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just hiding her fangs, he reached over and put a comforting arm over her back.

As soon as his flesh touched hers, it was like fireworks went off somewhere. They both jumped apart, it had felt wonderful, and yet they were both startled by it. What just happened?

Mystica thought to herself as she rubbed the spot on her back where it was still tingling from his touch. They both remained silent as they stared at each other in wonder.

Finally, Daniel broke the silence, “I’m sorry, I was being forward.” Mystica gave a curt nod and then reached for her purse. “Oh please don’t go,” he insisted but she shook her head.

“It’s not you, I have to go talk to my boyfriend but I’ll be back, promise,” she replied as she gave him a flirty wink. No, I’m not sure what just happened,

She thought to herself as her lips turned up in a smile, but whatever the hell it was, I liked it.

“Hey Babe!” Jason called over to her. Mystica resisted the urge to dump the beer cup in his hand over his head and walked confidently over to him. “Want a drink?” he asked and Mystica shook her head with a smile.

“We’re over Jason.”

“Excuse me?” he asked as he handed his beer to a friend and took a step closer to her.

“You heard me, we’re over.” He pushed himself closer to her; back her up against the brick wall. “Jason, please stop,” she said calming as pushed against her again. “Stop!” she said more forcefully, even resorting to using her inhuman strength to throw him off, but Jason too was using his inhuman strength and he overpowered her.

“She said stop!” Mark yelled as he pounded uselessly on Jason’s back. Mark’s continued to pound his fists against Jason’s back and Mystica spit in Jason face as he began to kiss her neck.

“Get the hell off of her!” Suddenly Jason was lifted up and thrown off of Mystica, causing her to fall to the ground. “Are you okay?” Daniel asked as he bent down next to her.

She looked up at him, mesmerized, “How did you do that?” she asked and he shifted uncomfortably.

“I do a lot of weight lifting, now back to my question,” he insisted and Mystica snuck a look at her friends behind him. Mark stood staring at Daniel, eyes wide, jaw dropped. Tori had stopped flirting with the boys and was now talking to someone on her cell phone.

“Yes I’m fine, I just hit my head against the wall when I fell, but I’ll be okay,” Mystica assured him as she began to get up then, seeing spots, sat back down again. Daniel reached forward and touched her shoulder gently, pulling her fallen strap up ever so slowly. Mystica let out a soft gasp and looked up hungrily into his beautiful golden brown eyes. “Thanks,” she whispered breathlessly as the tingling sensation returned.

“You just wait!” Jason called to them as he got up and spit dirt from his mouth. “He won’t be there forever!” he called and his friends grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him off in the opposite direction.

“If you’re sure you’re okay-”

“I’ll take it from here.” Dakota, her silky blonde hair swept up into a high pony and her tin, lean figure clothed in all leather strutted in. Almost every guy in the room’s jaw dropped, drooling over her as she bent down next to her sister. “Thank you for helping her,” she said in a restrained tone as she bent down and wrapped her slim but powerful arms around Mystica’s waist.

“You haven’t told me your name,” Daniel said as he helped Dakota support my weight.

“Mystica Evans, but most people call me Misty,” she replied and he smiled.

“Mystica…Such a beautiful name.”

“Yes, my mother gave it to her,” Dakota spat and Daniel recoiled.

“Kota lay off, okay. Thank-you Daniel,” Mystica replied and Dakota dug her nails into her forearms, pulling her to my feet.

“Let’s go,” she said as she gripped her wrist tightly and dragged her off in the direction of their car. Mark and Tori followed closely behind, giving each other worried and frightened glances. When they all reached the car Dakota opened the door and shoved Mystica inside then shut the door behind her, her grip on the handle so tight it bent the metal. Mystica looked through the windshield and shot an apologetic glance at Daniel and he gave her a smile that warmed her heart.

“What the hell is wrong with you!?” Dakota yelled as she pulled out of the parking lot and into the traffic.

“What’s wrong with me? You’re the one who was beyond rude to him!” Mystica yelled back as she absentmindedly rubbed the spot on her arm where his fingertips had touched.

“Misty…” Mark began then paused and looked at the others uncomfortably.

“What Mark?” Mystica asked and Tori let out a sigh.

“He’s a werewolf!” Tori exclaimed then seeing the glares from Dakota and Mark shrunk back down in her seat.

“What? There’s no way you know that…” Mystica replied but in her heart, she knew it was true. It explained the tingling sensation when their skin touched, how he seemed to know what she was thinking, and how he had enough strength to pull Jason off of her. She let out a sigh of defeat. “Don’t say it, I already know,” she muttered glumly and Dakota put a manicured hand on her shoulder.

“Why the sad face? We’ve found them Mist! We can get revenge!” she said joyfully and Tori even chimed in.

