Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป My New Family by Ameris C (great novels to read .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซMy New Family by Ameris C (great novels to read .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Ameris C

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another one pushing air into my nose. I tried to rip them off but a nurse stopped my arm. "Wheres my aunt?" I needed to talk to her, she was probably worried sick by now. "Shes down in the waiting room dear, the doctar needs to check on you first." she whispered. And then she left the room. A couple minutes later, a doctar walked in. He had a clip board and was staring intently at it. He clipped my x-rays on a light board hanging from the wall. I didn't see it at first but as he turned back to me his eyes flashed gold. Another Cullen. "You are free to go, your arm should be heal in about eight weeks, come back in four weeks to get your stitches removed, and come back immediately if your experiencing major headaches or vision problems,"
"Thank you Dr.-"
"Dr. Cullen," He finished with a smile, yup. Cullen. But he looks older then any of the ones I saw, I sat up and went to the door. When I walked out he was still looking at my x-rays. I held my arm awkwardly at my side. I walked quietly out into the white waiting room. "Lizzie!" Aunt Jesse squealed as I walked in. She rushed over to hug me, but my arm got in the way. She had her hands cupped over her mouth as she looked at my arm and at my forehead. "Oh my gosh, Lizzie, I'm so sorry!"
"Aunt Jesse its not your fault,"
"I know. But still-"
"Lets just go home,"
"Dr. Cullen said you have to stay home tomarrow to be sure the stitches stay in right,"
"okay," I almost fell on the way in the front door of our house, she caught me though and helped me up the stairs. She laid me on my bed and put my books, t.v remote, and radio remote next to me, "Do you need anything?"
"No thanks, I just need to rest,"
"Okay, I'll be right down stairs if you need me, love you,"
"Love you too," she left and closed the door. So much for sitting with Renesmee tomarrow. I quickly fell asleep after Aunt Jesse gave me like a million different pills. I woke up and the sun was shining at a weird angle until I realize I slept a very long time. I checked the time and it was around two o'clock. I groaned as I sat up and realized weather I was at school today or not I still had a test friday. I went to get my textbook and began to study, but then I got bored and began to doodle. It was funny because I drew a fairy that sparkled in the sun. The idea that the Cullens were a group of faires was rediculous. The tiny girl with the spiked black hair could be a fairy, I shook my head, no. It would be like calling a tan person a vampire. I acually laughed out loud. Vampires. I began to plan a trip to La Push to go surfing. I was acually pretty good, but when I turned fourteen I stopped going. The two days past quickly. Soon I was back at school, people saying 'Get well' and 'Sorry' some of the guys wanted to see my stitches, I just shook my head and said 'Well they are not much,' I was going to go and sit with Renesmee but there were a couple of the Cullens with her. Alice, another tall guy with blonde hair, Isabella, and a guy with red hair. Isabella got up and walked out of the building, "One second Callie,"
"Kay," I quickly put up my tray and followed her, out of the corner of my eye I saw Alice tell the redhead something with a smile. I almost ran out the door. Callie said she liked to be called Bella."Isabella," I yelled as I ran after her. She was in the parking lot faster then I could have guessed. I pictured her with wings. I shook my head and half-smiled "Isabella!" She stopped and turned around, although a glass door was still between us. I opened the door and walked up to her, "Isabella, do you remember me?"
"Its Bella, and I don't think we met,"
"Umm, like a long time ago, you lived beside me and my aunt with your mom until you moved away a couple years ago."
"Elizabeth, you taught me how to ride my bike when I was six,"
"Oh. Oh! Lizzie!"
"Yea, so you moved to Forks?"
"Oh yea, I thought I might spend some time with my dad,"
"Yea, you remember?"
"You did go away every summer until you were like fourteen or something,"
"Yea, so you moved to Forks?"
"Well, my aunt wanted to, so I did too,"
"So... Your married," Her face was stunned, maybe she thought I didn't know. "Yea, but how- Never mind. Hey do you remember Jake?"
"Jacob, yea you talked about him every summer you came home,"
"Yea, do you surf still?"
"Not much but I'm going to a cool place, La Push to go surfing,"
"La Push! Cool, do you want to someone to go with you?"
"Sure you surf?"
