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Book online «Fireclan by Bravefoot LODO (best classic novels .txt) 📖». Author Bravefoot LODO

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for him to grow strong, proud and loyal. He kindly licked Bravekit, nuzzled Tigerstripe and went out of the nursery. The pain on his tailtip returned and he needed some poppy seeds from Dapplepelt. Chapter 7

Bravekit opened his eyes and yawned, he got up to strech his muscular little body. "Good morning!" Tigerstripe said, "morning mom! Can I go out?" he asked, Tigerstripe nodded "for everything ask the other apprentices or warriors, ok?" but Bravekit was already out of the den the time her mother finished the sentence. He ran towards the apprentice den and called "Sparrowpaw!?" but as he entered, the den was empty and the scent was fresh. He saw Whitefur approach him, and his fur raised for something he didn't know, he just didn't trust the white tom "don't spend your breath, all the apprentices went out early" Bravekit nodded and tried to ran away as quick as he can but Whitefur caught him by his tail "hey! Leave me alone!" Bravekit squaked, Whitefur laughed "and why? I'm having so much fun!", Bravekit felt anger flood him and with unusual agility for a kit, he twisted his body and bit the paw of the older warrior with his small but sharp teeth "aww!" Whitefur yelped, Bravekit smiled and ran away, too busy finding a hide place to see the shocked face of Whitefur. Bravekit hid behind a rock and watched as a calico she-cat spoke to Whitefur "are you all right? Your face is so pale, like you saw a ghost!" Whitefur shook slightly his head "no, is nothing Briarheart", Briarheart shrugged and padded away while Whitefur grinned at Bravekit for some more moments and walked away. Bravekit sighed of relief and felt proud of himself, he just attacked and defeated a warrior! Bravekit smiled, he would describe this to Sparrowpaw for sure, the apprentice will be so jealous of him! The young kit sneezed as a butterflie flapped its wings near his nose, for revenge Bravekit tried to catch it, and just when he nearly did he crashed on another warrior "oh,did I hurt you?" a white tom asked from above, Bravekit raised his tabby head and shook it, the gray-footed warrior breathed of relief "so you would be Bravekit! My name is Silvercliff by the way" as Bravekit looked at him closely he seemed a lot like Ashstar "are you searching something?" the question broke Bravekit's thoughts, Bravekit nodded "Sparrowpaw" he said briefly, "Sparrowpaw and the other apprentices are all out, they will return by sun high, I think", Bravekit looked at Silvercliff sad "but, if I see him I will tell to Sparrowpaw that you need him, right?" Bravekit felt the sadness go away and nodded jumping "sure! Thanks!", Silvercliff chuckled and trotted away.


Bravekit sighed bored, he had found every hidden corner of the camp, well, except the leader's den, but in there he was sure he wasn't permitted to go. His mind went blank and then a she-cat filled the nothingness "yeah! I should go to see Snowpaw!" Bravekit quickly got up and padded for the medicine cat den. Snowpaw was cleaning the pelt of Stormblaze whom was still sleeping, the white she-cat raised her head and smiled at him "hi Bravekit!" Bravekit smiled back "can I stay here? I don't have nothing else to do", Snowpaw nodded "sure! You can help me! Lets see... can you go and count the poppy seeds so I can know if I have to fetch other? Poppy seeds are small and black little seeds" Bravekit nodded, and happily ran towards the herb corner, in there the smell was strong of different smells, but still pleasant. He looked a bit around until he found the little black seeds, one... two.... three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten! "Snowpaw! There are ten poppy seeds at both sides!" Snowpaw looked back at him "okay, thanks Bravekit! Can you now go and soak this moss into water? The pool is in that corner!" Bravekit grabbed the moss and ran to the other end of the den, he soaked the moss in the cold, fresh water, some drops sprinkled on his muzzle making him twitch his pink nose, and quickly he returned to gave it to Snowpaw "thanks again Bravekit! You're such a good helper!" she squeaked, Bravekit purred "is something else you need?" "no, but you can still stay here, so we can talk if you want" Bravekit nodded and sat down, watching Snowpaw order the herbs.

