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Book online «Fireclan by Bravefoot LODO (best classic novels .txt) 📖». Author Bravefoot LODO

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laugh aloud,anger was rising in Whitefur's mind "and you ask me if there is any problem?" he growled "you have taken a kit out of the camp" he concluded. Snowpaw lifted her head "this is my problem, go away Whitefur", Whitefur hissed and tried to grab Bravekit, but Snowpaw jumped in between them unseathing her claws "don't make me fight you Whitefur" she growled. Bravekit was surprised, he thought of Snowpaw as a gentle and kind cat, now she was determinately defending her reputation. Bravekit saw Whitefur back off "don't worry, in the contrary of you, I'm still following the warrior code, I couldn't attack a medicine cat" and with a last glance at Bravekit, he ran away. Bravekit saw the tense in Snowpaw's eyes flow away and looked sternly at Bravekit "I'm sorry we had to argue like this" she sighed "is best if we go back now, we will have to face Ashstar's verdict with our secret adventure" she picked all the herbs and started to trot away, Bravekit standed to her side brushing his pelt against her's "don't worry" he mewed "I will take all the responsability"


"Where have you been?!" as soon as he set a paw in the camp, his mother came rushing to lick him fiercely and ask him questions. Lionclaw was shaking his ginger head disappointed, making feel Bravekit very embarassed of himself. Ashstar hopped on the Bigtree looking directly at Snowpaw, around, the whole clan was sat down, waiting explanations. "Well Snowpaw?" the leader asked "what is this story about you taking Bravekit out?", Snowpaw flattened her ears "I went out for herbs, and I thought Bravekit could help" she mewed faintly, Bravekit felt very sad for her and sprang to his paws raising his voice "it was all my fault! I asked Snowpaw to take me out!", Tigerclaw cuffed his ears with her paw and silenced him with a glare. "I don't care what you said, it would have been Snowpaw's fault if something happened to you!" Ashstar snapped back angry, making Bravekit tremble "and if she wanted help she should have asked an apprentice or warrior, not a kit!" he continued, then he calmed a bit more before going on "Snowpaw, really, think if something happened to Bravekit while you were out. We don't have the rule that just apprentices can go out for nothing" he mewed, Snowpaw nodded "I understand and I'm sorry Ashstar", the gray tom blinked at her "I hope you really are" he sighed and lashed his tail making this meeting at an end. Bravekit felt utterly frustrated why can't everyone else understand that it was his fault?, his mother padded to the nursery without saying nothing, and all the other warriors restarted the jobs they were doing before. He was left alone at the centre of the camp, even Snowpaw had returned in her den hurried by her mentor. He felt a cat approach him, Whitefur looked blankly at him, "thanks for telling everyone!" Bravekit rasped, "I was thinking at your own safety" the warrior replied politely, "yeah, right! And even to embarrass me in front of all the clan! Now I will never be an apprentice!", "you have to learn a lesson from this, don't you?" Whitefur growled "think before acting! " Bravekit was for leaping at him, making him see how good he can act, when Lionclaw stepped between them "It's all right Whitefur, I will deal with him" Whitefur looked at the ginger tom and nodded, but before he could walk away he looked at Bravekit "you could have catched that mouse if it wasn't for those leafs" and he trotted towards the fresh-kill pyle. Lionclaw looked at Bravekit puzzled "what did he mean?" he asked, Bravekit stared at Whitefur "nothing" he replied, and thought to himself really could I?!

Chapter 16

Lionclaw licked kindly at Bravekit, but the kit pushed him away irritably "I'm big now to be still licked!" he hissed, Lionclaw let a mroww of laugher "ok, ok!" he smiled "was it funny though?", Bravekit looked at him blankly and trotted away without replying. The ginger warrior looked at him go and sighed, he heard Stormblaze approach him, his sight made Lionclaw nearly gasp of shock: the once most powerful and poderous cat in the clan looked very scrawny and skinny, half limping and the eyes clouded of age.... "So, are you coming?" the deputy's words made him back from his thoughts, "W-What?" Lionclaw stuggered, Stormblaze lashed his tail "I'm going to lead a patrol near the Thunderpath where we picked the scent of a fox, I was wondering if you would like to come", Lionclaw nodded but Ashstar padded to them "no way, Stormblaze! Even the feeble breeze would knock you down now! You need to rest, Birchflame will lead it", Stormblaze hissed of annoyance and limped back to the warrior's den "I might as well join Starclan now" Lionclaw heard him mutter under his breath. Birchflame joined the crew looking back at Stormblaze with a concerned eye, before calling out the names of the cats joining the patrol "Mapletail and Silvercliff?! Come here! We're going on fox patrol!" Silvercliff bursted out of the den followed by Mapletail "can we take the apprentices?", "sure" Bircflame replied, and Lionclaw heard squeaking noises from the apprentice den and the two she-cats trotted towards them. Birchflame nodded and ran out of camp, Lionclaw followed just behind her taking a close look at Mousepaw.


