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Book online «Total Drama Island by Heather Reed (inspirational books for students txt) 📖». Author Heather Reed

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there, my daddy was by the back door. My mama was right there by the cake. Noah walked me all the way to the cake.
When we got there, he turned to face me and kissed me on the cheek, then let go of my hand. Then he told me to blow out the candles.

“Blow out the candles, Iz.”

I turned to face the cake and made my wish. I wished for the books and the movies of the twilight saga and that Noah would love me for me, and that we could go out.
I blew out the candles and everyone clapped for me. My mom and Noah came to me with my gifts. Noah hand me a box and winked at me.
I opened it. It was what I wished. And the gift was from him and said.

“Noah, I can't believe you got them for me. Thank you so much.”

“You are very welcome. You told me once that you liked them and I was like, 'what the heck I'll get them for her birthday.' so here you go.” Noah said.

I put the box down and hugged him. Then I opened a flat box it was from my mom and dad. It was all four twilight movie shirt. The twilight shirt had, the whole Cullen family on the shirt. Alice, Jasper, Rose, Emmett, Edward, and Bella. The New Moon shirt had Edward and Bella that had a wording on it. 'It never made sense for you to love me. I always knew that.' The Eclipse shirt had Edward, Bella, and Jacob. Bella was in the middle. Then the last shirt was Breaking Dawn and it had, Edward, Bella, Jacob, and Renesmee on it. Edward had his arm around Bella's waist. Jacob was a wolf and Renesmee was on top of him.
I liked the shirts and the books and the movies. I hugged my mom and told my daddy thanks.

“Thanks, Daddy.”

“Your welcome, honey.” he said.

I open the rest of my gifts. I got $60 from my grandparents total. Got $20 from DJ. Got $10 dollars from all my aunts and uncles. I only had 2 aunts and 2 uncles that were here. So I got $40 from them. Got $10 from both of my parents. So all together I got $140. I was gonna save it until I need it.
My mom cut the cake. It was a Twilight cake. I had a piece that had Bella on it. I ate with Harold, DJ, and Noah. I put cake on DJ's nose and he did the same to me. My mother took pictures of it.
Noah put ice cream on my nose and kissed me on the cheek. My mother got a picture of him kissing me. DJ looked mad that he was doing that. Harold was laughing at me for what Noah did.
My father came over to whip my face off and told me that he order pizza from pizza hut.

“Honey, I order some pizza from pizza hut okay. Got like 10 boxes for only $30 dollars. You need to thank your grandparents for that.”

“Okay. That's fine. Thanks grandma and grandpa.”

“Your welcome sweetie.”

It was like 5 o'clock almost everyone was leaving but, Noah, his mom, DJ, Harold, our grandparents, and DJ's mother. She came late a little. She was working.
Harold was staying the night with DJ so I still could get to see him. He was staying there for 5 days. He was on his spring break. My spring break started yesterday. I'm out for two weeks. Noah and his mother went home, so did DJ, Harold and DJ's mother, so did my grandparents.
I took my gifts upstairs, then jumped into the shower. When I got out my mom and dad were fighting again. So I got dressed and was playing that I went to bed. It was 10:30 P.M. I couldn't bare to be here to listen to this. So I climb out of my window and walked over to Noah's.

It was 10:30 was getting ready for bed. Had along day at Izzy's. I had fun tho. She looked happy for what she got. I got in my bed, and I was in there only 5 minutes until I heard a knock on my window. It was Izzy.
I got up and opened my window. She was only in short shorts and a tank top.

“What are you doing here.”

“My parents are fighting again. This is the 4th one this week. Why did it have to be on my birthday. Can I stay here please.” she was shivering.

“Yea, I guess. I'll set the alarm for 6 A.M. So I can walk you home okay.” I told her.

“Okay. It's so cold outside.”

“Here get under the covers. You'll be warm in a few minutes.”

I closed the window and helped her into my bed. Got in too. I was holding her so she could get warm. She smelled so good. Like Twilight wood. My mom uses that stuff. She must got her some for her birthday. I kissed her on the forehead. She opened her eyes and said.

“Thank you, Noah. For everything you done for me.” she said. Then kissed me on the lips.

I kissed her back then we fell asleep holding each other.

The alarm went off. I woke up got dressed and then I woke her up. She looked like an angel in the morning.

“Izzy. Izzy, wake up. It's 6 o'clock. Time to get you home before your parents wake up.”

“No, I want to stay. Me warm.” she said and pulled the covers over her again.