Chapter 8

Bravekit greeted the apprentices from hunting, he trotted happily to Sparrowpaw and kindly touched him with his little tail "wow Sparrowpaw! This rabbit you caught is huge!" Sparrowpaw lifted his tail proudly and blinked a thanks back to Bravekit, " this other two apprentices are Mousepaw" Sparrowpaw indicated a brown she-cat behind him "and this is Lilypaw" he said indicating a gray she-cat near Mousepaw. Bravekit greeted both of them with a smile and followed them to the fresh kill pile where they dropped respectivally a rabbit, a squirrel and a woodpigeon. They then padded to their den and Bravekit followed them. Mousepaw was the first to speak "did you hear about that Riverclan kit that went missing?" Lilypaw nodded "yes, I heard Birchflame say that his name was Ivykit, they thought that maybe a falcon caught him or twolegs" Sparrowpaw twitched his ears "poor, little mite" he sighed "anyway, in half a moon I will be made a warrior! I can't wait for it" "don't worry, we will become as well a moon after you, so don't make it so special for yourself!" Lilypaw snickered, Sparrowpaw sticked his tongue out and all three of them bursted to laugh. Bravekit, in the other hand, was still wondering about the missing kit, and he trembled from the top of his ears to the tip of his tail, he sat down to groom his pelt and warm himself. Sparrowpaw looked down at him "how did you pass your day Bravekit?" bravekit smiled "magnificent! And do you know what? I fought Whitefur and I bit his paw! He just didn't do nothing about it!" Bravekit squaked, Sparrowpaw lashed his tail, surprised "really?!", Lilypaw and Mousepaw were suspicious " I don't think he even touched Whitefur, he is not such a easy warrior" "I swear on Starclan that I bit his paw!" Bravekit bursted angry, he then smelled a familiar scent near them... Whitefur! The big white tom entered the apprentice den and stared at Bravekit, Bravekit just saw to another direction, he didn't want to meet his cold gaze, Lilypaw padded near Whitefur "is it real that Bravekit bit your paw?" she asked, Whitefur chuckled "what? He can dream of!", Bravekit shivered, how can he lie about it? Was he afraid of losing reputation? But Bravekit thought there was something else, something deep and dark he couldn't now find. Bravekit got up, he ran out of the den while he heard Lilypaw and Mousepaw laugh of him, he entered the nursery and sprinted under his mothers belly, "is everything allright?" Tigerstripe asked, Bravekit closed his eyes "yes, I just learned that most warriors are liers and selfish, especially rude ones like Whitefur", Bravekit felt his mother's fur bristle but maybe he just imaginated it, Tigerstripe sighed "you just wait and see Bravekit, you just wait and see...".

Chapter 9

Lionclaw yawned, nearly a moon has passed since that tremendous battle, thanks to Dapplepelt he has recovered fully and he is better than before. He twitched his ears as he remebered that it was the Gathering day, and wondered what will Spottedstar say about her warriors. Lionclaw lazily padded to the fresh kill pile and picked a mouse, after he finished eating it, he grabbed a rabbit for his mate and son. Lionclaw entered the nursery, Tigerstripe purred at him the moment he set paw in the den, while Bravekit was chasing a fly, he dropped the prey near Tigerstripe and sat down watching fatherly Bravekit "I can't believe now he is more than two moons old" Tigerstripe nodded "today is the Gathering, isn't it?" the she-cat asked,"yes, Ashstar decided that I'm going, together with Stormblaze, Birchflame, Whitefur and the three apprentices". A loud youl roared through the camp "let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here for a clan meeting!" Ashstar spoke from the Bigtree, Lionclaw trotted to the center of the clearing followed by Tigerstripe and Bravekit, together they sat to face their leader. Ashstar nodded as everyone approached "today, we have a warrior ceremony to uphold! Sparrowpaw! Step forward!" Lionclaw gazed the brown tom walk under the Bigtree, his pelt was shining and groomed at perfection. "Sparrowpaw, do you swear on Starclan to truly follow the warrior code and defend this clan, even at cost of your own life?" Sparrowpaw's eyes glittered as he replied "I do", Ashstar nodded "and then, by the power of Starclan, I give you your warrior name: Sparrowstrike! Fireclan sees in you your bravery and loyalty and accept you as a true warrior in return!". By Lionclaw's surprise, his son was the first cat to congratulate the newly warrior "Sparrowstrike!Sparrowstrike!" Bravekit mewed, quickly followed by everyone else. Ashstar lashed his tail for silence "as we all know, today is the Gathering, Sparrowstrike will take the night vigil afterwards" Sparrowstrike nodded politely to the leader before walking near Mousepaw and Lilypaw and talk to each other. Lionclaw saw also Stormblaze full of proudness gazing at his old apprentice, he hoped that he will feel this as soon as possible with Bravekit.

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