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Book online «Fireclan by Bravefoot LODO (best classic novels .txt) 📖». Author Bravefoot LODO

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nodded "as you all know Lionclaw, I'm getting old, I might still have a moon or so remaining before joining the elders, if not joining first Starclan", Lionclaw looked at him sadly "don't say that..." he tried to whisper, but Stormblaze lashed his tail to silence him, the old tom sighed "I have talked with Ashstar about this, and he understands completely, we have both a good idea of who will take my place", Lionclaw nodded, not daring to ask who they thought was best as the next deputy. "I just wanted to say this to you in private... good night, Lionclaw" and he padded away, Lionclaw looked at him go "good night, Stormblaze..." and sat still, breathing in the scent of the night. Some moments later, he returned in the warriors den, and the clearing was once more empty and silent, except for a sleek shadow running around the camp entrance... Chapter 13

Bravekit squeezed his eyes puzzled, he looked around lostly, he didn't know where he was, "Tigerstripe?! Lionclaw?!" his squeaky voice echoed in the clearing of a dark forest, he heard some rushes from the brambles around him "kit!kit!" the first voice said, Bravekit turned around but nothing was there, "dark!dark!" a second voice said, Bravekit turned around but again no one was there, "who are you?!" Bravekit hissed losing his patience, the voice roared across the space "you don't know?" strangely to Bravekit the voice didn't echoed like hims, like that voice was part of the forest... "Of course he doesn't know Storm! He is just a kit!" another voice, more sharp followed the other's question, Bravekit sighed "what do you want?" he tried to ask, there were some seconds of silence, but still so long that Bravekit thought they were gone, "I'm Sky" a gray tom appeared from nowhere, he was big, bigger then his father, and even Ashstar, his powerful muscles were showing their energy on the wide shoulders, the muzzle was short but sharp, something to be aware of. Bravekit backed off a bit, but stayed still, something was holding him to continue the conversation with them, even if he didn't know why. Quickly another cat appeared at his side, tom, big size as well but with more kind eyes, Bravekit felt a bit more comfortable just looking at him, "and I'm Storm" the second tom mewed "don't you know us? Not even heard in stories?" Storm asked, Bravekit shook his head, Sky sighed and looked at his companion "what do they learn nowadays at the kits? It is so easy to forget us so quickly?" Storm shrugged and sat looking directly at Bravekit "young one" he started "we are the ones that created your clan, Rainclan and Leopardclan as well", Bravekit opened his mouth shocked "really?!", Sky nodded "we were originally from the mountains, those you can gaze far north from your camp, we were just loners, but then, me and Storm decided to become good friends, even cause it was easier to catch prey" he smiled with a bit of humor, Sky continued "the other loners admired us, so they wanted to join us, we didn't have problems, so we let them live and hunt with us, at that moment a clan began", Storm nodded "but still not completely a clan, no rules were in there and many started to argue about prey and power, even me and Sky had some arguments, and we ended up splitting in two, those who wanted to come with me, we moved more a valley, where you are now", Sky twitched his whiskers "and those who decide to stay with me stayed in the mountains, but prey became scarce, and we moved near Sky anyway, a bit more later". Bravekit listened all and gave them a questioning look "if you divided in two groups of cats, why there are three now?", Sky sighed sadly "you see, back at that time, our warrior ancestors still didn't share our dreams, but we did have a kind of deputy, and mine was called Dark, he was dark hearted, just thinking of power, he even tried to kill me to take control of my clan, but he failed, and I kicked him out , for all I know he fonded a new clan with other loners like him, I'm sure they are now called Leopardclan" Bravekit nodded, now he could unterstand why those Leopardclan members were so meany headed! "And whom Fireclan is from?" Bravekit asked, Storm nodded "I am who created Fireclan, but..." "but, many kits were from parents of our two clans, and until now, Fireclan and Rainclan are still good friends" Sky finished the sentence. Bravekit nodded "you came to my dreams just to tell me the history of the three clans?" he asked, Storm shook his head "we are not part of Starclan, as it started after we died, but still we sometimes help chosen and special cats through their life" Sky blinked "and we chose you Bravekit", Bravekit ruffled his fur "what? Why?", "because we can see an extraordinary future for you, you are special " Sky replied, Bravekit didn't know what to say and he just nodded faintly, Storm and Sky nodded at unison, and started to faint away "one last thing before we go" they mewed at the same time "be aware of who you trust most, trust most who you are aware of", Bravekit looked puzzled at them "what does it mean?" he screamed, but darkness fell when he finished speaking and he woke up with a rush. He sat and took deep breaths, it wasn't a normal dream, cause he could remember all what happened very well, while he easily always forget normal dreams. Sageleaf looked at him preoccupied "are you ok, Bravekit?", Bravekit looked at her "wha... yeah!" and he hurried out of the den to do a walk to calm himself "be aware of who you trust most, trust most who you are aware of" what did that mean?

