Forbidden Love by J.M.Hurley (best desktop ebook reader .txt) 📖

- Author: J.M.Hurley
Book online «Forbidden Love by J.M.Hurley (best desktop ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author J.M.Hurley
“Oh no problem, its Tori right?” he asked and she nodded her head vigorously. “Okay cool, listen; you haven’t seen Dakota anywhere, have you?” he asked and her hopes plummeted.
“Yep, she’s in her room,” Tori replied in a solemn tone as she trudged past him.
Figures, of course he’d never fall for me. All guys prefer tall, blonde, and stick like!
Her thoughts began to get angrier and meaner as she thought more of how the Evan’s sisters always attracted attention. She, the one who wanted it, was always called ‘cheap’ or ‘easy’ when she flirted but no not when the Evan’s girls flirt. She rolled her eyes and stomped out of the room right before an idea hit her. Get back at them Tori!
The bad little devil inside herself began chanting and urging her on, Well, who am I to say no?
she thought to herself smugly as she strutted out of the house and hopped into her car.
“Destination?” her GPS asked as she started the car up.
“Lakhota Rivers Camping Site,” she said with a smile and as she pulled out of the Evan’s driveway, the devil inside gave a smile too, time for revenge.
Dakota wiped the salty tears away from her face and sat up straighter on her bed. “Ah, how weak I’ve become,” she muttered as she shoved the picture book back underneath her bed.
“Is it okay if I come in?” Blaze asked from her doorway, startling her and causing her to jump.
“Yeah, what do you need?” she asked and he smiled as her sat down next to her.
“You’ve been crying,” he stated and she resisted the urge to kick him, doesn’t he know I hate it when people see me weak?
She thought bitterly but starting into his warm, inviting jade green eyes, her feelings of anger slipped away.
“You forgot this one,” he said as he gently reached down and picked up a picture from the floor. It showed Dakota and Jeannine, their arms flung around each other, their smiles wider than ever. Dakota watched Blaze as a smile took to his face, “She was always so happy when you were together,” he whispered and Dakota’s throat clenched.
“She was happy with you too,” Dakota whispered and he turned to face her.
“Was she?” he asked and Dakota took a deep breath to calm her emotions and make her canines go back to their average size.
“Of course she was, she loved you!” Dakota insisted as Blaze shook his head.
“We fought constantly, don’t deny it Dakota, even you have to admit it,” he said and Dakota frowned.
“Terrance and I fought some too, same with my parents, and even Jeannine, but never, would I ever think that they didn’t love me. Jeannine loved you Blaze,” she finished with tears blurring her vision and her fangs protruding slightly from her perfectly glossed lips.
“Terrance loved you,” Blaze whispered and Dakota raised her eyes to meet his.
“And I loved Terrance,” she replied back, her voice hushed and shaky.
“And I love you,” Blaze whispered so softly the only superhuman hearing allowed Dakota to hear him. Blaze’s green eyes flicked up to meet hers and he slowly leaned in towards her. His face neared hers slowly, his lips just inches away until, something in Dakota snapped.
She pulled her feet up and kicked him in the gut, catching him off guard and giving her time to jump up.
“Don’t you ever try to question my love for him again, you hear me!?” she screamed at him as regained his bearings.
“Kota, I wasn’t questioning-”
“Stop it! Just shut-up!” she shrieked as she covered her ears, “Get out! I don’t want to ever see you again!” Blaze shook his head then met Dakota’s fierce glare.
“You can yell, scream, and shout all you want, Heck you can even keep kicking me, but we both know who you love now Kota, you might as well get used to it, he’s not coming back,” Blaze said and Dakota took off her heeled boot and threw it with all of her strength at him.
“Just leave!” she hissed as he quickly dodged the shoe, though it just narrowly missed him.
Blaze gave her one last look before disappearing out of her room. Once he was gone, she collapsed onto the floor and sobbed.
“I’m not ever going to betray you,” she whispered as she pulled out the photo of her and Terrance and clutched it tightly. “Not ever…” she muttered as she pulled out her necklace from under her t-shirt, the necklace she always wore, the one that held her engagement ring. The diamonds sparkled beautifully and her tears flowed harder as she was brought back to the night she’d received it.
“Will you give me the honor of being my lawful wedded wife?” Terrance asked, his soft golden brown locks falling into his face as looked down to open the box for her. The diamond was sparkling so gorgeously it took her already gone, breath away. “Wife?” she asked and she felt her limbs go numb but still she knew she had to answer. “Y-yes, yes,” she stuttered as she nodded her head repeatedly. “Yes?” Terrance asked in a stunned voice and she nodded her head more fiercely. “Yes!” she exclaimed and he picked her up and spun her around. “Dakota Evans, I hereby swear to you that I will always love you, no one else, until the my immortal life comes to an end,” he stated and she hit him lightly on the chest. “Immortal means we shall live forever,” she corrected and he pulled her closer to him. “I know my dear, but I must tell myself that for I cannot picture living my life without you,” he whispered into her ear and she giggled, though the thought upset her too.
