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Book online «Total Drama Island by Heather Reed (inspirational books for students txt) 📖». Author Heather Reed

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“No, Noah. I was hanging upside down in the tree. Sorry Noah.” I said sorry to him.

“Well, don't do it again.” Noah said.

“Okay. Hey do you want to come to my birthday party tomorrow? It's at 3 my place.”

“Um. I don't know, I guess. 3 o'clock I'll be there.”

“Okay, no book either okay Noah.”

“Okay. I promise. See you later.”

He were walking to his place. He lives with his mama. His parents has been split up for a few years. I felt sorry for him. He don't see his daddy much.
I watched him walk home, walk up to his door, and watched him go inside. My mama called me in for dinner.

“Isabella, dinner.”

“Yes, mama.” I said to her.
I went inside. I went to the bathroom to wash my hands. I came out my daddy was home from work.

“There's my little angel. How was school?” my dad asked.

“It was good. I got an A on my math test and on my spelling test. Ms. Smith was so happy she bought me lunch.” I said.

“That's awesome baby. Tomorrow for your birthday, I'll get you something for dinner. I'll take us all out. How is that princess.”

“It's cool. Can I pick it.” I asked.

“Yes, where do you want to go?” my daddy asked.

“CiCi's Pizza. I want some pizza. Can Noah and his mother come please? Pretty please daddy. I was giving him the puppy eyes.

“Of course Angel. After dinner why don't you call Noah and his mother.”

“Thank you daddy.” I kissed him on the cheek.

I ate two plates full. We had BBQ Chicken Breast, Mac & Cheese, green beans and corn.

“That was good mama.”

“Your welcome, sweetie.” she told me.

I put my plate in the sink and went up to my room to call Noah. The phone rung 4 times before Noah's mother answered.


“Hi, it's Izzy. Um. Tomorrow after my birthday party. I asked my daddy if you and Noah can come to dinner with us, my treat.”

“Aw, that is so sweet Izzy. Where are we going can I ask?”

“Yes, we are going to CiCi's Pizza.” I told her.

“Okay, we will go, Izzy. So we meet where your place or there.” she asked me.

“Here at my place because I asked Noah, if he could come at 3 P.M. And we are going there at 6 P.M.” I told her.

“Okay, I tell Noah.” she said. Then I heard Noah in the background.

“Tell me what mama.” Noah said.

“Izzy and her parents asked to come to dinner with them after the birthday party to CiCi's pizza.” his mom told him.

“Oh okay.” that was all he said.

“Well, I got to Izzy making dinner. I see you tomorrow.”

“Okay. See ya guys tomorrow, bye.”

I hung up the phone and was going thru all my clothes to see what is cute so I can be cute for Noah. I did not know if I want to wear a dress or what? But, I have this cute shirt that says, 'daddy's little girl', and I have another one that says, 'the cutest Angel'. I was thinking about wearing that with my blue bell bottom jeans.
I was about to go downstairs to ask mama if this was cute, but her and daddy was fighting.

“What are you doing this for. You know we don't have the money for everything.” mama told daddy.

“Because I want to give her the best Mary. She didn't have a good one last year so what the hell. She's my daughter too. And I'm taking her out to eat if you don't like it don't go.” daddy told mommy.

“Your not doing this to me. I'm going to that dinner, Josh. If you like it or not.”

I went back to my room I didn't want to listen to it anymore. I ate when they fight. So I called grandma and grandpa. To tell them about my party.
They didn't answer but Harold did.

“Hello?” said Harold.

“Hey bubby. What's up?”

“Hey sis, not much. Watching TV, what about you?”

“Not much, looking what to wear tomorrow for the party and mom and dad fighting again.” I told him.

“Oh, sorry, and Happy Birthday. I'll be there at 2 okay.”

“Okay, thanks bubby. Well got to go love yea.”

“Love you too, I'll tell grandma and grandpa 'Hi' for yea. If you see DJ tell him 'Hi' for me please.” Harold said.

“Will do.”

I hung up the phone and went downstairs to tell mom and dad what Harold and Noah's mom said.

“Dad, mom, Harold said, 'Hi' and Noah's mom said, 'okay and thanks', they will be here.”

“Okay. Well it's 9:30 time for you to go to bed.” my mom said.

“Aw, okay. Can I stay up tomorrow and can Harold stay the night too.”

“I will think about it and it's up to him and your grandparents.” my mom said.

“Okay love y'all.” I kissed them good night and went to my room and went to bed.

When I went to bed dreaming of my party and Noah. It felt like he was in my room. I woke up a few times. No one was here but me.

I woke up at 9:30 got up took a shower, ate breakfast, and walked to DJ's house.
His mom's car was not there but I still knocked on the door. He was 10 years old. He came to the door. He had a brown bunny on his shoulder.