They halted just behind the bushes near the Thunderpath, its stench was making Lionclaw feel ill. He concentrated on training his apprentice "ok Mousepaw, what can you smell", Mousepaw lifted her brown head and took a good sniff "well, apart from the Thunderpath, I can smell..... squirrel!", Lionclaw nodded approvingly "spot on" he smiled "anything else?". The others were all making sure that no fox was on sight, Silvercliff was wondering between the thorns while Mapletail and Lilypaw were searching every tree of the area. Lionclaw redirected his attention to Mousepaw "so?" he asked, Mousepaw lashed her tail " also a mouse and.... fox!"

Chapter 17

"Lionclaw! Behind you!" the scream from Silvercliff made Lionclaw turn around. There, not even a rabbit lenghth from him, the scratched muzzle and snarling fangs of a fox were pointing at him. The ginger warrior jumped quickly past it missing for a hair the snapping jaws on his tail, Lionclaw then diverged his body to bounce on the creature's back and trying to bite his neck. At the same time Birchflame hit the fox making it fall, Silvercliff and Mapletail pounced in unison meanwhile the two apprentices bit the fox's legs. The russet animal yelped of pain and shook powerfully all the cats away, and narrowed its eyes with even more anger. The fox then charged on Mousepaw scraping the ground with its claws, "Mousepaw! Quick, run!" Lionclaw yowled as much as he could, but it was too late, after a brief fight making rise dust and tuft of fur, the fox was shaking violently the powerless body of the young apprentice. Lionclaw ran and hit hard the creature's chest, the fox gasped and dropped Mousepaw on the ground. The other three warriors restarted to attack, while Lilypaw was pulling Mousepaw behind a bramble. "We need to drive it away!" Birchflame hissed, under the furious claws of the cats, the fox began to back off. Lionclaw made a final blow on its muzzle, the fox barked of pain and ran away on the Thunderpath. In there it stopped to shook its pelt, and narrowed its gaze again at the cats, hissing and spitting furiously, "that mousebrained is not going away!" Mapletail said. Lionclaw tensed his muscles ready for another match, but a loud roar trembled the ground beneath its paws, a dark shape was approahing rapidly towards the fox. The enemy turned its head with shocked eyes just moments before being hit, Lionclaw squeezed his eyes in fear and opened them when the roar was far away. "That Monster killed the fox!" Silvercliff gasped indicating with his tail, on the Thunderpath layed still a ginger furred body, "well, I guess the twolegs saved us" Birchflame murmured, "yeah, right! And hedgehogs can fly! Come on, lets help Mousepaw" Mapletail growled. Lionclaw hurried to Mousepaw behind the bushes, Lilypaw was licking clean her fur. "Are you all right?" Lionclaw whispered to his apprentice, Mousepaw nodded faintly and tried to get up, but instead she just fell on the ground heavily. Lionclaw nuzzled the young she cat kindly, he put Mousepaw on his back to carry her, and they finally headed back to camp.

Chapter 18

Bravekit walked slowly in the medicine cat den, Snowpaw was counting the red berries, her gaze was clouded with sadness. "Snowpaw?" he whispered "I'm sorry, it's all my fault", at first the white apprentice looked at him with narrowed eyes, but then her gaze softened "but still the greatest fault was mine for letting you come" she sighed, Bravekit nodded, not knowing what to say "can I help for something?" he then asked. Snowpaw shook firmly her head "no sorry, there is nothing to do", "what about for later? Or tomorrow, maybe?" the kit asked. Snowpaw let out an annoyed sigh "look Bravekit, I don't think you can come to help me anymore", Bravekit was shocked "why?!" he mewed, Snowpaw looked at him "sorry, but Dapplepelt said that it's not good for a kit doing medicine cat stuff, I think Ashstar asked him to keep us away from each other". Dapplepelt padded to them "exactly Snowpaw. An when I'm gone just for some moments I don't want to find you with Bravekit" the old medicine cat looked sternly at his apprentice before blinking at Bravekit

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