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Book online «Fireclan by Bravefoot LODO (best classic novels .txt) 📖». Author Bravefoot LODO

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Leader - Ashstar: dark gray tom with green eyes


Deputy - Stormblaze: smoky black tom with poderous shoulders and powerful muscles


Medicine cat- Dapplepelt: tortoisshell she-cat with many gray patches

Apprentice: Snowpaw



Warriors -


Birchflame: brown she-cat with white paws

Apprentice: Sparrowpaw

Lionclaw: ginger longhaired tom with emerald eyes and long claws

Apprentice: Mousepaw

Mapletail: big brown tom with dark gingerish patches

Apprentice: Lilypaw

Briarheart: calico she-cat with blue eyes

Whitefur: pure white tom with yellow eyes

Silvercliff: white tom with unusual silver legs and tail


Apprentices -


Sparrowpaw: light brown tom

Snowpaw: persian colored she-cat with icy blue eyes

Mousepaw: brown agile she-cat

Lilypaw: light gray she-cat with beautiful blue eyes


Queens -


Sageleaf: calico she-cat, expecting Stormblaze kits

Tigerstripe: brown tabby she-cat, nursing Lionclaw's kit, Bravekit


Kits -


Bravekit: dark brown tabby tom with white paws and golden eyes




Barknose: old, dark brown tom

Heronflight: white she-cat with bright yellow eyes






Leader - Silverstar: light gray she-cat


Deputy - Lightstream: gray and brown she cat


Medicine cat - Thornear: brown and black tom


Warriors -


Foxtail: dark ginger she-cat

Apprentice: Beetlepaw

Thistlepelt: big white tom with black patches and blue eyes

Apprentice: Squirrelpaw

Dustfur: brown tom with some more lighter patches

Robinsong: tortoisshell she-cat with green eyes with a russet coloured collar


Apprentices -


Beetlepaw: white, black,gray and brown coloured little tom

Squirrelpaw: pale ginger she-cat with a furry tail


Queens -


Leafpelt: calico she-cat, nursing Thistlepelt's kits, Ivykit,Rainkit,Hawkkit


Kits -

Ivykit: black she-kit

Rainkit: gray blueish tom

Hawkkit: brown tabby tom






Leader - Spottedstar: dark gray she-cat with unusual black spots


Deputy - Cougarheart: ginger and light brown powerful tom


Medicine cat - Blueeye: white she-cat with blue eyes


Warriors -


Jaggedtooth: big gray tabby tom with sharp claws

Apprentice: Mothpaw

Boltlight: smoky black pelted tom

Blackfang: dark brown longhaired she-cat

Apprentice: Thrushpaw

Cloudfur: white tom with gray stripes

Lightfoot: agile calico tom with long legs


Apprentices -


Thrushpaw: white she-cat

Mothpaw: tortoisshell tom


Queens -


Windtail: gray and white she cat, nursing Boltlight's kit, Oakkit


Kits -


Oakkit: brown tom with white belly and muzzle


Elders -


Sandclaw: light brown she-cat with ginger stripes

Pinefur: brown tom


A ginger colored tom entered a clearing with a small pool in the center. Behind him more cats began to appear from nowhere, dragging they light bodies like ghosts. "Is this the place?" a gray she-cat asked the ginger tom, "yes, i'm sure of it" he finished. Many cats lashed their tails happily and started chatting between them, but a loud youl made them stop "cats of Starclan!" the ginger tom was speaking from a rock near the pool "finally we found the perfect place to look upon our clans!", at his talking many cats agreed with mews. "But Firestar" the gray she-cat talked again "you can watch very good Fireclan from here, but I need to watch Leopardclan as well!" she complained. Firestar twitched his whiskers "Hawkstar, don't worry, from here you can watch Leopardclan very well, as well as Barkstar can watch on Rainclan" he added looking to a brown tom who nodded politely. A calico she cat padded quietly in front of Firestar dipping her head respectfully before speaking "Firestar, may I talk?" she asked, "of course you can, Icepelt". Icepelt turned to face all her clan "Starclan! I predict hard times to come for the three clans! Many will perish and die! And many others will experience horrendous pains!" many gasps and shocked mews crossed the clearing, all then facing Firestar who had closed his eyes to think. "What will happen?" a gray tom called preoccupied "I don't want my sons to die or feel any kinds of pains!" another she-cat youled angry. "Silence!" the roar spreaded quickly into the clearing like wind "Icepelt was never wrong before! Anyway..." he stopped to take a deep breath "we will see what will happen, we will send signs to our clans, and remember that we will always do what is in our power to help our clanmates!" he added determinately. All the cats nodded faintly, still many were insecure and unsure of the being. "Until then" Firestar continued "we can only watch and wait" and he layed down, together with Icepelt, Hawkstar and Barkstar to gaze into the pool.

