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Izzy. I love you so much, I never stopped loving you when we were kids. You are the most beautiful girl I ever met in my whole life. Will you marry me Isabella Maria?” I couldn't believe I asked her that. I moved down to her throat, nibbling it as I go down, kissing every part of her body.

“Yes! Oh yes, DJ. I will marry you.” she said.

Harold came in and open the door the rest of the way. “Dinner is ready –.” he didn't finish his sentence. “Oh my god you guys.”

“It's not what you think, Harold. We were just kissing. We weren't having sex.” she said.

“Okay, then what was all the oh yes's for?” he said.

“I asked her to marry me.” I said.

“What? Are you fucking serous. She's only 16, what would mom said if she heard this Izzy?”

“She would be made at first, but she would be happy for me. DJ love me and I love him. Why can't you just be happy for once in life time. What did grand,a and grandpa do to you to become like this?”

“They raised me good okay. DJ wait until your mom hears about this.”

“She already knows. I told her that I loved her. I love your sister, Harold. Come on be a good friend. Your the only family she's got.”

“Oh my god I can't think. I'll think about it. But really does this really have to happen now?” he asked.

“No, I gonna wait till she's out of school to marry her, do you think I'm stupid?”

“No, well come eat.” he left and went downstairs.

“I do get it and bring it up here.” I kissed her and got up.

I went and got our dinner and carried them to her room.
When I got back she was on the bed crying. I put the plates on her dresser and went to her.

“What's the matter, Izzy?” I asked.

“I miss... I miss... I miss my parents.” she said. It look her a minute to get it all out.

“I understand baby. I feel you. Do you want to eat?”

“No, I'm just tried. I want to go to bed. I have to work tomorrow anyways.”

“Okay. Here I'll take these back downstairs and I'll be right back.”

I left with the food and put them in the fridge and went back to her room. I went to get my things and kissed her on the forehead and was about to leave.

“Where you going?” she asked.

“Home, where else.”

“No, don't go. Please stay. I need you right now.” she said.

“Okay. Are you sure you can go to work.” I asked.

“Yea, I have to. To make up today.”

“Okay. Well get some sleep. I will be in bed in a minute let me put these pictures up and put Fluffy in his cage.”

She nodded and covered up. I put everything up, even put Fluffy in his cage. Then, I turned off the light and climbed in bed.
The next day she got up and went to work. I hung out and looked at all her pictures. When she got home she went straight to bed.
When I got up it was 9 P.M. I wrote her a note that I would see her in the morning. And that she need some time to be alone by herself to take all this stuff in about her parents. 'I being a good guy.' I thought to myself, 'Right.'

I got home and went up to my room and went to bed again. My mother came up to my room to check up on me to see if I was okay.
She opened the door and came in.

“Son, you still up?” she asked.

“Yes.” I was not crying but it sounded like I was.

“What's the matter, son.”

“Nothing mom, okay.” I said then I started crying.

“Son, please don't lie to me. I am your mother.”

I turned around and I turn on my little light on.

“Have you ever loved anyone in you life that you know when you were a kid?”

“Yes, I have. I met your father when I was 8. we went to school together. I had a crush on him and then he moved to another house that was 2 streets from me. Then I was about your age I found him again, then I told him everything when we were little. We got married when I was 20, got pregnant with you and had you when I was 21. But love does not last forever, son. When you were 6 we split up. I found your father in our bed with another woman. I told him to get his shit and get the hell out of my house. I see him once in awhile. You look a lot like him. That's why I called you DJ, Dennis Jr.” she told me. “So, where is this going son?”

“Well, you know, Izzy right. Well, I liked her since we were kids, but she liked Noah. And now I told her I liked her and yesterday when I left here to go back over there. I asked her to 'marry me', and she said, 'Yes'. Harold got mad because I did that but, he said he would thing about it.” I told her.

“So you are crying because you think Harold won't let you marry her. Why did you even ask her to marry you in the first place.”

