Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป My New Family by Ameris C (great novels to read .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซMy New Family by Ameris C (great novels to read .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Ameris C

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we planned a surfing trip, we decided not to go to La Push because they didnt have very good waves, but we were going after school tomarrow, Bella and Alice said they don't surf so they would stay with me on land. The next day past too. But at about four were headed to another beach. I was suppose to call Bella when I was ready to be picked up. I didn't know what to wear it was going to be unseasonably warm tomarrow but still no sun. I put on long pants and a sweat shirt and called her, I told her directions to my house and in like ten minutes she was there with a blue buggy, she told me it was Renesmee's and she and Jake would meet us there. It was wierd because I felt ackward Dr. and Mrs. Cullen were meeting us there. But as that feeling engulfed me a wave of peace followed quickly. We arrived and there was Renesmee and Jake just like they said. Right when we stepped out of the car Jasper and Emmett raced to the water in wetsuits, not bothering to get the expensive looking surf boards out of the back. They looked faster then anyone I ever saw. Alice and Bella walked to the edge of the water until Emmett tried to drag them in. A few minutes after we got there while Alice, Bella, and I were sitting on a beach blanket watching Emmett and Jasper surf, a couple of dudes as tall and as tan as Jake walked up to us. Renesmee and Jake took off and began a hike, Edward went to go see if Dr. and Mrs. Cullen were still coming. "Sup Bella," One of them said, Bella got up and hugged him, "Hey Seth," she hugged the two others behind them and called them Embry and Quil and all of them looked as young or even younger then Renesmee. "Whos this?" Emdry asked nodding towards me, "Im Lizzie,"
"Hey Lizzie,"
"Are you guys coming?" Emmett yelled from 5 yards into the water. And with that the three ran into the water. Alice gasped and her face was blank and her eyes stared into the distance. "Alice?" I asked. Her eyes focused and she recomposed her face. "Yea?"
"Are you okay?"
"Im fine," Right then another car pulled up to the small beach, Edward, Dr. Cullen, and who I guess was Mrs. Cullen got out. Mrs. Cullen couldnt even be more then two years older then Dr. Cullen. I wonder whos idea it was to adopt. At first it started funny because Emmett and Jasper tackled Edward and then they carried him into the water. Dr. and Mrs. Cullen told me to call them Carlisle and Esme. Everyones' name in this strange family had a very old fashion name. Jasper and them wanted to go up to a cliff so they could dive off of it, when Alice asked me if I wanted to come watch I said yes. My arm wasn't burning as bad because I wasn't paying attention to it. But now when I have to move it up and down to avoid having it get hit by a branch its starting to get fired up. "Opps!" I fell to the ground and felt the stiches rip open, Esme called for Carlisle who was only a few minutes away to help. She held my hand and it was strange because her skin was very hard and very cold. I could feel the warm blood begin to pool around my head. Carlisle arrived very fast and he appeared a blur, he told everyone to leave because there was alot of blood. I only saw bone white flashes and then I didnt hear anything else because I blacked out. But before I realized something was up with the Cullens. The ice cold and hard skin. The abnormaly pale skin. The old time names. The eyes I witness turn black to gold, the fast speeds, and just the thought of everything else. They were vampires. I woke up in the same shaped room, with the same pale white walls and the white cot. Dr. Cullen- Carlisle was out in the hallway and he was talking to someone. Aunt Jesse moved slightly and I could see her straight blonde hair. I could hear the muted voices, he didn't want her to go in yet. He wanted her to wait until I have woken up and he has checked me. She nodded and walked away quickly and then the door opened. His eyes full of concern, I don't know who it was for. He pressed his middle and pointer finger on my wrist "Are you feeling alright?"
"I saw what happened," I whispered. "Yes you were lucky nothing very seriouse happened," At first I thought he meant about him and his family of vampires. "No, I saw what happened," I whispered again, my mind flashing to Alice's blank face as she gasped, and then the white blurs as the blood thirsty vampires filed out, why didnt they kill me? How could they not, my blood was pouring from my head, and Carlsile he works in a hospital where there is blood all the time. I don't understand anything. "I was afraid of that," He whispered back, I was once again confused, was he going to kill me now? Or will he leave me alive since I was Bella's friend? "Well, you are free to go, Bella wants you to call her when your home,"
"Does Renesmee know?" I wonder, Renesmee's pink skin doesn't look hard or even cold for the fact, did she know her family are vampires? "Yes,"
"Jake and Seth and Embry and Quil?"
