Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป My New Family by Ameris C (great novels to read .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซMy New Family by Ameris C (great novels to read .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Ameris C

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ran and hugged them. She turned to me "You must be Lizzie, nice to meet you." She stuck out her hand and when I shook it, even with her gloves on, it was as freezing as the air. "It's great to see you again Tanya, where is your sister?" Tanya lowered her eyes to the ground. "She went away for a while,"
"I'm sorry," She looked at the sky now, "It's about to snow. Lizzie you must be freezing, come in." She led us through the house. It was all bright, with many rooms. Cream colored walls and soft off-white carpets. She opened a door at the end of the west hallway and walked in. There was a bed- like the rest of the bedrooms- a dresser and a night stand with a tiny clock on it that read 3:00 on it in red letters. There was a bathroom off to the right. "Lizzie, I hope you like it. I didn't know anything about you, so I just matched it to the rest of the house." The walls were like chocolate cream and the carpet was a bit lighter, but not as light as the rest. The bed had soft golden sheets and brown feather pillows. "It's perfect." I murmured as I looked around. All the furniture in the house had a modern but family look. Not like the flashy couches and leather sofas that are way unconfortable and only for looks, but this was a very homey place. It reminded me of the Cullens' house. "I'm so glad you like it. Do you need help unpacking? If not I can leave you alone now, this must be very different."
"I'm fine thank you. Really this room is extrodinary. I'll be perfectly fine." She smiled and closed the door beind her. My three bags were all over the room, two on the bed, my make-up case sat on the floor next to them. Way different. I began to unpack everything, shoving clothes into various drawers and stuffing tooth-paste and other things into the bathroom cabinet. Once I was done I sat on my bed with Muffy- a stuffed pink elephant I got on my tenth birthday. A few minutes later there was a light knock at my door. I quickly looked at the clock. 3:17. "Come in." I said quietly, knowing all well they would hear me. Esme stepped in with a little white box in her hand and two envelopes. I cocked my head slightly to the left. She gave a small smile. And without a word she sat the things beside me and left. I picked up the box first. The movement made metal hit more metal, making a jangle sound. My movement seemed clumsy after I watched Esme carry it in and set it on the bed with no noise. I lifted the cover and placed it next to me. It was a charm bracelet. I lifted it up and all the charms were different and almost none of them made any sence together. Under the bracelet was a folded peice of paper. I lifted it up curiously. Unfolding it and holding it up, it seemed to say who all the charms were from. A flower from Esme, the Protection symble from Carlisle, a ruby heart from Alice, a little wolf charm from Jacob and Seth, little vampire teeth from Emmett and Jasper, a small volleyball from Edward- of course he knew my favorite sport, nosy- a clover leaf from Renesmee, a little thing that read 'Hope' from Rosalie, and finally a little vial of water that had sparkles in it from Bella. I laughed as I remember the little experiment we did when we were little. We took a cup of water and dumped all the sparkles we ever had into it. We thought if we put it into the moon-light that a fairy would appear and we would get three magic wishes. I rolled my eyes as I remember my dissapointment, I was so mad that I threw a fit. Our moms wouldn't buy us anymore glitter so we could try again. I reached for one of the envelopes. My name was written on both but I went for one that had the elegant writing on it. I tore open the flap and slid the letter out. A picture of Emmett and his sparkly clothes fell on my lap. I picked it up and laughed at his surprised look. I opened the letter, expecting it to be from either Emmett or Jasper. It wasn't. It was from Rosalie.

Dear Lizzie,

I have been very rude to you. I'm sorry, it's just that I don't like thinking people acually want this life. I guess I understand your wish for revenge, trust me I really do. I just hope you can forgive me. This is the hardest for me, believe it or not. But everyone loves you anyway. Your bubbly personality, the way you dealed with the passing of your Aunt better then we did, and you are very pretty- not that looks are everything, because they can get you into trouble quickly. So again, I am so very sorry, please find it in your heart to try to forgive me.


I stared at the letter in shock. I was still stuck at the ninth word. She's sorry? Wow, I really did not expect that. I'm more surprised at that then finding out the Cullens were vampires. I didn't even want to look at the second letter. A sorry was the last thing I expected today. I reached for the second letter anyway. The writing on this one was even more rough then my own. And I sucked at hand-writting.

Lizzie, I know what's happening to you know is very weird. Ha, trust me I know everything about weird. But this is completely normal for a Cullen. So I guess you're okay with this. The point is, if you can get through this then everything is possible. The Cullens and the pack are by your side.