“Because, I love her. I already had sex with her.” oh my god did I just say that.

“Dennis James, are you trying to do the same damn thing I did.” she yelled well not yelled at me.

“No, but I don't care. I love her so much. Doesn't matter anymore she probably mad at me for leaving. I promise her I wouldn't leave her. She wanted me to be there for her.” I put my head in my hands.

My mother understood everything I was saying. She patted my back, kissed my forehead and hold me. She wasn't mad at all. She left my room to let me go to bed in peace. I stayed away from Izzy's house for 3 days. I stayed in my room. I have never been like this about a girl. The last girl I had when I was 12, she used me to lose her virginity. That's when I lost my virginity too, but I did love her.
By the 4th day, Izzy came over. I heard my mom talking to her.

“Well, good morning Izzy. How have you been. DJ told me what you guys did 5 days ago. I sorry you had to go thru that, but at least DJ was there.” my mother said.

“Well, thank you Ms. DJ's mother. That was kinda of nice of yea. Is he here?” I heard Izzy asked her.

“Yes, he is in his room. He's been in his room for 4 days. He has not come out. Well, only to use the bathroom and taken showers.”

“Okay. I go talk to him. Did he tell you about us?” she asked my mother.

“Yes, he did. I hope you treat him well please, he's all I have.”

“Don't worry. I love him so much. He's been there for me ever since my parents been dead. I should love him right. Well, I talk to you later Ms. DJ's mother.”

I heard Izzy come up the stairs to my room. She knocked 3 times.

“DJ can I come in please?”

“I don't know can you?”

She walked in and she seen me laying in my bed looking at the wall. She walked to my bed and climbed in and covered up. She put her arms around me. She started kissing my shoulder, my neck, the top of my head. She put her fingers thru my fingers, even put her leg over my leg. She went to my ear and whispered.

“Dennis, I love you so much.” she told me. She never called me Dennis, not even when we were kids.

I did not answer her at first. I just layed there. Letting her hold me. Then I spoke.

“Why are you even here Izzy? Aren't you upset that I left you in the middle of the night.”

“No, because you were right. I did to be alone for a few days. But, I've missed you so much DJ.”

She rolled me over on my back and she got on top of me.

“What the hell is the matter with you. Ever since Noah came back into my life you been a dick. I thought you loved me.” she yelled at me.

“Get off of me Izzy and go home.” I told her I lift my arms up to move her but she grabbed them and put them on the bed.

“No, I am not leaving, DJ. I am staying here.” she said.

“You are so stubborn.”

“Thank you very much DJ. But, you are too.”

We laughed then she kissed me and let go of my arms. I put my hands on her waist.

“I'm sorry I yelled at you.” she said.

“I'm sorry I left you 5 days ago, and I'm sorry I told you to leave me. I can't live without you Izzy. I want you to be my wife.”

“I want to be your wife. I want to kiss and hug you all I want. I want to have your kids. I want to have sex with you anytime we want it. But most of all I want to be with you for the rest of my life until we die.” she said.

“Me too, Izzy.” I said.

We layed there cuddling each other and fall asleep.

Past Izzy and Noah when they were kids!!

Chapter 16: Past Izzy and Noah when they were kids!! Part 1!!

Hi, I'm Isabella Maria, Izzy for short. Some of my friends call me Iz. I have red hair and I am 7 years old. I live with my mom and dad. I have an older brother name Harold but, when he turned 7 he moved with our grandparents. He's 9 now.
There's this little boy name Noah that live like 3 house down from. I call him the 'bookworm' because he's always reading books. Don't matter how big or hard it is.
He was walking home from school with a book in his hands I was hanging upside down.

“Hi bird, hi old man with doggy, hi – oh hi bookworm.” I jumped down and scared the hell out of him.

“God, Izzy. Don't do that. What are you trying to do? Kill me by giving me a heartache.”

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