"Yes, we will explain later," He led me out of the room and Aunt Jesse again was sitting in the waiting room with tears running down her face. She took me home with out a word, only one hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Where are you going?" she said in a stirn voice. It took me off guard, "To go call Bella, and tell her I'm fine,"
"Elizabeth Marie Smith! I don't want you to scare me like that anymore!" She yelled just below the pitch of a scream. More tears were coming into her eyes. And she broke down, I dragged her to the living room and pushed her on the couch. The tears ran faster down her cheeks, "I'm sorry Lizzie, I was just so worried about you lately,"
"I know I'm really sorry, I wont do anything else if it makes you happy,"
"No hun, live you life. And go tell Bella your alright," I ran up stairs and found the stupid phone charger, plugged the phone in and called her, it didnt even have time to ring. "Are you alright?" Bella asked immediatly, I shook my head even though she couldnt see me and laughed, "I'm fine Bella, how about you?"
"What do you mean am I fine? You just basicly took a head dive in to the ground!"
"No Bella, are you okay," there was silents for a minute and I knew she got what I was saying. "I'm sorry we took you, your- your human we should have never put you in danger that way,"
"Bella I fell on the ground its not your fault,"
"Well Alice saw it and warned us but we said that if you were with us it wouldnt happen and then-"
"Alice saw it?"
"Listen I'll come pick you up, we have alot of explaining to do." The phone line went dead and I threw it back on my bed. I ran down stairs, "Where are you going?" Aunt Jesse asked, she was still on the couch but the tv was on and most of her tears were gone. "Oh Bella is coming to pick me up,"
"Oh don't stay out very late and tell her I said hi,"
"Kay love you,"
"Love ya," I sat outside on the porch swing until the silver Volvo rolled into the drive way, I ran to the back seat which had Alice in the middle and Jasper by the window. Both of there faces were blank. We drove quietly around twists and turns until we came to a three story white house. When we walked in the living room appeared to be empty but then all of the Cullens were there even Rosalie. Seth, Jake and another guy taller then Jake was there. His name was Sam I found out. We sat in the living room silents eating away at me. Everyone had a straight face, except me. It was tearing me in half, I wanted to know everything! Edward cleared his throat. "Lizzie, this is a very long and complicated story, with more twists and turns then you would even expect." I didnt say or do anything so he began, "We are vampires," he paused a moment, checking my reaction, which was better the I thought it would be, "But we are not the same as our kind, we only survive of animals," what like vegetarians? I would have laughed but I was sort of afraid in a strange way, not afraid directly of them but he said "not the same as our kind," so I suppose it makes some sence. I heard a buzzing sound and saw Bella's lips twitch and then Edward gave a slight shake of his head. I didn't question it. "We are special in some ways. One being our tolerance for human blood," I shuttered slightly, "And some of us have a six sense," I arched one eyebrow because that was rediculous, no way there is a 'six sense' anyone could have, even a vampire. "Yes I know it sounds ubsurd doesn't it?" His question caught me off guard, like he knew what I was thinking. "Your correct," I decided to test it. 'So you can read minds? Thats very- interesting,' I said to him in my mind, wondering if he would get it right. "Yes I know, strange how things work out,"
'Anything else? Can you fly or walk up walls?'
"Alice can see the future, Jasper can control emotions, Renesmee can put thoughts into your head, Bella is a shield, and I can read minds," I realized no one else could hear my questions becuase I didnt say them aloud and they all had on an annoyed expression on. "Well thats- different," Emmett chuckled, Bella and Alice seemed to let out a silent breath, and the rest seemed to relax. "So your not afraid?" Bella asked in a hopeful whisper. I smiled and shook my head. "Cool,"
"Oh Lizzie,"
"One more thing, don't tell anyone,"
"don't worry,"
"So since that secret is out," Jake began stepping forward, "Jake!" Bella almost hissed making me flinch. "What? I mean you got to tell her yours,"
"Jacob Black thats only because she saw! What gave you the idea to tell her yours?"
"Well I don't know, maybe the little speech that Edward gave,"
"Watch yourself," I was begining to back away, I havent really seen anything like this in my life. Esme was behind me "Don't worry, nothing will really happen hunny,"
"Do they always do this?" I whispered the question. "Once in a great while, it will pass," They were still spitting insults at each other. "Guys cool it!" Seth was inbetween them, blocking them from each other. Renesmee was pulling one of Jake's hands from behind trying to pry him away. Edward was holding one of Bella's hands and whispering something in her ear, but she wasn't paying attention. Carlsile was on the right side of the fight trying to calm things down. Emmett and Jasper almost crouched to the ground ready to spring. Rosalie was sitting up straight, both hands on the couch ready to stand up. Alice standing cross armed behind Jasper her eyes closed. Sam was
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