Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป My New Family by Ameris C (great novels to read .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซMy New Family by Ameris C (great novels to read .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Ameris C

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and the rest of your mortal friends will live." The phone hung up. Fury coursed through me at the threat. Before I threw the phone against the outside of the house, I crushed it into dust. Alice had her wide eyes on me, waiting for my next move. My eyes became slits as I stared at her. "Do you know him?" I asked, my voice splintering ice. She shook her head in a quick no. Everyone was crowded around me now. "Vladimir?" Edward asked looking at me. "Yes!" I hissed back. Everyone was frozen, just staring at me. I snarled at them, making everyone of them flinch. Unwelcome calm flouded the air. I glared at Jasper, only to realize that he had his hand on my shoulder. I didn't want to be calm! I fought against the calm and it retracted a little. Jasper's face turned from unreadable to disturbed. "How are you doing that?" He asked in a whisper, overly surprised. "What is she doing?" Alice asked. Surprised at Jasper's change in expression. "She's acually fighting against my gift. And winning." He whispered in disbelief. "Yes. As all of you just witnessed. I just lost my family. And now my friends are suffering." I whispered back harshly. "We know, Lizzie but you need to calm down. Vladimir is just-" I didn't want anyone picking through my head right now! I just wish I could have Bella's gift so he couldn't read my thoughts anymore! "How-" Edward began but then cut himself off. "Great power indeed. She's stealing our abilities." He announced. No! I wanted to scream at them. But I was froze in amazment as I let Jasper and Bella have their full gifts back. "No!" Fear replaced most of the hatred I felt towards Vladimir. The fear turned to excitment as I realized I had a gift! Powerful enough to make Alice's gift seem silly and Edward's gift common! But the excitment quickly turned darker and more pertrifying as it was being shadowed by fear. What if I couldn't control it? "Amazing," Carlisle spoke with intense fascination. "Can you also take multiple gifts at once?" He asked quickly after. "I don't know." I mumbled. "But how would Vladimir know she has such a gift?" Edward questioned his self. "Do you think someone told him? Perhaps someone already knew?" Carlisle joined in. Everyone in the circle with a gift suddenly looked unsure of themselves. Alice hesitated before shaking her head. She looked unsure as she answered "I don't think so. I- guess I would have seen it. It doesn't add up correctly." She said slowly, still unsure. "What-" She began to ask as she began to- faint? "Alice! What's wrong?" Jasper caught her, his eyes wide and confused. "What is happening to her?" He yelled at no one. "Lizzie." Edward spoke anxiously. I looked away from Alice and then looked at him. "What?" I hissed nervously. "You are taking her power, she's too weak."
"No I'm not! I can't be!"
"Lizzie, just take a deep breath and calm down." He instructed. "Hurry!" Jasper yelled at us again. I breathed in and out a few times, letting the wintery air cool me. Letting out the fifth breath I sighed. Alice gasped and jumped up. Her eyes went blank for a second and then refocused. She looked disoriented. "Alice? Are you alright?" Jasper's anxious whisper was the only other sound then breathing. Her eyes stared at me in shock and fear. "Lizzie, please never do that again." She begged in a whisper. I nodded quickly and stared back at her. In the moment I gave back her power, I had one of her visions. "Did you see that Alice?" I asked in a pertrified whisper. "Yes." She whispered back. Jasper looked back at her quickly, "What did you see Alice?" he asked. "Lizzie?" He looked at me when she didn't answer. I opened my mouth but it would not repeat the horrible scene. "Edward?" He asked. Looking annoyed at the silents. "They both had the same vision. It seems when ever Lizzie gives back a gift, it increases in power for the first few moments, and they both get the affect. It was like this vision is dead set, like it wouldn't change. One word. Romanians." He forgot the rest of it. My mortal friends dying, black-cloaked vampires rushing into Forks, and it seems we can't kill Vladimir... Because I will fall in love with him. I can't, he threatened me. He threatened my family and friends. Possibly even killed Aunt Jesse. "I'll see you when you come back, Lizzie." Alice said as she looked up at me. "Your leaving?" Bella asked. I nodded. "I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. I have put your family in danger. Esme, Carlisle, you both are so kind, but I have done nothing but put your family in danger." I murmured to them, hoping I didn't cry. But I wasn't crying. My eyes felt unconfortably dry acually. No one moved except Esme. She stood infront of me, the same mothering look in her eyes as she had whenever she asked if I was alright. She threw her arms around me. "Lizzie, I think of you as my daughter, you are part of this family. But if you must leave, then, please, come back as soon as possible. I love you." I wanted to cry then. To show her I felt the same about her, and everyone around me. The void that was created when my parents and brother died, it wasn't completely filled with just Aunt Jesse. But with this family. This vampire family. My family, I felt like I was home. Finally home, again. After all these years. Carlisle's face was pained as he came to stand behind Emse. "You are our daughter Lizzie. There is always a place in this family for you, anything you need, we will help you." I hugged him. Thanking God for their kindness and understanding. After everyone said good bye to me, I was off. I didn't take a car, I was running. It felt very nice to use my strength then to control it. I thought of the vision. Where was I going? I didn't know the answer. I then decided to get some detective work done. After researching some people I found I should go to LA. A very sunny place. Better at night. I had a number to call. I dialed the number on the new private cell phone I got that cannot be traced anywhere. "Yes. This is Tommy Bender. May I help you?"
"Yes you may. I have heard that you do private investigations. Can you tell me more information on that subject please?" He cleared his throat and I could hear a meeting going on in the backround. "Of course, would you like to meet in person, or should I give you this information over the phone?"
"A meeting would be nice. My name is Eliza Smith." I decided to keep it like my real name, but if he trys to look it up, I will not be there. "It is very nice to have a conversatio with you Ms. Smith. May I ask what time is more convenient for you?"
"I would like to see you as soon as possible. But I need it to be at night, I am very busy."
"Of course. How about six tonight, do you need directions on how to get the my LA office?"
"No thank you, Mr. Bender, I will see you then." I hung up the phone. All I have is one fact, and that is the phone number.