Chapter 1

Morning light filtered in the nursery, disturbing Bravekit's peacefully sleep. He slowly yawned and delicately opened his small, golden eyes for the first time, to look at the world. A huge gasp took place upon his little head "look Sageleaf! Bravekit finally opened his eyes!" Bravekit felt his mother tongue licking his fur kindly and repeating again the sentence to the other queen "yes,Tigerstripe, I can see he is tabby like you and strong like Lionclaw" Sageleaf added with a smile. Bravekit purred for the compliment and looked up to face his mother smiling at him "hi Bravekit! I'm your mother! Tigerstripe!" she squeaked, "hi mom!" he mewed to the motherly tabby she-cat. Bravekit heard noises from the nursery entrance, and turned his head to see a big ginger tom enter the den, his size was huge and Bravekit hid in his mother's belly scared "look Lionclaw! Finally our son opened his eyes!" Bravekit felt the tom's eyes rush on his body "Bravekit?" Lionclaw asked smoothly, Bravekit popped his tabby head from his mother's fur and saw Lionclaw smile "hi Bravekit!Why are you so scared? Don't you know that I'm your father?" he asked gently. Bravekit purred again and trotted near his father sniffing him and playing with his tail, Lionclaw chuckled and gazed to Tigerstripe "he seems so strong! I'm sure he will become a very good warrior!", at that saying Bravekit stopped chasing Lionclaw's tail and faced his father "what is a warrior?" he asked curious

Chapter 2

Lionclaw blinked at Bravekit puzzled, just to close his eyes and remember that his son was still very young, and that he needed to learn an awful lot of informations. He sighed deeply to start to explain about the different ranks in the clan, but before he could speak a brown she-cat entered the nursery "Lionclaw! Stormblaze wants you in a border patrol! Quick!", Lionclaw nodded at Bircflame and did a "see you later" lick to Bravekit before walking out and follow Bircflame. "So, what's the problem for such a rush?" he asked, "we found many Leopardclan scents very near our border, Stormblaze thought that maybe Leopardclan wants to take a stripe of territory and he decided to make a patrol of him, you and me" Birchflame explained reaching the deputy "we're here", Stormblaze nodded and ran for the camp exit.


The slimy mud of the ground was slowing the run of the three warriors, the rain of yesterday hid the fact that it was still green leaf, as well as it just started now. Heavy drobs were annoying Lionclaw's ears and muzzle and he twitched his whiskers irritated. He slowed down as they reached the border and raised his chin to take a sniff: there was definately Leopardclan scent together with rain smell, Stormblaze muttered something angrily to himself and marked well all the trees near that patch, but a loud youl from Bircflame caught his attention "look out! I smell Leopardclan!" as quick as she finished screaming two Leopardclan warriors jumped out of some brambles, snarling at them and investigating the whole situation with their incuisitive eyes, "What are you doing in Fireclan territory?!" Stormblaze hissed calmly, but his muscles tensed, predicting a vicious battle to come "what are you doing in our territory!" Lionclaw could identify Cougarheart mean personality, and the other one was definately Jaggedtooth by his big size - Leopardclan send wisely its most powerful and experienced warriors.

Chapter 3

Bravekit sighed bored "is everything all right?" Tigerstripe asked him, Bravekit nodded "yes, but i'm bored" he added, "can I go outside?" he asked hopefully. There was worry in his mother eyes but Sageleaf replied "come on, Tigerstripe! There are no dangers in our camp! And surely he will learn something going out of the nursery" Tigerstripe nodded "okay Bravekit, but I'm gonna call an apprentice to take an eye on you", his mother got up and called at the nursery entrance "Sparrowpaw! Can you do a little tour of the camp for Bravekit?" Bravekit saw a light brown cat come and nodding, he was bigger than him but still smaller than his parents, Bravekit smiled and followed Sparrowpaw that started talking "ok, then, my name is Sparrowpaw and I'm training to become a warrior" Bravekit looked at him puzzled, and Sparrowpaw sighed before explaining on "when a cat borns, he or she is a kit, when a kit is six moons old he can become an apprentice; apprentices train to hunt and fight, so they can become good warriors" Bravekit finally understood and purred happily "when I will become an apprentice?" he asked "how old are you?" Sparrowpaw asked "hmm, I think one moon" "you'll have to wait a lot more before becoming one" Sparrowpaw replied. Bravekit felt sadness fill his heart, he so wanted to become an apprentice! "This is our den, in here all apprentices sleep" Bravekit saw a big bramble den with different cat smells

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