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when you can bye.
Love, Noah.

My mom called me for dinner. I got off line and went downstairs. I made my plate and sat down.

“So how was camp, hon?”

“Okay, but we broke up tho. I think I'm gay. When I kissed her, I didn't feel the sparks like it use to when we were little. I told Izzy we need to move on.” I told my mother.

“How she take it?”

“Okay. She was okay with it.”

“But you think your gay?”

“Yes, mama. Are you okay with that?”

“Yea. Do what you like sweetie.”

“I will mama. Well I done eating, I going to bed. Love yea.”

“Goodnight and love yea too.” my mother kissed me goodnight.

I went to bed thinking about Izzy and Cody. What I did to her and what to say to Cody.

Cody asks Noah out, but Noah loves Mike and something bad happens to him!!

Chapter 18: Cody asks Noah out, but Noah loves Mike and something bad happens to him!! Part 1

It's been a week since I heard/seen Cody ever since we went to summer camp. I got on facebook today after church with my mom, and he was online.
I clicked on his name and started writing him.

Me: Hey Cody, what's up?

He didn't write me back but I waited for him to write me. I checked the rest of my mail. I had one from my aunt and uncle. A few from Izzy and I had one from her mom. I wrote my aunt and uncle and Izzy back. I even wrote her mom back.

Her mom wrote me, “Why aren't you coming over like you use to. Izzy misses you since your her boyfriend and all.” Izzy must haven't told her that we broke up.

I wrote back to her and said. “Well, Mary we broke up after camp. She pushed me and my book into the pool. She only kissed me one time during the two weeks and you know she always kisses me every time she seen me. So I told her that we need to go on with our lifes. And I told her I think I'm gay, because when I kissed her I didn't feel anything so I'm very sorry.”

I hit send, and then I looked at Cody's homepage and there were pictures of him and me together. A few of me and Izzy. Then when I was about to tag them, I heard a click like someone wrote me. I looked down at the bottom of the screen and Cody wrote me back.

Cody: hey cutie, how's it going?

Me: I'm okay looking at the pictures of us when we went to camp. I'm tagging myself in them okay.

Cody: okay, did you read the note I gave you on the last day?

Me: yes, I did. It was sweet.

Cody: so, what's the answer? Yes/no?

Me: well, you know I just broke up with Izzy, at camp. So, well, I don't know yet Cody. Let me think about it for a minute.

Cody: okay. I really do like you Noah.

Me: well, I thought about that. I like you too and when you kissed me on the cheek, I kinda liked it.
Cody: I knew you would. I seen the look you had on your face after I kissed you and you walked over to your truck and got in.

Me: yea. Yea. Lol so what now?

Cody: well, lets see. Will you go out with me Noah?

Me: yes, I will go out with you.

Cody: YAY! Lol thank you. :)

Me: your welcome Cody :) I have something to say. I'm moving in a few weeks.

Cody: Where too?

Me: up north, by pain city.

Cody: I live close to pain city. I go to pain city high school.

Me: I'm going to go school there. So I guess we can see each other. <3

Cody: sweet :) lol <3 hold on my phone is ringing lol.

Me: okay.

While I waited for him to come back I went to put some of my clothes in my bag and boxes. So only thing was left was a week worth of clothes and my bed.

My mom came in my room, to see if I was packing. “Hey, honey you almost done?” my mother said.

“Yea, I'm done. There boxes and bags over there.” I said.

“Oh okay. Is this the Cody you went to camp with?”

“Yes, it is. Why?”

“He asked you out? Wow you could have of told me you were gay. Why didn't you?”

“Well, because it's my life and I don't know mom. I thought I told you that's why me and Izzy broke up.”

“I knew y'all broke up, but still. But oh well. It's your life. Do what you want to do.” she said. “I love you for you. I don't care what you are, gay, bi, or straight. It's your life. I do know your father would have been mad but forget him. I'm the one that takes care of you.”

While she was talking, Cody wrote me back. So I got up and walked over to my computer.

Cody: sorry. It was my friend Heather. She's coming over to use my computer to look up some things for school so I won't be on here for awhile.

Me: oh okay. Well I'm packing my things to get ready to move. And my mom knows about us. She read what you said. She don't care.

Cody: oh good. That's cool. Tell her I said, 'Hey.'

Me: will do. Well, I got to go, see ya.
Cody: you too. <3

Me: <3

I logged off of facebook and let my mother use it. She checked her facebook. I seen that my father wrote her.

“NO! Hell no I am not going to see him. He can go to hell for all I care.” I said.

My mom looked at me and said. “Noah, watch your mouth. And you have too, he's still your father. But if you don't want too, I understand. I'll tell him that.”

“Tell him no! I do not want to see him. He left you for another girl. He didn't want us mom.” I told her.

“I know son.” she said.

I loved my mother so much and when my father left us when I was 4, I didn't want anything from him. He could die for all I care. My dad left us for another woman. She worked at my dad's work so I guess he seen her when he left to go to work and then when he came back, my mom told him to leave because his coworker told her that they were dating, that he was cheating on her for her.
My dad married her and had a few kids. I seen them behind his back. When he's at work I go over there and see them. They been married got 2 years and their kids are 3 and 5 years old. They don't tell my dad, well our dad that I come over neither does my step-mom.
She understands how I felt when my dad left us for her. She feels sorry.
After school I walked over to jenny's house. Mark was at work. Good for him. Mark Jr. and April, April is 5 and Mark Jr. is 3.
April loves me to death. When I walked in she ran to me.

“Noah!” April said, then ran to me when she seen who it was.

“Hey April, what's up?” I said.

“Nothing, got home from P.K.” she said.

“Oh okay cool. Did ya have fun April?”

“Yes, I did. We played outside.” she said.

“Oh cool.” I said. “Where's your mother?”

“In her room.”

I walked into Jenny's room. She was putting clothes away.

“Hey Jenny, what's up?” I asked her.

“Not much. Just cleaning the house before your dad come home.” Jenny said.

“He is not my dad anymore.” I told her. “He is just Mark to me.”

“Noah, don't do this okay. I know what he did to you and your mother when you was 4 years old. But that's the past. This is now not then. Noah, I love you like you were my own son. Trust me, I love your father and I love you, plus the two cute kids he gave me.” she told me.
I knew what she was talking about. But I didn't want to believe it, but I had to because she's right. It was in the past and this is the present.

I was there for two hours and it was almost time for my dad to come home. I was gonna do what she said. I needed a dad in my life.
I called my mom and told her I was staying for dinner. She was okay with that. I helped Jenny set up the dinner table for her. I eve helped her cook. We made tacos, two boxes of them too.
It was 7 P.M. When my father got home. I was in the living room watching Mark Jr. play with his toy.

“Hey honey, I'm home.” my father said.

He walked into the living room and he stopped and looked at me.

“Noah? What are you doing here?” he asked me.

“I'm here to have dinner with y'all and plus came here to see my baby brother and sister. Is that okay with you. Jenny didn't mind.” I told him.

“Oh okay. Well, no I don't mind. You could have called me first tho. But that doesn't matter. I'm glad your here it's been awhile since I seen you.” he said.

“Yea, but I been coming here for five years to see the kids while you were at work.”

“Oh. Why you still here then?” he asked.

“Well, because Jenny and I talked about it a little. That I should let the past go. This is the present not the past.” I told him.

“Okay.” that was all he said.

“Dinner is ready. Come and get it.” Jenny said.

We went and got our tacos and

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