'Completely normal for a Cullen. So I guess you're okay with this.' Well, that makes it final. I'm a Cullen. I glanced at the clock. 5:02. Wow, an hour past. I got up and realized my leg is asleep. I took the oportunity. I sat back back and pressed really hard on a spot on my leg. Okay I have to check back later to see if a bruise forms. I think, no blood flow+pressure= no bruise. A slight knock at my door made me jump. "Come in," I called. Tanya came in. "Are you hungry?" She asked. The smell of baked chicken made my stomach rumble. She laughed. "I guess that's a yes. I made chicken and baked potatos." I followed her into the hallway and she led me to the kitchen. A make-your-own-potato stand was set out. Sour cream, onions, chives, bacon, cheeses. Everything. And there was a plater of chicken next to it. "Help yourself," She said as she walked out. I saw her wrinkle her nose before she left. I guess vampires don't like human food. I grabbed one of the glass plates and began filling it. I was starving. I began eating as I made my way to the living room. But I thought about the carpets and headed to the dinning room. Soon Carlisle and Esme joined me. They sat down beside me. "Lizzie, are you sure about this decision?" Carlisle asked. "Yes. Unless it's a complication to you guys."
"You are never a complication." Esme reassured me. "Thank you Esme, but I meant because-" I had to think of how to phrase this. "The blood." Carlisle chuckled. "That is no problem at all. Another question is, are you ready for this?" He raised an eyebrow as he spoke. "Yes." I nodded.

Well, after Carlisle explained what it will be like, I admit that it freaked me out a little. But here I am. Being led to my room by Carlisle, with Esme clutching my hand reassuringly. I laid down on the bed. Esme smiled encouragingly.


It's still exhilarating. The smells, the sight, the everything! But the thirst and the madness. I almost attacked Emmett once. They decided that they should come to Denali to help me. So the Cullen house in Forks was empty, Renesmee and Jacob came with us. The first time I hunted was scary. Already my count of human murders reached two. Their blood was so sweet though! I don't really know how the Cullens can stand it! I was faster then the others so I got to them faster. I had already spilled their blood, so Jasper wasn't much help. Later after that horrible experience I got my sence back. I had said sorry about three hundred times. Dissapointment set in as I became the Cullen with the fourth most kills. But it was different with Jasper. I knew this life first and he didn't so it doesn't count for him. And Edward only killed criminals. And Rosalie, well, I can understand her case the most. Those filthy men almost killed her! They deserved to die! I was deciding who to ask for help to get my revenge. Maybe Rosalie can help me. I was already thirsty again, but I was too afraid to hunt. Carlisle was teaching a medical class at a local collage and Esme was taking up a job of redoing a house for a newly wedded couple. I decided I was going to take a few collage courses. How can it hurt? Today, only Nessie- I found out it was Renesmee's nickname- Jacob, Rosalie, Alice, Tanya, and I were the only ones at the house. Jasper and Emmett were doing who knows what, Carlisle had his classes, Edward and Bella were out somewhere, and Esme was already started on that house. I found it strange how they all seemed to have to move around or sit down. I shrugged the thought off and listened to the news that was on T.V with no one watching it. A disease has spread through Italy, which when that news came on, everyones' eyes shot to the screen. "What's wrong?" I asked as I looked at each face contorted in fear. "Shh!" Alice hissed as she moved closer to the screen. "The Romanians?" Tanya breathed. "No. It has to be something bigger, they could never take the Volturi out with only two of them. It would be impossible." Alice said quickly. Rosalie looked... Happy? "Don't any of you see the possiblities? If the Volturi are gone, then we would not have to worry about them coming after Renesmee, or any of us! I don't know about you guys, but this, to me, is the best news ever!" She thrilled. It seemed suddenly, all the fear and pain in their faces was wiped away and replaced with happiness and joy. "Whoa!" Alice said suddenly. Her face was blank, her eyes far away. "Rose, call everyone home. Now." Alice said, still in her trance. Rosalie nodded and took out her phone and began dialing numbers. Alice hissed. "I can't see in here, I'll be right back."
"Lizzie, can you go with her?" Rosalie asked in a soft voice. Taken by surprise, I nodded and followed Alice out the door. My phone began to ring. I took it out of my pocket and looked at the caller ID. I let out a strangled cry. How? "Hello?" I asked in a shaken voice. A cold voice answered "I am Vladimir, now listen. We know who you are Elizabeth. We know you better then you know yourself. You have great powers. Greater then anything else alive in our supernatural world. You don't know how to use your gift yet, but we can teach you. I will offer you a deal, join us in destroying the Volturi
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