. I don't think I'll be able to sleep with your stench filling the room besides." he growled.
"No." I snapped, causing Aureli to stir.
"No? That's the best ya got?" Henry growled.
"Zip your face." I snapped.
Henry was trying hard not to laugh.
"Zip your face? That's all you can do? How bout this, why don't you zip your vagina?" He growled.
"You know what, eff you." I growled.
"Eff me? No man, eff you." He spat.
"Eff you."
"Eff you man."
"Eff you...You mother effer." I spat.
Aureli stirred.
"Shut up...You idiots." She mumbled in her sleep.
"I'm done playing, get out of her bed, or I'll kill you. Simple as that." Henry muttered.
Wow, a death threat. I'm not stupid, he'll attack me when I get down there anyways. So, guess what I did? I woke Aureli up.
"Okay, who died, and how am I involved." She gasped, her eyes flying open.
I pointed at Henry, my arm over Aureli's waist.
"Henry...Really, leave us alone. It'll be fine. We weren't even DOING ANYTHING. I'm tired of

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