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Book online «And The Heavens Fell Silent by Maria Louise (beach read TXT) 📖». Author Maria Louise

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to ignore Yram, her being mostly unclothed, but it’s all for her benefit. I turn my attention to the men wrapped in cloth standing around me, I don’t see why she was struggling, they may have seemed menacing at first glance but they were completely incapable of so much as a scratch.

  Maybe if she’d take the time to stop fighting and actually look she’d notice they have a hard time even restraining her. Oh well, this is just the way that Yram is I suppose. Suddenly we deviated from the clean worn river bed and into a dark opening in the canyon wall. The cave opened up like a horrible, dark maw before us. As we were swallowed by the darkness my eyes adjusted to the light; a huge cavern built into the cavern walls crawling with people who were hardly people. They were small, like the parade of men who had apprehended us, but they lacked the covering of clothes, their skin was obviously scarred to the point of atrocity and covered in a shimmering, black oil. They mostly wore clothes with neutral, earthy tones and they wore no shoes. The walls of the underground cliffs were covered with ladders, ridges, steps, ropes, pulleys, baskets of...who knows what being hauled up and down to their intended recipients.

I felt a sense of awe at these incredible beings and the society they had created for themselves. From the deepest part of me I knew that these people were good. Pure, even. They wouldn't harm us. For the the first time in my remembered life, I felt myself relax.



Each one should test his own actions. Then he can take pride in himself, without comparing himself to somebody else-Galatians 6:4


     I always knew I was not going to be one of those rare people who lived long, but still, I never would have thought my death would be so soon, so horrific. Even Whiskey, whos respond to fear and danger was anger, was now trembling with me. I reached one of my fingers out and wrapped it around hers, drawing strength as much as wanting comfort.

    At least I will not die alone. A selfish thought, I know.

      The creatures around us began to scramble and cry out. All their calls were animalistic and twisted, some just tilted their heads back and screamed. The monster children carried in packs on the adults bodies cried in fright, like I wanted to, and before I could make out just what was going on, everyone had disappeared. No, flead. The had all hidden from us as if we were the ones with skin so pale it was blueish and veiny, as if we moved in slithering motions and crawled on the cave walls like animals, as if we had eyes so large and gleaming and ears that resembled a bat, as if we were the ones with oiled sores and twisted bodies. We weren't the monsters!  

      “My people are not use to seeing pinkskins such as yourself, unless they're here to kill us.” Ahote growled from behind me.

      “No! It is the Creatures of the flair who try to kill us!” I pleaded but my voice was weak. I did not know if I believed it myself. I had seen what humans could do.. but then again, I would know what his kind did too. My father was leading an army of them, after all

      Ahote looked at me confused than angry. “We are called Scars, not creatures!” Ahote spat. “And don't you dare try to fool me of your innocence! I know what your kind does to my people! I have seen it.”

     I was astounded. “W-what my kind does?” What did my kind do to him? Did I want to know? These dark thoughts emptied me, and being already weaken by no food, I hung my head and limped, dragging feet forward step by step. I just wanted to lay down and let this world slip away from me.

     “They cannot harm you.” said Ahote to his hiding people. His voice was no longer so angry, but more sad.

     As Ahote lead us farther into the home of the cave dwellers, heads appeared from holes in the cave wall, then more and more of their body parts protruded until many of them were walking hesitantly towards us.

     Still more came until a monstrous crowd surrounded us on either side. At first they all spoke in hushed voices and kept their distance but that did not last long. Soon they were whooping and hollering in their animalistic ways and poking me and grabbing at my hair. A female creature with a floppy hair doo stroked a hand down my own matted hair. I  looked up hesitantly and made eye contact with her. To my shock she hissed at me, her teeth exposed. I recoiled backwards and in reaction only, I growled back at her. To my curiosity the female got a confused look on her face and then smiled at me!

     “Flair sister.” she said in a sweet rough voice. Ah, it made more sense to me now. They saw my strange looks and assumed I was, like them, affected by the radiation of the flair. If they knew what I really was, then they would be treating me so fairly. I promise you that.

     The creatures of the flair were not so generous with Whiskey and Phoenix. They mostly kept a distance from them and the ones that were brave enough to get close usually abused them in some form or another.

