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Book online «And The Heavens Fell Silent by Maria Louise (beach read TXT) 📖». Author Maria Louise

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glared at the boulder in front of the entrance.

     I got up frustrated, put my hands on the rough cold bolder, and pushed. The bolder groaned, wanting to comply with my demands. The huge stone lifted just a little bit, enough for a little shimmer of light to escape around the edges.

    In shock I let the bolder go. I did not expect it to actually move! Hesitantly I pushed on the bolder once again and got the same results. I pushed harder and it ground against rock but still lifted farther upward. I gasped and dropped it, falling to the floor.

     I went to the corner of the room and wrapped my arms around myself, trying to vanish thought of what just happened.

    There was only one way a starving girl could lift a massive boulder like that. I was once again confronted with a sickening observation.

     I wasn't human.

Hour after hour passed, or so I assumed by the faint light shining far above me. After a while the light disappeared altogether, confirming that it was night.

     Food was brought to me, to my relief. Sadly by some sullen stranger who didn't speak a word to me. This time when I ate my food, I did so slowly not wanting to waste it again.

     As the hour dragged by I began to entertained myself by singing, though I would have prefered eating again. I sang all the songs Mama had taught me, challenging myself by making up my own the lyrics when I didn't remember them.

      Mama would sing every time she needed to lift her spirit. I didn't know how much lifting one could do in the dark abyss of this cave but it was worth a try.

     Strangely, it did work. By the third song I was standing up and swaying to the beat, imagining myself with my mother. I did a little spin, pretending Mama was dancing with me. My voice echoed all around me. I sounded like Mama. Funny how empty promises could make me feel so good.

     Laughing, almost crying, I threw my head back sang my heart out on the last world, then collapse to the floor.

    A annoyingly familiar voice cleared it throat from outside my den.

      “Well, that was, ahem, unique...” said Ahote.

     I sat up, my face instantly flooding with heat. The boulder had been rolled over slightly and Ahote squatted in the opening watching me, no doubt with that annoying little smirk.

    My humiliation made me defensive.

     “Well, what would you have me do to pass the time then? You have me stuck down in this awful little hole in the dark, unable to see anything! Would you rather me die of boredom?”

     Ahote chuckled again. “I never say I didn't like your little, ah, performance. Only that it was unique.” he shrugged. “And you can see perfectly fine down here.”

     “No! I cannot even see my hand in front of my face!” I held my hand up to prove it.

     “Really?” asked Ahote curiously. He began to descend into my little cage.  “You mean you can't see anything?” 

     I glared in his general direction. 

    “Well, that would explain a lot...” Ahote concluded.

     “Like what?”

     “For instance how your eyes seem to wander all around. I thought you were half blind!” Ahote paused and then continued. “How you don't flinch when you look at me down here, and how you are more honest and angry with me now that you can't see how I... look.”

     He was unsettlingly observant.

     “You know it is not my fault how I look.” Ahote stated, suddenly angry.

     “It is not just how you look, Ahote! It is what you're kind, the creatures of the flair, do!” I snapped.

     “We are call Scars, not creatures!” he spat. “And what do you mean what my kind does?! It is the humans that kill us!”

     “Yes, so you’ve been telling me.” I said bitterly. “But you're kind is the real monsters! Do you not find it wicked to murder?!”

     I could sense Ahote was shocked. It took him awhile to speak. But when he did he was enraged.

     “MURDER?! That’s what you think we do? WE DO NOT MURDER! This clan thrives solely on happiness and peace! We are vegetarian for gwanos sake! You mistake us for our bloodthirsty cousens, woman! We were made from the same thing, radiation, but we are as far from them as water is fire!”

     Ahote breathing was heavy and ragged, mine was shallow.

     “Aren't we both so mixed up about each other, then.” I breathed. “You mistake me for other humans, when I, as you, am not the same.”

     The silence between us then had every nerve in my body buzzing. So these Scas were not the monsters I had been warned against, or so Ahote said.

     “So you do not kill?” Ahote aske, still doubtful.

    I was exasperated with him. “No!”

     “Okay.” Ahote said at last.

     “Okay.” I agreed grudgingly. Not really sure what we were agreeing on.

     Time went by with more that dreadful silence. To break the tension that had settled over us, I asked, “Why did you leave so suddenly earlier?”

     Ahote sighed. “I had an idea. You will see what it is tomorrow.”

     “Why not tonight?” I demanded.

     “Why not tomorrow?” he countered and then left my den.





I would help you, but unfortunately, I’ve misplaced my wand-Unknown

Oh, I was going to kill them. I didn't care if they gave me soup, these lizard brain barbarians were as good as dead. Hell, bring me a whole horse and I’d still chop them up! Well, after I made them cook and salt the meat of course.

    But remember what Phoenix said, I chided myself. At least act sain or you’ll never make it out of this smelly hell hole. Well, he didn't say it in those exact words, but still.

     I heard someone rolling the boulder away from my cave. I wanted to scream and rant but instead I took a deep breath and plastered a nervous smile on my face, and hopefully a innocent look in my eyes. I was trying to imitate Yram’s act of weakness. Damn manipulative girl. She wasn't near as inocentes as she liked people to believe.

      Before the barbarian could come further down, I quickly situated my breasts so they were almost toppling out of my leather shirt. When the barbarian came into the den bringing soup, I saw him do a double take. Can't get good color and shape like this from any of your other scrawny blue girls, eh?

     A smile pulled at my lips. I could get into this. I could play this game. I could act like the weakness I’ve always feared, if it was only acting right?

     Ha! I could be a good girl.

     Game on, barbarian scum!



When the only thing to fear is fear itself, you end up fearing a lot of things-unknown

These reptilian beings were oddly kind. They provided me with a neat little den and soft bedding to sleep on. Better yet, they fed me at least two times a day. And the food?  Ah, the food! It was the most exquisite thing that had ever passed my lips! Well, that is, apart from Yram’s tong-

I quickly busied my mind with other matters that did not involve any of Yram’s appendages. Whiskey, I thought. Think of her. Her dark skin and wild eyes with that crazed little smile. How she irritated me to no end, but in an endearing sort of way. However, my mind could not be held captive by her for long and wandered back to Yram. What was it about her that held me so.. captivated? Thick brained? Distracted? I did not know, and I wished these desires would leave...maybe.

I put my head in my hands. I still felt this magnetic draw to her. A sickening compulsion that would not leave me unless I was with her, only I was trapped here with no way out. Do not be a fool, she doesn't want you!She hates you! I told myself, but it did not matter. The need was still there.

Where was Yram? How long could I be away from her without my need driving me insane? The problem was complicate but the answer simple. I. Had. To. Find. Her.



Death is our nature and living our curse-Unknown

In the heart of my dream, I was again in my village of simper nox. I did not want to be there, in the middle of town, the villagers in a mobe around me making fun of and spitting on me. I felt naked and exposed without my cloak.



     “Flair scum!”

     Their insults flew at my like daggers. Their spittle cling to my skin and hair, it was all I could do not to curl up in a ball and cry. No, no! This couldn't be happening to me again! I left here! It’s not real!

     Suddenly, everything grew silent. Slowly, I raised my head and looked into a mirror. I sat there looking at myself, only something was wrong with the girl in the mirror. She smiled when I did not. An evil sneer curled up her red lips. I tore my eyes away from the cruel face when I felt as though my skin was crawling and shivering. Looking down, I saw my tanned skin fade of color and turn gray. I raised my hand to my face and felt my eyes widen and bulge, my ears grew large and pointed, my hair thinned. I screamed.

     I had become a creature of the flair.

     The girl in the mirror, me, shrieked and

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