Chapter 14

Bravekit ran quickly in the medicine cat den, surely, as she was waiting for him, Snowpaw was sitting by the den entrance gazing at the sky, while cool breeze ruffled her fur. Bravekit halted to greet her "morning Snowpaw!" he called, Snowpaw looked at him and smiled kindly "morning Bravekit", "can I help today?" he asked, Snowpaw shook her head "no, thanks, thankfully no-one is wounded this days", Bravekit sighed "I just need to go out and fetch some herbs" she finished looking around the clearing. Bravekit's eyes shone "can I come with you?", Snowpaw looked at him sympathetically "sorry, but you're just a kit now..." "I'm five moons old!" he mewed puffing his chest "isn't that enough?", again Snowpaw shook her head "you know the rule, apprentice at six and six moons only", "please Snowpaw!" but Snowpaw didn't change her mind, "I thought we were best friends" Bravekit mumbled frustrated, the white apprentice looked at him and then around the camp, she padded more near him "ok then" she whispered "be quick" and she quickly walked gingerly towards the camp entrance. Bravekit followed excited, belly touching ground as Sparrowstrike has shown him, and together they finally got out. Snowpaw breathed of relief "that was easy, but we have to be careful anyways, be quick before your mother finds you gone" and she sprinted towards some trees in the distance, Bravekit ran as best as he could, new energy was rising in his limbs as new scents were flooding inside his nostrils, he so wanted to check every sound, every strange thing he saw around, but he was eager to follow Snowpaw. Finally, the apprentice slowed down to stand near some bushes and sniff at them. Bravekit felt the ground become more sandy, and he found himself standing at the edge of a cliff and gasped "what is this?" he asked, Snowpaw didn't stop looking at the bush, searching for something "it's Sandscar, an old river bed" she replied at last, picking at the same time some red berries. Bravekit nodded and looked down, it wasn't very deep, but he didn't dare checking, he was afraid to be trapped. On the yellow sandy bed there were many rocks and puddles, also Bravekit took glance of a small vole wandering from rock to rock. "There is a vole!" he purred to Snowpaw "can you catch it?" he asked, now Snowpaw was sniffing to some dark leafs "I'm a medicine cat, not a warrior" she retorted, Bravekit felt disappointet and hurried to catch up with her, Snowpaw was already heading elsewhere. After wandering in the forest, they reached a small pool and Bravekit smelled interested in all the different scents: the smell of water, of moss, of the leafs and... of mouse! He could definately scent a mouse, and as a promise, the creature was nibbling at a nut under a old oak. By istinct, he crouched down and silently neared the mouse, but he wrongly set a paw on some dead leafs, the mouse raised his head alarmed, and in a heartbeat it was gone, Bravekit sighed and sat down, angry with himself for not being careful. He heard some rustles by the bushes nearby and a white tom appeared, Whitefur!

Chapter 15

Bravekit's fur bristled and showed his teeth, Whitefur snorted "what? Are you seeing a Leopardclan cat?" Bravekit hissed at the joke, it wasn't funny! "What are doing here?" Bravekit asked, "I would ask the same thing to you" Whitefur replied calmly, but there was a hint of amusement in his yellow eyes. "He is with me" before Bravekit could answer, Snowpaw appeared with a mouthful of herbs "why?Have you any problem? A tick you can't take off, Whitefur?", Bravekit tried not to burst and

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