“Hey, Iz. Wassup? Oh by the way, Happy Birthday!” he told me and picked me up and kissed me on the cheek.

“Thanks. And not much. Your coming to my party right? Harold is gonna be there. And he said, 'Hey'. I talked to him last night.”

“He is well good. About time I see him again.” he laughed.

“Yea, well I got to go okay. See yea later.” I told him.

“You too.” he said. He went back inside.

I walked back down to my place. I went up to my room playing on my computer. It must have been 2 because Harold came in and put his hands over my eyes.

“Guess who?” he said.

“Harold.” I guessed.

I turned around and it was him. I got up and hugged him.

“Hey, DJ will be here I told him this morning. He was happy to hear that you were coming over. He misses you Harold.” I told him. “So do I.” I kissed him on the cheek.

“Me too. I miss everyone. Mostly you. But I can't live here the way dad is. You know that. One of these days he's gonna kiss someone. That someone might be you or mom. I love you Izzy, but I am sorry.” he said and hugged me real close.

We hugged about 3 minutes until mom came in.

“Hey, son. How you doing.” she asked him.

“Good. Miss you and Izzy.”

“We do too. Mostly Izzy. Your dad worries about you but he understands you hate him ever since he hit you and started drinking. But he did stop drinking, a little bit.”

“I sorry mama but like I told Izzy. I love you guys, but I can't come back. Dad might kill someone and that someone might be you two.” Harold started to cry.

He went to mama and she put her arms around him, so did I.
Dad came into the room and told Harold that DJ was here.

“Son, DJ is here.”

“Okay.” Harold said.

“Son, I'm glad to see you here for your sister.” he told Harold and put his hand on his shoulder.

“Don't touch me and I'm not your son anymore. I came here for mom and Izzy. Good-bye Josh.”

Harold walked out of my room and went to go see DJ. My mom gave my dad a ugly look like, 'ha that is what you get.' but I was not sure.

“Josh, don't. This is about Izzy so stop. Just leave Harold alone.” my mom told him.

My dad walked out and went somewhere.

“Wow, Harold was mean to daddy.” I told mommy.

“I don't blame your brother, Izzy. I wish I was lucky like him.” she told me and smiled. “Well, lets get this party over with.” she kissed me.

We went downstairs and I put on some music. I didn't see daddy anywhere. So I guess the out to eat thing is off. I went outside. Harold and DJ was playing.

“Hey, boys. Wassup.”

“Not much, Iz just playing cards with your brother.” DJ said. He winked at me.

I laughed. “Cool. So who's winning?” I asked.

“I am, like always.” DJ said.

“Ha, I win.” Harold said.

“Wow you won a hand. I won like 5 hands.”

We all laughed. I played with them. I won a few. Then Harold said.

“Izzy, there's your boyfriend.”

“What, where?” I turned around. “Noah!” I got up and ran to him.

“Hey, I told you I would come without a book too.” Noah told him. “Hey Harold, DJ. Nice to see you again Harold.”

“You too. How's it going.”

“Good, well my mom will be here in a few minutes. I'm gonna tell your mom Izzy.”

“Okay.” I told him and I waited until he was inside to hit Harold.

“Ow. What was that for?” he said.

DJ was laughing at that. I hit him too. “Not funny. And that was for because, Noah is not my boyfriend. We are just friends.” I told him. “And if you call him my boyfriend, I'm gonna hit you again.”

“Okay. God that hurt. Sorry that I called him your boyfriend.” he said.

“Thank you.” I told him. “And sorry I hit y'all.”

Noah's mom came with some bags. I went to her.

“Hi, Noah's mom. He's inside with my mother.” I said.

“Okay thanks Izzy. Harold can you be a guy and carry these bags for me.”

“Yes, mam. DJ help me you crazy.”

DJ, Harold, and Noah's mom went inside. So did I but I went to go see grandma and grandpa. I hugged them and then I went upstairs. I was in there for about 5 minutes until Noah came up there.

“Hey birthday girl. How you doing?”

“Okay. What about you.” I asked him.

“Good. I'm almost done with my book.”

“Cool. What book were you reading again?”

“The Twilight Saga books.”

“Oh, I love those books and movies. Wish I had them all.”

“Well, when you blow out your candles wish for them.”

“Okay. I will. My Aunt Joy has them. I read Twilight and New Moon and even see them. But have not read or seen that last two.”

“Oh well I read them all like 4 times and seen them like 6 times/”

“Oh cool.” I said.

“Isabella Maria come blow out your candles and lets eat some ice cream and cake and open your gifts.” my mama said.

“Yes mama.” I said.

“Come on birthday girl. I'll walk down there with you. By the way you look cute.” Noah said.

Noah put his hand in my hand and we went downstairs to the party. Everyone was
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