"Oh no, not at all, but I have some of Jake's friends who do and they would love you,"
"Bella we got to go, lunch is over," Alice said from behind me and almost danced to Bella's side, "Oh Lizzie this is Alice, Alice this is Lizzie,"
"Yea I have seen Lizzie around," Alice said with a smirk as if there was an inside joke I didnt know, "Hey Alice,"
"Hi Lizzie,"
"Lizzie, why don't you sit with us tomarrow, we always come here,"
"Sure, why not,"
"See you then,"
"Bye guys," I had to literatly run to my next class. I was late but the teacher was in a good mood so I didn't get a detetion. Were still in a section I already studied so I of course thought about the Cullens until my arm began to irritate me, I ignored it but then it really started to bother me. I only had one more class after this so I was gonna skip because I don't have my medication. And they didn't even notice my arm its like they already knew- Oh Dr. Cullen probably told them. I walked out of the school when the bell rung. I was really careful going home. I walked in the front door and dropped my bag, and threw the keys in the holder. I decided to make dinner since Aunt Jesse took care of me for the last two days. It was harder then I thought, but I finally got the chicken and mashed potatos on the table, I heard her car pull on to the gravel drive way. I went to open the door for her. She looked surprised when I opened the door. She walked in "It smells good,"
"Thanks," We sat down for dinner. "So anything new?"
"okay you want to tell me something. What is it?"
"Well when ever my arm is healed I am going with some of Bella's friends to surf,"
"Oh, so you saw her today?"
"Yea she comes to the school to have lunch with her step sister,"
"Well thats nice,"
"Yea, but Dr. Cullen looks too young to have seven almost grown children,"
"He and his wife adopted them a while ago,"
"How do you know that?"
"Well I called and talked to Charlie today, did you know Bella is married?"
"Yea, she is now a Cullen,"
"Yea strange but Charlie said her and her husband have been together two years now. Quiet surprised at how young they were,"
"Well I guess so, so are you done?"
"Oh yea, I'll wash the dishes tonight. Oh here," She handed me a small peice of paper with a few numbers on it, it looks like she tore it off of another sheet of paper.
"What is this?"
"Oh its Isab- Bella's cell phone number,"
"Thanks," I stood up and stacked her plate on mine and began to walk to the sink. "Hey I said I'll do the dishes,"
"Kay night,"
"Night," I ran upstairs after I grabbed my bag from the door. I threw the bag back on the floor when I got to my room and went searching through my closet. I found my moving bag and began opening the pockets. I came up with a shiny blue and silver rectangle. I flipped open the cover. I searched the phone until I came up with a name. Isabella Swan. I hit the edit button and typed. Bella Cullen. And quickly looked at the number, I sighed and changed the number. A second later I hit the save button. The small phone went black and then it died. I threw it on my bed and began my homework. I only got up once in the night and that was to take more pain pills. My arm back at the hospital was still numb and now it burned. I woke up earlier then I wanted but it was to late to go back to sleep. I put toast in the toaster and fried an egg. I let it cool while I got dressed and brushed my hair. I couldn't acually find winter clothes in my dresser so I put on a jacket over a short sleeve shirt and long jeans on. I went downstairs and ate my breakfast. I left five minutes earlier then intended but I didnt have much to do at the house. The road didnt have a sheet of ice on it so I didnt have to worry. I leaned against my car and waited for Amber and them. The Cullens were leaning against a silver Volvo. Everyone of them were there except Rosalie, Dr. Cullen, and Mrs. Cullen. But there was one I didn't know, a tall tan kid with cropped brown hair. Bella waved me over there, I hesitated for a second and then walked over there. "Hey Bella," I said as I approached. "Hey Lizzie. okay so you met Alice. This is Renesmee, Jasper, Emmett, Edward, and this is Jake," She pointed to Renesmee, the tall guy with blonde hair, the redhead, and the tall dude with cropped hair. "Hey Guys"
"Hi Lizzie,"
"Sup Lizz,"
"Sup," After a long silents Bella broke in, "So do you know when your going surfing, Lizz?"
"As soon as my arm heals,"
"You surf?" Jake asked with a surprised look on his face, "Yea not much anymore but I guess I'm gonna get into it again,"
"So where are you going to surf?"
"Oh down at one of the La Push beaches,"
"Cool maybe some of my friends and I could come with you,"
"So how do you know Bella?" Emmett asked.
"We lived right next to each other for a long time,"
"Did she surf with you?" He was grinning and Bella was glaring at him.
"No she tried once,"
"Can I guess what happened?" His grin grew bigger, and Bella smacked him. He flinched and rubbed the spot. "Im still strong Emmett," It seemed like I missed a joke that wasn't funny. The bell for homeroom rung. "Bye Renesmee," Bella sighed as she hugged her, Alice hugged her too, and Jake kissed her on the cheek. Everyone said bye to me and they left.
"So your family is like all together,"
"So, Jake hangs out with your family alot?"
"Oh yea all the time, hes kinda my boyfriend,"
"Yea, I would love to see you surf. Emmett and Jasper are really good too, I am not very but I do,"
"Really thats so cool,"
"Yea, see ya,"
"Kay bye," I walked to my class room and after that the day went in a blur. I sat with the Cullens and
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