    By the time most the creatures had stopped following us, I had darkish slime on my arms, clothing and hair from all of them touching me, Whiskey was thrashing around like a maniac crying, “Murderers!” and many other words I would rather not mention. Phoenix was looking around amazed at the village in the mountain. It was incredible. Like an ant farm, only these ‘beings’ were almost reptilian or buggish. They reminded me of those goofy grasshoppers bounding around excitedly. Only these goofy people, may kill us. I reminded myself.

     “Whiskey... Whiskey!” came Phoenixes whispering voice. I looked back to see him shoulder to shoulder with Whiskey trying to calm her down. “Please, take a deep breath. It’s going to be okay. If you want to make it out of this alive you're going to have to calm down and pretend to be civil.”

   Whiskey studied him for awhile, her chest heaving.

     “Okay, Phoenix. Okay.” came Whiskeys shaky voice. Did she just call him Phoenix?

     “I won't let anything happen to you, do not worry.” Phoenix whispered to her with a sad smile.

      My fingers dug into my palms and my bottom lip stung as I bit it. I shook my head startled at my reaction. What was this feeling I had? My my lips turned down at the corners. I didn't like it, whatever it was.

     They brought us into a large circular room decorated with beads, pottery and beautifully colored cloth. Sitting in the middle of the room, on a red and purple cushion, was a small old man.

     He did not see us at first. His head was bent while he mumbled nonsense, rocking back and forth.

     Thick exotic incense curled around the room, along with another smell that reminded me of skunk.

     After a while of waiting for the peculiar man to notice us, my body started to get tingly and I was feeling lightheaded. Hmm. What was in the smoke?

     When the old man finally came from his trance and looked up, blood drained from his blueish faced, making the sores and deformities on his body stand out.

     “What. Have.You. Done.” The old man asked, looking at Ahote. I may have never seen someone look as angry as this old man did.

     Ahote’s hand slightly shook on my wrists.

     “I-I found them outside our cave, they could be here trying to find our clan and kill it?” said Ahote, his voice weak. He no longer believed what he said.

     The old mans black eyes flashed in rage.


      “We-I- wanted t-to explore?”

     “To EXPLORE?! You have done many things wrong by our clan, but this? THIS, is the worst! Now we must toss these girls down the devils maw! Did you really just want to kill them? Is that why you brought them here?!”

     I could almost  feel Ahote’s distress. Did he want to kill us?

     “No! I just, didn't want anyone else in our clan to be killed! I-I thought maybe we could study them, see what the pinkskins are really like! Maybe we could defend ourselves better than-”

     “GO! Leave me to think! Put them in our holds for now!” bellowethe old man, crazed with anger.

     I took in a deep breath, steeling myself. Looks like you are going to have to get yourself out of this one, girl. No one is here to save you this time

     “I-I’m scared. Please, don't k-kill us! We’re nothing but starving travers, I p-promise!” I whimpered and sobbed turning my face into Ahote’s chest. I looking up at him, my eyes wide and misty. He stopped, startled by my act of weakness and let his grip on my wrists slip. I took the opportunity to face him completely and wrap my arms around his waist. His body stiffened against mine in shock. It was like hugging a bored. But then, I feel his arms slide around my back and he hugged me to him. Hmm. I peaked over his shoulder at Phoenix whose blue eyes were burning into Ahote’s back. Take that, Phoenix!

     “Ahem. I’m sorry, I will, ahem, let you free..If I can.” muttered Ahote truly sounding ashamed and flustered with my nearness. “I-I thought you were here to kill more of my people, but now I see that-”

     “AHOTE! Do not speak to the prisoners! Knowing you, you will make this mess worse than it already is!!! It is YOUR fault we must TOSS them, fool! You, son, have brought disgrace upon the clan!” Shouted the Chief, spit flying before he broke down into a fit of coughing.

       I was shocked. So this horrid monster was his father. I shook my head, like I was one to talk!

     “Yes, father.” muttered Ahote, gently pushing me back towards yet another long snakelike tunnel. A few minutes into the darkness, Phoenix and Whiskey were steered off in different directions and I was left blind and terrified.

     I slowed my pace in front of Ahote until I felt the heat of him on my back the slight brush of his body against mine. I was not a fan of dark creepy tunnels and an impending death sentences. It seemed my only ally here was the one who capture me in the first place.

      “Are you going to let them kill me, Ahote?” I asked letting feminine fear leak its way into my voice. I had no doubt he heard it as he stepped closer to me, almost protective. He didn't reassure me though, and that scared me.

     I took in a deep breath. “I dont no

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