“Yeah, Misty, you could be our secret weapon!”
Mystica looked around at her excited friends and family and sighed.

“It doesn’t seem right to use someone like-”

“It’s not right to kill someone either, but they did it anyways. You said is yourself Mist, are you going to let mom and dad die for nothing just because you don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings?” Dakotas’s cold, demanding voice cut into Mystica like knives. “Are you going to choose the wolves who murdered your own parents over your own kind?” she asked and Mystica’s red flashed crimson.

“I won’t!” she exclaimed and her fangs protruded from her mouth as she thought of the night her parents had been taken from her.

“That’s the Mystica I know,” Tori said as she patted her on the back.

“Don’t worry Mist,” Dakota said as she gave her sisters hand a squeeze, “They’re going to pay for what they did.”

Mystica gave Dakota a nod and tried to push her feelings of guilt away but no matter how hard she tried, she could stop picturing Daniels face, not out of hatred, but out of longing.

Chapter 3

Daniel trudge his feet back on the muddy forest floor
as he continued to scold himself. What the hell did you do?! You just gave your secret, for what? A girl you just met…A vampire girl!

He shook his head back and forth as the familiar clearing came into his view.

“Hey man you’re back!” Randy, the smallest of the pack, ran over and stopped next to Daniel. Poor kid, he is our age… guessing he just never hit that growth spurt,

Daniel thought to himself as he looked down at Randy.

“So what’s this about a…vampire girl?” Teddy, the packs leader, stepped forward and glared at Daniel.

“What?” Daniel asked, deciding to act confused instead of sorry.

“You think I’m going to say it again? It was bad enough saying that rancid word once!” Teddy said as he spat on the ground.“See? They disgust me just to say their name and I come to find out you’re thinking about one, what the Hell happened?!” He demanded as he took a step closer to Daniel.

“Nothing, it was nothing Ted!” Daniel shouted back as he held his ground, “Just some stupid vamp girl that’s going to my school.” Ted looked as if he were debating if this was true then, finally, he smiled.

“Well, I know a solution,” he said his smile turning from happy to sinister in a flash. “How about we just take care of her, you know, so you don’t have to suffer?” Most of the other wolves had gathered around by now and were nodding in excitement at this.

“What, no!” Daniel exclaimed as his normally tanned skin went pale. “We don’t need to kill her! She’s fine, in fact, we’ve never even talked!” Daniel insisted and Teddy’s questioning gaze fell upon him.

“Fine, if you say you don’t talk then I won’t worry about it, but if I find out you’re socializing with her…Giving away our secret, she’s through…and so are you,” he snarled and Daniels heart gave a shudder. “Understand?” Teddy asked as his evil smile returned.

“Yeah, it’s completely understood.” Randy raised his head meekly and gave a weak smile.

“So now that that’s through, who wants to play tree tag?” he asked and the rest of the wolves groaned but Daniel smiled anything to get away from Ted.

“Why do you want to get away?” Ted asked as his sinister smile threatened to make Daniel shudder.

“Well since when does a wolf’s pack not trust him?!” Daniel yelled at them, not needing to fake any anger, he’d been fuming ever since they mentioned killing Mystica.

“If I said I’m sorry would it make it better?” Teddy asked sarcastically, Daniels glare darkened. “No? Good, because I won’t. I’m the Alpha, it’s my job to protect the pack, if that means hurting your dignity, then so be it!” Teddy yelled at him then added, “now go entertainment Randy, consider it your punishment.”

Daniel looked back and saw Randy’s eager face waiting just out of earshot; all of the wolves surrounding the premises laughed and snickered as Daniel trudged over to his side.

“Ready?” Randy asked as his smile widened.

“Sure,” Daniel said and they took off running deeper into the woods.


“You okay?” Mark asked as Mystica flopped down onto her bed.

“Yeah…can I ask you something Mark?” she asked as she looked around her room, making sure no eavesdroppers were lingering.

“Anything you want,” Mark replied with a smile and Mystica sighed.

“Are we sure he’s bad, should I really take advantage of a guy just because of what he is?” she asked and Mark sighed.

“Mist, personally, yes it’s wrong to judge someone who you haven’t met, but Misty, you have to understand and listen when I tell you, he is dangerous and you have to know that,” he replied and Mystica turned to face him.

“Is it terrible that I might not care?”

“No it’s not terrible, just stupid,” Mark said with a laugh as he stood up and picked up the frame from her desk. “They sacrificed their lives for you, two lovely lives, wasted because they were protecting their two daughters from wolves.”

Mystica’s eyes welled up with tears as she took the frame from her friend. “Yes, I know that, and I’m beyond grateful, believe me Mark, I’m drowning in guilt here,” she said and he threw his hands up in defeat.

“What can I do, Mist, how can

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