I strut into the office building. A pretty redhead recetionist sits behind a desk. "Excuse me?" I say as I walk over to her. She looks up from the open file in front of her. "Yes, may I help you?"
"I have an appointment with Mr. Bender at six." She looks at the clock on her desk and then at a note pad that had a scedual of five appointments scedualed from today. I was the last one. "Of course, Ms. Smith, third floor, the first door on your right, please go right in." I nodded and followed her instructions. I was wearing dark sunglasses, so my eyes wouldn't be scary. I had a plain black dress on, a matching briefcase, and shoes on. The elevator made a bell sound and the door open. I went to his office door and knock twice. He opened it. He was tall and slight. Thin, about twenty-five. With think brown hair and hazel eyes. He was good-looking. "I assume you are Ms. Smith. Please come in." He sat behind an oak desk and gesturded for me to take a set in the armchair. I sat down. "So Ms. Smith, you look very well, did you have any trouble getting here?" I smiled at him. "Not at all. So, I need you to look up some information on a- person I know only a little about." He nodded and began to pull out papers from a file folder. "May I ask who this person is?" He said conversationaly as he continued. "No, you may not." I muttered quickly. "Ex-husband or something of that sort? Pretty woman like you, has to be something interesting." He spoke and looked up quicklyto smile at me. "No, I was never married. Can I have a guess about how much this is going to cost?"
"It all depends on the proccess, Ms. Smith."

The call made by Vladimir to my phone had been a cellphone call. Located in Forks. Acually, around Forks. I made my way there. The phone has only been active for a day before the call to me. I decide to call Vladimir back. "Hello, Elizabeth. I'm glad you had a nice trip back. So what do you say about our deal?"
"Vladimir. You know everything about me, but I don't know anything about you."
"Your clever, dear Elizabeth. I am from Romania, another powerful group of vampires overthrew us. They killed many of my companians, including a brother of mine. You must know how I fell. You want to kill the vampire that murdered your aunt. Don't you?"
"How do you know about that Vladimir?" I hissed at him. He chucked on the end of the line. "Ah, don't worry how I know these facts. But let me tell you something that might interest you. I have killed that certain vampire for you. But it happened to be one of my guards. Pity when someone you trust disobeys you like that." Killed? The murderer is dead? Feirce joy coursed through me. "What exactly do you want Vladimir?" I asked, trying to hide the joy. "See you are happy. One of the things I want is that. Happiness. Particualy your happiness." I felt strange. That was sweet. No, I can't fall for that. "And the other thing Vladimir." I pressed. "To get that revenge. Elizabeth, I am asking you for your help."
"You are threatening me! If I do not help you, my friends will die!" He sighed. "I decided this town has had enough casualties. So now I will ask. Dearest Elizabeth, I need your help." Strange. I had the impression he does not normally act this way from the reactions of the Cullens. "I would not be able to help, I would just give the enemy a chance to destroy us easier."
"Like I said before. You have a gift. I will teach you how to use it."
"And what do I get?"
"friendship, power, wealth, anything you can imagine, it will be yours."
"Power?" He chuckled. "Yes, once we defeat the Voltrui, then we will control the vampire world." I could have power if we win. But what would I do with it? "I accept. Where do I meet you?"
"Everyone who will be joining us in this battle
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