“Thought we may not live forever, we do live longer than the humans, and I will cherish every extra moment I get with you,” she replied as he set he down and offered the ring to her. “It’s an heirloom, though my mother does not approve, she allowed me to propose with it,” he stated as she slid the heavy ring onto her finger. “It’s gorgeous,” she whispered and Terrance smiled. “Picture time?” he asked and she sighed. “I suppose this is what I get for falling for a photographer,” she said and he laughed. “Yes, lifetimes of memories, how unlucky are you?” he asked as he pulled her close and set the camera down in front of them. “Ready, 1, 2,-” the camera’s flash went off and Dakota held out her hand so that the ring was visible admiring it after the camera’s flash snapped. Snap! Another flash went off and Terrance smiled. “Sorry, but I wanted a natural pose too,” he said and Dakota shook her head. “I love Terrance Jones, and I always, until the day I am gone.” Terrance bent down and gave her lips a soft kiss and she sighed.
Dakota sniffled as she pulled herself out of her flashback. “You have to stop doing that,” Dakota whispered to herself, “it’s unhealthy.” She got up from the floor and brushed her dress off.
She slowly walked over to her vanity and sat down. Staring at her reflection, she saw a stranger, a small little girl who’d lost her parents, her best friend, and her first love. The young girl’s eyes were puffy and red from crying and her perfect lips were parted in a look of confusion. “Why did this happen to me?” she asked as she let another sob escape her lips. She took a deep sigh, retracting her fangs in the process and then stared confidently back at her reflection. “The time for crying is over, now, we get revenge,” she said and then she smiled. “Get ready wolves, you’re in for a whole lot of hell.”
Chapter 5
Tori pulled her black Cadillac into the dirt drive of the campsite. She stepped tentatively out of the car and brushed her jeans off as she surveyed the land around her. “What a dump,” she scoffed as she walked forward, searching for a sign of human activity.
“Hello?” she called nervously and she heard a grunting noise to her left. “I-I know y-you’re there!” she stuttered out and as she whipped her head back and forth, searching for the noise, she heard a second grunt, this one closer. There’s more than one of them,
she thought in a panic as she waved her hands over her head wildly.
“No, you don’t understand! I’m here to help, I have info!” she insisted but the grunts and growls continued to grow and soon, she was surrounded with wolves.
They were huge, even bigger than Mystica had described them. Their teeth were long and pointed, foam protruding from their mouths as they snarled at her. She was sure if her heart still had any life in it, it would be beating crazily at this point. Perspiration made her hands slick as she backed up towards her car, only to find more wolves behind her. They snarled and growled, giving her deliciously evil smiles that made the hairs on her neck stand on end. Though it only made her more scared, she couldn’t help but remember a talk her and Mystica had, had awhile back, just after her parent's had been killed.
“Do you think death hurts?” Mystica asked, her shoulders hunched over as she played with the locket around her neck. “No, death is supposed to be peaceful. No pain at all.”
She hoped that she’d been right, that death wouldn’t hurt. But now, confronted with it, she wasn’t sure if she was brave enough to find out. She held her trembling hands out in front of herself as she shook her head. “I mean no harm, I’m trying to help you!” she screamed and suddenly, the biggest wolf pounced.
His gigantic body soared through the air like it weighed nothing, his sharp claws extended towards her, claws that could cut through even the toughest of skins. Tori didn’t even have time to blink, the wolf was too fast, must be the Alpha
, she thought numbly as his sharp nails pierced her porcelain skin.
They dug deep down into her hard, solid, flesh, making her cry out in pain, and then, his body hit her. It was like being hit with a semi truck, the most forced she’d ever felt in her life. It threw her backwards and slammed her body into a nearby tree. Her head smacked against the hard bark and she felt her pain slip away as a floating sensation crept over her as the long branch protruded from the middle of her stomach.
She tried to raise her head to look up, but found she couldn’t move. What’s happening?
She thought to herself as black spots swam in her vision. The forest began to blur and spin around her and her, and her cold, unmoving form was slumped on the forest floor.
“Have a nice sleep little vamp,” A voice whispered and suddenly she slipped away. She let go of her consciousness and she felt a tugging sensation in the pit of her stomach. It began to grow stronger until finally, she gave in to it, and flying forward.
Blackness soared around her and
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