“Come on sleepy head. I will give you a piggy back ride.” I told her.

“Okay.” she got up and we walked outside and she hoped on my back.

It took about 10 minutes to walk to her place. She only lives about 5 minutes from my house. But I had her on my back so it took more time.
When we got to her place, I put her down and I told her.

“I'll see you later. Get some more sleep, Iz.”

“Okay.” she said and kissed me and ran inside. I stood there for a minute.

Then I walked home got back in to bed and fell back to sleep. Woke back up at 11. me and my mom went over to Izzy's place. She ran down the stairs when I got there.

“Hey, Izzy.” I said.

“Hey, Noah. Hows it going.”

“Good. How you sleep?” I winked.

“Okay. Thanks again, Noah.”

“So hows everything going?”

“I don't know I haven't seen my father all morning.”

“Isabella, can you come here. I got to talk to you sweetie.” her mom said.

“Yes, mommy.”

“Noah, come here.” my mom said. “Look here, your gonna have to help Izzy out. Her parents are splitting up. Can you do that for me and her mother?”

“Yes, mama.”

Then Izzy started yelling and crying. Then she ran upstairs to her room. I started to go after her, but I stopped. I looked at my mother.

“Go on son. She needs you.” she said.

I shook my head, then went up to her room. I knocked.

“Go away. Leave me alone.”

“No, I won't.” I walked in her room.

She was on her bed crying. I walked to her bed and sat down. I told her 'come here.'

“Izzy, come here.” I grabbed her hand and pulled her to me.

“Shh.... It's gonna be okay. Clam down baby.” I was trying to clam her down.

We layed down on her bed until we fell asleep again. Her mother came up to her room and seen that we were asleep well she was.

“Noah, your mother went home. You can stay here with her if you want. And thanks again for doing this.”

“You are welcome. And yea I'll stay here. Tell my mother bring me some clothes for me please.”

“Yea.” she said then shut the door.

I think Izzy heard that because she got closer to me and grabbed my hand. I kissed her on her cheek.

She slept her whole day out. When she woke up she looked at me. I was on her moon chair reading my book.

“Morning, honey. You okay.” I asked her that.

“Yes I am. I'm sorry I yelled at you Noah.”

“It's cool. I was like that 3 years ago. I'm here to help. If you need help I am here.”

“I know and thank you for staying the night with me.”

“Your welcome. But it was not a night. It was like 2 nights. You slept the whole day. It's 5 P.M.”

“Oh okay. But still thanks.” she kissed me on the cheek.

“No, come here.” I put my hands on her cheek and I kissed her on her lips. We kissed for about 30 seconds until we parted. Then I kissed her again. “I got to go I'll see you later okay.”

“Okay. Noah.”

“Yea, Iz.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too. I will take care of you.” I told her.

“I know. You always have you just didn't know you have.”

“I think I have.” I said when I was at her door. But, I didn't say it out loud for her to hear.

I was about to cry but I stopped myself. I waved good-bye to her mom and walked out to go home.
When I got home, I put my things in my room and threw myself on my bed. I started to cry. I was crying for about 10 minutes until my mom came in.

“Izzy's mom called. She said you were crying. What's the matter. Is Izzy okay.”

“Yea. She's fine. I just tole her I loved her too. I always have but I never have. I don't know if I could do it.”

“Yes, you can son. You can love her and help her out at the same time. She needs you. I saw the look she gave you when you kissed her on the cheek.”

“Yea. I know. 2 days ago she came over here and stayed the night because her parents were fighting. And she kissed me yesterday morning when I took her home. And I kissed her right before I left her house.” I told my mother.

“Wow. Well son, just tell her how you feel and see where that takes you. That's how I met your father.” she told me.

“I do love her, but I don't know mama.” I said. “But, she drives me crazy sometimes. I think I just want to be friends with her.”

“Noah, look at me.” I looked at her. “How can you just want to be friends with her if you love her and she loves you. You guys already kissed. Noah ask her out okay.”

“Yes mama. I will but not right now. Give it awhile until everything clams down.” I told her.

“Okay.” she said and left the room.

I did not know what to do. Was I going crazy, or what? Did I love her or just saying it.
Continues to Chapter 17 part 2
Stand by.

Chapter 17:Past Izzy and Noah when they were kids!! Part 2!!

Hi, my name is Noah. But some call me 'Bookworm', and I didn't get it started. When I was little this red hair girl name Isabella, Izzy for short, stared calling me
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